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@kalina for a friends list i would say that is fair enough
@kalina G'night! =D
Home time for me! I hope my shops are still open. x_x
Ouch. The Last of Us really hits you where it hurts if you're a parent.
Q: Do best friends have to "add you back"?

Ben BrockaWhen a friend is visiting you can click someone's name to add them as best friends in New Leaf then, for you, they're a Best Friend. Does that make me a best friend for them too, meaning they'll see when I come online and such? Or do we have to both add each other akin to the 3DS friend code syst...

Q: How do you edit your name in War of the Roses?

FrustratedI can't find where the user name gets set. How do I change it from the default?

Q: Do's & Don'ts for Island traveling?

spongefan12Anyone got a list of things what you can bring for the island later on in the game and items you have to leave behind?

Q: Any fix for Portal 2 hang/freeze on PS3?

splattered bitsI checked out a copy of Portal 2 from the library, hoping to spend part of Father's Day gaming. Whenever I put the weighted cube on the switch in test chamber 6, my PS3 freezes. I've cleaned my disc off. My Google-fu is weak and I wasn't able to find any info about this kind of an issue. Four or ...

Q: Stuck at the start of Loche's third of the story

badpTowards the start of Final Fantasy VI, the plot splits in three chunks. On the left chunk Locke apparently tries and succeeds in keeping the empire busy, but now he must escape the city you start the story in. You have access to three areas: "Duncan's Training House, where an NPC tells you to ...

Close votes please:
Q: What are the system requirements to run Steam games?

cstackWhat are the recommended system specs to run Steam games like Team Fortress 2 or Call of Duty? Is a Macbook with 4 GB ram good enough? Also, what internet speeds do you need to be able to play online?

@Wipqozn VTC
@AshleyNunn Any luck with Animal Crossing yet?
@Wipqozn Noooope
Seriously it hates me SO MUCH
@AshleyNunn Have you tried contacting Nintendo Customer Support?
@Wipqozn I haven't. Mostly because the error solution is on their site, it is just not an option available to me, lacking access to the damn router here
@AshleyNunn Do you share the internet bill with the people upstairs?
@Wipqozn mhm
@Wipqozn Ew.
I go home for a few hours, and we get stuff like this.
You guys should police better!
@AshleyNunn do you have an Ethernet cord running downstairs?
@fbueckert The question is 3 years old.
@Wipqozn Nope. Running off of wifi
@Wipqozn ...I just got home. Derp.
Right. I don't need to use "internet cable." I'm too used to using that word due to talking to people that don't know what an Ethernet cord is.
@Wipqozn No worries :)
@AshleyNunn Well, if there is any chance you could get an Ethernet cable going from upstairs to down you could just set up your own router.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I think that is rather unlikely, considering the people. I was hoping that that was how we would do it, but no dice
@AshleyNunn Well, I'm obviously not in your situation but considering you're sharing the Bill I'd say you have every right to have an ethernet cord going downstairs.
anyone here ROTMG?
Q: how do i mine redstone ore on minecraft pocket edition 0.7.0

Olivia RI found redstone ore but whatever I do it just gets destroyed. I have used every tool but I cant figure it out I have the updated version 0.7.0 so i think that has something to do with it? Please help!

@Wipqozn It doesn't help that asking for it would mean confrontation and I do not like that one bit
@AshleyNunn Just leave a flaming poop bag on their door. I think that's the traditional way of handling these situations.
@Wipqozn Oh, yeah, that will work out so well for me
@AshleyNunn I concur.
@GrumpyLazers (in best Admiral Ackbar impression) It's a dupe!
First world problems, I can't complete my pokedex because of event pokemon
Q: Civ 5 speed mods

StarkersRight. I've been playing Civ 5 for a few days and enjoying it. I'm currently trying for a domination victory (my first serious play-through on Deity) and I'm astonished by how long it takes to do anything! It takes me around 72 hours in real time to win at this insane game. Tiny map. Fastest gam...

This seems opinion-based.
@Rapida This is why I hate newer Pokemon
@AshleyNunn yeah, I hated the enforced social bits of that game.
I wish they didn't count event pokemon for all of the rewards instead of just the first one for dex completion in black 2/white 2
actually I generally dislike any enforced sociality in gaming. If I want to do multiplayer then I'll play that but I shouldn't have to bother with that nonsense to complete single player
@WorldEngineer This!
I don't mind the trade evolution but the event pokemon do bother me
Also multisystem franchises that switch between hand-helds and not
Making me be social means I just play a different game!
I'm okay with going generation to generation but hand-helds shouldn't be telling the main story if it started on console
@WorldEngineer Yeah, I really hate that too.
@fbueckert that's fine and dandy, if you're not already invested in the series
granted, I play mostly PC games these days and generally have but still
@WorldEngineer I was more referring to crap like Facebook games and MMO's.
@fbueckert facebook does not have games
@WorldEngineer That, too.
well I know how to make this evening better
I have strawberry beer
it's not very good but it's drinkable
@WorldEngineer Drink beer, play KSP.
@fbueckert can't run KSP
And laugh at the hilarious shenanigans that happen.
@WorldEngineer ...you can't run KSP? You poor, poor man.
actually gonna work my way through the Django tutorial so that I can not be a poor, poor man anymore soon enough
I guess that's how walkthroughs are born
Fiiiinally home.
@Ktash Is this a personal match or is there some official SE backing again? Is there a limit?
@StrixVaria Personal match. Just like I did last year. And no limit at the moment, though if you all go wild with donations and total a lot more than we did last year, that might change a little
@Ktash Now isn't the best time for me to be donating money away, but if I do contribute it'll be through that link.
good to hear
I donated $50 last year :)
@Ktash I am going to try to get some money together to donate.
Q: What's a good level to solo a co-op mission?

MargaretLego Batman has a "Sidekick" achievement, for completing a level in co-op. I don't have anyone I want to call on to play with me, so I'm looking to complete it myself. (In the same way, I completed the equivalent "Aye-aye, captain!" achievement from Lego Pirates of the Carribean on Port Royale....

Glad to hear that. But don't overstretch yourselves. Only donate if and what you can. Spreading the word can be just as good
@Ktash I'll have to take a closer look at my finances. I should be able to donate something, but I also just dropped $1000 on a DSLR
@MBraedley I also just bought a DSLR, although not as expensive as that one.
@StrixVaria Came with 3 lenses and a case, plus I also had to buy an SD card and I wanted a mini tripod.
I bought it for my fiancee but we just messed with it for the first time today.
It's really badass compared to crappy cell phone cameras we've had.
Oh yeah. Cell phone cameras are good if say you're out on the town, but for basically anything else, you want something higher quality.
Plus I'll be able to do 1080p video with this, timelapse, HDR (although that might be manual), longer exposures, optical zoom, the list goes on.
@Ktash I figure I might not be able to do much, but I want to do some. I will raid my pickle jar of coins.
@MBraedley Yeah, this camera does a ton of stuff I don't even understand yet. We're going to have to spend some time reading the manual and experimenting.
@StrixVaria I think @spugsley would agree that experimenting is a good way to learn about your camera.
anyways, I'm off to bed. Have a good night, all.
1 hour later…
who has phatlewts in Path of Exiles for me???
@Jin I do! You may have your pick of the litter~ (Mostly < lvl 20 rares, some curse gems, etc.) I need to so some cleaning up.
@MBraedley yes I agree with this 100%
Guys come to my Xbox One launch party. I'll have these there. http://24.media.tumblr.com/f3cbdb72aa2af6f0f165b43f8638d150/tumblr_moe805bx4L1qkb3kzo1_500.jpg
it's so perfectly terrible
Today seems to be, "Challenge @fbueckert on month-old questions day!"
@fbueckert I challenge that assertion
@BenBrocka At least it's only on a minutes old assertation.
Q: How do I avoid being tossed around so much?

jSepiaWhen playing Smash Bros against two or more bots or human opponents, I often find myself being tossed around endlessly between them until I get thrown out of the stage. No amount of button-mashing can save me in those situations. I mostly use Luigi or Fox, and this happens to me with both charac...

Q: How do you counter a mangudai and paladin combo?

hariI am fairly new to Aoe2 . I just started playing multi-player game mode with my friend and he always takes me out in imperial age with Elite mangudai and a Paladin combo. He also micro-manages these units so they constantly work together against my forces. I don't have a favorite civilization, so...

@AshleyNunn whenever you're around I have like the best news everrrrrrrrrrrrr
@spugsley I hope it involves some schadenfreude from your old boss.
@fbueckert hahahaha in it's own way, yes I suppose. I have about 45 images getting picked up to be advertised among authors and editors for possible publication :3
@spugsley Woot!
:3 yis
A: How do I get unlimited potion effect?

jmbilikepiecarry alot of potions laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Technically, that answers the question, but in a very low quality manner.
not a guarantee that anything will sell but at least I have stuff that's worthy :3
@AshleyNunn :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD same agent as that fucking awesome lady
@spugsley For serious? For fucking serious? OMG. SO DELIGHTED FOR YOU LOVELY LADY
you are such an amazing friend <3
@spugsley blushes Psh, I was just helping you see how amazing you are
Q: Is C# possibly ignoring portion of code?

user2492022I am merely a young student, so please forgive whatever horrors are in my coding. I was trying to develop a simple side-scrolling walk-and-jump type of game, and it was all going swell until I got to the jumping part. The rectangle 'rec' containing the user-controlled image falls and stops fallin...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside From the title alone, chances are, "No".
@spugsley :DDDDDDDDDDDD I am so excited for you
Three (lost) games against Phantom Lancer in a row.
night guys :)
Q: Metal Slug 3 won't work on MacMame

codegeek511I have recently downloaded the game emulator MacMame to play metal slug. I got MacMame to work, but when i downloaded the metal slug rom, it will show up in the game directory, but when i click on it to play, it says files are missing. I did research and found that you needed as well a Neo Geo BI...

@Krazer do you have a Greater Multiple Projectile Gem? en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Greater_Multiple_Projectiles
@Jin unfortunately not, I might have a lesser... lemme check
@Krazer I already have 2 lesser.
@Krazer what your character? My main is an aoe fire/summoner witch
lvl38 now i think
@Jin I have an arc summoner, 2h marauder, and a DW ranger, all ~lvl 28-30
i wish there are more arpgs like PoE, Diablo, Torchlight etc
If I was made out of money, I'd fund a arpg game that's a mix of diablo and office space... slash 'n hack in the corporate cubeville
@Jin I'd play it.
@AshleyNunn and after you beat the final boss, you burn the building down
@Jin Love it.
@Jin reminds me of Gauntlet Legends where there was a secret level modeled after their Midway office
@Krazer I played a Chinese rpg game long ago.. there was a hidden island, it's modeled after the dev office. and they had the devs as npcs there and they gave you some goofy useless skills
@Jin tell me more
hmm... that's it
no name? I wanna find it
the name is 軒轅劍
they've made 6 of them now. the one i played was the very first one on PC.. back in the 90s
I don't think I've ever played this game, but I remember seeing the 軒轅劍之天之痕 dorama when I was in China
Q: How much culture does killing barbarians reward and is any additional culture rewarded for taking over encampments?

David CowdenI'm thinking barbarian culture farming might be a viable early game strategy but I can't seem to find exactly how much culture is rewarded for barbarian kills vs encampment takeover.

@Krazer there are so many of them, even a TV series too
I didn't know it was based on the taiwanese rpg game~
@Krazer it's been a trend in China that popular rpgs games get to made as Kung Fu soap operas
轩辕剑7 is a mmorpg it seems
complete with this premiere awesome video:
chinese mmorpg is way behind south korean's..
Blade and Soul looks amazing. I can't wait for a western port
Blade and Sword had some pretty interesting game mechanics for a D2 clone
@Jin I saw Blade & Soul at NYCC last year. It did look pretty cool... but what's with all the delays?
@Krazer I heard they're redoing a lot of the game, most likely the micro transaction system for the Western port.
but 2014... it seems to be out almost everywhere else D:
@Jin meanwhile QQ and TenCent are doing silly stuff like this:
Q: How can I survive when using squishy (weak) characters?

ScootalooI sometimes play with somewhat squishy (weaker) characters, and usually I can survive however I die more than I'd like to admit. How can I survive longer/better? Usually I try to go in (behind minions) and get a few shots in then move back again. Sometimes if an enemy champion targets me I'll fi...

1 hour later…
morning people
and that's my cue to go to sleep xD
nn @Krazer
Q: Champion picking

Marco GeertsmaI am currently a lvl 20 player in League of Legends but seeing as im playing plenty lately i am preparing for the tougher opponents instead of the trolling players. So i was wondering what champion to pick against certain champs. I know this is a very large question but i simply need the idea. So...

Well, I'm in trouble as a human being.
Q: How do I take off my pants?

CyberSkullSo I was in my New Leaf house and I accidentally put on a pair of pants instead of displaying them. Then I went and clicked on myself and I have no option to take off my pants. Ever. I swapped them with another pair for the display, but I can't get those off either. How do I take off my pants?

Fine, I'm awake... What more do you want from me
@kalina cookies?
@CyberSkull would "it's a kids game, you pervert" be appropriate as a comment?
@TZHX There's a time and a place for removing one's pants. The time is now, and the place is my house.
hm de dum
hi guys
i have returned after 5~ weeks off work
morning @djsmiley2k
@djsmiley2k hi
how we doing?
good, survived my works summer party this weekend
my date did not fair as well, the free bar got her
she puked 2 times out of the taxi on the way home
eugh... death
I didn't flag it as not an answer, I demand a feature to reject your rejection on account of you being unable to read the flag type!
also, stop damaging my flag weight out of jealousy
@kalina Flag weight is on the deathbed anyway, it almost doesn't matter now and won't exist anymore in the near future
it is important that I can flag 53 things for moderator attention per day just in case I actually decide to do that one day
now I can only flag 52
I feel hurt
Why did you lose modpoints?
Q: How do I take off my pants?

CyberSkullSo I was in my New Leaf house and I accidentally put on a pair of pants instead of displaying them. Then I went and clicked on myself and I have no option to take off my pants. Ever. I swapped them with another pair for the display, but I can't get those off either. And the weird bit is when I pu...

Oh. I thought you must have way more than 500 flags by now anyway?
one of my flags got declined
no the process of getting new flags is tedious after 50
very time consuming
it's like the difference between a western MMO and an asian MMO
one has the perception of taking up all your life, while the other one actually does
oh no, one of my skill queues runs out during downtime
@MadScientist I thought flag weight was dead anyway? It's only "helpful flags" that's publicly displaed.
@tombull89 It still lives internally, but not for long as far as I know
Q: Can multiple PHP scripts run at the same time?

user2028200I am building a turn-based multiplayer game with Flash and PHP. Sometimes two users may call on the same PHP script at the same time. This script is designed to write some information to the database. But that script should not run if that information has already been written by another user, ...

@kalina You're going to top me soon
@fredley meh, that's been inevitable since the day I signed up
@kalina I know, but you broke your promise to let me catch up to FAE first
Therefore you are a lier
and everything you say is a lie
I don't control people upvoting me
and I will never trust you again
I don't care, I'm still euphoric after yesterday
@kalina If I did control your sockpuppets that would be creepy
@kalina Good day then?
yes ;)
@kalina Excellent
"Ronan" enjoyed it too
I was about to say
Given I was playing Minecraft with him for most of the day, that's some impressive multi-tasking
he didn't need to do anything
I took care of everything
First date?
I don't date
@kalina First encounter?
dating involves the potential for emotional attachment
@kalina I see.
also, the BBQ food has made me sick
not actually sick yet
I feel like I could be though
@kalina Were you a vegetarian or did I imagine that?
I float between being a vegetarian and not
@kalina Riiiiiight.
it's not for reasons of morality
it's because I don't digest meat very well after being bought up as a vegetarian for the first half of my life
@kalina I choose to eat vegetarian food a lot of the time. Am I a vegetarian? No.
I was an actual vegetarian until ~16
and then somebody fed me bacon
I got chat banned yesterday and didn't even notice
for a comment I didn't even post
How does that even work?
I left my phone unlocked went to do something else
came back, had posted the same message to chat, facebook, twitter
deleting from facebook and twatter is easy but it had already been past 2 minutes on chat
and then ~2 hours later I got banned for it
even though the comment wasn't really offensive at all
As in you'd done it or some malicious person had done so?
"some malicious person" being the housemate/friend of the guy I was visiting
he had a handprint on his face for most of the rest of the day
@kalina Nice.
@kalina Aw, (feels sorry for you)
@kalina Up to 16 is half your life? You are older than previously assumed
@kalina Guess i shouldn't have started it for all to see
@Blem you are the reason I got banned?
Aw, somebody deleted my "Favourite Rebecca Black Video" column from the spreadsheet ...
I hate it when parrents don't give their kids freedom of will. When they force them to same religion they are or force them to the same feeding choice as they do (vegetarian for example).
@ChrisHateZ Are you a parent?
@kalina not sure, i was just the first person to star the commen, It might have been lost in the logs if it wasn't for the staring, and no, i didn't flag it, my tolerance for NSFW is way to high for this chat
@fredley Nope. I don't want to ruin my life just yet with that-
@Blem I find it ironic that there is another comment in the star list that pretty much matches the one I was banned for
@kalina You were banned for expressing your love of a particular organ?
@kalina Harsh
I was banned for posting the three words at the end of the current thing that is starred
so you will get banned again when the people with a low tolerance for NSFW (AKA the US people) get up
Quick, hide the penises before the Americans get here!
I don't even think it falls into the category of 'offensive/spam'
was it "lol, penis" or something as childish?
1 min ago, by kalina
I was banned for posting the three words at the end of the current thing that is starred
Although it's dropped off my list now
it's not on my star list anymore but I am running a weird resolution via RDP
"I like ..."
@kalina I have the maximal number of starred posts visible, and I can't see it
I don't care either way
17 hours ago, by kalina
So now the whole world knows I like penis
@kalina If you did care, that would be worrying
I just thought it demonstrated a funny lack of consistency
@kalina Because normally you just hate ...it...
17 hours ago, by kalina
I'm not guilty, I enjoyed every second of it
I think it is just a question of how people are raised in different parts of the world
@fredley no, I hate what it's attached to
@kalina haha
@Blem People in the US are raised to fear their own genitalia /stereotype
@kalina That's... a whole different kind of necrophilia.
:9922795 Ah, so you like flight sims?
This conversation is now getting into The Comms Room level of weirdness.
really? So the Comms Room is like IRC?
@tombull89 You have much talk of it in the Comms Room?
No, No, you're doing it wrong. You need to star it after the two minutes delete timer is up.
I'm just going to pretend that someone is censoring everything @kalina says.
EFNET levels of weirdness
@tombull89 Yes yes
@fredley close, they have a much lower tolerance for use of some words than compared to denmark where i am from
@fredley Yes.
@Blem I am aware there are many prudes in the UK, but they don't count.
@fredley That is the impression I've got from the actual US people I've talked to.
@ArdaXi It's a wonder they manage to procreate at all really
I am surprised that I put some personal contact details on that spreadsheet and haven't had people add me yet
Maybe I'll let you know my Skype too, under the provision that by providing the information none of you actually use it
@kalina We are clearly not as stalky as you assume
@fredley Well, I am, but I am nobody.
@fredley +1
you are a nobody
@kalina Despite the image we like to project to others for the lulz and general trolling, we're not a club of creepy stalkers.
@MartinSojka many people on the internet are
@kalina I only enjoy stalking you when it's a challenge
@fredley oh I got an email back from your girlfriend btw
@kalina a/s/l?
@tombull89 I had enough S yesterday
@kalina I know you didn't
Believe it or not, I can stalk my girlfriend quite easily
@fredley unless you're a controlling type of guy, you can't know that
@kalina Who says I'm not?
because that would shatter the image I have of you
@kalina Aw.
So I started watching a playthrough of Remember Me
It looks like a 3rd person button mashing game
so perhaps Raven was right that I won't enjoy it at all
so I ordered the new expansion for Civ 5
I avoid games that don't let you customize your character, or at least pick your gender.
@ChrisHateZ why? Literally every game in the world has a male protagonist outside of the Tomb Raider franchise
@kalina Can you see this page?
@fredley why?
@kalina I think there were a few more. But i can't remember the names.
@kalina Does it say Beta Disclaimer at the top? Think we might be having cache issues here
@kalina Portal!
@ArdaXi silent protagonists don't count
Don't go all true scotsman on me
right, I suppose I best start scrubbing the star list
@kalina thanks
I've had an idea, rather than use my own stars I will just say a bunch of star baiting things
That way you will scrub the star list for me!
Iv'e got nothing to play. Pretty much all new games are crap. Except some indie games.
actually I think that is worse than the thing I'm trying to remove from the star list
@ChrisHateZ Halo: Reach did.
I used to be able to remove stars
so did I
the difference is
I never did
@tombull89 Not a Halo fan. Played only Halo 1 i think.
I never did either, but I could.
well you can't now, because you're not associated with Arqade
@ChrisHateZ Still the best of the lot, IMHO.
@kalina I have an account! I even have like 101 rep
Weird thing is that i love sci-fi movies, but i don't like sci-fi games.
Even when those games are based of a sci-fi movie i like.
@ArdaXi that's hardly what I would call a contributor
@kalina Arda Rage quit.
don't care
@kalina I wouldn't call user56 a contributor either.
neither would I
@fredley Pretty sure @kalina is aware of that.
he's just trying to be helpful
@ArdaXi Kalina is still new here.
Wet behind the ears
little being the operative word
his girlfriend says "less than 3 inches"
Hatred doesn't go well with Pork anyway
I feel sorry for her
barely even touching the sides
Feb 7 at 20:00, by kalina
@fbueckert it's fine, by the time you reach 10k I will have probably pulled a arda/mark trapp already
oh that reminds me, I was upvote spamming fbueckert to get him to 10k
I knew there was a reason I had votes left
@kalina serially?
@kalina Now that's just wrong.
@fredley no I am avoiding the script
@ChrisHateZ Don't care, people are allowed to use their votes as they please
Each upvote you give @fbueckert is a downvote you can't give me
@kalina Btw what's gotten into you today. You act different then usual, or i just never met the usual you before?
@ChrisHateZ more carefree than usual
@ChrisHateZ @kalina has already mentioned quite often what has gotten into her.
@ArdaXi I'm not on here often. Tell me
@ChrisHateZ Just read back a bit
@fredley Oooh, i remember.
@ArdaXi you fail at markdown
No I don't.
you did

Something gets into kalina

17 hours ago, 18 minutes total – 20 messages, 5 users, 13 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by fredley

why fredley
I thought we were friends
@kalina Friends annoy and taunt each other right?

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