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Of course, 10kers must wait two days and we don't normally let flags linger around for two days, which is what makes 20k a little more interesting to get.
@fbueckert it's fine, by the time you reach 10k I will have probably pulled a arda/mark trapp already
@kalina What is it with everyone getting their accounts deleted? Is it really that bad?
@fbueckert I wouldn't know; when I hit 10k I was already a mod I believe.
meh, I'm just not going to leave myself behind when I leave
and I'm really only here now for something to do at work to be fair
I'm here for stuff to do at work as well.
Oh, hey, @GraceNote, you around?
I guess so. :P
@GraceNote this is actually your job though
Like exactly this. ♪
What's up, marshall?
Her job description isn't "idle in The Bridge" I suppose
@GraceNote I'm curious about our chances of getting a gaming grant around the SC2 release date.
@badp "Observe when you guys ruckus it up" is, though.
my job description might as well be at the moment
@GraceNote That's a far cry from "idling" :P
@OrigamiRobot lol
Not that I'm begging for free stuff, I'm just wondering how the whole process went dead.
I'm not complaining mind you. Just pointing out it's not the same.
@GraceNote Things have been quiet in here lately. I hit 10K site wide last week and I've yet to see a flag.
@JasonBerkan I guess Math's chat stopped flagging every random thing.
there have been a couple of flags this week I'm sure
@fbueckert I've forwarded your inquiry.
@GraceNote Appreciated.
I thought about mentioning Atelier Ayesha with the other games, but I think you and I would be the only ones who'll play it. :P
why do you even want free stuff
so rude
I didn't even ask for a tshirt
@fbueckert Pretty much, yeah. And I kinda still have the earlier Atelier games to get through.
@GraceNote I haven't finished Rorona or Totori yet. Really should get on that.
Oh, good, we're in mostly the same boat, just for different reasons.
Namely, my delay isn't named "SharePoint". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@GraceNote Remind that whenever we get a meetup going, that I'm supposed to hit you.
@fbueckert Oh, nice, I get to be part of a punch chain.
your fault for using sharepoint
@kalina Eh. I deal with things I don't like on a regular basis. Doesn't prevent me from doing my best.
that's a bit of a tangent, I said nothing about doing your best work at all
well anyway, I'm off to bed
@GraceNote Speaking of the Atelier games, don't you owe some graphics-type objects for that calendar planning tool you wanted?
How'd the interview go?
@fbueckert I remembered we spoke summat of summat but then in the same vein that I've never gotten to even touch my copy (or even my nice giant artbook that I bought over the fall), I haven't been able to look at the stuff for that.
Hey spugsley.
@fbueckert I feel pretty good about it :)
@spugsley See? Knew you could do it.
@spugsley Oooh, what'd you interview for?
@FAE an assistant position with an award winning photographer :3
@spugsley Awesome, good luck!
@FAE thank you :)
@fbueckert the only thing that has me worried is that she is talking with one more girl tomorrow and she's a student at the Art Institute. Anddd I have no formal schooling
but, if she gets it over me, at least I can feel good in that my work is on par with hers :3 at least enough to get the same interview
I miss photography.
@FAE it's my life.
I really enjoyed developing my own film in high school.
though I will say that portraiture doesn't hold as much value for me as conceptual/surrealist stuff. I've been experimenting with that a lot more lately
buuuut it's kinda hard to make money from that
@spugsley Yeah, I like that more as well.
@spugsley And unfortunately true.
We've got an annual Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention with some incredibly good artists. Too bad their art is so bloody expensive.
@fbueckert Anything you can show?
@Krazer Nah; they don't allow photography in the art room.
@fbueckert do you have any of your photography online? I'll love to look at it
I picked up an incredible dragon statue, though; I think it's cast from bronze or copper.
@fbueckert Ooooh, nice
Q: How to farm spruce trees in doors?

DForck42I don't understand how to make an indoor spruce tree farm. I know that with regular oak they just need to be next to a torch. I read somewhere that having two spaces between spruce saplings should work. I tried that and it didn't work. Is there somethign wrong with this design? How can I far...

@spugsley Oh, I don't do photography. Other than to go, "Look at all this snow! Be glad you don't live here!"
@fbueckert oh lol, I thought you did for some reason. Sorry :)
@spugsley No worries. I just dress up nice and make people take pictures of me. :P
@Wipqozn just a friendly reminder that you are and always will be the worst
@spugsley Except when he sings songs to his cat
@FAE She missed it
We are the elite few
@OrigamiRobot I shall forever treasure the memory
@spugsley You should have @OrigamiRobot sing it to you
@fbueckert I caved and picked up Game Dev Story...
@Fluttershy Liking it?
@FAE I do all the time. To mock her.
@OrigamiRobot It was amazing.
@fbueckert I'm struggling to understand when/what to train my people...
@Fluttershy You mean to change their jobs? Or just to increase their stats?
@fbueckert I can change their jobs? >_> I'm lacking in the sound department.
Also, woo! I get all those RPGs for $200 I mentioned last night!
@Fluttershy Later, yeah.
@fbueckert Huh wha
The trick with Game Dev Story is not to worry too much about your first playthrough; some of the stuff that carries over into subsequent playthroughs is critical.
@fbueckert You know all the FF games are $4.99 on PSN right now. Or do you want the boxes for nostalgia?
@fbueckert Wow.
@JasonBerkan I like physical media. It can't be taken away from me because a company goes tits up.
Or they decide it was stupid of them to sell it to me. Or any other inane reason.
@fbueckert Also pretty packaging is nice!
And instruction booklets. I'm still a sucker for a nice instruction booklet.
@FAE That, too. There's quite a few rare games in there.
@fbueckert If you're smart about digital things, the same is true
@fbueckert Can I ever hire a team larger than 4 people?
As long as you have a backup on a PC (which is super simple) and a functioning Vita/PSP you can play backed up digital games forever
@Fluttershy Yes.
@Fluttershy You move into bigger offices at some point.
Starting out is apparently really hard...
@Fluttershy I think you get 8? at max
@fbueckert I have all the FF games in that set, still in my closet. sold a bit of my other collected items though not too long ago.
@agent86 That's the main stuff I wanted; I've played them all, and own 8, but I lent it out and never got it back.
And after picking through the collection for stuff I wanted, I was only saving $50, so I figured, why not? Save the guy a headache selling it piecemeal.
I have a better track record of reclaiming things I've lent out than those I haven't, haha.
I lent out some of my adventure games once upon a time, lost copies of the journeyman project and one of the myst games.
I tend to now have a "1 thing at a time" policy, if you want to borrow something, you may, but that's all you get until I get the first thing back
I think I won Visual Studio
@BenBrocka ... in the same way that badp "wins" videogames
@BenBrocka I'm assuming you saw this last year:
@fbueckert clearly alien kids don't speak our language.
@agent86 Clearly.
@JasonBerkan As a sidenote, I specifically don't update my PS3 on a regular basis. I don't play online, so I don't care about the latest "update" Sony has to offer.
@fbueckert Why all the Sony hate? I trust my PSN purchases more than I trust my Virtual Console purchases.
@JasonBerkan Removal of Install Other OS as a kneejerk reaction to cracking the console.
@JasonBerkan At least PSN purchases aren't tied to that system only...
Sony gets ALL the hate.
@fbueckert Ah.
@FAE Exactly. When my Wii goes poof, there go my games.
@JasonBerkan It really makes me loath to buy anything on the VC on my 3DS. :/
@Fluttershy Yeah, first playthrough is. Don't expect it to be exact. Use it to learn how stuff works.
@JasonBerkan Which is one of the reasons I'm waiting until the Wii U gets cracked wide open before I buy one.
@fbueckert We're not planning on doing a grant for SC2, but we are thinking of running a promotion of some kind. No details yet, but there will be a Thing around the launch.
anyone plays League of Legends?, there will be an important match live streaming in about 13 min
@AnnaLear Okie dokie. Thanks for the info!
no problem :)
@AnnaLear are grants returning at some point?
Are we never doing gaming grants again? Did we cost too much monies?
@OrigamiRobot Too little RoI, I think.
@OrigamiRobot shush, you, I was first.
@agent86 That's a firm maybe. :)
@AnnaLear this is the answer I was expecting :)
@agent86 Yes, but Anna likes me better.
so thank you for meeting my expectations.
@AnnaLear I don't know how maybes can be firm. But I'll take your word for it.
Basically, once the SC2 Thing is wrapped up, we're gonna see about grants again. Likely in a different format than before.
I compliment her cats.
@OrigamiRobot psh, she told me I was her favorite
Children! Pipe down so the adults can talk.
@fbueckert you're not my real dad.
@fbueckert Adults? What adults? wields banhammer
@agent86 I....I'm not?! Since when?
@fbueckert Maybe they can be firm.
@GraceNote Ok, now you're just confusing me. I hope you're happy.
If we run another grant, we're going to be monitoring the results closer than ever. We all agree that giving stuff out is awesome, but if it becomes too complicated for what the site gets in return, we're gonna have to stop. Might take a few grants to sort it out, or no grants. Tune back in in April to find out! :)
@AnnaLear Might this have anything to do with the GGClassic prize fiasco?
And/or the amount of TVs SE had to buy.
@OrigamiRobot I don't even know what that is and I'm heading up the new grant plans, so no.
I'm cool with whatever gets us another awkward youtube video of Anna Lear and Grace Note handing fliers in a cold release night :P
you wish
Wishing is what I'm doing
@badp Did that happen?
@OrigamiRobot Yes except for the part where Anna Lear and Grace Note are involved.
there is no photographic evidence that a grace note actually exists. all there is is rumors, speculation, and that sinking feeling you have that someone is watching you.
Well, neither Anna Lear (being a cat) or Grace Note (being artillery) have opposable thumbs so that would've been a problem.
@agent86 No, that's your paranoia acting up again. You really should get that taken care of.
@fbueckert @agent86 it's all my fault. I did put scorpions in his house once
Although we totally know where you live and where you've been this afternoon, you can trust us
@spugsley YOU
:) hi
by the way, nice shoes.
@spugsley spugly hi
I <3 you too :)
@AnnaLear You had to put "#ggClassic" in your profile or something to enter and someone put in some variation that didn't get picked up and he would have won if he had followed the rules correctly. He got pretty butthurt and passive aggressively threatened to sue.
@agent86 There's like, two different pictures of me.
@GraceNote ... as a cactus.
@agent86 did you find the other thing I left for you?
@JasonBerkan And a duck.
@GraceNote With a graduation cap!
@GraceNote clever ruses. I know you are not a stuffed penguin. I see through the lies. I am Batman.
@agent86 Well, yeah, neither of them was of a penguin.
@spugsley other... thing? n-n-no...?
@agent86 ah, well, you're in for quite a treat :)
@OrigamiRobot oh yeah... I remember that.
@GraceNote wasn't there a penguin? maybe I'm remembering wrong or getting you confused.
@agent86 The former. I'm not confused.
@agent86 no worries, you'll find it...eventually
@agent86 Round, orange-y pink duck.
@spugsley I will dolan you so hard you'll wish you were gooby
@GraceNote you're confusing, not confused. got it.
@AnnaLear Just ship all of the games to me and I'll promise to ask a bunch of questions. That way you only need one shipping address. Much more efficient
did you see what agent86 just said??
Nicolas: hmm?
Samantha: milk came out of my nose
I laughed too hard
@BenBrocka this was my idea as well.
@OrigamiRobot I win +1 internets.
It's not even remotely pink in the physical world. It's very much just plain yellow. I'm guessing some combination of brick reflections and shadows is why people keep thinking it's pinkish.
yeah, you win. I can't even think of a comeback
@GraceNote Oh, huh. It definitely looked kinda pink-y to me.
@FAE You wouldn't be the only one to say this.
And so we begin subverting the grant process. Before we even know we're getting any.
Bridge, make my cough go away. :(
@FAE Ludens
@OrigamiRobot @FAE he's right, they do work
@FAE Teeeeeeeeeeeeeea!
@spugsley I don't think they even sell those over here...
@agent86 It's really not that hard. She laughs the same amount if someone says "butts"
@Fluttershy I concur.
@Ashley You 'round?
Homey lemon tea, even.
I hate honey. T_T
@GraceNote no. She was up late having a moment with @fbueckert and then another one with @Mana
it was a very interesting/confusing night
@OrigamiRobot are you saying I don't get +1 internets? I was counting on those internets to feed my family.
I thought you didn't get in until just now, spugsley.
@agent86 luckily you won't have a family soon. I've been brushing up on my baby-punching. Just for you.
@spugsley Bwuh? Nobody has moments with me. I run for the hills.
@GraceNote nope, I was here last night
Hohum. I see.
I am gonna drink some tea though.
@FAE Surpringly, honey is like the wonder drug for colds.
@fbueckert You have moments all the time with @kalina.
@fbueckert And upset stomachs.
@fbueckert you're right. It was more of a moment with your cane and tophat combo comment
@OrigamiRobot Those aren't moments. Those are knock down drag out screaming fights.
@fbueckert Should I be firing people?
@spugsley Oh, that. Yeah. You could see the smoke rising.
@fbueckert Hey, man, whatever you're into. I don't judge.
@Fluttershy Depends on if you find someone better.
@fbueckert We have pomegranate, prince of wales, earl gray, orange pekoe, english breakfast, plain green tea, and 2 different herbal mixes. Would you suggest any of those? I don't seem to have an actual cold, just this weird dry cough.
@FAE Hmm. I don't see anything citrus-y in there. I dunno why, but lemon/orange-type stuff works really well on dry throats.
Other than Orange Pekoe, but that's more a black tea, no?
Other developers make me cry:
Dim intUC As Integer = 0
Dim intLC As Integer = 0
Dim intOC As Integer = 0
Dim intD As Integer = 0
@fbueckert Yeah it is.
@FAE Well, in the absence of anything citrusy, everything should be more or less equal.
Okay, out of those options, which do you think would taste the least horrible with honey?
"english breakfast" tea?
Good evenin'
@FAE Least horrible? I'm no tea expert. Something bitter would probably offset the honey quite well.
@GraceNote "a traditional blend of black teas creating a rich and satisfying taste" apparently
...well, fuck corners.
English breakfast tea is a traditional blend of teas originating from Assam, Ceylon and Kenya. It is one of the most popular blended teas and the most common form of British tea culture. It was initially known simply as Breakfast Tea, and was popularised by Queen Victoria. English breakfast tea is a black tea blend usually described as full-bodied, robust, and/or rich, and blended to go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast. The black teas included in the blend vary, with Assam, Ceylon and Kenyan teas predominating, and Keemun so...
...there were some things I expected in response, but a whole Wikipedia article wasn't one of them.
@GraceNote Me neither!
@GraceNote I drink Irish Breakfast Tea
@badp And a gold amulet, no less!
I don't know what that means, but it's good.
@badp Doesn't seem to have work out so well now does it ;-)
@fbueckert Yeah :(
@FAE I drink all my teas black; I don't even add sugar or anything.
Obviously Path of Exile is in beta so "lol noob dont comlpain about bugs" but equally obviously there's no bug reporting tool.
@fbueckert I usually drink this herbal mix that has cloves and cinnamon and a bunch of other stuff
@Ladineko This gal was ranning like a headless chicken all over the place without managing much in terms of resistance :(
Oh, hey, @TrentHawkins! He's more of a tea expert than I am.
@badp Welcome to the Act 2 bandits. They love to run all over the place. Pain in the ass, it is.
@fbueckert Do you have a jumping ability?
like, leap or whatnot?
@badp Nope.
I play a witch; ranged AoE.
all the goddamn smartasses on chat are staying silent now
@badp You didn't even get the, "lol noob it's beta. Cry moar"?
@fbueckert nope
@badp Huh.
because I asked where the fuck are you supposed to report bugs anyway
@badp Forums, probably.
yeah, fuck forums. It's a beta, where's the inbuilt bug reporting tool?
@spugsley but you never will.
@Wipqozn never will what?
No NPC fucking sells gems
@spugsley Hear me sing my kitty cat song.
@Wipqozn .....you are a monster
@spugsley That's fine, my cat thinks I'm awesome though, since I sing her such awesome songs.
@badp Nope. They're not supposed to be that common.
Make them expensive then
I have some extra skill gems, if you need them.
I need leap slam to get in that hole in the geometry
@fbueckert I had no idea how much honey I should dump in so I just put in like, 2 teaspoons and a bit. >_>
@FAE Sweeten to taste.
@badp Don't have that one, I'm afraid.
What about Lightning Strike? That teleports you, right?
Q: what does teemo do in a teamfight

Peter JessenI prefer to play teemo as an ap with attack speed items such as nashor's tooth and i was wondering what his role is in a teamfight. He doesnt do alot of damage with anything but his mushrooms. So what should i do during a teamfight? PLay like a ad carry, an ap carry, or make a escape route if we ...

Q: Why isn't my crop being fertilized?

YawusI have two set-ups for crops for two different fields. In the large crop field, my set-up is like this: F: Fertilizer, C: Crop, -/|: Furrow F-F-F-F | | F F F | | | F-F-F F | F-F-F-C This set-up works, the crop is consistently showing signs of fertilization and I pull increasingl...

@fbueckert I have no idea
@badp Pretty sure it does; if @TrentHawkins is willing, I think he has an extra. Up to him, though.
@fbueckert An extra what-now?
@TrentHawkins That Lightning Strike gem you found the other day.
@fbueckert You're thinking Lightning Warp
I've got a couple extra of those
@SaintWacko Ok, got the name wrong.
Lightning Strike, you hit the enemy, and it shoots lightning out behind them
@fbueckert I' fairly sure I've just got the one
Lightning Strike is really nice
Haven't found one yet :(
@TrentHawkins Yeah; if you're not using it, then it's extra, no?
Oh, I found my first GCP yesterday
Tell you what @TrentHawkins, if you can join my game and grab this yellow gold amulet it's yours
@fbueckert I'm using it.
20 mins ago, by badp
user image
That's all I would've needed the gem for anyway
I wasn't looking forward to buying it.
@TrentHawkins Oh. My bad, then.
Offer is open to anybody else though
Oooh... that's why... was trying to launch ToR, instead of PoE. I was like "what? no - that's the right pasword..."
@agent86 PC*
And I'm out
@SaintWacko Price Check yourself?
@agent86 I should probably share that with my friend that hates puns.
@Wipqozn if your friend hates puns, how can he be your friend?
@fbueckert Pork Chop.
@agent86 I like making him suffer by telling terrible jokes.
@Coronus Pork chops are also good at cheering you up.
@Wipqozn this is acceptable.
@agent86 Everyone hates puns. That's why they are great.
@fbueckert You better price check yourself before you...price..wreck yourself
@BenBrocka You're reaching on that one.
@fbueckert @TimStone @agent86 have any of you guys tried Diablo recently? Since the updates, etc
@spugsley A little, yes. Which update?
@spugsley 1.0.7 isn't out yet
@spugsley I have not. I've been tempted, but too much else is going on, sadly.
@spugsley Not really. I've been working a lot lately, and my little spare time is spent in BL2
@fbueckert any. I just want to know if it's gotten any better in the last 3ish months?
@spugsley Monster Power really added a decent amount of fun.
The Hellfire ring...not so much.
The next patch looks interesting, though.
@fbueckert yeah, I agree
I'm curious to see how it goes
@spugsley Nothing has changed since you last played.

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