This is a really nice one I am working on right now, I love his ideas: Given the complete graph $K_n$, let the vertices be marked {$v_1,v_2,...v_n$}. For every j>i, if |i-j| is odd the edge $v_i v_j$ is from $v_i$ to $v_j$, and the opposite if even. We set c($v_i v_j$)=|i-j|, and $v_1$ is the source, $v_n$ the sink. I need to find max flow and min cut in the net.
I didn't want to help someone in calculus struggling with combining $\frac 1{x+h} - \frac 1x$ into a single fraction... especially after I saw $\frac 1{x+h} = \frac 1x + \frac 1h$.
I think I am a bit lost with it/don't understand it right. The way I get it, if I find a flow with value same as the capacity of a source-sink cut, I can say the source-sink cut is of minimum value and the flow is of maximum value immediately. Correct?
Alright. I have this question: Given the complete graph $K_n$, let the vertices be marked {$v_1,v_2,...v_n$}. For every j>i, if |i-j| is odd the edge $v_i v_j$ is from $v_i$ to $v_j$, and the opposite if even. We set c($v_i v_j$)=|i-j|, and $v_1$ is the source, $v_n$ the sink. I need to find max flow and min cut in the net.
@TedShifrin I'm aware; none of the U's match that. They look like actual U's. I think all future readers should be as confused by what the hell that letter is as I was.
@PedroTamaroff I'd say that for normal($C^\infty$ works here, ) functions it's pretty difficult to outrun something as fast as $\frac{1}{2^n n!}$ but it needs work
I'm not sure such a definition is possible. Even for AF-algebras you need to define them in terms of matrices so that addition is defined correctly, and $K_0^+$ is generated by projections, but doesn't only consist of projections.
So at best you'd have to work with finite-dimensional *-algebras, I think.
More geometry than analysis. I was just taking a C*-algebras course this quarter with a professor who does research in operator algebras for funsies. He doesn't work with the algebraic perspective much, though, so he wasn't so into K-theory.
@Karl Nah, that would be wrong for sure. The net flow is everything that comes into the sink minus everything that gets out of the sink. The capacity is only what comes out of it, so it won't be equal as the minus here always has a value. Also deleting all the vertices will have larger capacity than the net flow.
Can't think of a certain cut having the same value and the net flow value..