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@SaintWacko It's still somewhat iffy; I mean, we don't allow questions about system requirements because we get minimum requirements for all games.
Anyone see the new about page yet? Pretty slick.
@fbueckert Not Android games, apparently
@Brant Whoa, very nice
@SaintWacko That's true.
Google Play by default hides games that your phone doesn't meet the requirements for, though.
@fbueckert which can be answered as 'how can I diagnose the problem with <X>?'
@fbueckert There is that
didn't know that
If you're installing from the web, though...
@SaintWacko It doesn't work. :P
I tried that with Beastie Bay.
@fbueckert Right, but it still displays them, minus the minimum requirements
@SaintWacko True.
So therein lies the rub; I ran into the issue, too, and it took me forever to figure out what I had to fix to get it to download.
@Brant Saw it on Apple, where it launched first. Happy to see it's gotten to us too.
Also I'm sorry @LessPop_MoreFizz. Your answer just got pushed down.
@fbueckert The problem with taking that kind of question, of course, is that it opens the gate to near infinite permutations of games and devices
@SaintWacko Which is exactly why we don't allow "Will my computer run X?" questions.
Solution: Migrate them all to Android :P
In other news, I now want to retag the tagging example question. Is that bad? :P
@SaintWacko Hey! We're the SciFi haters, not Android! :P
@badp I thought the same thing. Remove the game tags?
Q: Is it possible to punch someone's head off?

nitsuaI thought it was a bit of a shame that Skyrim removed the Hand-to-Hand tree that was in Oblivion. But I was curious if there was a way to inflict massive damage using hand-to-hand attacks. According to a friend (who may well be unreliable), it is possible to decapitate enemies using a punch alon...

@fbueckert But in the instance of computer games, I've never seen an instance where minimum/recommended stats were not available
@SaintWacko Android games usually only have "Requires version X or above", no?
@fbueckert I have a pentium 2 and 32 MB of ram, can I run Crysis Y/N?
@BenBrocka Burns question with extreme prejudice
Rages on meta while completely misrepresenting the situation
Why did my Bridge go away -.-
@GraceNote aw did I miss some panic?
@BenBrocka Closes meta question as Not Constructive
You did.
@fbueckert In theory
@SaintWacko Was it one of those raising/lowering bridges? Those are tricksy
In reality, only sometimes
For example, for Minecraft it say this:
@fbueckert They have a set of requirements and the store more or less only shows you things you can run
Varies with device
Varies with device
@BenBrocka We're talking about the online store, though
@BenBrocka The website will still show you games you can't run.
@BenBrocka It does seem that this Bridge went down, then came back up
That's the problem. Google Play won't let you install it, but it won't tell you what you're missing.
@fbueckert If you try and install it it'll tell you when your device doesn't work with it
@BenBrocka But it won't tell you why
@fbueckert It's probably assumed that there's fuck-all you can do about it
I mean are you going to buy a new $600 phone to play Minecraft pocket edition?
@BenBrocka Sometimes there is, though
@BenBrocka Which is almost guaranteed the correct solution.
new ROM will fix some issues
@GnomeSlice Don't die! ~hug~
@SaintWacko Yeah, that's often in the fuck-all you can do category though, but hopefully the Nexus line will convince more manufacturers they need to actually produce updates
@badp 26.95 USD - should be roughly the same number of Canadian dollars.
@BenBrocka You can usually root and flash a custom ROM
And I agree it should tell you why; it seems to have a list of reasons (hardware & software) but I just assume that's why it doesn't
@JasonBerkan Should I feel honoured in my assumption that you just implied I'm Canadian/in Canada?
@badp No, I am in Canada. I know you are in Italy.
oh, okay.
Though props for spelling honoured with a u.
@JasonBerkan I switch wildly between the two spelling standards, although I've been using English UK as my android keyboard language.
Most importantly, how do you pronounce the letter 'Z'?
RE: play store gripes, I just wish it would let me remove devices. It still has my old phone in there (my two older phones slowly faded out of the list) but my last one can't be removed. I can remove it from the dropdown list, but sometimes it pops back in
@StrixVaria We've been taught it's "tsee"?
@StrixVaria z
@StrixVaria Zee and Zed - my Mom is an American.
or zed. Zed works too.
@badp The ts sound for z comes from German.
In American it's "zee".
@badp That's more of a german pronunciation. It's like a buzzing See. Bees make Zs
@StrixVaria Well I thought I wouldn't use the "z" letter in saying how "z" is pronounced. It's CHEATING dammit.
Also, ts/z sound the same at least to me if I pronounce the t and s close together enough
@badp There really isn't another letter that makes that sound, though. Unless you want to say "it starts with the s from monkeys" or something convoluted.
@badp spell out how to pronounce b without using a b. GO
@BenBrocka ßee
(the z is a "double letter", that's why I did it)
That'd be See
@BenBrocka at best it'd be "ssee".
unless there's another way to pronuce the s set
"z" is not the same as "ts".
I dunno, I guess it's just double s?
@badp well you don't really pronounce two esses
Unless you're a sssnake
Zree~ Zree~
@BenBrocka eh, I guess it's like coMe vs coMMon
I mean, strasse = straße
Teaching my kid to read has taught me that English has dumb pronunciation rules.
@JasonBerkan English barely has pronunciation rules.
the only thing is that it's really weird how distant - graphically - ß is from ss.
You pretty much just have to know all the words.
@badp It's one of those old fancy really tall 'S's next to a normal S, with the tops attached.
English has no rules.
It's just smatterings of whatwithall people figured at one point or another, upturned and occasionally respected but otherwise we change as things happen and there isn't any logic behind any of it from the get-go.
@StrixVaria Yeah I was just drawing it.
From most credible to most wtf.
If naming the ß thing was up to me I'd just call it the s-nom.
@MichelAyres Huh?
@badp It's called "ess-zett" in German which literally just means "SZ".
Q: In the about-new page hovering the title area shows a dotted line at the bottom

badphttp://gaming.stackexchange.com/about-new The dotted line does not belong there. It is bothering me and distracting from all the other awesome that page is dripping with. Kill it with fire, please.

Even though it represents "SS", so who knows.
@MichelAyres link won't work for him
@badp why not ?
@MichelAyres Because it's for your character.
because 26347 is your character, not mine.
My link has 26040 instead of 26347
@badp =X ops
@GnomeSlice what ever, you got what I meant =P
It's only with me, or ppl are getting more polite on Online games?
@MichelAyres It's you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hahahaha
That font does not render well at that size in win chrome...
@MichelAyres Depends on the game.
I could use some large bacon strips.
@GnomeSlice well, I'm not counting Brazilians... I don't like them =/ most of the brazilians are rude >.<
So where does everyone stand on type questions?
@fbueckert No different than
@Powerlord If only there were magical stores which sold bacon in various sizes and thicknesses
@BenBrocka We could call them "Butchers"
@Powerlord We actually allow a single exception to ITG questions, now; it can be summed up as, "Screenshot or GTFO"
@fbueckert Since when? >:/
The question is, does that apply to music questions? Is it an acceptable overlap for our expertise?
@Powerlord Since about six months ago.
> Questions asking to identify a game or parts thereof are not too localized if they reference actual screenshots, music or other artifacts thereof. Others are too localized and must be closed accordingly.
@fbueckert I believe that if someone record a music with his phone or from another way, we can help =)
Was the proposed change
Assuming that's the one that got accepted, music is right there in it.
@Powerlord The discussion about whether or not it was within our expertise kinda got sidelined and ignored.
@MichelAyres That, actually, I'd deem off-topic; we're about gaming, not making your phone do stuff.
efgewlfgewugewrigewrw you guys upvoted the silly cake ad for philosophy.se again
@fbueckert no, I mean, if I record a FF sound that I want to know and post it on Arqade, THEM we can help. the way you record it it's up to you, I just suggested the mobile phone =)
@MichelAyres So now we're ?
freehand circles are out, the new hotness:
The question I'm asking is, is this something we WANT to be able to answer? Does our expertise run to identifying sounds/music/other artifacts just because it came from a game?
(windows doesn't show your mouse cursor in print screens or snipping tool)
@fbueckert not that I wish =X
Q: How Can I Reproduce GLaDOS' Voice Modulation Effect?

BillareOne of things I'm particularly interested is how they transformed Ellen McLain's voice to GLaDOS' musical one. I don't think it's entirely a natural effect by voice acting, though I have to admit I was impressed when I listened to McLain's unaided attempt at GLaDOS on a commentary just now. I'm...

Oh wait, is that closed now?
Nevermind then
for me, if it follows the ITG we also should follow it for sounds. BUT I don't like ITG =/
I'm open to being convinced that this stuff is on-topic; but I don't really think it has anything to do with gaming.
We play games. We can love the graphics, the music, the mechanics, whatever. But does being able to identify a name or a song from a game have anything to do with playing a game?
We're the experts. If anyone on the Internet can do it, it's us.
We're the experts?
@Brant That logic means we allow anything and everything about games. Period.
@tiddy Well, that's the idea anyway. :P
Spoiler: we're not
Or rather, the goal.
@Brant What color is the team flag in Team Fortress 2 if it's set to Any team?
@GnomeSlice Do you just have a big bookmark file of objectionable closures (or open questions) that you're bitter about?
@Powerlord I don't follow.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Your new gravatar is frightening.
I like it.
@Brant The answers I'm seeing on the Internet are inconsistent.
Therefore, being experts we should know the answer, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz No. And I thought it was still open, I'm glad it's closed.
(When I said inconsistent, the answers are "white" and "yellow" with "white" leading)
@Powerlord knowing the answer and want the question are different, no?
@Brant This is what I'm saying, but other people have told me that it's not a good reason. :(
OK, let me change the question then.
In the TF2 map editor, how do I choose what color a neutral flag is?
Is that on topic for Arqade?
We don't allow technical questions that are only loosely connected to games, because most questions in the category use games to justify their existence here.
@Powerlord The flag color?
@MichelAyres TF2 is clearly a game!
However, its map editor isn't.
I see questions such as, "What is the name of this song?" in the same light. Yeah, it came from a game, but what expertise related to gaming is being drawn upon to be able to identify the name of a song?
@Powerlord I think "map editor" = gamedev
(I'm jumping into the argument without knowing what my sentence means to the argument)
@badp Except I'm not creating my own game.
@badp Players use the consumer map editor, not developers.
@Powerlord It's still the development of a map, mod or game, which is not the playing of the game
@GnomeSlice That's not necessarily true. Valve uses this editor to create all of the games official maps.
@Powerlord Map editor questions have been firmly deemed off-topic here.
@Powerlord You know exactly what I meant.

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