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@Fluttershy Where are you again?
Morning, Bridge
@Fluttershy I am! (but really, I was just lazy)
I showed this game to the other women in the office and now they think I'm strange -.-
Well, you are strange.
@kalina Is that unusual?
Frankly, I'm surprised this was the last straw.
Yeah, you'd think they'd have figured it out before
@SaintWacko Maybe they're dense?
@OrigamiRobot That must be it
@kalina :(
you were meant to tell me how awesome I am
@kalina The trick is not to worry about how strange you are, but to embrace it.
I am not strange, I am unique
@kalina Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Life's too short to not have fun with it.
it's a much nicer word
@kalina You are unique, just like everybody else.
that's a point
Oh god
how did jeffreylin know people were flagging
he's only got 3k network rep
I wish starring used up one of your stars regardless of whether you unstarred it afterwards
@kalina That's what I'm testing.
@kalina You have diabolical wishes
I wish people only had 10 stars per day
in fact
I wish people only had 1 star per 1k rep on the network the chat channel is associated with
I wish people didn't complain about stars so much.
I wish @OrigamiRobot ceased to be able to star at all
I wish @kalina would have a wonderful day.
We need an election for the office of "Keeper of the Stars". The Keeper gets 100 stars to give out to people daily.
the quality of my day is directly inverse to the number of stars I get
I nominate myself, as I am very mature, responsible, and would in no way abuse my authority on a daily basis.
I am obviously the best keeper of the stars
@BenBrocka Wow, publishers are the worst.
with me in control of the star system, only high quality out of context stars excluding anything I post would ever make it to the list
@fredley slow clap
How did the Arqadians / Arqanoids poll go?
@kalina No, you're best receiver of the stars.
@GraceNote arqadians
@OrigamiRobot MS is even worse, since MS has strict policies for market place on TOP of whatever your publishers want you to do
Nov 26 '12 at 3:37, by Ashley Nunn
... Pantyhose
@GraceNote Almost unanimous arqadians
I don't understand how they can actually stop indie devs from self publishing. What's different between them and larger companies?
@RonanForman Probably paying a fee.
@RonanForman Requiring publishers is a lazy way of enforcing quality standards
Big people released it, so it must be good, as opposed to "well let's actually take a look at the damn game and QA"
@BenBrocka And often self defeating.
@fredley Yay!
But surely EA can self publish...
It's also a classic example of old world thinking which Nintendo and Sony are starting to shrug off. MS seems more than happy to keep it up though
Arqanoids are hereby banished to SF&F.
Actually, do they make games these days?
@fredley Since when are echo chambers used to make rules?
So that announcement is: "Microsoft will be charging a cubic fuck-tonne of cash to publish"
Aren't Team17 an independent games studio still?
@RonanForman I don't think EA as a general entity has developers, they have multiple separate studios
@RonanForman EA is a vampire now. They acquire studios and suck them dry until they're nothing but an empty husk
Not bitter at all. Nope
@SaintWacko I know they do that. I wasn't sure if that was all they do.
Team17 are still an independent game studio
does that mean they can't release games on the xbox one?
@kalina Yeah, but they've licensed games before. That might be how they get on there. Plus who knows MS's definition of publisher, it might just be "sold X units" so Team 17 and stuff can publish
I'm pretty sure they have a couple Worms games on 360, they're on PS3
Worms One
@SaintWacko Southeast Missouri.
@fredley Clicking on the coin slot should let you find a coin.
@Fluttershy Ah, yeah, I'm in Northeast Oklahoma
we are worms we are worms and we've come to win the war
@BenBrocka Never mind all the shovelware we got (and continue to get) for Wii and Wii U.
@OrigamiRobot Will do
@fbueckert how many "good" games are there for the wii u?
@kalina One.
@kalina MH3U
There may be one or two others, but I don't care about those.
sounds like a worthwhile purchase
I'll be interested in Pikmin and the two Zelda games coming out for it.
@kalina Totally was.
@fredley I feel so helpful!
you know with games being developed for x86/64 games consoles now, do you think we'll get better optimised pc ports?
@fbueckert funny enough 2 of the few games I've gotten for the Wii U are indie/small developers. Does way forward still count as indie?
@BenBrocka I haven't heard of them.
I know they published Duck Tales through capcom but I think their original IPs don't have publishers associated with them
My point was that requiring publishers doesn't automatically guarantee quality.
@BenBrocka oooooooooooooo
@kalina optimized? When I think of ports, badly optimized doesn't usually come to mind. It's more like "CAPS LOCK + 1" stuff.
@fbueckert They made the remastered Ducktales and have really good music/spritework
@BenBrocka That looks pretty good, actually.
@badp I duno, Tomb Raider felt pretty optimised
They also made Shantae and Mighty Switch Force (less known but very good games)
so what do you think about when you think of poorly optimized ports?
@badp ones that don't work at all when you start them up
cough rage cough
games that do stupid things like telling you to press a button that you can remap on PC, without updating what button it tells you to press
cough mass effect 2
@kalina Hmmm as badp says it depends what you mean by poorly optimized. Consolitis' main fault is usually that the control scheme and graphics options are shit on PC, not that they don't work
games that run like they didn't go through Q&A
@kalina yeah, controller woes
x86 might make them easier to develop, but it doesn't mean they won't focus on console controllers
Yeah, controller woes should remain in full force
@kalina The PC version of the SolForge beta still says "Tap to start"
games that were born and bred on PC not getting an outing on PC in their latest instalment... GTA5
GTA 5 won't get a PC release? Really?
there hasn't been one announced, last I checked (few months ago)
@badp haven't their PC releases always been late?
@OrigamiRobot done
@BenBrocka unfair generalisation, most of their first games came out on PC first
Which is funny because open world stuff should be way easier to put together on PCs with piles of memory compared to teeny console RAM
@fredley :D
@kalina You mean Rockstar or GTA? I don't recall a single GTA that came out on PC before console
now that consoles get to have 8 GB of RAM... I suppose that'll spell doom for "gamer laptops" with 4 GB of RAM.
That'll effectively bump the baseline amount of RAM to run things properly to 12 GB - 16 GB, more realistically
@BenBrocka GTA 1 and 2? :P
@kalina I'm sure the 8 people who played GTA before 3 remember that
from my understanding, GTA 1 was a huge hit
That's a surprisingly little amount of people for a game that got to the third sequel!
@BenBrocka Does that make me the 0.0000000001%?
@badp I wish all laptops would die.
@OrigamiRobot there's one thing, and only one thing, for which laptops are basically necessary
giving presentations
negative, tablet can do that
many smartphones could do that too
I hate tablets more than laptops.
do you have a tablet?
No, I just told you I hate them.
tablets are like laptops' special cousins
the reason you hate them is because you don't have one
@kalina well you have to get the right cables and adapters and stuff, and then if you need to step outside of the presentation to do something on the console you only get to use RDP
@OrigamiRobot You are bonkers. Tablets are awesome. Well, my tablet is miles and miles more awesome than my laptop anyway.
If that were the case, I'd just go buy one.
@badp wireless projectors
@badp That's because laptops are already awful.
@kalina lol, good luck finding a place with one. Or do you have to lug your own around?
I like laptops for convenience sometimes
If the intention was to use tablets, you'd have one already
but for my gaming and coding purposes, I vastly prefer desktops
most of the projectors at my university still use VGA input :(
if you're stuck in the 20th century, then your steam powered one will require an adaptor
@badp I have a pocket projector that connects to my iPad, but I habitually buy random shit I shouldn't
I also hate smartphones.
... >_>
@OrigamiRobot you have a phone that has a cable attaching it to the wall, don't you
@TimStone I also have a projector - pretty awesome with an XBox.
@kalina No, I have a smartphone, but it's stupid. I only have it because my non-smartphone died and all current non-smartphones are terribly designed now.
@OrigamiRobot smartphones are awesome
Nope, they're stupid.
do you have a CRT monitor?
is your TV black and white?
Literally the only thing I'd miss on my smartphone is my MtG app.
you light candles instead of turning on lights, don't you?
@kalina Why bother turning on lights at all?
@OrigamiRobot I agree that smartphones are stupid for their battery life
your car is a '70s ford crown victoria
@OrigamiRobot You just hate things that are smarter than you
and because, for all non-phone uses of a smartphone, a tablet is 10× better
the battery life on my phone doesn't bother me at all
...maybe the exception being the camera
@badp Except for carrying it around
@badp The thing I hate about smartphones is their size, so tablets are 10x worse
Best phone ever.
@OrigamiRobot 7" tablet sizes are rather unoffensive. They fit okay in a purse. Bonus points: once you decide to have a purse, you no longer have to keep things in your pockets.
I've got used to the size of my phone
@badp I want it to easily fit in my pocket.
@badp I could cope with a satchel, but a purse? ....no
@OrigamiRobot Get bigger pockets
my phone fits in my pockets, and my pockets are smaller than yours
The thing I hate about smartphones is the trend away from physical keyboards.
I don't know if I should call it a purse
Tactile feedback is a big deal.
@StrixVaria It's not even a trend, it's a historical shift
It's only big enough to hold an A5 notebook and my Nexus 7
haptic feedback
Ever since getting a smartphone, I use 50% more pockets.
@badp Post pictures
@OrigamiRobot I've cut on my pocket use by about 90%
@fredley If I could find a product code on it
Right pocket: Phone. Left Pocket: Keys. Rear right: Wallet.
@badp How many pockets do you have?
@badp You have a smart device? Use that to take a photo.
@OrigamiRobot 3 usually, but they're empty most of the time. Keys are an exception.
@fredley The camera on the Nexus 7 is terribad.
I have 6 pockets on the trousers I'm wearing atm
@fredley This, but I used to be able to keep my phone and keys in one pocket.
@badp Wallet can almost be replaced by phone, so can keys
but they're "cargo pants"
@kalina That reminds me, I need new trousers
@kalina Cargo pants are the worst and I hate you.
I don't care about your ass.
@OrigamiRobot I dislike you too
And I'm about to get glasses. WHERE WILL I KEEP THOSE?
you need glasses?
@OrigamiRobot On your face?
@StrixVaria lol
@kalina I had glasses, but they were stolen in 2006.
Who steals glasses?
@OrigamiRobot It took you seven years to replace your glasses?
Yes, and I am only doing so because I have vision insurance now.
I feel like I will regret this
I wish I could find someone to make me lenses for these:
@OrigamiRobot An optician will be able to
@fredley Not always willing to
I've asked.
Levis website is broken, I am stuck without trousers for the foreseeable future.
@OrigamiRobot Have you offered money?
@OrigamiRobot Offer more
The first hurdle is finding one that does rimless in the first place.
@badp Yup, not wearing that.
(...it was gifted to me.)
What even is that?
I don't know what I'd call it.
It's like a computer bag, it's only a third of the size.
A bag?
Fuck that noise.
You're the one screaming.
in Hell.
At any rate, it's a stable equilibrium I've found in the multi-dimensional clusterfuck space of wearable things × technology × convenience × battery and I'm pretty happy with it.
So if you want to bill or ship to an address with more than two words in the road name, you can't
Silly Levis
I hope being rude to them with their feedback form will help fix this
@badp My problem is the convenience factor is extremely low for me.
@fredley Is it not just a free text field?
@OrigamiRobot I'm not selling anything to you. I'm not in your shoes. Whatever.
@badp I don't think that means what you think it means.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but the form fails to validate, server side, if you have more than two space-delimited words in it.
@fredley That's the worst idea ever.
@OrigamiRobot It's at least 4 hitlers
Levi's web developer(s) need firing
Like, is the number a separate field or something? Are addresses over there not formatted in a similar way to over here?
@OrigamiRobot Nope
Nope to what?
123 Street Rd
That by itself is 3 words.
@OrigamiRobot Does not validate
If first line of address is company name, you're fucked
@fredley Is "123 Street Rd" not how you format addresses?
@OrigamiRobot It is
3 Isaac Newton Road is not a shippable address.
But even if the street name was one word, it still wouldn't work?
Do they expect you to leave off the "road" part?
IssaacNewton Rd
Isaac-Newton Road
Find an incorrect-but-close way.
Post men are smart.
8 mins ago, by fredley
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but the form fails to validate, server side, if you have more than two space-delimited words in it.
As well as the word limit there's a char limit I think, so Isaac Newton Road is never going to work
Fuck this
I could order from Levis US but they refuse to ship the the UK
Stupid company
post men only need the house number and postcode anyway
post women don't even need that
Wee! It's an awesome day outside.
I wish the review queue would stop being crap
when I click skip, that doesn't mean "show it to me again in a minute"
Ok, walk outside was nice. Definitely needed some air.
my phone says it's raining
it's lieing
I'm running properly hot today, need to remove some clothes... can't really do that at work
last free Android game I got was carmageddon
can't really get any better than that
I'm surprised that Civilization is only available on iOS
@Ullallulloo I paid for that :/
Why can't I buy Android apps from Amazon in my country?
At this time, we're only able to offer Android apps and associated content to our customers in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, and United Kingdom. We value all our international customers and hope to make our content available in additional countries in the future.
sonic for android \o/
and the shipping address trick doesn't work.
This re-mastered mobile version of the SEGA Genesis classic features the full “Sonic The Hedgehog” game
buys for the green hills soundtrack
I need a new Kairosoft game.
I miss good Sonic games :(
@OrigamiRobot Did you not like Generations?
The one I had for the DS (Sonic Dash?) was ok. The switching between the screens was neat, but could get disorienting at high speeds.
@Fluttershy Just found an island accessible only by Worm Hole :D
Q: Steam lock purchases

boboboboKids play with the gaming computer that has a Steam acct always logged in. I'm worried about them "accidentally" purchasing something in the store, is there way to require a password to complete a purchase in Steam?

Q: Is there any good game like "Tower of the Sorcerer" or "The Enchanted Cave"?

Calvin ZhangIf you don't know what is "Tower of the Sorcerer", visit here: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013374/game/egame0.html Til now, the best game of this type I have found is "The Enchanted Cave": http://www.kongregate.com/games/DustinAux/the-enchanted-cave Anyone could recommend other good games ...

And now I am using a Bush Hat to ambush rabbits
Dear coworkers, I do not wish to speak to you while you are touching your genitals. To clarify, this especially applies while in the restroom. Thank You
Sonic on a touch screen sounds awful :(
@OrigamiRobot plays alright
@BenBrocka Yeah, that sums it up entirely.
TV TV TV Sports sports sports TV sports Call of duty dog call of duty
@SaintWacko Oh nice! Does it have anything good on it?
@Fluttershy No, just a couple beefalo and a couple bee hives
Everything is spiders
@SaintWacko Dang. =(
D3 infographic
Some neat stats in there.
Only 6% of characters have cleared Inferno.
648 trillion gold collected.
If every piece was the size of a quarter, there's enough to fill Scrooge's money bin over 600 times.
@Fluttershy Librarian is awesome
I can actually be mobile
@SaintWacko That's probably who I'll start with next. Her or the robot. I haven't decided yet.
@Fluttershy I don't see much use for the robot
I never have spoiled food
@SaintWacko I do. Often.
So, I just found Dark Souls for $10 on clearance at Walmart... Today is a good day.
@Fluttershy Nice!
@OrigamiRobot Additionally:
Q: How can I beat the endless quarry without resorting to advanced barricading

SteininIn Orcs Must Die 2, using the sorceress and any combination of weapons, traps and trinkets available to her, what is a valid strategy for surviving 40 waves in the endless quarry map without resorting to advanced barricading "strategies"?

@Sterno I hate urinals. I always go in a stall.
so nice to be home, now I can remove some clothes and cool down
@OrigamiRobot Same here
@Fluttershy THERE'S A ROBOT?!?!?!?!
@OrigamiRobot Yes
Buying the game now?
I already bought it, I'm just bad at it.
@OrigamiRobot It is tough to get started
which game are you talking about?
Don't Starve
@kalina For someone who star baits all day long, you sure complain a lot about getting stars.
@Sterno She has to be doing it on purpose
@Sterno I wasn't star baiting -.-
@Sterno I don't consider that star bait. Taking off your clothes when you get home is pretty standard.
why is it that your definition of star baiting seems to align with "being me"
@OrigamiRobot ...really?
Clothes are cumbersome.
@SaintWacko If you're home, why wear clothes?
Clothes are the worst.
I am literally burning up
I would feel very odd walking around even my own house naked
I'm not even wearing full pajamas
@OrigamiRobot That's just a different kind of clothes.
Oh, pajamas?
@OrigamiRobot It may be standard. Announcing to everyone that you're doing so is not.
Pajamas are a different story
@StrixVaria More comfortable though.
I usually just wear a robe.
maybe I need to recalibrate how outgoing I am
*stops chatting unless it falls into the category of earth-shattering/must know*
@OrigamiRobot good point, will take off my pants now
I feel better now
See? It's true.
Don't pull a gnomeslice and pretend like you have no idea what I'm talking about and then overreact.
Though in other news: I miss @gnomeslice
Yesterday's reveal in a nutshell.
Q: Did Smith & Tinker and Pirahna Games' MechWarrior 5 title fall through?

PräriewolfIn July of last year Gamasutra did an article on a new MechWarrior title. I haven't heard anything since. Did the title fall through?

Off-topic, Too Localized, Too Old, No One Cares, Confuses @badp
Close as whatever you want.
@badp in other words get a cable box and ps4 instead?
@Blem unless you want dogs.
@badp is Call of Duty xbox only?
@Blem It gets exclusive first DLCs
which, I assume, means that non-XBox versions have to wait for a week or so.
@badp This is standard for the Xbox, because Microsoft won't let a DLC release at all on the Xbox unless it releases first on the Xbox.
@StrixVaria Okay, but it doesn't require you to release for everything else second
:) guess it doesn't matter since I don't play that kind of fps games and if I was to play some CoD it would not be on a console
Q: Greek Archers in Rome Total War glitching?

Young GuiloThis has just occured 10 minutes ago. I was playing on a custom battle (my unit of greek archers vs. a unit of Spartans) and my archers glitched into the battlefield floor. They continue to shoot their arrows out of the ground killing people. How can I avoid this in the future in order to have go...

Q: I logged in for the first time in a year and my level 3 skiller somehow became level 4

rhazorI logged in for the first time in a year and my level 3 skiller somehow became level 4. I had this skilled for like 4 years with some 99s and now I came back to check out what's going and its combat level is 4! It's totally ruined. I don't get it why and how. Was there some update related to this...

Q: Doomsday device in Rome Total War?

Young GuiloThere is a doomsday device in Meideival Total War (Houston). Is there a device like this for Rome Total War? How can you get this item in game?

@Blem dungeddit

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