Conversation started Jun 16, 2013 at 16:51.
Jun 16, 2013 16:51
Taste the meat, not the heat
Dammit bobby
@kalina I don't care that you don't care, so neener-neener-neener!
I spent all day doing that @ben
I once made a completely invisible facebook account for promotional bullshit, then Facebook removed the option to make your facebook account completely invisible to let graph search work
so I "deleted" it.
I still don't understand why nobody complained that graph search was the shittiest possible reason to lose the possibility to make your account completely invisible - silently
The only reason my facebook account even exists is because of all of the social networking features on my phone
@kalina Does it let you Pokeā„¢ friends?
Jun 16, 2013 16:55
And I only have a twatter account to berate ccp
no it lets friends poke me
Blaaaaah... Seven hours left. x_____x
I see I'm going to own the star list again
Sometimes one's gotta give in to guilty pleasures.
I'm not guilty, I enjoyed every second of it
All three times
Ok time to start a fire
Stand back,I'm a professional
I just got sprayed down with a hosepipe
Conversation ended Jun 16, 2013 at 17:09.