Basically you were dead all along and the girl was a spy of Heaven checking on your conduct. If you kill anybody, anybody, you go to Hell. Otherwise you go to Purgatory because you stole a candy from a child in the opening cutscene.
@OrigamiRobot, @Krazer is planning to pick up a WiiU and Monster Hunter 3U as well. ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE GOING IT! BOW TO PEER PRESSURE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!
@SimonL Anonymous edits are usually spam or or adding in how they did it.
For one thing, we should stop allowing anonymous suggested edits. I can't recall more than a few that were even attempts to follow SE's guidelines. Random internet users who don't participate here do not know how we work. We shouldn't even give their edits a chance at being approved. — Matthew ReadJun 26 '12 at 21:34
> The disclosures show that Intuit as recently as 2011 lobbied on two bills, both of which died, that would have allowed many taxpayers to file pre-filled returns for free.
As I was playing Bioshock Infinite today, I was greeted by this fellow and lady shortly after busting Elizabeth from the confines of that statue. They gave us the choice of two brooches. One of a cage, and one of a bird. I simply wasn't thinking that this might have any effect on the game when I ...
In the beginning of Bioshock Infinite, you are given the ball with the 77 on it.
You then have the choice to throw it at the emcee or at the helpless captives. choosing the emcee will allow him to recognize you from your marks.
Would choosing the captives have yielded a different result? If so ...
I have heard that Bioshock Infinite has a difficulty setting called "1999" mode which is supposed to make the game more difficult as somewhat of a throwback to first person shooters from the late 90's.
What changes does enabling "1999" mode make to the game and what do you to do in order to ena...