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Official Arqade strapline: Moderators always be closing. Always.
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If anyone wants a more perfect one
@SaintWacko We're a trough of sorrow?
Don't you guys have work to do? :P
@GraceNote I noticed that too :P
@fbueckert Don't we always?
@fbueckert Always.
@fbueckert Yes
4 mins ago, by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone
@OrigamiRobot We have waaaay too much time on our hands
@fbueckert I don't :)
Also I kinda wish we could've made negative-took into negatook.
@spugsley Boo. Day off. Wish I had those.
@spugsley Well, aren't you special!
@fbueckert yup, Tuesdays are nothing days!
oh, and Thursday, and Friday
yay college
@spugsley Gah. I wish I had that much free time.
I can't even stay home tonight and play Monster Hunter all evening. :(
@fbueckert eh, it gets boring
@spugsley Then why'd you ask?!
@spugsley My schedule is balanced per OCD... Leaving me with, no nothing days.
@fbueckert Grass is always greener! I wish I had a job.
@FAE You and me both.
@FAE Indeed. I have a job, I want more time to play video games.
@Sterno :p you are a poop
I do nothing but play video games, I wish I had a job.
Hmmm, it's not on HN front page anymore
@Fluttershy Meaning I wish I had a job. <_<
Then again that's probably why we could get away with this in the first place
@Fluttershy lolololol nice one
@fbueckert I knew it
@fbueckert Curse the necessity of being an adult!
@SaintWacko fixed
@FAE Then again, I tend to go stir crazy after two days of nothing to do, so having a job is an all around good thing.
@fbueckert It's always helpful to have structure, aye.
A battle!
@FAE Plus it helps the old pocketbook!
Which is good, because I'm planning on buying another house this year.
Someone's attacking Arqade!
@fbueckert Oh wow, really?
We must defend the homeland!
@FAE That's the plan.
gives up
Not sure if I can swing it.
@fbueckert Going to be a landlord?
@fbueckert Another house? Can I have your old one?
@Fluttershy You can rent from me!
But you have to move into Canada.
And it's currently -25.
@fbueckert I'll pass.
@fbueckert Specifically, to Winnipeg.
@StrixVaria That's the plan.
@fbueckert He doesn't do well in cold, haha.
I would move to Toronto/Mississauga/etc.
I would not move to Winnipeg.
blissfully... new word to my vocabulary... o.O there is not similar in Portuguese (not in one word at least)
@fbueckert There's a lot of money in it if you like dealing with bullshit 24/7.
We had blowing snow to go with the 30 hour storm.
I had to shovel through ~4 feet to clear my sidewalks.
@fbueckert Good luck!
@StrixVaria Not really a fan of dealing with bullshit. I may murder tenants if they annoy me sufficiently.
@SaintWacko Misssing an
@SaintWacko Next job: build the logo
Happy baby!
@fredley Yeah, I'm not sure where it went
@fredley Someone did that earlier
@Sterno Vulcan death grip?
We deconstructed it to make room for ARQADE, though
@SaintWacko You can search for it
@SaintWacko Need to get this guy's script:
@fredley Ooh, yeah
@OrigamiRobot Cursor
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We're awesome
@Michel You don't have something akin to the French euphorique or bénédiction, depending on context?
I really need to get back to work.
@MartinSojka Eufórico and bênção
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I should probably pay attention to the instructors
@SaintWacko the exclamation point dotted with an exclamation point is a nice touch
@BenBrocka Yeah, I'm not sure which of us did that :D
I like how if you tab away from the page, then tab back, it'll do all the movements at once
I wonder if we'll get new users from this 'advertisement'
@SaintWacko Me!
@SaintWacko It's off HN front page now. I don't think there's a lot of people watching
@fredley Nice!
Is there a way of seeing how many different people have gotten an achievement in answerswarm?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Aww
Probably why we could get away with this in the first place
@Michel Would work then ("blissful ignorance" comes from "ignorance is bliss" or "ignorance is a blessing", which is where bénédiction comes in; the other one is a straight translation).
MLP micro series issue #2 Rainbow Dash comes out tomorrow.
@JasonBerkan Yes. What's your Steam name? I'll try to remember to hook you up when I get home
@MartinSojka I can say in Portuguese "blissfully" but not in just one word. Is like Saudade if you "translate" into English, you need to say "I miss you"
@Michel That's just English being English and eating half of the word and then pushing it all together to form a new one. "blissfully" is three words: "bliss", "full" and "like".
@MartinSojka I had a lot of trouble when I was learning French because of my accent... the french R's and U's are a little hard to someone that came from a part of Brazil where those are very strong used (like a Texas's person when speaking English has a strong accent). It's funny to listen a English speaker trying to use the ~ in a word, like avião (airplane)
@fredley I'm changing to xycraft tanks!
@OrigamiRobot Woo!
@MartinSojka Eeyup
They do do odd-sized edges
And they look fit
I realized I can use the walls of the room as walls of the tank.
@OrigamiRobot Drool
So I don't have to change my production setup
I just have to figure out what to do with all this biomass
@OrigamiRobot You need somewhere to store it while you move?
@OrigamiRobot I've got some iron tank parts you can use to build a temporary tank.
@RonanForman I can just build a xycraft tank!
Can glass panes be used as walls?
@OrigamiRobot No, must be solid block
@RonanForman I have about three stacks of iron tank wall...
@OrigamiRobot Why do you want that?
@RonanForman The gap between the front of the glass and the liquid looks kinda ugly.
@OrigamiRobot Would look uglier with panes
@OrigamiRobot Oh right, because they don't use the walls like iron tanks do.
@fredley ... It would be less of a gap.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but god man think of the corners!
@fredley It won't be all glass
The edges will be lights
@fbueckert Self-esteem problems?
Trello has a mascot now?
@Michel More like passive aggressive sniping. I'm guessing he's had an answer or two deleted before.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It has an update dog
Oh my glob there is a Sphax texture pack for FTB
@OrigamiRobot link
@OrigamiRobot Too late now really, I'll get confused that everything looks different :-(
@fredley I have the thing turned on that tells you what you're looking at.
@fredley It lags me like hell.
And I don't care anyway.
Sphax PureBDCraft is the best texture pack.
@RonanForman Awww that's probably true :(
@OrigamiRobot You can probably get a 16x one though.
@Michel I just checked on Portuguese phonology and it's crazy. I think I'd just try to pronounce "ã" as a simple nasal "a" and hope I get understood. :D
@RonanForman But I want 128x!
@MartinSojka Eeyup. and it's funny to Brazilians to listen... We understand (we have a lot of videos, movies, series... that are "gringos" trying to speak Portuguese)
my free copy of Dead Space 3 has arrived
Should I get a third monitor?
third monitor is the best monitor
@kalina Arrived? I figured they'd give them digital
@BenBrocka and thus, arrival equates to "download complete"
PC, right? Let me know if you want to play co op ever, I've never played the co op
@BenBrocka I am probably never going to play it, doesn't seem like my sort of thing
@BenBrocka Only if you buy me a 2nd monitor.
but, third monitor is the best monitor
it means you can play games ultra widescreen and your character is in the middle of the middle monitor
rather than in between monitor 1 and 2
Can't get a third without a second.
if you don't have two monitors you should give up and go play consoles
^ aimed specifically at @OrigamiRobot and nobody else
I'm not one of those people who see them as mutually exclusive.
@kalina And if the game is not designed for that, either the side monitors are stretched beyond recognition and induce motion sickness (hardcoded vertical FoV) or all you can see of the character is his arse (hardcoded horizontal FoV).
Sorry, at work so can't just listen to music. :)
@MartinSojka Ahh =(
@kalina I thought that was sort of tempting but switching between modes seemed pretty annoying, for when something needed to be on just one fullscreen monitor
yeah I run in 3x 1920x1080 rather than using them as one screen
@kalina I'm so F**** jealousy of you right now...
@Michel c'est la vie
@Ullallulloo yes, I was formerly part of eGO, a council member no less. I wrote quite a bit of their server management software. I was also responsible for the maintenance of the servers once upon a time. I don't ever visit the site these days, and I have no idea what my password is, so your friend request may go stale.
@kalina This would be a good resolution to play Minecraft. So many pixels
@kalina D: damn
I play MC in 1920x1080. Just the one screen though, and playing with Shaders make the graphics card work...quite hard.
@kalina don't you have to switch modes to get them to work as one screen in game though?
@kalina Oui, je sais. mais il a très injuste
@OrigamiRobot This man knows his buckets
@BenBrocka yeah I have to activate eyefinity
except in EVE and WoW
@tombull89 Minecraft is pretty brutal on resources considering all it's doing visually
where I can just resize the borderless window to cover all screens
@Michel awwwww
switching back and forth between eyefinity seemed very icky but it's possible I just wasn't doing it right
@BenBrocka Rendering a voxel field is non-trivial
@BenBrocka it is a bit icky
@kalina Thanks. love violins....
icky is exactly the word I would use
@kalina -1 Demotivators are lame
@StrixVaria Bukkit, surely?
@OrigamiRobot pretending to be a robot is lame
@kalina aaaaaand, I think you like to be a little sadistic... just wondering...
@Michel I am
@kalina You're right. Those people are posers.
@kalina <3 a little is good
Woah, there's some cool 3840x1080 wallpapers
@BenBrocka try finding some 5760x1080 wallpapers
there aren't many good ones around that I've found
wait no I need one more 1920 don't I
Do they have any 2160x1920 wallpapers? That's my resolution at work.
@StrixVaria two 1920x1080 in portrait?
@kalina Yep.
@StrixVaria That sounds gross.
2x 1280x1024 in work for me.
@OrigamiRobot It was slightly dizzying at first but it's pretty awesome now that I'm used to it.
I only have 1 monitor at work T_T
@StrixVaria surprise bucket!
@fbueckert Looks like I didn't get on the right table. brb, wasting another hour to make sure I get on the right one!
I wounder if youtube accepts 5760x1080 video?
@Sterno - My Steam name is the same as here - jason.berkan. I'm in the Arqade group as well.
@BenBrocka kinda
@kalina arg that stretched UI
I think in BL2 it somehow gets the UI on the middle screen
@OrigamiRobot You reaaaaally need to get those eyes checked out
@BenBrocka No, I just spend too much time here.
Also playing Minecraft.
@OrigamiRobot based on the Foreword you would have been disapointet over how boring the rest of the book was if it actuly said POWERLORD
@kalina so do you actually bother with Eyefinity that often/in more than a few games?
IT didn't seem great in BL2 but I might have needed to screw with the FOV settings. Never done that before

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