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It's All Out Italian Wrestling with @badp!!
So XCOM kicked my butt last night. Four missions - three squad wipes, including the memorable site of two soldiers panicking at another soldier dying and shooting each other. It's been far too long since I struggled to win a strategy game.
@JasonBerkan sounds like standard XCOM
@BenBrocka I really should replay it on Classic Ironman.
Normal was just way too easy.
Q: Do enemy ships have limited missiles/drones?

OrigamiRobotIs it possible to wait for an enemy ship to run out off missiles and/or drones so that I can focus killing their crew with less pressure?

@fbueckert Classic Ironman is pretty brutal. Or at least I'm not good enough for it. :)
I was looking at this question
Q: Setting up a tekkit server without Hamachi OS-X

Cooke1007I have been trying to setup a private server without Hamachi for a while now because my friend, for various reasons, cannot connect. Because I am on MacOS my VPN options are very limited without Hamachi and as such I have not been able to set it up. I have tried port forwarding but all my ports n...

@fbueckert The AI on Classic seems much better. It hides in full cover more often, and uses a lot more overwatch.
@JasonBerkan That would be a lot more challenging. Whenever I run into overwatch enemies, I just send in my Assault with Lightning Reflexes.
@fbueckert Or sacrifice a rookie.
Then again, I find UFO:Afterlight quite challenging. The power curve is brutal.
and for me is an off-topic. but, I couldn't find a Stack Exchange site to direct the user. I first though that server fault was the right place, but don't look like it (on their faq)
If you really want to die, try the old Terror from the Deep
@BenBrocka I've started two Terror from the Deep games and I've never made it past the first mission. I find the graphical change from the original XCOM too jarring (which is likely because I'm used to the graphics in the original).
(the original series is all on Steam for Win 7 btw)
@JasonBerkan It's largely similar in terms of gameplay with a few new nicities interface wise and some new features, but the biggest change is the difficulty is even harder. Wait till you see a Terror mission
But if you want a challenging game of XCOM, there you go
@MichelAyres The guy's looking for VPN info, basically.
If he needs help setting up a server, go to Serverfault. If you need VPN options, find somewhere else.
@fbueckert But that question fits server fault q&a format? o.O
@BenBrocka Terror missions in XCOM were too easy, since you could completely ignore them - fly your troops there, immediately leave and take a minimal hit to your monthly score (a hit that you could easily recoup through one successful UFO encounter).
@MichelAyres If he's actually looking for help on setting up a server, maybe.
That should not falls under the "too specific" to them?
Mostly, though, what he seems to be having trouble with is port forwarding.
@JasonBerkan What fun is a terror mission if you don't risk losing your entire squad for minimal gain?
The best part on checking the reviews is that you (at least me) discovery new cool games =D
That snoring you hear is me on this teleconference.
@BenBrocka Chrysalids are mean.
@Powerlord Oh, I thought I had finally drifted off. Darn
HATE those in the new XCOM.
Anyone here use, or have some information about wtfast ?
@fbueckert They were way worse in the original
@BenBrocka Though I don't really like the scoring on the new terror missions either. The best strategic play is to let the aliens kill all the civilians, since if you kill all the aliens and keep all your soldiers alive, you get almost the best possible outcome.
I don't have any trouble with them in the new one
@fbueckert In the original, if I saw Snakemen on a terror mission, I left immediately. No way was I fighting Chryssalids.
Thank you for reviewing 20 Suggested Edits today; come back in 7 hours to continue reviewing.
Everybody who stars this comment ♥ponies!
@JasonBerkan There's a cheevo for getting Excellent on all sections of a terror mission.
After that, there's no reason to save any civvies, except to challenge yourself.
@kalina Time to shiny ! Bwahahahaha
@JasonBerkan Terror missions have always been BS, I'm not surprised they're just a different kind of BS now
I just wish there was a more in-depth research tree; it's too easy to get everything.
UFO:Afterlight hides entire trees behind capturing officers, I think.
@kalina FUUUUU-
@SaintWacko NP
Oh, wait, I hadn't starred it yet
Wait, yes I have
Why is it not yellow
saintwacko loves ponies
it's official
you heard it here first
@SaintWacko She edited it.
Drat, my secret is out!
It does strange things to the starring.
@fbueckert Oh, okay
I keep reading "StackExchangers... UNTIE"
In case anyone was curious, I decided to start on Kushiel's Dart now that I've finished Cloud Atlas. =P (cc: @AshleyNunn)
does that make me dyslexic?
(yes I had to spell check my spelling of dyslexic)
@kalina If so, it makes me dyslexic too :(
I like how people are still starring that
obviously there are pony lovers on the bridge
@Fluttershy You sir, are our of control.
@Wipqozn We get to control @Fluttershy?
Anyone played Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin?
@Ullallulloo ...yes
@SaintWacko Yes
But it was years ago
@Powerlord I had gotten myself stuck behind a statue, but I discovered I could destroy the statue
Q: In Siege Mode, how can I destroy the battleship without the anti-aircraft?

AntoIn the Siege Mode, I saw players destroying our battleship while we had control of the anti-aircraft. Are there other hidden weapons that can help to destroy the battleship ? Or is just possible to destroy it with the mech's weapons (and in that case, how) ?

Q: Audiosurf crashes on start up, error report refers to "languagepack.dll"

DJDavid98I got Audiosurf on Steam about a month ago, which I was able to run perfectly. Then, I had to re-install Windows, and since then I could not start up the game at all. Well, technically, it does start, but after a couple of seconds, it instantly crashes. I contacted the developer, but he couldn'...

@Lazers Steam game? Step 1: Revalidate. Step 2. If Step 1 didn't work, uninstall and reinstall. Step 3. If Step 2 didn't work, shutdown Steam, delete everything in the Steam directory except steam.exe and the steamapps directory, start Steam.
@SaintWacko POD?
@Ullallulloo Bad edits
@SaintWacko Oh.
I should remember that.
@SaintWacko Open the POD bay doors!
@Powerlord I'm sorry, @DaveMcClelland, I can't do that
@Powerlord Good suggestions, didn't try 3 yet.
I got distracted for 1min and the review list got empty
@Wipqozn Why am I out of control? O_o
@Fluttershy Well you just crossed the line.
@Wipqozn How so?
Oh hey! Another pony gravatar! Woo!
@Fluttershy Eeyup.
Can anyone review this closed question? I think at its current edit, it could now be reopened: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/101621/…
Ever since @Wipqozn changed his gravatar to a turtle, and @AshleyNunn changed hers back, the Bridge has been in dire need of more pony.
@Fluttershy I'm guessing those guys are bronies as well :D
@kalina Everyone who stars this comment loves robots
Everyone who stars this comment loves @Wipqozn
@galacticninja While you're here, is there any additional information you're looking for in your latest Jet Set Radio question?
Enjoy your lack of stars
obviously now that I have said that, any stars you get are pity stars
@DJDavid98 It's actually one of Valve's official suggestions on their KnowledgeBase.
@OrigamiRobot Wipqozn <3
I don't have a link to it at the moment, though (at work, and Steam sites are blocked here)
@kalina My lack of stars makes the pony stars more double in value.
@Powerlord Like I knew that even exist xD
@OrigamiRobot I know, people love ponies, nobody likes robots
@kalina It's just cartoon ponies that I like, more specifically MLP:FiM characters. The IRL ones I hate.
@galacticninja I don't like that title, it's hideous
@DJDavid98 pfff
@Fluttershy I haven't played it after asking that question. I'll be sure to comment again when I do. The current answer seems to be what I'm looking for, although I haven't been able to try it.
@fluttershy yay for reading Kushiel's Dart. :F
@kalina What do you think of the title "Where can I get a copy of the different demo versions?" Also, what about the content? It seems to be what OP is looking for.
@kalina I've already edited the title.
I don't know, I'm biased as I don't like the question
It's going to contain an answer subject to severe link rot in a short period of time
and it has an ugly title that will wrap around on the main page
and once link rot sets in, it's going to basically be a shopping advice question
@Powerlord 3 didn't work.
I just realised how not-like-me that block of text sounds
leave me out of this discussion, it's turning me into @fbueckert
@kalina The title has been edited to be shorter. I'm kinda biased for reopening the question, since I'm a Re-Volt fan =) I don't think it's shopping advice, as OP has made it clear what he's looking for (he listed the demo versions and details about them).
@galacticninja That is indeed a really good game :D

GTG. If anyone wants to review this question and/or have it reopened, this is the link: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/101621/where-can-i-get-a-copy-of-the-different-demo-versions-each-different-demo-vers
@kalina You did sound very @fbueckert-like there
@kalina My install path currently is *D:\Telepített Programok\Steam\steamapps\common\Audiosurf*
@DJDavid98 It's the í in Telepített
tis not alphanumeric
try copying the AudioSurf folder to D:\ and running it from there, this forum post says that should work
Well, I guess that my be the problem, I dont konw. I just got a pirated copy that did work also before the reinstall, so I will test if that works when copying.
Dude, I love you right now!
oh no, internet love -.-
@AshleyNunn I'm only about ten pages in, but I love the way it's written. Something strangely elegant about it. Which is odd for me to say about a book. >_>
@DJDavid98 Are you related to @meraj99?
@Fluttershy No. Who the hell is he/she/it?
Can't ping Gnome. =/
i am not compute that can search all of stackexchange for answer my question — Shahrooz Jefri 5 hours ago
does am not compute
@fluttershy I get what you mean, though, about the elegance. It has a lovely way with words.
@kalina Dude, steam won't allow me to change the game directory, only allows me to install in the steam installation folder.
> [Artificial Intelligence] is a science because, in the moment in which you emulate some intelligent behaviours with given artificial systems (where, as we said, by intelligent we intend to convey the meaning referring to human-specific behaviours), man achieves the target of creating objective and rigorous models and experimental confirmations; this allows us to irrefutably obtain an advance in our study, through scientific methods, of the human intelligence.
@DJDavid98 create a steam library, install it in that if you can
not all games support it though
There's so much fat in that sentence, it makes bacon look like diet food
@kalina Point being, I cannot create an other one in drive D: because there's already one, the default.
well that sucks
you will probably have to reinstall Steam to D:\ then
without the other folders
@kalina Steam reinstall, yeah.
Well at least I know the problem now :D
I wonder how long it would've taken me to find out the í was the source of the problem...
@badp Seriously, that's almost unreadable
@badp Wait, bacon isn't diet food? Damnit...
@DJDavid98 Go Keto.
@Ullallulloo Keto?
Keto is without carbs... that is a hard diet, no french fries =X
@AshleyNunn It's basically a non-bread diet that uses lots of bacon.
but there are mayo and bacon =)
Ah so like Paleo sorta.
Gosh, I hate this Hungarian keyborad... So many stuff can be typed with <kbd>Alt Gr<kbd> I keep hitting them accidentally...
@kalina And @Wipqozn loves himself.
@OrigamiRobot I like trains.
Now off to go Surfing. Seeya all :D
@SaintWacko Why do people feel the need to embellish their thought with such discombobulating thought process? The language isn't getting any clearer and the nesting is only getting worse.
> From this [???] point of view the historical framing of a discipline, which in the AI case appears particularly rich but problematic too, represents the starting point for a broader analysis, in which we can consider also matters about the ontological determination of its particular statute.
What the hell does this mean?
My best guess is "This ties with the way AI as a discipline came to be." Or, in other words, content-free filler.
Q: Trouble Playing Pokemon Trading Card Game Online

KecoeyI have been trying to play the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online for over a month now. Every time that I try to login to the site, I get this error: When I go to the download page: And click the download button, I get this error: I have tried multiple different browsers, all having the ...

Q: Do cities only follow the dominant religion in Civilisation V?

theoriseWhat happens if my city has 3 religions, does it benefit from all of the follower beliefs, or does it just work for the current most dominant religion?

(I'm not seriously asking you to translate to common English my rather exceedingly literal translation of this terrible piece of Italian. That'd be cruel.)
(I'm just happy studying Engineering means this stuff <fi>has a 2% probability</fi> of affecting my final grade for the exam or of being of any use in my general understanding of AI.)
@Ullallulloo La Mulana finally did?
@Ullallulloo Looked right to me, I approved.
@galacticninja Bleh. The point was to get away from just listing links.
Any question that only asks for links (ie. Where can I find a guide for X?/Is there a guide on how to mine for fish?) is fundamentally a bad question. They can be modified to answer the underlying question (I'm having trouble with X. What can I do./How do I mine for fish?). But any question where you can't answer the underlying problem other than provide links is a bad question.
@agent86 Didja get to watch that trailer I linked yesterday?
@Fluttershy gah, no, I haven't yet, apologies
@agent86 No worries. When you do, would you kindly ping me either here or on Steam? I am interested to hear your opinion of it.
Q: stuck after spawning in minecraft

MaxA new player spawned on the server for the first time, was spawned inside a tree within the protected area around the spawn. We don't have an admin around, but he is obviously stuck since he can't destroy any block around him and has no way out without destroying something. What can he do?

Q: What good are animal bits and plants versus zombies?

agent86After clearing the base game, I've moved on to the Undead Nightmare DLC. I've noticed that money seems to be all but gone from the game as a commodity. Nobody seems interested in trading now that zombies ate their neighbors. Further, the challenges are completely different than in the base gam...

@Lazers Good play on words on the title here, @agent86. Well done.
@Lazers Plants are only good against Zombies On Your Lawn.
Although I heard squirt guns work surprisingly well against Zombies.
wtf... gaming is unblocked at work now, but imgur isn't.
Fun fact: on the SNES version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, enter code BCDF to go to a hidden bonus level.
@jin playing bl2 tonight?
@BenBrocka no :( probably not until next week
got a lot of work to finish up before I head to nyc thursday
@ChargingPun should probably put some more info in his tag wikis.
I wish there was an improve option for tag wikis.
Argh listening to people eat
I can't invite him to chat though.
You can reject with a reason I think
And they'll never actually see out of course
@BenBrocka Are you on your phone using swype?
Yes, what did I mistype?
@BenBrocka out instead of it. I use swype, so I recognize the symptoms :P
Oh, out instead of it
swype has its own set of mistypes :P
Yes I love Swype but there's a few things it does song more often than not
@fbueckert Who what where huh!?
@BenBrocka Case in point
Yeah, swype is what finally convinced me to stop using my Treo
@BenBrocka An old Palm smartphone
the original smartphone, pretty much
Oh yeah
I had my Treo 650 for five years
that thing was wonderful
I wish Palm was still around :(
What phone did you get?
@BenBrocka Galaxy S Captivate
Then upgraded to a Galaxy S3 a couple months ago
I had one of the original galaxy s phones to, got mad at Samsung for the lack of updates
got a nexus 4 now
@BenBrocka Yeah, I stuck with stock rom for about a month, then gave up on updates and I've been using custom roms on my devices ever since
I experimented with custom roms on my WinMo Treo Pro before my Galaxy S, but I couldn't tell much of a difference
I rooted but I never bothered putting on a custom rom, too much bother and none of them were built specifically for my phone, so I got very mixed messages about what worked (it was a US Cellular galaxy S so no one made anything specifically for it)
@BenBrocka I've been looking at upgrading my phone. Been looking at either the Nexus 4 or Galaxy S3. Just buying one straight up is expensive, though.
Since I got the nexus I haven't even felt the need to root it
$350 isn't that much for a kickass phone. I got one with a prepaid plan, it's awesome
@BenBrocka I really wanted the Nexus 4, but the lack of storage killed it for me
@SaintWacko 16GB? I haven't needed more, but I use Google Play music instead of storing it local
@BenBrocka I have 300MB of data a month
So I store all of my music locally
@SaintWacko Send your phone company a picture of your middle finger with your last bill and get Straight Talk
$45 a month, coverage anywhere, unlimited everything
@BenBrocka Is this available in Canada?
@BenBrocka Who is that from?
@fbueckert Oh, hrm. No idea
Straight Talk is through Walmart but they use either T Mobile or AT&T's towers for HSPA+ or GSM(?)
T mobile has an even better plan if you can deal with only 100 minutes of talk, but their service is crap here
Ah, yeah ST doesn't do Canada it seems
@BenBrocka Boo.
Well, it's through Walmart, so I'd probably not take them up on it, anyways.
Q: Laptop forgets that it's plugged in while gaming

Jonathan GleasonI just recently received a new laptop a couple of days ago and I've noticed that, whenever I'm gaming, the laptop spontaneously forgets that it's plugged in. That is, even though just a minute ago it was plugged in and charging, whenever I start to game, the laptop reports that it's on battery p...

@fbueckert It's an awesome service. I don't like/use walmart, but it's pretty much the best you can get here
@GamingTopicsFromOutside That's not the laptop forgetting. It's a loose cord.
I highly recommend prepaid in general though. It's worth it just to say FU to contracts, plus there's no hidden fees or anything, it's all nice and simple, and often cheaper
@BenBrocka I just have a pay as you go plan.
I bought my phone straight up. Screw contracts.
I've had a single contract, and it taught me that the telecom company will do whatever it can to screw you over and keep you giving them money.
He had one with US cell for a while, they used to have great customer service and wouldn't screw you over, but they've slowly gotten worse
that plus poor phone options prompted me to leave ship, and the nexus 4 was as good a reason as any
@BenBrocka I was with Rogers. I had a super cheap phone, not even a smart phone. At the end of the three year contract, I insisted on them unlocking it if they wanted to keep my business. They refused.
No more locked phones for me either
You pay more money long term by getting a subsidized contract phone, I see very little reason to get anything but unlocked phones if you're really evaluating your options properly and understand what any of it all means (I'm sure most consumers don't)
@BenBrocka And the telecom companies do everything they can to obfuscate it.
Because heaven forbid, a consumer makes a fully informed choice about what they're getting into.
@fbueckert They know if that happened, they'd lose out
Also, Castlevania is fun
@SaintWacko If your business model relies on ensuring your customer doesn't understand the whole picture, you deserve to fail.
And get sued into the ground.
Q: Is there a way to find where other players are in the Minecraft world without asking them for their coordinates?

AlexandruIs there a way to find where other players are in the Minecraft world without asking them for their coordinates? I play with friends. We've sort of aligned ourselves in a 2 vs 2 match-up, and since we wanna PvP with them, we need to find them first.

@fbueckert yeah, they keep shit confusing because people are used to just doing whatever the phone company says so they get service
I've had to tell my parents like 5 times that they can still use a "deactivated" android phone as everything but a phone. They keep thinking they'll "die". Even after I gave my dad my old one which he uses as an MP3 player
@BenBrocka Hmm. I think my X10 doesn't allow you to do anything without a valid sim card in it. Except dial 911.
@fbueckert I think that's a big part of why they fight so hard to prevent competition. Someone really could sweep in and make this a lot simpler for the consumer (hell prepaid plans already do, but there's a stigma there). But you need a new entrant to do that. That's almost impossible in the US
@fbueckert No wifi? No Android OS? I doubt that unless it's been seriously carrier molested
@BenBrocka I've already cracked it open so it's carrier agnostic.
The only things it should stop you from doing are making phone calls and from using mobile data
But without a sim card, it doesn't allow you to unlock the phone.
Android doesn't require a SIM card
It's been a while since I've hauled the SIM card out of it.
That's crazy if so
I could be doing something wrong, I dunno.
I bet a deactivated SIM card would still work, I just wouldn't get service.
But I'm not sure how it'll handle NO sim card.
@fbueckert I've used my Android phone without a SIM card, worked fine for everything except calling people of course
@BenBrocka Why would android require a sim card?
@SaintWacko That's my point
@ThomasMcDonald Server down?
@BenBrocka Oh, I see
I made the mistake of snapping off the tiny bit of the SIM card that's there as a full-size form factor.
So pulling it out will require some surgery, now that it's all the way in my phone.
I lost my iPhone. Halp
Now I can't play Tiny Towers anymore (
@Retrosaur It's always in the last place you look
@BenBrocka Phoning it is usually a good first step.
Just hope you did'nt put it on silent
Fun fact: Due to Mozilla's increased release schedule, Microsoft only sends them a cupcake on each release instead of a full cake.
@Powerlord not true, they stopped doing that
@Powerlord however...
@kalina Always bugged me that the cake is sideways
@BenBrocka They just wanted to see if IE10 supported transform: rotate()
Q: How can I get more chocolate?

KatieKI want to maximize Stinky's ability to collect coins while I'm not using Plants Vs. Zombies, and that means giving him regular feedings of chocolate. How can I maximize my chocolate harvest while actually playing the game? I'm using the iOS / iPad version - in case it matters.

@TimStone heh
Anyone playing Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt tonight?
Is it going home time yet?
Also, now that La Mulana is going to be on Steam, how many of you will actually play it?
@Powerlord I wish
Is it the old graphics one or the new one? And was there any difference between those other than graphics
@BenBrocka The new one, and yes, there are a number of other changes.
Mainly, you can now save at any grail tablet. Also, some puzzles were updated.
If you have admins that will be around later, then this is Too Localised in time. — SevenSidedDie 17 mins ago
Oh, right, software works differently in the new version. There are a lot less software titles, and you can equip a bunch at once. Also, there is a new item slot for using the scanner and other item types.
You guys should all play FUEL by the way.
I really hope he wasn't playing that with a keyboard.
Wait, he made it to the salt flats in about two hours, but it took him 8 to circumnavigate?
He must have skipped a bunch of camps then, because that couldn't have been the second one he visited if he started at the first one.
@fbueckert Bah, I would have bet money this was referring to Apple.
The Lying Disease. The things people will do for attention...
@Powerlord I've got that. Pay attention to me
Anyone here use Mountain Lion and windows8 ?

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