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@OrigamiRobot You've got a point there
@OrigamiRobot Once you've amassed enough iron, you should kit the whole place out with iron walls/floors
@fredley That's the plan.
Using a saw you can make iron covers which will make them go much further
@fredley Can't you craft them directly?
@fredley Iron tank walls are 1 iron per block and look the same as full iron blocks.
@MBraedley Well you craft them with the saw
@OrigamiRobot Good point
@OrigamiRobot Plus tanks set into the walls will look awesome
@fredley I have a whole room set up just to show off my biomass store.
@Lazers I can't tell if this is ITG (and allowed, due to pointing at a concrete artifact), or game recommendation (Look at X. Where is X on platform Y or Z?)
@OrigamiRobot "@OrigamiRobot's massive biomass"
@fbueckert Does it really matter? It's off topic
@fredley In the room I will have 6 full size tanks. That's 9x9x8
Anyways, java fixed, vent over, back to work.
my company bought us all pizza
@OrigamiRobot Awesome. Interconnect them visibly above head height with liquiducts
@kalina Anything you say about food must be starred
@MBraedley Not if he's looking for a name of the minigame.
@fredley anything you say about stars must be fooded
@kalina How does one food?
@fredley food fight \o/
@fredley No, that will all be underneath. This room will be completely empty.
@OrigamiRobot No no no, it has to look techno-awesome
@fredley Vast emptiness is awesome.
@OrigamiRobot Only for robots :-(
@fredley Maybe I'll put a skull in the middle to really drive the message home.
@OrigamiRobot Surely a turret?
@MBraedley Thinking about it some more, the point of on-topic ITG is to provide a name. Since this minigame doesn't seem to have a name to it, it strays into recommendation territory.
@fredley They attack everything :(
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but you wouldn't need to go into the room.
@fredley The whole point of the room is for people to go in.
@OrigamiRobot What are you, some kind of robot curator?
@fredley I need to show the organics that their only purpose is fuel.
@OrigamiRobot Why do you care? Make sure you put some lapotronic charge pads set to discharge in there.
@fredley You're not a robot. You don't understand.
@fbueckert the question is basically a recommendation question (does this game [type] exist?)
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to be fuel :-(
@kalina Yes, I know.
I spent some time thinking about it first, though, since it is actually close to ITG.
@fredley Too bad, porkchop.
@OrigamiRobot :-(
@OrigamiRobot I've got a couple vorpal enchants...
Pokemon U is pulling a Skylanders.
@fbueckert ?
I can't access Kotaku at work.
wait wut
I spoke too soon
@Michel Mikey! How's the week treating you?
@fbueckert that logo... so many spikes.
@badp The Japanese like their zippers, buckles, leather, and spikes.
@fbueckert Not really good... Am I being rude or something? Sorry =X
@Michel No; I'm just saying hi.
@fbueckert Hi =D
Nothing to do with the question you're referencing.
I am all scienced out after lastnight
@kalina Doing science just makes me want to do MORE science.
@fbueckert I mean, if I got impolite in any time, please let me know. Sometimes I lose track on what and how I'm saying things.
@fbueckert I did an entire night of science though
@Michel You and me both, dude. No worries, though, you're not being impolite.
limited by in game speed limits
it was lots of sitting around waiting for results
@fbueckert =) good to know
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to science about becoming fuel :-(
@Michel this is impolite
@kalina Use faster materials and more optimal fermenter/still placement
@kalina Welcome to science.
@ShotgunNinja SimCity disabled cheetah speed
@kalina =X tks for point that out.
@Michel this is impolite too
@OrigamiRobot I'll science his demise in a bit, hang on. Maths time!
I'm being so luck in games and so unlucky at work... Nothing to do.
@kalina you are cute.
@Michel this is the most impolite thing I've ever read
@kalina hmmm...
@Michel impolite
@Michel Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do at work.
@kalina T_T
@Unionhawk I couldn't find any numbers to math.
@fbueckert I hate it. I few useless.
That lasts for about five minutes before I go, "Nope! I have something to do! Improve company processes!"
Q: What is the perfect ratio of Stills to Fermenters?

OrigamiRobotOrganic matter is the only way to power a secret robot base. Fermenters are used to create Biomass and Stills can turn that Biomass into more efficient Biofuel. The problem is, Stills are slower than Fermenters and will become a bottleneck if one Fermenter is only feeding one Still. The obvi...

@Michel I've been running at about 100% workload for roughly eight to ten months.
I need a little bit of downtime.
@fbueckert I just keep hunting work to do. but... nothing come up
@Michel you also don't know what I look like, how can you call me cute? I could be an evil maneating vampiress for all you know
@kalina This was the default assumption being made.
@kalina That technically doesn't discredit the potential for being cute.
@kalina is actually a large octopus
oh god
@kalina a person can be cute. not only in the appearance
so many pings
One for each of your many tentacles
@kalina, you act cute.
@OrigamiRobot There are a few out there. This is an amazing tool: ttower.dyndns.org/boilerCalculator
@ShotgunNinja Be careful to not be impolite. she is sensitive ...
@Michel Well, my intention is not to offend.
@Unionhawk I couldn't find any for biomass. Maybe my google-fu is weak.
@kalina and @ShotgunNinja sittin in a tree
@ShotgunNinja I'm joking =P (I think you know that, but just to make things clear)
@OrigamiRobot DAMN YOU ROBOT
one day @OrigamiRobot will stop getting jealous every time somebody that isn't him talks to me
@kalina I am turbs jelly.
It's a good thing I already have a girlfriend.
@OrigamiRobot A bucket of biomass will produce 50,000 MJ over 10,000 ticks - ingame
@Unionhawk Yes but that says nothing about biomass/fuel production
@OrigamiRobot a flux capacitor can send you to a specific point of time with 1.21gw
@OrigamiRobot Totes
@GraceNote, why you ackin so cray cray?
@GraceNote Seeing you say that and not parsing it as "stuff to store things in" is weird to my brain.
@FAE I've never actually referred to a plural group of more than one tote bag.
Well, this is new
@FAE I hate slang. They're definitions that don't mesh with general accepted use.
Spawn door appears to open fully but isn't - you have to crouch to get past it
@BoltClock What game?
@BoltClock Oh, lol
@OrigamiRobot Scienceing it up.
I always forget to mention the game
@OrigamiRobot If you burn me for fuel I will put cicadas in warded stone in your base
@BoltClock Seems like a problem in this chatroom...
@BoltClock tbh, do you actually play anything other than TF2?
not really
safe assumption to make then
+3 Matches to get my ranked status on . If I win all 3, I got 10 wins =D Hope got in the gold league :3
@fredley ...what
@fredley NO! My only weakness!
I can't even tell if those are good or bad things.
@Michel Matches*, also, kudos. Good luck.
You're safe... for now...
@fbueckert What about if it's done out of absurdity?
@ShotgunNinja typing while repairing windows... not too much attention. thanks
@GraceNote Then you get stares.
@OrigamiRobot That having been said, I might just fill your base with them anyway...
@Grace Dunno if this interests you at all, but they're doing a full rework of Karma, both model and mechanics.
@GraceNote Cicadas in MC are loud and terrifying.
She's losing the fans. :( That makes me kinda sad.
@OrigamiRobot That sounds awesome.
@FAE Huh.
@fredley :(
@FAE Holy crap, really? She already got super relevant in S3... Why remake her now?
ranked is all hard : () )
@GraceNote Warded stone cannot be broken by other players, making it quite the griefing tool
@ShotgunNinja Karma rework
@FAE Can't access at work
@fbueckert Good stares, bad stares, disapproving stares, acknowledging stares, confused stares, steep stairs?
@fredley I'll tell Ronan on you!
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
@GraceNote ಠ_ಠ
Make of it what you will.
@fbueckert @OrigamiRo
@fredley The robot is my automatic stare dispenser.
@fbueckert Happy to be of service.
@fbueckert I make of it as "Wow, he has to use @OrigamiRob's script just to glare at me. I can slay OrigamiRobot to save myself from his eyes."
@GraceNote ಠ_ಠ
sudo @OrigamiRobot dance
I have to say, the new Karma skin looks hawt.
@FAE ...what.
@GraceNote It's the path of least resistance.
@ShotgunNinja Ah, well the link mostly goes into her lore/model changes, Riot hasn't detailed much about the mechanics changes yet.
@fbueckert < 1 ohm
If I have to, I'll find an old stare to copy/paste.
@GraceNote Part of the reason I got her was for the fans, so I'm a little bummed. If you own her before the rework though, you get a bonus skin that's her original one though.
I hate windows... Have to re install it again... I hate software support (worked too much time on this field)
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
@FAE I'm not too miffed by the lack of fans.
@ShotgunNinja Yay!
@ShotgunNinja I'm famous!
@FAE I'll pick her up quick before the release, then. When does it launch?
@GraceNote I'm fond of (a fan of, I guess you could say <_<) the idea of weaponized fans. Kitana's my fave Mortal Kombat character.
Ooh. KSP is adding Construction type parts. I'm hoping that'll mesh well with docking.
@ShotgunNinja Unsure, it's not on the PBE yet, I believe.
@FAE Good. There's still tiiiime~!
@ShotgunNinja Hehe.
@FAE Ultimately the only offensive fans I'm particularly fond of are either magic tengu wind fans or Tengu Man's bladed fan.
@FAE Booooooring!
The overlap is not that coincidental at all.
oh god, are Heroquests actually reading comprehension/memorization tests
@GraceNote I like knives and fans and combining the two just clicks nicely in my brain.
...haven't heard of Thresh. Hooboy I'm behind.
@GraceNote He's a pretty decent support tank, apparently, haven't tried him myself.
@FAE That was a terrible pun.
@Fluttershy You've made worse.
are you talking about league of legends?
@kalina Yes.
@FAE Me? Why, I never!
I was wondering why the world was beginning to get dark, like all of the goodness in the world had gone away
@BenBrocka Serious Borderlands
@BenBrocka Is that every enemy in the game?
Yes, less the DLCs
That's pretty cool.
@kalina Oh, come now. I'm sure American football is much the same way. Something that everyone at least knows of, that can be used as a conversation starter. In much the same way that everyone can drink crappy light beer.
This question title is so weird if some parent sees his kid reading this...
Q: How do I get sex from the woman in the village? (Murky Vaters)

Let_Me_BeI don't seem to be able to get the sex card for woman from the village. What are the prerequisites? I tried to talk with the peasant women both right after entering the chapter and after completing most of the quests, but in both cases it just didn't happen.

@ShotgunNinja I...
@ShotgunNinja I don't know that kalina is much for actually talking anything about American football.
Terra looks kinda small in it though
I'm not having a conversation about American "Football", last time I ended up on multiple people's ignore list
Tomb Raider shotgun, why must you be so loud? =(
@BenBrocka I seem to have accidentally sold a purple Shock SMG I had sometime yesterday and didn't notice until I went to use it again. :( I'm super sad about this.
@kalina Oh yeah, that was what triggered that, wasn't it? That was a weird day.
Morning all - first time trying chat from my iPad :)
@Fluttershy Huh?
@GraceNote yeah
very weird day
@FAE There's a weapon buyback, but it only persists through your game session
Did you and Strix make up or are you two still at odds?
@ShotgunNinja The shotgun in the new Tomb Raider is incredibly loud. And you have to use it fairly often. =\ So it kinda sucks that it's that loud. It like... ignores my television volume, and just decides to be loud instead.
@kalina Well, what I meant was that while there are definitely people who don't like it, if it's already the topic of discussion, people will either just go along with it or try to ignore it.
If you leave the area and come back I think it's still there though (but too late now unless you never closed the game)
@BenBrocka Yeah, I checked the buyback, wasn't there. :(
@Michel Yeah, it should probably be "get the sex card from ..." or "have sex with ...", but in the context of the game, it is understandable.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I didn't know where I'd accidentally sold it. :|
@Fluttershy That's obnoxious. One of my own kind... T~T
@MartinSojka Eeyup
@FAE I think all shops have the same buyback
Or possibly each vendor type
@BenBrocka I was in a new area at the time and there was nothing in the buyback.
@BenBrocka Ah, hm, that may have made a difference. Ugh. I hope I find a new one soon.
Huh, maybe it isn't persistent. I usually do it in Sanctuary and buy it back before I leave
@BenBrocka Monster Hunter has something similar:
@FAE, I saw there was a trailer, haven't had a chance to watch yet. I'm a bit scared that it's going to be bad... the DLC they had for SR3 was mostly terrible
@Unionhawk You and the other answerer seem to disagree on your science.
@agent86 It's very superpowery, which I remember them talking about wanting to do before the buyout.
@fbueckert Someone should do one of these for Minecraft
@fredley The monster all the way on the right uses his massive chin to crush you.
@FAE yeah, superpowers could be cool. I'm sad that it sounds like they're reusing steelport, I'd prefer a new city to explore.
That pic looks to be a bit old, though.
I don't recognize some of those monsters.
@fbueckert How pleasant.
@agent86 I know what you mean. Mostly though, I'm glad it's not dead
@fredley It's Monster Hunter. They all have tells. You learn to recognize them. "Oh, no! He's about to chin-stomp me!"
If you still get hit, it's your own fault.
@fredley I've seen two of these already, actually.
One has the appearance of, well, Minecraft. The other looks like nightmares.
Minecraft's selection of baddies is hardly as interesting
or at least numerous
@badp That's until you encounter you first creeper riding on a skeleton riding on an Enderman. :)
Borderlands' cast of enemies is surprisingly colorful
@badp Yeah, this is an old picture so, I think like the latest things in it are ghasts and squids.
I guess they match the guns though
This one seems to be up-to-date
> Next week I'm going to look into setting up a simple store on the site so anyone who wants a print copy of volume 1 can go ahead and purchase one.
Person size is on the left.
@FAE indeed. I'm also hoping that Rockstar has been paying attention to saint's row
@agent86 I'm surprised SRIV is coming out as soon as August, honestly.
Found a reasonable Minecraft one:
@fbueckert Wikia doesn't like hotlinking its images.
@Wipqozn Looking at size comparisons, we have to be certifiably insane to fight some of those things.
@MartinSojka Eh?
something in here is murdering my performance
Shows up fine for me.
@agent86 sorry it's me
Q: How is Blind affected by Unshakable?

BrysonicThe tooltip for the Unshakable buff says: Gains defiant when targeted by crowd control skills. Blind is 10% effective. Weakness and vulnerability last 50% less time. What does "Blind is 10% effective" mean? Are skills that normally cause blind only 10% as likely to inflict the condition? Or...

Q: What is the formula for converting population to residential agents (workers, shoppers, students)?

Aaron KurtzhalsI learned in another question that the population number can be much higher than the number of residential agents (workers, shoppers, students) in the city. What is the formula for converting population to residential agents? For example, if a city has 100k population, how many residential agent...

I am utilising all of your missing performance
@agent86 It's that size chart @fbueckert linked, most likely.
@kalina stop thaaaat, I need that performance :(
Chrome reaaaally doesn't like when super large images are posted to chat, assuming you're using Chrome.
@agent86 Just glare it back into submission like the great father you are. It'll work then.
@TimStone Yeah, that pic is huge.
@TimStone yeah. I'm guessing it's having to load the whole image and scale it or something
scrolling past it makes chrome bug out
@agent86 Sorry.
@TimStone Actually, Firefox has that problem too. I think.
@GraceNote >_>
We could just talk a bit and push it out
It's already off the screen for me.
@fbueckert mind if I link it instead of oneboxing it?
@agent86 Sure, no problem.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Chat should probably be like "Woah, woah, you inlined what?"
Kill the first one, too, then, please.
@fredley ... and then you realise you actually wanted a double door on the side. ;) Really though, people need charts to draw pixelated circles? The midpoint algorithm is easy and quick enough you can run it in your head whenever you need it ...
@MartinSojka lol, running Bresenham's circle algorithm in your head ;P
@agent86 I imagine if this happened between you and your little girl, you'd probably end up doing the same.
Naps are the best best best thing.
@MartinSojka Only if you're a robot :-(
@GraceNote the lucky charms really make it.
she's a bit too tiny yet, but she's already a heartbreaker
See, all we need to do to test if Firefox has a problem with really large images in chat is to drop something like this in here - 9.3MB 9600x1600
@agent86 Let me know if you figure out how to safely implant GPS in your daughter. I need that technology for mine.
@Sterno it's easy when they're little. Just make it small and leave it on the floor. when it disappears, BAM, you've got them.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That size chart I linked is 9,449px × 2,458px
when they get a little older, put it in a capsule marked "DO NOT SWALLOW" and then put it on the highest shelf you can find
Only 4.7MB, though.
@fbueckert Darn it. Okay, I'll go find a bigger poster.
@Sterno Jewellery or piercing.
anybody here really good with math?
@kalina Maybe.
@kalina I can do basic algebra and whatnot.
A: What is the formula for converting population to residential agents (workers, shoppers, students)?

kalinaThe function in game that returns the population is as follows; simcity.GetFudgedPopulation = function (a) { a = "undefined" !== typeof a ? a : simcity.gGlobalUIHandler.mLastPopulation; if (500 >= a) return a; if (40845 < a) return Math.floor(8.25 * a); a = ...

You probably won't accept my help out of spite though.
how can I work out the value of 'a' if I have the end value (population)
I got an A for math in my A levels! Which means that I'm anywhere from brilliant to slightly below average in my cohort
@kalina I started a math degree, but dropped out...
I have provided the formula to calculate population
now I need it in reverse
@kalina Someone posted a graph on reddit which you can steal
Should make it simple. Just look it up on the graph
@kalina What is the formula?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yeah I saw that graph, but can't remember where it is
@kalina I always ask on cross-validated whenever I have something statisticsy to work out. those guys are darned fast.
@kalina If a <= 500, return a
@YiJiang'sEvilClone surely you mean "M for Math"
@OrigamiRobot (a-500)^1.2 + 500 = population
@YiJiang'sEvilClone thanks
@kalina a = (pop - 500)^(5/6) + 500
This one is zoomed out so much that you can't see the 500 part, though
Lemme double check with technology
@OrigamiRobot Yup
Porkchop technology confirms I am correct.
thanks @OrigamiRobot, @fredley
A level grade inflation is worse than game review score inflation.
@OrigamiRobot Organic matter is useful for more than burning
@fredley You have proven yourself.
@kalina If you ever need to solve a^b=c for a, it's a=c^(1/b)
sqrt(a) = a^(1/2)
@OrigamiRobot you are talking in symbols and letters acting as placeholders for numbers, my brain doesn't accept these data types
@OrigamiRobot This gets fun when c is negative.
@MartinSojka Shush you!
@kalina You know what variables are!
@MartinSojka Let's hope no one makes a city of zombies then
@MartinSojka It gets really fun when all the numbers have non-zero complex parts
@fredley I don't even bother doing complex numbers by hand. The TI-89 was invented for a reason.
@OrigamiRobot Wolfram alpha
@OrigamiRobot But yeah, all my experience of complex powers is mathematical anyway, so you never actually enumerate anything
@fredley Complex numbers are used extensively in AC calculations.
... and 2D games for orientation/rotation (unless the coders suck ;)).
Which seems more like an extended impression than an actual review, but it does cover all the important parts
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, mathematicians don't calculate.
My driveway this morning: :( :( :(
@fredley My math teachers used to hate me because I could figure out how to use my calculator for everything. Even when they designed problems so that you couldn't use a calculator.
Pfft, mine just say "show your working" and everyone will have to take out their pen and do the sums
@OrigamiRobot Robot
@YiJiang'sEvilClone In one instance I remember, it was parabolic regression.
@JasonBerkan Starting location fail
@fredley I know. And when I could sell my house and buy a mansion in Texas...
@JasonBerkan Yep. I could do the same thing, but with Wales. Hmmm.
Well there's your traffic problem.
You need at least three points to do a parabolic regression on a TI-89. That's what the problems originally gave us because nobody knew about the regression feature in the TI-89. When people did, the teacher stopped giving us three points and started giving us two points, one of which was always the vertex. Well, if you have the vertex and one other point, you can work out a third by mirroring the 2nd point across the vertex.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Is that debug mode going on?
No, it's from Eurogamer's review of the game
> This is SimCity up close, and while sights like this aren't common, they aren't atypical either.
It's a 4/10
@fredley @Unionhawk Do you agree with this edit?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, actually
The question, nor any expected answer, would involve things from any other mods
@fredley I thought about that, but since the energy generated only applies to other mods, I didn't do it. I know it doesn't only apply to FTB since other modpacks have the requisite mods.
But then we can't tag it with every single modpack that it applies to, so maybe we err on the side of simplicity.
@OrigamiRobot Eh, I think it's fine. Forestry is an addon to BC anyway, it doesn't work without it
Modpacks make tagging a mess.
@JasonBerkan Lucky
@fredley Ah, I didn't know that.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone not experienced anything like this yet
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, think about it, everything requires BC pipes, BC energy, pumping water etc...
those roads are too close to allow high density zones to form anyway
There's quite a number of bugs in that screenshot. Look at the house on the left
@fredley I'm not using BC pipes.
Anyway, as the review says, a lot of these aren't just graphical glitches (though I'm not sure if the house in the middle of the street is one), but signs that the simulation is fundamentally broken
@OrigamiRobot I am, with my multifarm. You can stick an autarchic gate on and check for fertilizer/soil fullness, which makes automation a whole lot easier
I unautomatically mined some iron with a stone pickaxe last night.
I feel like I'm missing out, I've never had a house in a street in my cities
@JasonBerkan *gasp*
@JasonBerkan yay!
@JasonBerkan I sometimes mine stone with my powertool, but that's only to get it out of the way...
@fredley Powertool so fast!

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