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@AshleyNunn Dad's been a fantastic role model for me.
I know that my life has shocked and horrified some church members but at the end of the day, I believe and hold my faith and really, what others think of my belief matters not.
We often spend time discussing lots of different things. Lots of learning going on both ways.
Civil debates can lead to greater understanding even if nobody changes their mind about anything.
My oldest sister and her husband are Baptists.
@origamirobot it is keeping the debates civil that makes things tricky.
There are definitely some disagreements between us on those points, but since it's so tricky to keep things civil, Dad's just outlawed talking about it entirely.
So there's no arguments and bad blood during family gatherings.
@OrigamiRobot What's the point of a debate if no one changes their mind about anything?
That's a really good idea.
People just say stuff and then don't listen to what the other people are saying.
It's definitely not shutting down discussion because he doesn't want to hear it. It's because they've already hashed it out between them, and agreed to disagree.
We get some mentions here and there about where the disagreements occur, but they just point out they disagree and move on.
And the whole family gets along fabulously.
@RonanForman I didn't say nobody is listening.
> Facebook redesigns its site to offer a less cluttered news feed which increases the size of adverts and other posts.
If all parties reach the same conclusions even after receiving new information, that's fine.
I love the BBC's summery of Facebook's redesign
I'd love to see a debate between Christians
Popcorn at the ready
@tiddy Which denominations?
Frankly any of them
Just to see what they'd pick to argue over
I've never understood the Catholic tendency towards penance; can someone explain that to me?
I can give you protestant and catholic, go to the republic of Ireland and northern Ireland border.
debate, not war
@RonanForman Haven't there been huge wars between those groups?
@fbueckert Yeah, including many many terrorist attacks.
This is before 2001 by the way.
@RonanForman Yeah, so there you go.
Christians can hate on other Christians just fine.
It's not just anti-Christian bigotry.
We're equal opportunity bigots! :P
The issue was/is more than just religion in Northern Ireland
finished doing work \o/
@kalina DROP DATABASE Production?
I am so good at running all of the scripts that I wrote to do my job for me
@fbueckert As in against Christians or Christians against non-Christians?
@JasonBerkan I thought about it, I really don't like this customer
but then I thought, if I break it, I touched it last, so I'll have to fix it again in the morning
@kalina It doesn't seem to be making your day shorter.
@kalina We've all thought about it.
@RonanForman I'm sorry, did you spend 8 hours at work playing EVE Online today?
@RonanForman Between the Crusades and these sorts of examples, I think it's just part of human nature to hate that which doesn't agree with them.
I don't think it's limited to Christians.
That would be an understatement
Distilled, it can be classified as fear of the unknown.
@kalina No, and I'm not the one still at work at 7.
@RonanForman "at work"... hmmm
@kalina Fine, leaving work.
sat here at home, with music playing and EVE open, chatting on The Bridge
interesting, I wish all "being at work" was like this
@kalina You just said you'd finished work!
@RonanForman from home
@RonanForman EVE Online pretty much plays itself, from what I understand.
"Playing" EVE Online = setting it up to do its thing and leaving it alone.
I got asked to install an emergency fix on a customer site because somebody else had failed to get it working
I was already at home
I'm reading the terms under which this eBook I'm considering buying is sold under
@kalina Oh right, on call. You could of specified rather than talking to me like I'm crazy.
@tiddy Being formerly Baptist, I know that the topic of salvation is a debated one between denominations.
@RonanForman I'm not even on call, I just do these things so they overlook my skiving the other 99% of the time
@kalina 6 of one.
Apparently, the publisher can provide you with the download at any time unless the print version of the book goes out of print, at which point they're obliged to pull the eBook too
@RonanForman 7 of 9?
I'm not sure why that's the case
@kalina I so hope you're joking.
@RonanForman yes, completely
@RonanForman She just finished saying she's stoned. :P
Yay, I'm arguing with someone on Kijiji about how much to pay for their Wii U.
nothing like calling a customer over Skype to talk about their business critical databases while hitting the bong
@fbueckert that word needs a few more is and js
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is about the localization of pre-order questions which, by their nature, have to be asked before release or not at all. In other words, it's completely irrelevant.
@BenBrocka Someone always makes that joke.
It's no Craigslist, at least.
hi @badp
I shouldn't be this bummed that I can't enter an official Tomb Raider art contest just because I can't draw people
you've been surprisingly AFK all day
It has resumed
@fbueckert How much do they want, and how much are you offering?
that means you've been travelling for hours today and are probably not in the best of moods, right?
What's definitely closer to meta agreement on the topic of whether or not we allow questions about unreleased games is in the FAQ
@TrentHawkins They want $400 for system + games & extras. I don't want the games or extras, just the straight up system bundle. I'm offering $300 for it.
@kalina eh, if you're trying to tell me that you've discussed this to death in my absence and you don't want any more of this - I'll drop it no problem
@fbueckert Is it used?
@badp we kinda just went around in circles, it's definitely worth reading the stuff @LessPop_MoreFizz said on it earlier though
We've been countering back and forth; I offered $350 for everything, because he doesn't want to break it up.
@fbueckert Their name was made for that joke
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah.
@kalina Honestly, I'm happy with applying what I believe is the community will/accepted policy once and stand back once the community decides otherwise
So he counters with $350 for system + Nintendoland.
@fbueckert Are they not for sale at stores?
@StrixVaria Another thing about Mennonites: We're cheap.
In other words, I kinda don't care anymore about that one question, unless the policy itself is put in question on meta
Nintendoland's worth a buy for sure. Though $50 extra for used nintendoland not as much
Also, I didn't moderate that question because you posted in it. I thought that was obvious, but I guess I'll point it out.
@badp a large part of my frustration was that you seemingly closed it off the back of a URL going dead without any input from anybody else
@BenBrocka The Deluxe bundle for the Wii U comes with Nintendoland.
but you've already clarified I'm mistaken on that front
I still don't think the question should be deleted
@kalina I can see how you'd form that association, although I only linked to it to help you update your answer
It's cool
And I can buy the system bundle brand new for $350 + taxes.
@fbueckert If you have the download code, isn't this used?
@BenBrocka I dunno; presumably it's a physical disk.
Murdering questions and helping them are not mutually exclusive
Oh I see what you mean
I got the ZombiU bundle, where it's digital (which gives you a free $5 credit with the digital deluxe program too)
I'm just amused that he's trying to get me to pay brand new prices for things that should already be part of the bundle, for a used system.
Can I preempt anyone wanting to grant me room ownership by saying that that is a terrible idea, because at some point I'll probably be inebriated enough to do something completely stupid
at the end of the day it is a question that will be asked again, it's valid now so it's not localised, it's asking something clear and specific so it is a real question and it's not subjective or speculative - there is going to be a Mac client
@fbueckert parents return tonight, so i'll probably be back tomorrow sometime.
ZombiU seems very meh but otherwise the bundle is great, comes with a nice controller
@TrentHawkins Yay!
@kalina Honestly I have doubt about this, and if what you've said is true (Origin does that for all questions) then we should instead have a question about Origin instead
@badp When you think about it, murder is just helping someone take a very long nap
@badp Origin's Mac FAQ states that games released for Mac and Windows will work on both with one license
Like right now, when it's 3am in the morning and I'm contemplating how incredibly fun it would be to add r/mylittlepony's RSS feed to this room's feed list
the track record shows that Sims 3 and all additional content and a few other EA released games that are available on Mac do work like this
@BenBrocka Oh, we can get the ZombiU bundle. I don't really want it.
@kalina Then how about having one question about Origin and dribble the whole problem that way?
I hadn't realized Canada could get it.
@kalina My answer details why the inevitability of it being asked again does not on its own mean the question should not be deleted.
@badp yeah I'm fine with that, this isn't the first time we've come across a similar situation and more generic questions are better
@OrigamiRobot It is a valid question right now, why should it be deleted?
then we've found agreement
Did I say fun? I mean stupid. Of course I did.
I'm basing my offers for the Wii U off of the refurbished prices on ebgames.ca; really, I should offer less, as EB at least offers warranty.
@kalina I'm not saying it's not valid. I'm just saying "It's going to get asked again" is irrelevant and distracts from your more valid points.
@fbueckert The controller is nice. IMO it's worth it even ignoring zombiU. You basically get the $50 game and $50 controller for $20
@badp so what, raise a "Will games released on Origin for Mac and PC share a license" type question and then close the current one as a dupe?
@yijiang stupid fun?
@kalina yeah
You could just sell the game and or controller anyway
@OrigamiRobot if you were really arguing that specific point, then you were arguing with yourself
@BenBrocka It comes with an extra controller? Classic controller?
@kalina So why are you still saying it if it's irrelevant?
@fbueckert classic pro controller
@OrigamiRobot it's a valid question, deleting it means it will get asked again
So once I get my Wii back, is it worth me hunting down a copy of Monster Hunter for it?
@BenBrocka I've already got a couple of those. Don't really need another one.
> * Disabled Cheetah speed. Cheetah speed is is now the same as llama speed.
I wasn't arguing from the stand point of deleting bad questions, otherwise I'd be a hypocrite
@fbueckert It's not the Wii one
I wonder if this is from real patch notes or troll notes.
@AshleyNunn The online servers for Tri are shutting down; it should be easy enough to find it for cheap.
@StrixVaria That can't possibly be right
Sim City disabling non-critical game features to lighten server-load. I wish that included "always-on DRM"
@kalina Are you even listening to me? If it deserves closure, it should have to be asked again. If you want to disagree with it's closure, do that. Talking about it being asked again is irrelevant.
@BenBrocka The Pro has the handles; does that not work with the Wii U?
@fbueckert awesome! I also want to pick up Pandora's Tower, but that will likely wait until I have a bit more money.
@OrigamiRobot I think you're the one missing something
@AshleyNunn Hah! No. That one, I will fund.
@kalina Then explain it.
@fbueckert you. What. You don't have to do that.
@AshleyNunn It's a good game. Like, really good.
@fbueckert I think it does, but the wiiu pro controller is designed less...badly. Rechargeable battery (or microusb cord) too. But like I said, even if you don't want it, it's probably a better idea to get the zombiu bundle and sell what you don't want
@OrigamiRobot in my mind the only way it deserves to be closed is if a more generic question for the whole subject is asked, just like we do with other questions. Therefore, any argument you have not assuming that is out of context with what I am talking about.
@fbueckert hence why I am saving money in my cupcake bank for it.
> We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm from our fans
EA really does live in a dream world.
@BenBrocka I actually don't mind the Pro.
@OrigamiRobot so you talking about camping questions or asking questions early... is completely irrelevant to the discussion. The question is on time - as the game is out right now, so the question is valid at this point onwards, therefore it isn't camping
And I absolutely suck at selling extra bits that I don't want; pack rat instincts take over.
(yes, I am totally saving change in a cupcake piggy bank for a video game.)
@kalina All I am saying is "It will be asked again" has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it should exist now. Anything claims beyond that are speculation on your part.
@AshleyNunn Save it for some other game. Call it a birthday present or whathaveyou.
@OrigamiRobot you are focusing on something that doesn't even register as a problem in my head
@OrigamiRobot I don't think I insinuated at any point that the fact it would get asked again is reason for it not to be closed or deleted?
@fbueckert are you sure? I always feel like a terrible person when I say I don't have money for stuff and people buy it for me. Being a poor student sucks.
@kalina Then stop saying "it will be asked again". It only distracts from the actual issues you're trying to discuss.
@AshleyNunn Ask @TrentHawkins; I do stuff like this all the time.
@StrixVaria Wow, that's... something
I can never tell if it annoys him or not.
@OrigamiRobot It only distracts from the actual issue because it is something that you can argue about rather than the meat of the points I am making. ;)
It's almost exactly Diablo 3, actually
@fbueckert He lies. (I randomly contradict him for no reason all the time)
I need a stare.
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
Thank you.
@fbueckert The bumps on the front (where they clearly glued the classic controller onto the 360 controller) seem really weird. The Wii U pro at least just straight up copied
@TrentHawkins ಠ_ಠ
Well, at least the incredibly shaky launch is. Let's hope the rest of it doesn't pan out the same way
@OrigamiRobot If anything, I'd think you're trying to distract me from the actual issue so I get confused, and you're probably doing that on purpose while laughing at me :(
@trenthawkins he does seem kinda fishy. Being all nice and stuff.
@kalina THAT'S WHAT I'M TELLING YOU! People here love to do that! Stop giving them the ability to!
hey guys
@fbueckert I was raised with a very strong "do it yourself or do without" ethic, so accepting gifts can be hard.
SimCity is having non-vital features disabled!
@OrigamiRobot you are all manipulating me to prevent me from winning any internet arguments :(
@BenBrocka things like that make me glad I didn't spring for the game.
@AshleyNunn As was I. I also have a pretty generous nature, which @TrentHawkins can attest to (or annoy me by not doing so).
@fbueckert is the worst for it
@kalina I am in fact trying to help you here.
@badp I find it interesting that you're contradicting your own previous interpretation of this policy. I know Mac OS X is weird and scary for you, but you have consistently misunderstood questions about it to the point of incorrectly moderating them in the past.
@kalina This reminds me of that SC4 answer I gave about which parts of the game are nonessential
@kalina Wee! Win ALL the arguments!
@LessPop_MoreFizz OS X is not relevant
Not having cheetah speed sounds pretty shity
@fbueckert Attest, or annoy.... attest, or annoy... tough choice.
Basically, most of it
@BenBrocka It would be, yeah
A: Are pre-order questions valid?

badp"Shopping advice" means "I need something that does X, what should I use?"; this is not that kind of question. This is instead "I want to buy product Y, where can I find it?" "Speculation of upcoming releases" is about speculating on what the not-yet-released game will or won't feature ("will Y ...

Is the port out yet?
@fbueckert I do as well, right now it tends to be more non monetary stuff. Like baking cookies!
@TrentHawkins If you annoy me enough, you're getting Monster Hunter 3U for your birthday.
@badp it's relevant because its a consistent blind spot for you.
@badp no, is the game license?
20 mins ago, by badp
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is about the localization of pre-order questions which, by their nature, have to be asked before release or not at all. In other words, it's completely irrelevant.
And then you have to play it with me.
Read your pings more better
@fbueckert you are a very sneaky creature. Getting people to play games with you.
@AshleyNunn Wheels within wheels!
@fbueckert ooh.... I'd hold off on that threat tho - it's on my wishlist - I don't need two copies of it.
@badp Is the game license available yet?
@TrentHawkins ...Drat.
Fine, gotta find something else.
@kalina That's something you just made up on the spot.
@BenBrocka eugh
@badp no, read up
@AshleyNunn I gifted Gran Turismo 5 to my brother for Christmas.
several hundred lines up
He didn't own a PS3.
at any rate
@badp the game can be bought now. It's relevant to me, because if I'll have to buy it again to play it on my preferred OS in 6 weeks, I'll wait.
@LessPop_MoreFizz said it
@fbueckert that is very tricky of you
@badp it is obviously a relevant question, it's getting a lot of views
So since Beat Hazard is out on OS X then we should be okay questions on questions about the Android ports all right even if it's not out
@AshleyNunn It's being nice, and a jerk, all at once! I get all the satisfaction!
at any rate
I thought we'd already reached agreement on this
I am waiting to get my wii back so I can play Opoona (a game I found in the cheap bin that looks like fun and has the best name ever)
@fbueckert yeah, you really can't losr
@badp no, we haven't, because you acted unilaterally, which had thrown off the whole close/open vote cycle.
@badp wrong argument, will both games use the same license to play? Both games have been reported to be feature equivalent too, and capable of playing in the same regions
we're not talking about two versions of the same game
@BenBrocka the dancing scares me
we're talking about one game for two platforms
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was speaking to Kalina, with which we agreed on a course of action
@AshleyNunn Whereas Pandora's Tower is just pure generosity.
Mostly because, "OMG awesome game! Must play! Here, play!"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I will 100% agree with this.
@badp You and kalina make up the entire community now?
@AshleyNunn I'm pretty sure they are, as the kids say, hep to the jive
@OrigamiRobot that was my main point of frustration -.-
@BenBrocka I am just going to have to trust you on that one
like right now, the question is closed with 1 reopen vote
whereas it would be open with X close votes
@fbueckert and I look forward to it. Thank you. :)
@kalina And a perfectly valid one. The question should be... yea that.
When we have blanket bans I'll vote to close. We have blanket bans on questions about unreleased games, as far as I know
@TimStone so when you post a town hall digest do you just get a captcha per answer or what?
but seriously, questions about unreleased games includes "pre-order games"
so since we have a "blanket ban" on "unreleased games", we need to close all the pre-order questions
@badp That's why blanket bans are usually bad.
@OrigamiRobot Clearly this means that I never get to vote on anything.
but since you're now going to tell me that pre-order questions are different
@badp I don't think we do. We have a blanket ban on speculation about unreleased games.
@badp NO WE DO NOT. We have a blanket ban on speculative questions. That is not the same thing.
which means we don't have a "blanket ban"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I win.
@badp that's right. You don't. Being a mod, you forfeit that right.
@JasonBerkan LPMF's has more bolds.
@badp no, but like if the question had 2 or 3 close votes on it, this wouldn't even be a problem
That is news to me
Whoa, hey, people, less with the @badp bashing.
Turns out that there were 5 people okay with closing the question
He's a member just like us.
@fbueckert I am not badp bashing
if it is coming across like that, then @badp I really don't mean it like that
@badp and at least 6 okay with opening it. You've inverted the process, by voting to close first.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also the comments on the answer - including the answerer's - agreed that at the end of the day the only moment when the answer would become certain is the release moment
At any rate
I take offense on the idea that I closed the question because OS X
Anyone remember the site that you can find a place to stay? (in other country) ...
because you're basically putting words in my mouth. I've already argued why I closed the question and OS X was never once mentioned
@badp that might have been a joke
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sort of ironically, this can be fixed by @badp mod reopening it. This would fix the cycle, and only leave 2 reopen votes invalidated.
I want to visit NY, but I don't know anyone there... only in California and Colorado =X
I think you guys wouldn't be so angry all the time if you hadn't made me stop linking Rebecca Black videos on Friday.
And if @gnomeslice were here.
News just in: Rebecca Black > GnomeSlice
@OrigamiRobot so I need to only vote when others also have, or I won't invalidate them. Okay
@badp Hey, I'm not saying you did anything wrong. I'm just noting that you did in fact invert the cycle.
But... The point of being a mod is being able to take those actions when you feel they are appropriate....
@OrigamiRobot That's an interesting interpretation; the question was open to begin with and I closed it, then it was reopened and reclosed and is being reopened
@badp I wasn't aware that the idea of the supervote requiring restraint in its exercise on borderline questions was new to you.
@badp Without mod intervention, the question would have received 5 close votes, then 5 reopen votes. That is all we know at this point. Unless there were 5 more people willing to close it, it would be open right now.
@AshleyNunn and part of the responsibility of being a mod is exercising restraint in edge cases to let the community vote do its thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I didn't think this was enough of a edge case.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It probably wasn't clear that this would be such a case.
@LessPop edge cases being open to individual interpretation.
I didn't delete the question outright because it would've been exceedingly unfriendly to the asker
Remember, people; we're the ones that elected him in the first place. Presumably because we trust his judgement.
Shouldn't we give him the benefit of a doubt?
@fbueckert this, this, this.
cough I don't remember voting for @badp
hides from the storm
@kalina Pedantically, neither did I.
But that's my point; the community elected him.
4 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@badp Hey, I'm not saying you did anything wrong. I'm just noting that you did in fact invert the cycle.
@fbueckert Conveniently, there are no term limits on moderators, which means once they're elected they can do whatever the heck they want until SE steps in and removes their access.
@Powerlord And since SE hasn't, presumably he's doing his job/hobby to their satisfaction.
@fbueckert The standard for that is exceptionally low, just FYI.
Let's do less of the whole "Lynch the mod" thing, and more constructive things.
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STFU @Lazers
Dammit, @Lazers!
now I can't see what I was replying to
(n.b. I'm not endorsing the removal of @badp as a moderator, I think he does a fine job on the whole, and the fact that I am disagreeing with him in this particular instance should not be taken as an indictment of his entire tenure as a mod.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz For a volunteer position, it should be.
Guys, I think this is getting a little out of hand. You don't like mod actions, you know what your options are.
He's putting up with lots of shit.
@AshleyNunn Since our options are 1. Do nothing, 2. Complain to SE and watch them ignore the problem...
so, going back to the question at hand
Mods are volunteers, and are human. Just like the rest of us.
or 3. Delete our accounts.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, umm... basically our options are whine a whole bunch or leave. That is not an effective response.
Guess which one I chose!
@Powerlord rage quit?
@LessPop_MoreFizz no I think @badp is great, and I'm serious about that
Oh. You beat me to it.
@Powerlord this isn't constructive
And now, I have an hour long meeting
@fbueckert I don't think anyone here is against @badp. It just happens that his were the actions that set all this in motion. I, for one, am not blaming him for anything.
I still don't understand the whole rage quitting thing
well, quitting, yeah. Account deletion, no
does anybody find issue with the plan we outlined before? Ask a question about Origin sales in general - "does getting the Windows version of an Origin games get you the OS X version too?" - and closing today's as a dupe of it?
@OrigamiRobot Well, I am blaming @badp. But only insofar as I always blame @badp for everything.
We dribble around the whole point of whether or not it's speculation
@badp well the answer to that question would be "no"
We answer a more generic question
@badp I do, because it feels like seeding a question, especially when a high-rep user will ask it, so that we can close a newcomer's question.
@OrigamiRobot It's a trend I've been noticing; he's getting a lot of flak thrown his way for doing his job/hobby.
@kalina Powerlord just said that I and you aren't the community so I'm asking again
@badp The answer to that is it depends.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do that with @Wipqozn.

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