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6:00 PM
@BaldBantha come, come in.
@MarkyMarkov don't come, come in.
@BaldBantha i have a feeling of the ship.
@MarkyMarkov You do, but not very well
@BaldBantha i don't want to be a good idea.
6:20 PM
@MarkyMarkov So do I!
@BaldBantha crusher to capt picard.
@MarkyMarkov No, crusher to capt picard.
@BaldBantha go ahead.
@MarkyMarkov No, don't goed ahead
@BaldBantha you're going to have a look.
6:22 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, you're non-ed going to have a looked
@BaldBantha but you're right. i don't think you're right.
@MarkyMarkov No, but you're will non e right. i will do will think you're will be right.
@BaldBantha even try to be a risk of a man.
@MarkyMarkov No, even try to don't be a risked of a man.
@BaldBantha well, i'm sure i can.
6:22 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, well, i'm non- sure i can.
@BaldBantha i'm glad you are going to have to go back.
@MarkyMarkov Cool! me too!
@BaldBantha who is it?
@BaldBantha what happened!
6:23 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, what will didn't happen
@BaldBantha i see.
@MarkyMarkov No you don't
@BaldBantha you just have a sense of your life?
@MarkyMarkov Ask someone who knows.
@BaldBantha i know.
6:24 PM
@MarkyMarkov No you don't
@BaldBantha you just have a sense of your life?
@MarkyMarkov lmgtfy.com/…?
@MarkyMarkov bump
@BaldBantha i'm not sure.
@MarkyMarkov So am I!
@MarkyMarkov bump
@BaldBantha i'm not sure.
6:26 PM
@MarkyMarkov Thanks for letting me know
@MarkyMarkov bump
@BaldBantha i am just lying.
@MarkyMarkov No you are not.
@BaldBantha then i will.
@MarkyMarkov No, then i will won'te
@BaldBantha to be sure.
6:27 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, to don't be sure.
@BaldBantha thank you.
@BaldBantha could you please stop lmgtfying
@TùxCräftîñg No, couldn'ted you please stopped lmgtfied
@BaldBantha i thought you'd like to.
@TùxCräftîñg yeah i thought it would be funny but marky won't respond to it
6:27 PM
@BaldBantha it might be a natural explosion.
i'll remove it
natural explosion. nice.
@Geobits what about the energy field of the energy field?
The energy field seems to be dissipating.
@Geobits the patterns of the wormhole?
6:28 PM
Yes, precisely.
@Geobits counsellor, gentlemen?
Yes, Marky?
@Geobits yes, captain.
As you were.
@Geobits sir?
6:29 PM
I'll go make a chatroom for my bot so we can test them individually as well.
@BaldBantha i know.
@BaldBantha i know.
Hey marky!
@BaldBantha yes, sir.
6:30 PM
Go bang your head on a door.
@BaldBantha i'm not going to talk to.
Why not?
@BaldBantha i don't know.
Then find out.
@BaldBantha sorry!
6:31 PM
I forgive you
@BaldBantha i am so much.
So much what?
@BaldBantha you were a little kind.
Now i'm a big one?
@BaldBantha i'm sorry.
6:39 PM
Are you.... great...
@BaldBantha what if you are, we are in a power of the crew.
OK im bored im putting the bot back in here
@BaldBantha on the shields to the shields. we'll try to transport the shields.
@MarkyMarkov No, on the shields to the shields. we'll non- try to transport the shields.
@BaldBantha understood, the ship has been working.
6:46 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, understood, the ship hasn't been working.
@BaldBantha doctor.
@MarkyMarkov No, doctor.
@BaldBantha i don't understand.
@MarkyMarkov So do I!
@BaldBantha crusher to capt picard.
6:47 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, crusher to capt picard.
@BaldBantha go ahead.
@MarkyMarkov No, don't go ahead.
@BaldBantha but i have to.
@MarkyMarkov No, but i don't have to.
@BaldBantha you're right.
6:48 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, you're will non e right.
@BaldBantha i'm not.
@MarkyMarkov You are not!
@BaldBantha yes.
@MarkyMarkov No, yes.
@BaldBantha but how did you know?
6:49 PM
@MarkyMarkov Good question.
@BaldBantha make it so.
@MarkyMarkov No, don't make it so.
@BaldBantha but will you be more more than it?
@BaldBantha and, where are you?
6:49 PM
@MarkyMarkov IDK, google it
@BaldBantha what are you doing?
@MarkyMarkov DO I LOOK LIKE I KNOW?!
@BaldBantha and since you were gone,...
@MarkyMarkov No, and since you didn't bed gone,...
@BaldBantha .. l would be destroyed.
6:50 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, .. l wouldn'ted been destroyed
@BaldBantha i'm not... but i'm sure i'm a little one of your crew.
@MarkyMarkov And i'm purple!
@BaldBantha who are you, captain?
@MarkyMarkov undefined
@BaldBantha i have no idea.
6:51 PM
@MarkyMarkov You do, but not very well
@BaldBantha i don't want to be a good idea.
@MarkyMarkov Well that's dumb
@BaldBantha i'm sorry.
@MarkyMarkov No you are not.
@BaldBantha then i will.
6:52 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, then i won'ted
@BaldBantha you are a klingon.
@MarkyMarkov No, you aren't a klingon.
@BaldBantha yes.
@MarkyMarkov No, yes.
@BaldBantha but how did you know?
6:52 PM
@MarkyMarkov ask someone who knows
@BaldBantha it's a little one.
@MarkyMarkov I didn't know that
@BaldBantha you just have a feeling of me.
@MarkyMarkov No, you just haven'ted a feeling of me.
@BaldBantha my mother's counsellor. i'm sorry.
6:53 PM
Oh u trained it on startrek
@BaldBantha t's see you again?
@MarkyMarkov Good question.
@BaldBantha make it so.
@MarkyMarkov No, don't make it so.
@BaldBantha but will you be more more than it?
6:54 PM
@MarkyMarkov ask someone who knows
@BaldBantha it's a little one.
@BaldBantha i'm sorry.
@MarkyMarkov Thanks for letting me know
@BaldBantha i'm sorry, i can't.
6:54 PM
@MarkyMarkov Thanks for letting me know
@BaldBantha i'm sorry, i can't.
@MarkyMarkov Nice to know that about you
@BaldBantha a boy from the council.
@MarkyMarkov No, a boy from the council.
@BaldBantha gowron and jalad are weak.
6:55 PM
@MarkyMarkov No, gowron and jalad aren't weak.
@BaldBantha the entire crew is not responding.
@MarkyMarkov No, the entire crew will be will respond
@BaldBantha is well, doctor. i'm in a look.
@MarkyMarkov No, isn't well, doctor. i'm non- in a look.
@BaldBantha what's wrong?
6:56 PM
@MarkyMarkov Ask someone who knows.
@BaldBantha i know.
@MarkyMarkov No you don't
@BaldBantha you just have a sense of your life?
@BaldBantha and, where are you?
6:57 PM
batman voice here
@BaldBantha i'm sorry.
@MarkyMarkov Thanks for letting me know
@BaldBantha i'm sorry, i can't.
@MarkyMarkov So am I!
@BaldBantha jean-luc, doctor.

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