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For anyone who's played Infinite, is this answer at all accurate, or is it just a bunch of bull?
Free flags everyone
@fbueckert It's pretty accurate, but I'm not sure..
@Retrosaur That made me think of the Soup Nazi. I'm not sure why.
Except for the Quantum Physics part, not sure about that
@Wipqozn lol
Basically, let's see if I can do spoilers in chat
>! testing one two three
Nevermind, looks like it doesnt work
Nope, that doesn't work either.
/spoilers the ending and the ending
@Retrosaur Chat lacks a spoiler feature.
Well, looks like I can't explain the ending
while not being spoilerific to everyone else
Thanks for the heads up. Now I can make use of the hide function to avoid them there spoilers.
explaining the ending to a game that has just come out will likely get you hated anyway
@kalina Indeed.
in chat*
Especially seeing as how it just came out today.
I probably won't buy the game until the christmas sale, but still.
@fbueckert wait, what? Talk about a short game.
really now?
@Retrosaur Just put <spoiler> in place of any spoiler text. That would be great. Thanks.
8 mins ago, by fbueckert
For anyone who's played Infinite, is this answer at all accurate, or is it just a bunch of bull?
You know what's not a short game, @fbueckert? (cc @OrigamiRobot)
@Wipqozn Monster Hunter.
You're seriously asking for someone to reply
I was going to play it tonight but if it's that short I will do something else instead
@fbueckert Exactly! (cc @OrigamiRobot).
Which means you're asking for spoilers
in chat.
@Retrosaur I'm looking for accuracy.
Yes or no. It sounds kinda baseless.
@Retrosaur Just a yes or no.
@Retrosaur don't do this again, I'm bored of you repeatedly looking for examples like this
Okay then, good excuse. I'll just use it for everything I do in chat via spoilers
OMG are we on spoilers again?
fuckit, I'll just put you on ignore now and get it over with, save me the hour of annoyance
Indeed, @fbueckert asked for spoilers but I don't know why.
@OrigamiRobot No, we're on Monster Hunter!
Oh look, mini-modding!
Basically you were dead all along and the girl was a spy of Heaven checking on your conduct. If you kill anybody, anybody, you go to Hell. Otherwise you go to Purgatory because you stole a candy from a child in the opening cutscene.
@Retrosaur Dude, stop with the hostile attitude.
Feb 14 at 15:59, by Retrosaur
Also, I'm trying to be less obnoxious here
You're not helping anyone at all.
Oh, I'm sorry, was Kalina the one trying to fuck up GnomeSlice?
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; please calm the fuck down.
@badp lol what did I miss
also that counter is pretty cool
@badp You broke the flag counter! It's stuck at 0 forever now :(
@Wipqozn :(
@Wipqozn this too
@kalina Yeah, that was fun.
refresh fixes it though
Nooooooo zero flags!
Ah, refresh.
There I fix it
seriously though, what happened in those 20 seconds I had him on ignore?
@kalina You'll never know
@badp By forcing a refresh. That's one way to do it.
@kalina I'm wondering the same. I wish I still had room ownership so I could see.
@Wipqozn this
@StrixVaria is owner too.
I promised
I am a robot of my word.
@Wipqozn Because chainswords are awesome.
@fbueckert Exactly!
@kalina You can see it in the transcript IIRC
Even better, it's a Katana chainsword.
@OrigamiRobot You can not. IT just removes the message from there all together.
oh he's banned
I see no (removed) in the transcript though
@kalina Like I said, it just removes the message from the transcript all together.
I blame @OrigamiRobot
@OrigamiRobot, @Krazer is planning to pick up a WiiU and Monster Hunter 3U as well. ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE GOING IT! BOW TO PEER PRESSURE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!
@Wipqozn I read this "Beer pressure".
Maybe that's the solution. Alcohol.
@Coronus Whatever floats your boat man.
@Coronus Alchohol is always a solution.
Let's playing a terrible game is very different from let's playing a good game
Steam Servers just went down
@SaintWacko you think Steam is hosted on just one server?
Missed an s
@Wipqozn dammit now I have to give in to tortoise pressure
Why do I have an indicator for spam/offensive flags?
Hm, force refreshed and now it's gone
@SaintWacko @badp broke the chat flag system.
@Wipqozn Ooh, how'd he do that?
@SaintWacko Blue Ninja magic.
@BenBrocka Which one do you prefer?
good games, definitely
You seemed inspired on that Creepy Sonic thing though
No matter how bad the game is I don't really like mocking them too bad
Oh, creepypasta games are totally different
Those games are all terrible and awesome to make fun of
More Space Janitors coming tomorrow, too!
Although more shorts, as the season doesn't start until next Tuesday
@fredley server down?
@jeffreylin_ What's a fredley server?
:8596026 How rude.
@Ullallulloo Do you get a lot of bad ones?
Looking good @Unionhawk
@SimonL Anonymous edits are usually spam or or adding in how they did it.
For one thing, we should stop allowing anonymous suggested edits. I can't recall more than a few that were even attempts to follow SE's guidelines. Random internet users who don't participate here do not know how we work. We shouldn't even give their edits a chance at being approved. — Matthew Read Jun 26 '12 at 21:34
That got 29 upvotes. =/
And then there is always that one person that goes and does something constructive and ends up joining the community.
I think I might do some anonymous edits when I am on lunch tomorrow.
@SimonL I know they're not all bad, but 99% are. =/
> The disclosures show that Intuit as recently as 2011 lobbied on two bills, both of which died, that would have allowed many taxpayers to file pre-filled returns for free.
Thanks, Intuit!
Most people actually interested in contributing much would sign up.
This is why the US can't have nice things, we let the companies run the place.
It's so easy too. =/
Q: Elizabeth's Brooch: Does the one I pick matter?

AeoAs I was playing Bioshock Infinite today, I was greeted by this fellow and lady shortly after busting Elizabeth from the confines of that statue. They gave us the choice of two brooches. One of a cage, and one of a bird. I simply wasn't thinking that this might have any effect on the game when I ...

Q: Does throwing the ball at the helpless captives yield a different result?

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@Ullallulloo The chances of an anonymouse edit being valid are incredibly low.
I've posted several answers & questions anonymously to stackoverflow from work - which I wouldn't log in to do so while at work.
They're almost always spam or something else that's a reply to the quetion itself.
none of the questions or answers I posted have a negative vote, most are +2 or more
@SimonL Yeah, answers and questions are fine, but edits are even less likely to be valid.
People that don't know the rules aren't going to know how to help thing adhere to them. =/

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