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Once I am graduated, and eventually never have money (I am so scared I will like end up working at Tim Hortons or something again) I want to travel all over the place and meet as many Arqadians as possible. I think it would be a ridiculous adventure of awesome proportions
So, how many people have Bioshock: Infinite questions typed up and ready to post the second the game is unlocked on Steam?
I don't, which is why I'm passive-aggressively whining about it like this.
@Brant Oh, it's even better. Someone has already asked them.
And when they got closed there was the usual meta drama
Someone should respond to that. If I had the mental faculties I would tackle it, but school has claimed most of my brain.
@AshleyNunn I still want to come up there this summer
@saintwacko you totally should!
There could be cake! Or other awesome!
Q: Is there any way to lowest/raise/finely-tune the mouse sensitivity even more?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftWith mouse acceleration on, the mouse is too sensitive, even at the lowest setting. With mouse acceleration off, the mouse is not nearly sensitive enough at the lowest setting, but way too sensitive at the next highest setting. Is there some configuration file I can edit? This is annoying me.

Somebody went through and removed the comments on those Bioshock Infinite questions...
Really? :(
Looks like the ones mentioning seeding were removed.
Oh !@#$%
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Wasp/bee/hornet get you?
Of course. I forgot you can't go back and replay missions in the campaign. Blast, I missed a map city
Playing Advance War DS on an emulator
Oh. Gotcha. I have never played that.
It's the best Advance Wars game, and one of the best turn based strategy games around
The AI is much better than the previous one, and it's pretty unforgiving. And of course because I missed that blasted map I might have to restart the campaign again to get it
It's a shame the series doesn't seem to have any more sequels
Q: Blademail damage return by owned or summoned units

Prem AnandFor example lycan. His summoned wolves attack a target with active blademail, Who will have the impact of the return damage, Lycan or the wolves?

I may regret this later, but I Answered seans meta post. It's late, and I was typing on my phone, so I hope the things I was thinking about over the past hour or two came across well.
And now, I sleep. Because sleep is good.
Q: Is it possible to reenable common Windows keyboard shortcuts?

Jeff MercadoSo I just installed the game and discovered something that I know will be a huge annoyance. Apparently all the typical Windows keyboard shortcuts do not work anymore. It's as if the game is actively blocking the commands from being sent to the OS. So it is impossible to Alt + Tab out of the g...

Q: league of legends incepting WINAMP ctrl+alt key-combinations

Vogel612So i have Started my PC, Opened WinAmp and LOL (as well as TS) when in game LOL incepts my WinAmp global key constants (ctrl+alt+v, ctrl+alt+arrowup and so on), but not my Teamspeak global key constants (ctrl+alt+o/p) can anyone guess why or how to "fix" this?

Currently reading: The Sheriff of Yrnameer by Michael Rubers
Q: Is there a reason for me to (not) kill everything?

kotekzotOut of boredom, I decided to shoot a civilian in the head, and was surprised that he actually died instead of ignoring it. Is there any reason for me to either kill them all or to refrain from doing so?

@YiJiang'sEvilClone it looks good based on Goodreads
@YiJiang'sEvilClone gif-explode.com is also a thing that exists
> Note to community: Since the only five people in the world who know how reddit's technology works are all going to be at the reception tonight, please try to avoid doing things that might stress the servers, such as submitting a post that generates a gigantic comment thread.
That was two years ago. I wonder how high the bus factor is now
@YiJiang'sEvilClone submits test post please ignore
badp has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: Where does the PC version of Bioshock Infinite store save game files?

DrTwoxI need to preserve my progress so my SO can play it too!

This isn't a thing I was aware of
@badp It just started. Bastion is the first offer.
got a couple of hours to decide if i want to buy it
Bastion? Go go go get it
And get the soundtrack while you're at it too
You should already have it if you bought some previous Humble Bundle
na, I only started buying humble bundles at the THQ bundle
It's only $1. For what some considered the best game of 2011. What are you waiting for?
@fredley I have a present for you!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone DONE, now i just need to find time to play it :)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone The average of $2.7 is probably below their expectations.
posted on March 26, 2013

This Wednesday we’ll be upgrading the storage for the database servers in the New York data center.  During this window we hope to have less than a minute of downtime during the failover sometime mid-day and the same again when failing back. Currently we have 6x 200GB drives for data in our Dell R710 servers (Intel 710 200GB drives, plus 2 others for the OS).  These servers are NY-S

@badp Mmmhmmm. Possibly.
Total payment of US$207,982
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Looks disappointing all right
It is one game and many you said it was in a previous release so many people have it
Q: How to make Steam stop broadcasting my activity to everyone?

YannbaneFirst off, I don't even know why is this option on by default. It makes no sense. Anyway, I'd like my friends not to be notified when I log in, log out, and, most importantly, start playing some game. How can I achieve this?

Yes! Redid mission 10 and got that stupid map
Holy crap. Not a easy mission. Ugh. Ah well, let's see...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone what are you playing?
Advance Wars DS on emulator
Played it a bit long ago (might have been for another GB version)
Very nice game imo, i just never got really in to it
i found it too hard later on
then again i suck D:
Perfect 300 score, phew.
That mission was easier than I thought
Q: When will answerswarm winners be announced?

corrodedJust curious as to when the winners are announced/prizes sent. It wasn't anywhere in the Answerswarm site (unless I'm really THAT blind).

The AI is much better than in Advance War 2. There are fewer exploitable AI quirks, and the AI seems to use its units more effectively
Advance Wars? oh, man. That was great in secondary school because the 4 of you could play on one Game Boy.
Is there a wait for new users to self answer?
@OrigamiRobot I think there is
24 hours, I thought.
@OrigamiRobot yes
I don't enjoy discos.
Do people still say "discos"
I enjoy discos
What does it actually look like?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone if you have to exploit quirks to win the game, the ai is broken imo :D
@djsmiley2k Not so much as quirks, as bad heuristics. For instance, the old AI will always attack vehicles carrying units first, use CO power the moment the meter fills up, etc.
hmmm yeah
Q: Is there a virtual machine with direct access to CPU and GPU for gaming?

psylockeerSorry for the long question. With the coming of STEAM for linux I may have been over optimistic un got rid of windows installation. The problem is I have about 100 steam games that are not (and may never be) converted to linux. Anyway I got tired of dual boot, and wine solutions (wineprefix and ...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside no.
Citrix XenServer, VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, KVM.
You need specific hardware for it to work though.
See also: PCI Passthrough - wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_PCI_Passthrough
Morning, Bridge
@Unionhawk I gave you two of the records you wanted.
Morning, Bridge
@OrigamiRobot Sweet! Thanks!
Q: Automaton industry stacking mechanism

SavagemanThere are 2 things I'd like to understand about the Automaton special ability. This is what I read on Wikia and the Amplitude Studio Website, emphasising what I don't understand : At the end of the turn, if there is an overproduction, it's stacked instead of being reported [1]. At the begin...

@Unionhawk I put them in your project chest.
@OrigamiRobot I'll sort them out later.
So this is a kumquat
Kumquats or cumquats are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, either forming the genus Fortunella, or placed within Citrus sensu lato. The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange (Citrus sinensis), but it is much smaller and ovular, being approximately the size and shape of an olive. The English name "kumquat" derives from the Cantonese pronunciation gam1 gwat1 (given in Jyutping romanization). They are slow-growing evergreen shrubs or short trees, from tall, with dense branches, sometimes bearing small thorns. The leaves are dark glossy...
I've eaten them before, surprisingly enough. You're suppose to eat the peel and throw away the fruit
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You can just eat them whole too. My grandfather had a kumquat tree in Florida.
The center is unbearably sour
@fredley @Unionhawk @ronan Is GregTech disabled on this server?
@jeffreylin_ Gregtech is not on the Direwolf20 pack.
@Unionhawk You're kidding.
@jeffreylin_ ...Nope
@jeffreylin_ No, check the pack.
Oh come on!
I just wasted a lot of resources then.
@jeffreylin_ ...what did you do?
I gathered all the stuff needed to make an ultimate solar helmet
@jeffreylin_ Ah. That's Advanced Solar Panels, which is also not on the server.
Then why does the entry exist in NEI?!?!!?
@jeffreylin_ Because the ultimate solar helmet is a part of the Gravisuite mod, which we have, but it requires the Ultimate Hybrid Solar panel, which we do not.
So what can I make?
@jeffreylin_ If you're looking for a solar helmet that's better than the crappy one, Compact Solars offers LV, MV, and HV solar hats.
Be advised, though, extensive charging with the hat will cause nausea.
Can they charge quantum armor?
@jeffreylin_ Why do you want a solar helmet?
@jeffreylin_ Yes, any of them can.
@Unionhawk Even the original crappy one?
Be advised: they do NOT give the effects of the Q helmet though
@jeffreylin_ Not certain. You've got one. Try it and see
@Unionhawk Then again, neither does the Q helmet...
Yeah, I figured that out after I drowned.
@jeffreylin_ Quantum armor sucks. Use a powersuit!
It charges the quantum armor! ... incredibly slowly
@SaintWacko I mean, the Q helmet still gives you no drown, no poison, no wither
@Unionhawk Doesn't give no eat, though, which was the best part
@SaintWacko In a newer version, you need to have cans of food in your inventory for that to work
@SaintWacko Use cans!
@Unionhawk Why can't I access old miner?
@jeffreylin_ I think that world got borked in the crash... sorry
@jeffreylin_ We can rebuild. We have the technology.
@Unionhawk Yeah, but that's annoying
@jeffreylin_ Powersuit helmet takes any food.
@Unionhawk But...... my awesome stuff was all there.
Why can't it just replicate food like it used to
@SaintWacko Yeah, it is.
@OrigamiRobot Ooh, that's good to know
@OrigamiRobot So?
How hard is it to make a powersuit?
@OrigamiRobot Which is both good and bad...
@SaintWacko Not very. Especially since there are a lot of recipes enabled that assume that you only have Modular Powersuits installed...
@SaintWacko Way easier than Quantum
I'll have to log in and check them out
Although I have no infrastructure on the Arqade server...
@jeffreylin_ So powersuits are better :P
@OrigamiRobot A lot of stuff has been fixed in the newest version by the way; indefinite flight with a kinetic generator is no longer a thing.
But it'll be months before we see that version anyway
@Unionhawk It's still better because you can move faster and such.
@OrigamiRobot Well, yeah. Oh, and also from the dev: the auto-feed doesn't auto suck everything anymore, which is a good change.
@OrigamiRobot Do you want to PVP?
I've eaten so much raw beef on accident it's not even funny...
@Unionhawk Yea that was annoying when I was trying to do Thaumcraft.
My quantum armor vs. your powersuit
@jeffreylin_ Sure, why not?
On this server?
45 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@jeffreylin_ Sure, why not?
After I actually install the rest of my shields. I don't need em for normal running about.
any tips on how to sync Osx iTunes with Android Phone?
@jeffreylin_ Your Q armor should win, by a little. Since it gives 100% damage reduction, and the powersuit gives 24 points of armor.
@OrigamiRobot ^ Take that!
@Unionhawk If he can hit me.
@OrigamiRobot Well, true. Just run away and let him discharge his legs and boots.
That'll reduce the protection by 45%
@Unionhawk And shoot at him while I run.
@OrigamiRobot With the slow-moving projectile cannon? Good luck with that...
@Unionhawk Better than nothing.
I haz mining lazer
And nano saber -- Deals 10 hearts of damage per hit
@jeffreylin_ So does my power tool.
And I can have a 3x3 grid anywhere.
And I never have to recharge it.
@Unionhawk and I tested. powertool deals only 5 hearts
And I never take fall damage.
> The console team formed 1 year before the game launched.
@jeffreylin_ Then the GUI is lying.
And Blizzard wonders why everyone's screaming that D3 was built for consoles.
Not 10 hearts, 10 HP, which is 5 hearts
You know that 10 damage = 5 hearts in Minecraft, right?
Mine actually deals 10 hearts
I know.
IIRC the GUI says 10 hearts.
8 hearts per hit
Pretty powerful then for something so easily made.
@jeffreylin_ If it only does 8 heart, the point is moot. Still two hits to kill things.
You need ... a generator, a macerator (to make bronze and coal dust), a compressor, and a trip to the Nether (for the glow stone dust).
It only wastes power when it's on though.
6 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
And I never have to recharge it.
@OrigamiRobot Screw you
Q: Mapping gamepad to Half-Life ep 1

Shelby. SSo I tried mapping my xbox 360 controller to half-life, and no good. Must I use a third party software to map the keys?

@OrigamiRobot That's easy. All you need for that is a stick and a crafting table
@SaintWacko I don't need either. The Power Tool can function as a 3x3
@OrigamiRobot Does it have the nice shortcuts from the Portable Crafting Grid?
@SaintWacko I don't know what that is.
@OrigamiRobot You craft a crafting table and a stick together, and it gives you a 3x3 crafting grid that you can access anywhere
It also functions as a weapon (ranged and melee), shovel, pick, and axe. All in one item.
@OrigamiRobot This is causing lag
Like the Power Tool, but really low tech
@OrigamiRobot Ooh, nice
@jeffreylin_ Eh?
@jeffreylin_ You broke it!
@OrigamiRobot That ^
I was investigating
Ever heard of a void pipe?
I hate pipes.
@jeffreylin_ Those are awful
They destroy half the product!
Unless there's some way to make only the overflow go to one
@jeffreylin_ Well, fix it.
@OrigamiRobot You have lava?
@jeffreylin_ Lava is annoying.
@OrigamiRobot Pop... pop pop...pop...
Fine. What isn't annoying!??!
@jeffreylin_ Powersuits :P
@SaintWacko Logistics pipes. Though I prefer overflow cobblestone to go to a filler cleaning up after the previous quarry or whatever produced them instead.
@MartinSojka Ooh, that's a good idea
@jeffreylin_ ...
@jeffreylin_ ...Did you break his stuff worse?
@jeffreylin_ Will be the first human to test out my human processing center
I forgot that BC pipes don't connect with RP machines
Stop breaking my stuff.
Griefer processing center*
Just put lava in there and I'll deal with it later.
Fix the thermopile.
The ehermopile isn't broken...
@jeffreylin_ If you put lava in there it will be. Put the block back.
@jeffreylin_ I imagine a very posh pile going "E-herm..."
What about nether rack?
@jeffreylin_ Just put the block back over the water and put lava in there.
Your sorting machine is still going

>A transposer into a lava block will do the same thing as a void pipe, in that the transposer deletes the item instead of actually outputting it into the lava block, to save on lag/etc. Good luck!
@jeffreylin_ No.
Just fix the water source and put lava in there for now.
I'll fix it properly when I get home.
Alternative use for Cobblestone if you have EE3: autocraft 4 cobblestone + minimum stone into flint, autocraft 4 flint into clay, autocraft clay blocks out of them, autocraft 4 clay blocks into iron, 8 iron into gold, 4 gold into diamond.
8192 cobblestone (+ some minimum shards) into 1 diamond, same as EE2.
hmm... that seems like a lot of work
Only in setting it up, I think. You'll also need to replace the first minium stones with new ones regularly, but the shards drop from mobs like crazy anyway. Stock up on them and you should be fine.
All in all, it looks way more balanced than EE2 ever was. :)
@MartinSojka Just about anything is more balanced than EE2
I had a setup producing a dozen stacks of red matter overnight
That's almost 700 stacks of diamonds
@origamirobot and it's not even my birthday!
@fredley Check you lazer chest. It's a secret.
@fredley It's reserved for the devotees of HS.
@ori I am liberally overflowing with excitement
I hate mobile chat
@fredley I read that last word as excrement. What is wrong with me?
@fredley Well, I'm sure that's not false
@yijiang I read that the same way
@ori you are a meabie
@fredley Fine, I'm taking back my present to show how meab I can be!
@ori :-(
Fine, I won't.
I'm at a social media workshop. It's as bullshit as it sounds.
Ugh, I'm sorry. You'll feel better when you get your surprise.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm calling a week long build up to April Fools
Is it still getting longer?
Someone posted an animated GIF of the sandcastle growing earlier
how often dose it update?
seems like every half hourish
and now that I'm looking for it, I don't see it... I thought it was in here. :|
I just posted one
well, it's the whole strip
@OrigamiRobot You mean Internet Jackass Day?
Every day is internet jackass day if you read article/video comments
Having a tiny bakery like a block from my house that makes the best apple strudel ever and sells it for relatively cheap is the most dangerous thing ever. In other news, apple strudel makes an amazing breakfast.
by dangerous, do you mean awesome?
Pretty much yeah.
It makes a good cheap tasty breakfast. And it is right on my walk to the bus in the morning!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It needs an update ;)
So is everyone else off work playing Infinite. Or am I just projecting my own desires while stranded at work
@AshleyNunn Apple strudels are awesome.
@tiddy I am also stranded at work.
And add cinnamon (which is standard, I hope), and I'd be in heaven.
@OrigamiRobot Me too. For now
Also I don't have Infinite
I have 5 hours
Im pretty pumped, steam gave out free xcom
So I bought 2 AAA titles for 60
@fbueckert yeah, just before they get boxed they get a nice shake of cinnamon over the tops, and a touch of icing sugar
Pretty much the best thing
@tiddy everyone was giving XCOM. GMG was giving XCOM + Bioshock 1 + one other game of your choice (between 5)
@AshleyNunn Now I want apple strudels.
Yeah saw that
I forgot I grabbed a free Bioshock
@OrigamiRobot I thought everyone was also given Bioshock 1
I'll give that away
@fbueckert I would share mine if I could
Steam had free b1, xcom, and tf2 items
@Powerlord That was on Steam and GMG. Amazon was giving XCOM and $30 2K credit.
damn... I wish I was paying attention to that stuff
Yeah I think the DLC pack or something was also included?
@fbueckert am darkly amused that Star Command missed another date - if last week was the last week of developing, then...game, Yeah? Nope.
@AshleyNunn Well, Apple's approval process usually takes 1-2 weeks to go through.
I think that's what they meant by "last week of development".
Morning, Bridge!
@Fluttershy Good morning!
@Fluttershy G'morning!
@fbueckert Or that they were just giving up on it
@SaintWacko At this point, I would not be surprised at all.
@fbueckert either way, having to wait the extra month for Android is craptacular
@fluttershy good morning
@AshleyNunn Yup.
@AshleyNunn Wait, what?
Who freaking cares about iOS? Android!
That doesn't make any sense...
Hello hello
@saintwacko that's what they have said. They said it will take at least a month after the iOS release to see an Android release.
I've stopped caring about Star Command. If it releases, it's a pleasant surprise.
If not, it's vaporware, like I said.
I care for some reason I cannot explain.
Q: What is the best map and team build to earn the Survival Onyx Medal in Gears of War Judgement?

Zero StackI have been playing survival mode with some [in my mind] decent players I met in Gears of War Judgement and we have been having some troubles trying to earn the Onyx Medal for the Survival mode: Survive wave 10 on insane difficulty (any map). Seeing as there is no way ( to my knowledge ) to start...

@AshleyNunn The consensus I have heard from most devs is that iOS is just a much much easier target to release for. Apple approval shenanigans aside, the fact that you only need to target two resolutions and a half dozen devices that are mostly identical anyway makes the whole thing go much faster.
So, if you start development of both at the same time, and commit the same resources to both... why should you hold up the iOS release just to make people with Android devices happy that they didn't have to wait longer?
For the last few days I've been thinking that the left side of my mouth had grown swollen and that I was chewing on it accidentally because of that. Nope. It's a wisdom tooth peeking out. I can now fell the cusps.
More teeth is good news right? right??
@badp Could be, if you have enough space for said wisdom tooth.
@badp Not unless you're a shark.
And sharks don't use keyboards.
What about @Raven?
Yeah unless your teeth are gappy already, it's gonna get crowded
@badp That said, what you're describing is suspiciously similar to what happened to me, which eventually resulted in 4 impacted and infected teeth - it got so bad that I couldn't open and close my mouth to talk without bleeding from the inadvertent chewing of my swollen gums and cheeks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is what would worry me. You want to assess the situation before it becomes worse to fix.
Of course now I feel hyperaware of that area and everything starts hurting in sinister ways
@badp On the plus side, once you get them yanked, you'll be given a weeks worth of prescription painkillers and free reign to subsist on chocolate pudding and jello for a week.
@Coronus Hooray for not having any insurance when that happened!
@Coronus (The worst part is that two weeks after I finally paid to get them yanked, my employer promoted me and I qualified for health and dental benefits. NOT BITTER.)
@Coronus I had them scanned and the dentist was at least a little worried about the lower one
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't let it be said that the universe has perfect timing.
@badp Have you been having muscle pain in your neck or general headacheiness as well?
whereas both of my upper ones came out a year ago with no problem
@LessPop_MoreFizz nope.
@badp Lucky. (Not that either of those are bad things - they're perfectly normal side effects of wisdom teeth growing in, even for people that don't need them yanked.)
Q: Play on the Metal Mario level in Super Smash Bros. (N64)

mikeybaby173My question is this: is it possible to deploy some hack or mod in some way to allow N64 Super Smash Bros. to play multiplayer mode on the Metal Mario level? I'm asking because I really enjoy playing on games with few environmental distractions (exemplified by my favorite being the Kirby level - D...

Q: Emulator problems with Brigandine

Marco LeblancI have a scratched copy of Brigandine, an old game by Atlus on PSOne. I also have a PSOne. Now that we got that out of the way ... I'm having trouble emulating this game from a ROM, and all of my google searches have lead to dead-ends. When I try with ePSXe v 1.70, I can load it, start a new...

Q: Where the hell is my Hydreigon?

Jonathan DrainMy Pokémon White cartridge has Hydreigon as Caught, which means that at one point I had one. It's not there any more, and I kind of need it. I can't find it in any of my PC boxes, or in my current party. It's not at the daycare. I didn't trade it. I only have one other cart and it only has Hydr...

@Lazers This sounds far too broad to be really answerable.
@Lazers Mario only Final Destination?
@fbueckert Since Final Destination is unlockable in the later games, I just assumed that's what they were asking about.
(I haven't played the original Super Smash Bros)
@Powerlord I'm not really a Smash Bros. fan at all, so I have no idea at all what he's talking about.
@fbueckert If this were a Super Smash Bros. Melee question, I'd tell him he has to beat all 51 event stages to unlock it.
@badp Thanks. You reminded me of the Tongue Awareness Month xkcd comic. :P
@Powerlord Sounds like he wants someone to give him a mod or hack that has that level in it.
@fbueckert Well, apparently it's single player only in the original.

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