I thought it was a bit of a shame that Skyrim removed the Hand-to-Hand tree that was in Oblivion. But I was curious if there was a way to inflict massive damage using hand-to-hand attacks.
According to a friend (who may well be unreliable), it is possible to decapitate enemies using a punch alon...
@SaintWacko Yeah, that's often in the fuck-all you can do category though, but hopefully the Nexus line will convince more manufacturers they need to actually produce updates
RE: play store gripes, I just wish it would let me remove devices. It still has my old phone in there (my two older phones slowly faded out of the list) but my last one can't be removed. I can remove it from the dropdown list, but sometimes it pops back in
@badp There really isn't another letter that makes that sound, though. Unless you want to say "it starts with the s from monkeys" or something convoluted.
It's just smatterings of whatwithall people figured at one point or another, upturned and occasionally respected but otherwise we change as things happen and there isn't any logic behind any of it from the get-go.
The dotted line does not belong there. It is bothering me and distracting from all the other awesome that page is dripping with. Kill it with fire, please.
> Questions asking to identify a game or parts thereof are not too localized if they reference actual screenshots, music or other artifacts thereof. Others are too localized and must be closed accordingly.
@fbueckert no, I mean, if I record a FF sound that I want to know and post it on Arqade, THEM we can help. the way you record it it's up to you, I just suggested the mobile phone =)
The question I'm asking is, is this something we WANT to be able to answer? Does our expertise run to identifying sounds/music/other artifacts just because it came from a game?
One of things I'm particularly interested is how they transformed Ellen McLain's voice to GLaDOS' musical one. I don't think it's entirely a natural effect by voice acting, though I have to admit I was impressed when I listened to McLain's unaided attempt at GLaDOS on a commentary just now. I'm...
I'm open to being convinced that this stuff is on-topic; but I don't really think it has anything to do with gaming.
We play games. We can love the graphics, the music, the mechanics, whatever. But does being able to identify a name or a song from a game have anything to do with playing a game?
We don't allow technical questions that are only loosely connected to games, because most questions in the category use games to justify their existence here.
I see questions such as, "What is the name of this song?" in the same light. Yeah, it came from a game, but what expertise related to gaming is being drawn upon to be able to identify the name of a song?