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@Powerlord the "stranger personals" ads are so amazingly inappropriate on that site. Also by what voodoo magic are they getting through adblock?
@BenBrocka I dunno. I just followed a link from Raymond Chen's blog to there.
Q: What decisions must be made to stay with the "canonical" storyline?

Iszi Related: Is there a "Canonical" Commander Shepard? I've recently discovered that there is a lot of Mass Effect material outside the Trilogy of games. I'm curious as to how these stories relate to events that are affected by decisions the player is allowed to make in the Trilogy? ...

@Lazers Isn't the entire point of the save import system to avoid a strictly canonical storyline?
@OrigamiRobot Do the De... er... Lion
@OrigamiRobot Xbox cola?
@Powerlord The linked question does point out that there is a default, which is kind of like canon
I wonder if it's possible to create a TF2 Payload map that has the cart take a randomly selected route.
@OrigamiRobot AUhauhAuAHUAHuaHuAHAH
Q: Installing ut2004 cant change discs, kubuntu locks /dev/sr0

user107425I'm trying to install this game. When it's time to change the disc from cd1 to cd2 the new disc will not mount. Dolphin's info bar says a job is pending on /dev/sr0. How can I mount cd2 to complete the install? btw this is a 5 disc set.

Oh. my. word. I just realized it may be possible to make a tc map with a bomb cart.
Of course, it'd have to be the type of bomb cart pl_waste uses that moves both directions.
I'm somewhat surprised jdm hasn't created another meta question about yet.
@GnomeSlice It's a grocery store brand.
@fbueckert Who's jdm?
A: About asking for "a game similar to X"?

jdmYes, that should be a proper question for this site! The question got at least three answers before it was deleted. I can assume at least some of the answers would be helpful for the OP, as well as for anyone who finds the question via search engine. There are many people here who know a lot of...

I expect to get a lot of grief for this answer
@murgatroid99 There is no 'canon' in Mass Effect
@kalina It can be argued that any story that is condoned by Bioware is canon.
@fbueckert Not when Casey Hudsen says "there is no canon"
Sort of hard to tell a coherent story is nothing is canon.
That means "there is no canon" in Mass Effect
@kalina Yeah, I can see that from your answer. My point was more that the defaults they have are close enough to canon to be reasonably called canon.
@murgatroid99 and that's how I answered the question, it doesn't make them canon though
@kalina And technically, all of the story that doesn't depend on your choices is canon
If you look at the choices the defaults give you, they're all worst case scenario
@kalina Yep, sounds like modern film entertainment to me.
@GnomeSlice That makes less than zero sense....
@Fluttershy Uh. No it doesn't. Have you never heard of drama
I read that as "@GnomeSlice makes less than zero sense..."
@GnomeSlice I'm not seeing the correlation here.
@Fluttershy Making everything go wrong is pretty standard in much drama.
@GnomeSlice That's because it builds up tension.
Nobody wants to watch any movie that has no conflict.
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". History The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy's law are not hard to find. Recent significant research in this area has been conducted by members of the American Dialect Society. ADS member Stephen Goranson has found a version of the law, not yet generalized or bearing that name, in a report by Alfred Holt at an 1877 meeting of an engineering society. It is found that anything that can go wro...
@fbueckert I know why. I wasn't complaining.
@Fluttershy Yeah, that's pretty much what they write from.
@GnomeSlice There's a difference between movies and "no canon in Mass Effect"
@GnomeSlice Why do you keep editing everything?
@fbueckert What? I wasn't even talking about Mass Effect
@fbueckert nobody wants to play a game where you're always losing, either
3 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@kalina Yep, sounds like modern film entertainment to me.
there has to be some motivation to continue
games != movies
@Fluttershy I go to edit it, and then change my mind. Apparently if you hit return it edits it without changing it though.
There are things that happen in Mass Effect that are entirely outside the player's control.
@fbueckert Yeah, all of the default choices are worst-case scenario. Sounds about right.
There are things that will happen regardless.
@kalina I think that line is a little blurrier than you think, particularly with games like Enslaved or Mass Effect.
Why do you guys always have to interpret every single thing I say as an argument against something that I don't care about.
@GnomeSlice @kalina I kinda have to give him this one. Mostly because he mentions Enslaved... one of the best games ever.
@GnomeSlice You're entering an argument, dude.
Like it or lump it.
@Fluttershy I sort of wish that they'd done it as a movie though, as it was originally intended.
it's like feeding gremlins
@fbueckert Well I am now, thanks to you guys.
@GnomeSlice If you don't want to argue about it, quit entering the conversation.
I've never understood "zomg"... What's the Z for?
I was just pointing out that 'everything going wrong' doesn't mean it can't be the 'correct' storyline.
@fbueckert I'm just responding to you, dude.
@Fluttershy 'zoh'
The whole discussion was moot when I said Casey Hudson said there was no canon, tbh
@kalina Not really, no.
@GnomeSlice That's not even a word.
@Fluttershy Correct.
@BenBrocka I'm glad someone understood the reference. =3
Just because someone says something doesn't automatically make it true.
But it's what people say.
@GnomeSlice People are dumb.
@Fluttershy Mostly.
@fbueckert sorry, this is Casey Hudson, executive producer of Mass Effect, you know that right?
@fbueckert It does when they're... er, yeah, what she said ^
@kalina No canon = no set story.
There are parts of Mass Effect that always play out. That is canon.
Right, so how is "there is no canon" not a valid thing to say?
@kalina That means there is no story. AT ALL.
but in the grand scheme of things, you're talking about the filling rather than the finished product
the choices in mass effect are the point
@kalina The end story devolved to what color the explosions were. :P How, exactly, is that the finished product?
since none of the choices are canon, the rest of the story doesn't matter without the choices
as there is no story
@fbueckert you didn't even play Mass Effect did you
@kalina You fight the reapers
@kalina First two
@fbueckert That's like saying that my spoon is canon no matter what type of cereal I decide to have for breakfast.
@murgatroid99 You don't fight the reapers without the hundreds of choices in the middle
Refuse to install the spyware that is Origin.
Actually, no, it makes more sense than that.
@fbueckert Origin is not spyware.
@GnomeSlice tbh I kind of read his statement like that
@GnomeSlice And now you're entering the conversation again.
You sure you want to argue?
Origin is actually semi reasonable now
@kalina You're only saying that so you don't hate yourself for playing SimCity.
@Fluttershy no, I have it running all the time now
@kalina But he's right, to a point; if they blow up a planet at some point in the game, that's a pretty important point in the plot across all versions.
play cracked EA games, no problem
@GnomeSlice but you'd have never got to that point in the plot without the choices
@kalina But if it happens regardless of what decision[s] you make?
people don't care about the planet blowing up, they're talking about the choices leading up to the planet blowing up
@kalina Assume all choices lead to planetary destruction.
you are all arguing semantics
@kalina No, we're not.
everybody who has played Mass Effect knows that the Quarians lost Rannoch to the Geth
It's kind of a weird situation to quantify as 'canon' or not.
@kalina That's the bridges favourite thing!
They don't know if you chose to kill the Quarians or the Geth though
There are overarching plot points that happen regardless of your choices.
and it's the latter choice that they care about when they ask "which choices are canon"
Parts of it will always be the same, so those can be discussed as canon. Other parts will differ from player to player.
they don't care that Rannoch was lost in the first place
And what about prologue that establishes the beginning story?
The mass effect relays?
@kalina My Quarians lived in harmony with the Geth
Here let me help you a bit more
If those aren't canon, then why are they there?
The question title is: "What decisions must be made to stay with the “canonical” storyline?"
@Fluttershy Did you ever play the DLC for Enslaved?
see that word decisions ?
@GnomeSlice Sadly, no. =\
@kalina Which is unanswerable, since the only parts that are canon will happen no matter what choices you make.
So we should close it.
@kalina And "canonical" is in quotes because he knew that was not actually the word that applied there
@murgatroid99 I disagree and will continue disagreeing until you get bored
Semantic satiation get!
@murgatroid99 I think it's pretty close to what he was getting at. He wants the 'correct' storyline, when there is none.
@Fluttershy It sounded pretty interesting. It's about the mechanic guy
well yes the question is unanswerable
kinda, I answered it
I'm apparently quite good at answering unanswerable questions
@kalina By assuming that default beginnings = canon.
but yes it should probably be closed
@fbueckert after clarifying that there is no canon, I can guess at what I want
Well shit. I figured out why SE wasn't working well at work: LastPass plugin + work proxy + something on SE (I'm thinking OpenID related, but that's just a guess) = javascript basically not working. Now verified on Firefox and Chrome.
I figured the default startings are as close as you'll ever get
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I know what it's about. I just didn't get to play it before I lost Xbox Live connectivity. =(
@Fluttershy I'm glad you recognize the reference too, seeing as how that video's terrible and apparently ruins the joke. Didn't view it before posting it. Bad google, no donut
@BenBrocka I just figured it was right, since it was Invader Zim. ZIM? Whatevs.
@BenBrocka yeah that video was cut a little short
@Fluttershy Lost?
@BenBrocka Posting from a phone, huh.
@GnomeSlice I have one of the 1st Gen Xbox Arcade systems. It doesn't have built-in WiFi, and I refuse to pay $100 for the adapter.
@Fluttershy Ah. Mine doesn't have it either, but it's wired into my network.
@GnomeSlice Just didn't have my headphones in, visually I knew it was the right scene. Didn't realize they edit like a drunken monkey
@GnomeSlice Which doesn't seem fast enough for Xbox Live, so... how does that work?
@BenBrocka What? No, I was commenting on your autocorrect of 'doubt' to 'donut'.
@Fluttershy It doesn't really, which is why I didn't renew it.
@BenBrocka @Fluttershy this is a better copy
But you have to be signed in to Xbox live to play indie games, so...
@GnomeSlice That wasn't an autocorrect... he was saying Google doesn't get a donut because it failed.
It's not stupid... it's advanced!
@Fluttershy Oh.
Oh, ffs
I'm out
apparently more people love ponies than Minecraft
just sayin'
@kalina What? That's preposterous!
@MBraedley see the star list
I assume the argument was about this question?
Q: What decisions must be made to stay with the "canonical" storyline?

Iszi Related: Is there a "Canonical" Commander Shepard? I've recently discovered that there is a lot of Mass Effect material outside the Trilogy of games. I'm curious as to how these stories relate to events that are affected by decisions the player is allowed to make in the Trilogy? ...

@kalina Problem solved
now if you upvote me 20 times
and downvote teh question 3 more times
I will love everybody in here
@kalina Psh.. I tried that tactic for my Populist badge. It failed.
@OrigamiRobot Sweeping Wind upped from 15% per stack to 20%. And Cyclone from 20% to 26%.
@Fluttershy :(
I'm SIX upvotes away!
> The drop rate for Blacksmithing Plans and Jeweler Designs has been increased by 400%
They're entirely useless; why do this?
@Fluttershy wat
@fbueckert Don't they become useful when you max out black smithing? I thought it let you get set items.
@fbueckert For the completionists?
Oh wait, that's for the month.
@GnomeSlice This month.
@GnomeSlice For the month? Sure.
@Wipqozn Are there any iLvl 63 craftables?
I don't recall there being any.
@fbueckert I have no idea. I stopped playing before I hit 60.
I just remember people complaining blacksmithing was useless until you maxed it. Which it was.
I'm going to keep getting pushed further back in the all-time rep sort list... =[
@fbueckert there weren't when I last played
@Wipqozn Like I've been saying with @OrigamiRobot, drops (crafting including) are 99.99% useless.
I leveled it up a few times, then realized it's better to just use the auction house.
I'm almost off the second page now.
I need to ask more joke questions.
I haven't done one in a while.
@GnomeSlice weren't you just complaining about falling down the list? Downvotes aren't going to help that.
@Fluttershy My old joke questions gave me a bunch of my rep.
Actually, it was mostly my Minecraft questions/answers.
20 million to craft the new gem tier. wince.
But I'm not familiar enough with newer versions of the game to answer anything new about it.
@GnomeSlice Your joke questions had actual problems though.
@Wipqozn Did not.
Q: Do Blasts Pass Through Obsidian?

GnomeSliceI'm in a bit of a pickle. It seems someone playing on my friend's SMP server decided that it would be a good idea for him to do some testing with TNT. Now, he's conscientiously set this atrocity up a reasonable distance from the rest of the construction on the server, so I don't think that ...

Like what
Yes they did.
That's hilarious, but it has an actual problem.
@Wipqozn Oh, I thought you meant 'problems with the question'.
Those questions were actual questions disguised as drivel.
That page alone is responsible for a huge chunk of my rep.
No idea how much, specifically.
Also, I just noticed for the first time that there's a TNT block in my hand in one of those screen shots. Oops.
That's weird, I didn't even place any of it.
@GnomeSlice <=1012
@Wipqozn Wow.
That's a lot.
@Wipqozn Rep cap?
@Wipqozn I downvoted something.
@Fluttershy What's the rep cap? I don't think I've ever reached it.
Those votes probably weren't all at once.
@GnomeSlice 200, excluding bounties and accepts.
@Fluttershy ...Really?
Ugggh I'm not gonna get to finish my OTS answer until after I graduate, I don't think...
And by then I'll have forgotten about it
Oh well.
Nobody cared anyway.
@Fluttershy I have two of those.
Q: Disable certain multiplayer maps in CoD BO2

Ruud van FalierIs it somehow possible to temporarily disable specific multiplayer maps in Black Ops II ? I would like to enable only a few smalls maps while I level up my shotguns. I've tried to remove some of the map files, but the game will hang on that. Any suggestions?

Q: assassins creed 3 damaged safefile!

AssraceI am playing AC3 for a couple of weeks now and finished the game. but at one day i tryed to load the map, but it said: damaged safefile. does anybody has this and know why it keeps popping up. thank you

@Fluttershy That's why I said <=, and not ==.
@Wipqozn Ah. I parsed that wrong then.
Hmm, I wonder if my product replacement plan is good for a second replacement. Earbuds are going flaky, but I've already replaced them once.
@fbueckert right, that's why they should work on making them not useless instead of even more useless.
@OrigamiRobot Anything that allows me to continue progressing is good.
Punching monsters is not fun unless you get something for it.
@OrigamiRobot Now it's demonic essences.
Which at least gives you a chance at progression that's not reliant on the RNG to hand you a multi-hundred-million item that you can use to kickstart the process.
@fbueckert Progression into what?
I don't want to have best in slot items after one hour of playing. That means I would start playing again and stop in one hour.
YES, I am a R.A.C.I.S.T. which stands for: Rational American Combating Ignorant Socialist Traitors #TGDN #TeaParty #tcot
The stupid is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, is this guy not joking
That he's trying to make up an acronym for it to justify it is hilarious.
@GnomeSlice It sounds like someone accused him of being racist and he's making a joke by saying that he is if you mean that as an acronym, but not otherwise.
@Wipqozn What the hell is wrong with people?
@Ullallulloo Which is one of the dumbest kinds of jokes.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, it's a stupid joke.
Q: Batch commands, make a script?

kevlar1818I play CS:GO with my roommate against bots and we like to make custom games, say 2 CT's (us) vs 5 T's. Doing this in CS:GO requires some console commands. My question is, can we batch these commands somehow, or make a script that runs on server startup? The goal being to jump right into our custo...

@Wipqozn wtf, this was the SECOND occurrence in one month?
Q: Is Halo 4 PAL playable on a NTSC xbox 360

Ashish Kumar ShahI have an NTSC Xbox 360. Can I play a PAL Halo 4 on it?

On what planet is this question too localized?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm trying to work out whether I hate the general sentiment or the fact that the word ignorant is in there more.
@OrigamiRobot Progression into something better than I have. Something less at the whims of luck.
@Brant What the hell @ChrisF
I have no father!
@Brant fixed
It's like a smart person's thought process written by an illiterate.
Reviewing amuses me.
@Brant This is bleedover from the whole "Will game X run on Windows 8?" meta.
Oh, that kerfuffle.
@RonanForman It was 3 months ago. How do you expect me to remember how I voted 3 months ago. It probably wasn't too localised.
Q: How should we handle Windows 8 compatibility questions?

Yi Jiang's Evil CloneWith Windows 8 coming out it is inevitable that we'll receive a flood of compatibility question for games released prior to Windows 8 being made available. How should we handle such questions?

Which I still agree with. There are system compatibility charts out there for the consoles. We don't need questions that are basically, "Will game X run on console region Y?" and then it's brother, "Will game Z run on console region Y?"
@GnomeSlice He's not joking. He's a pretty standard Tea Party fuckwit.
Answers are basically Yes or no.
This sort of sentiment is par for the course with the right. :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tea what.
@GnomeSlice Tea Party. USA Right-wing movement.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Describe right wing thinking to me in 3 lines or less.
I'm Canadian, everyone here is too stoned all the time to have annoying political shoutings.
In politics, right-wing describes an outlook or specific position that accepts or supports social hierarchy or social inequality. Social hierarchy and social inequality is viewed by those affiliated with the Right as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, or from competition in market economies. It typically accepts or justifies this position on the basis of natural law or tradition. The political terms Right and Left were coined during the French Revolution (1789–99), and referred to where politicians sat in the French parliament; those who sat to the right of the chair of t...
@James That looks like more than three lines.
@GnomeSlice When you count up to three lines, stop reading :) And btw, I am not @LessPop_MoreFizz either ;)
@GnomeSlice Technically, it's a link. That turned itself into an article.
@James Well, you replied directly to my message.
@fbueckert Which is more than three lines.
@GnomeSlice Because I thought the first three sentences were a good explanation... but since you take issue with that forget it man.
@James I don't understand them. :P
Is it like a caste system or something
@GnomeSlice Well people who preach/support a setup like that, yes.
Who the fuck volunteered to test this.
In other news firefall is now in "open beta" I guess
In additional other news. If your game is dying of irrelevance, don't whine at the people who used to play. Don't promote the game either. MAKE THE GAME RELEVANT and only then do that.
Finally: This chance to easily hunt one of Pandora's most elusive beasts has now been extended until 10:55AM CST / 4:55PM GMT on Thursday, January 17 (What time is that for me?) -- be sure to make use of the extra time!
I think I'm good.
I loled at Nerf Now
This is going to take me forever
@Fluttershy how does he even know what platform it's on
Is it the asker's second account?
@GnomeSlice That is what the edit message says...
@John Might be someone else's
Fuck, whoops

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