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@Fluttershy This is what spurred my, "Quit rebooting shit, morons!" hate train.
Well... Couldn't download SotN to my Vita... Memory card is full. DAMN YOU SONY!!!
@OrigamiRobot Unfortunately I hadn't heard of it back then, or even the SNES one (though I can't play the SNES one for crap)
@GnomeSlice You seem to completely misunderstand why people dislike those movies.
Basically, a Reboot is a way of saying fuck you to an audience that has become too niche to care about thanks to the overwhelming amount of backstory, in favor of attempting to draw in a new audience with a fresh story. Members of that niche audience sometimes don't like being told that their attention wasn't enough to sustain the franchise, and, like @fbueckert they lash out.
@Fluttershy delete some demos or move some stuff onto your PC (or download it later)
@fbueckert Really...? Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall are among the best Bond movies made... O_o
@BenBrocka SNES? You mean Dracula X?
@fbueckert What's wrong with using the same universe as something else if you can put a good story around and it and make it interesting again?
@Fluttershy Whoops.
@BenBrocka I just need a memory card that isn't 4GB.
It has nothing to do with the fact that they may have done things differently than the first three, it's that they were terrible movies.
That's like saying McDonald's ads are all reboots, but that shit works.
SotN is pretty big for PSX
@Fluttershy I should mention that I don't like Bond all that much.
Hey, is the PSP version of Dracula X available on PSN?
If it's established, and popular, why not use it some more?
@OrigamiRobot Super Castlevania IV
@BenBrocka Y'know what I don't get? Why Suikoden is on PSN, but Suikoden 2 is not.
SotN was my first game in the franchise.
19 mins ago, by fbueckert
@RavenDreamer Yeah, so offshoot a story, I don't mind.
Got it on Virtual Console and only got about 1/4th of the way through
Suikoden 2 just like... fell off the face of the earth, apparently... And now my only copy has been entrusted to @FAE!
@Fluttershy The curse of the Dutch!
@fbueckert ...Isn't that what a reboot is?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not so much lash out, as want something more original than re-treading the same damn thing. Over and over and over.
Also, I quite liked Men in Black three.
@GnomeSlice No, that's a side story.
@GnomeSlice MiB 3 was a sequel, not a reboot.
@fbueckert Except that's not what's going on at all, so I'm not sure why you're so angry.
@fbueckert Using the same characters/universe multiple times is not re-treading.
@Fluttershy Was the first more popular? They've definitely started with the more popular games
Same universe, maybe same character, but something that wasn't in the game.
@GnomeSlice that'd be new game, new story, maybe old characters, old setting / history
@fbueckert Did you ever watch inspector gadget?
I got suikoden and it was quite fun though. Never played 2, I only heard of it after seeing it on PSN
@BenBrocka As far as I know, Suikoden 2 has always been lauded as the best in the franchise.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's a reboot. They're throwing out the original story.
Dynasty Warrior Gundum.
@fbueckert Welcome to all the entertainment industries. Whether it's movies or games, even if something isn't a reboot or a remake it's usually just a copy-paste of something else in the industry that made money.
What, exactly, are they NOT doing?
Is that a remake or a reboot or somethign else?
@OrigamiRobot NO YELLING
I do wish they'd put up pretty much every PS1 game up on there so future generations get access to all that. It's a crime that so many old games can only be bought for >$50 on well-worn carts for old systems
@fbueckert Okay, but how does that imply that they're retreading the same thing?
Bionic Commando: Rearmed.
Also, @BenBrocka if I have a game cartridge for the Vita... does it still install that game to my memory card?
Woe be all who wish to legally pay Earthbound these days
@Fluttershy It installs something, but not the full game
That has to be a reboot.
@Fluttershy saves?
It's enough to make it's icon apear, I don't know what exactly it installs though. May just be the icon and saves
@GnomeSlice That's just a remake.
@fbueckert Star Trek was rebooted. The story told in Abrams Star Trek was not the same story that has been told in prior Trek films.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why not, oh, I dunno, throw it into existing canon, rather than going, "All that story we gave you? Yeah, we can't figure out how to continue it, so we're just going to act like it never existed."
In serial fiction, to reboot means to discard all established continuity in a series and start over from the beginning. Etymology The term originates from the computer term for restarting a computer system. Film series With reboots, filmmakers can revamp and reinvigorate film series to attract new fans and stimulate revenue. They can also be a "safe" project for a studio, as a reboot with an established fan base is less risky (in terms of expected profit) than an entirely original work, while at the same time allowing the studio to explore new demographics. Comic books The term also ap...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, and I didn't like it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Explained by alternate timeline shennanigans
And Leonard Nimoy.
@Wipqozn You say this so cavalierly, do you have any idea how difficult it is to come up with a completely, absolutely original work in 2012? It's nigh impossible.
@fbueckert Because to throw it into the existing canon would bring the story they want to tell in conflict with the existing continuinty.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So work it out.
What's not to love about Nimoy?
Civ IV's research never sounded so good.
Anything less is an insult to all the work done before.
@fbueckert Also because working it into the existing canon turns off new audience members.
heh, SotN is rated 4.86 on PSN. Their ratings are surprisingly accurate/in line with my opinions on most games. I'd have suspected modern gamers might have less respect for the classics
@fbueckert And demanding that I be up to date on the whole canon is an insult to me as a viewer.
> Used: from $140.00
Sometimes there's just too much and you need to burn it down. Those old movies are still there, go enjoy them.
@fbueckert It's not like they're burning the originals.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Who said anything about having to be up to date?
Ehhhh no thanks, I'll waitfor the PSN release
A good story allows you to catch up if you want, and just continue as needed.
I also still have plenty of games, and a few RPGs to boot, to play before I start spending crazy money
Books do it all the damn time.
I liked the Star Trek reboot, I think they can explore some interesting new storylines now.
@fbueckert Ugh. I said I was going to back out. I let myself get dragged in. I will not do this. You care about this a great deal more than me. I am getting out of this.
@fbueckert Besides, aren't Thor, the Avengers, Iron Man, etc, reboots?
> Suikoden II remains one of the most valuable games for the PlayStation
@GnomeSlice Yes, it's difficult, but it's not impossible. Besides, the issue isn't that people have difficulty coming up with original work it's just that people don't even try. They just copy-paste what's already been done to make more money.
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be fair, I tend to have single minded focus on whatever it is I'm arguing at the time.
How do I do that little line thingy? =(
@GnomeSlice Have there been movies of their origins before?
@GnomeSlice Yes, actually, though from the comics, not from previous movies
@Wipqozn As politely as I can, you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
line thingy?
@fbueckert ...Comics. Did you even have to ask that.
Pipes? ||| |||
Oh, the quote? type > then what you want to say, no linebreaks
@GnomeSlice Reboots happen in the same medium.
2 mins ago, by Ben Brocka
> Used: from $140.00
Oh! I forgot the space, apparently.
@fbueckert lol. Whatever you say.
(as it renders in the quote, actually)
This is pointless, I'm done.
The space is probably required
@GnomeSlice Uh, no. I do. that's exactly how hollywood works. Just rehash the same old things to make money. You're the one that has no idea what you're talking about. Original works still exist, they are just written by people that actually want to write for the sake of writing, and not just to make money.
@fbueckert And thus the goalpost moved.
@RavenDreamer Mrr?
I haven't moved any goalposts. Isn't that what reboots are?
That's always been my classification.
@Wipqozn There is no such thing as a truly original work.
@BenBrocka Seriously though... If you ever find one in any game shop for a decent price, buy it and play it. It is one of the best RPGs I have ever played.
@GnomeSlice Blah blah. Yes, we've all heard that.
Again and again and again.
@fbueckert I wasn't talking you to, so I'd appreciate some respect.
@GnomeSlice You're completely misunderstanding what I'm saying. It's not that something isn't completely original, or someone failed to. It's that they aren't trying. They just take basic template A, and then throw shit around it.
@GnomeSlice Then quit trotting out the same old arguments, yes?
@Fluttershy I did enjoy the first. Did they keep the same >100 protagonists thing?
@Wipqozn Some times, yes. But you don't become a Hollywood prodcuer by making boring shit everyone has already seen.
Q: How the heck does Steam's 'Downloads' page work, and how do I remove items From It?

GnomeSliceSteam seems to arbitrarily keep things in the Downloads screen and have them show up later. Lately, most things that I have been downloading one or two days previously (why would anyone want to see recent downloads in progress, right?), and my Downloads page has a bunch of unfinished stuff I hav...

Q: 15 minute suicide grunt retreat

Andrew EckertOk so I was playing halo reach last week and there was a suicide grunt running at me. I ran away since I had no ammo or grenades and I sure as heck wasn't going to Mellee him. Well I ran around a rock thinking he would blow up on his own. 15 minutes go by and that jerk still didn't die! He died w...

Because that drove the completionist in me crazy. I didn't try and play it perfect, but it still bugged me
@fbueckert I wasn't talking to you. It was a different argument.
Please stop inserting yourself in my conversations.
@BenBrocka Every Suikoden game has had the 108 Stars of Destiny. If you managed to beat Suikoden without losing any of the 108 characters, you could actually recruit the main character from the first one in 2.
@GnomeSlice Sure. As soon as you stop inserting yourself into mine.
@GnomeSlice Go to a damn private chat if you wanna be like that. Don't expect privacy in a public forum.
Wait it was possible for some of them to not die? Huh, I figured it was required for some to die
@fbueckert I have no words. You were @replying to my messages in our discussion.
@BenBrocka It is required for one to die. But if no one else dies, you get him back at the end.
@Fluttershy No. I don't mind his opinion, but if he's going to be rude about it, I do mind.
@GnomeSlice I didn't say boring. They take ideas that work, and then just make a new movie around them to sell money.
@Fluttershy Huh. I think I missed several of the missable ones. I had more than a couple names missing at the end and at least one dead
@GnomeSlice He wasn't being rude. At least it didn't seem that way to me. He was just stating that we've all heard the "there are no more original stories" thing quite often.
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fbueckert Blanket statement, that's not true in all cases.
@Wipqozn And you think that's bad? What do you think film is?
1 min ago, by fbueckert
@GnomeSlice Sure. As soon as you stop inserting yourself into mine.
You were saying?
@BenBrocka You should replay it with a guide. =3 Get all 108. Your castle gets to be pretty awesome.
@fbueckert Fine, let me rephrase it.
@Fluttershy was there a 3rd?
Please stop inserting yourself into my conversations if you're going to be rude.
@Fluttershy protip if you're playing a PSX game on the Vita; open the emulator settings (long press on the touchscreen) you can set stuff like screen size, controller settings and disk load speed
@GnomeSlice I think your definition of rude needs updating.
@fbueckert Excuse me?
It's not set up for optimal looks/performance by default, but compatibility
3 mins ago, by fbueckert
@GnomeSlice Blah blah. Yes, we've all heard that.
How polite of you.
@GnomeSlice If your definition of film includes "just copied what everyone else did" you need to come up with a new definition.
@RavenDreamer There was a III, IV, and V. I heard rumors of a VI, but nothing new about it in a while. Also, IV is terrible and can (and should probably) be skipped.
@GnomeSlice Indeed.
@Wipqozn This is the dumbest thing you have ever said. Film is a form of media.
@fbueckert @GnomeSlice @Wipqozn chill, please. This is a warning.
HOW many times have you brought up that statement before?
@BenBrocka Oh nice. Thank you. =D
Deep breath, guys.
Thank you.
@fbueckert I don't know? I don't count. But I wasn't even talking to you, your comment was unnecessary.
@RavenDreamer To be fair, I'm not mad at all.
@GnomeSlice I'm done. You're refusing to actually listen to what I'm saying.
Guess what game I got tonight!
What game, @Fluttershy?
@Fluttershy XCOM!
@Fluttershy Dishonored?
@Wipqozn If you say so. There's nothing wrong with basing a movie on an older one, or using older characters, or using similar sequences if you can make a new, fun, entertaining product out of it.
@Fluttershy I has a jealous
@Fluttershy So not Dishonored? (cc @OrigamiRobot)
I have not played that game.
Also, since we're talking about movies and such... If anyone in here has yet to see Cabin in the Woods, you should see it. But don't spoiler yourself on it first.
@Wipqozn high-five
Also, have any of you seen the new Total Recall?
I still haven't. =[
@Fluttershy I've heard good things about that game.
@GnomeSlice It is terrible.
@fbueckert It was one of my favorite games on the Saturn.
@Fluttershy It didn't look terrible. =[
@GnomeSlice Have you seen the original?
@Fluttershy That would be why I've never played it.
@Fluttershy I just saw that a few weeks ago. I liked it.
Are you sure? I mean the visual effects alone look like enough to save it from 'terrible' by default.
@Fluttershy No, unfortunately.
@Fluttershy Eeee, Nights!
@GnomeSlice If you haven't seen the original, you may like the movie. It had the potential to be entertaining. They just changed so much stuff.
@AshleyNunn high-five
@Fluttershy For the worse? Or is it just different.
@Fluttershy I suppose you could say the same about the original movie in relation to PKD's short story
@SaintWacko We need to you to pewpew in conclave.
@Fluttershy I didn't think I would like it as much as I did, but it was totally entertaining.
@YiJiang Probably. I've never actually read the story. I want to though.
Also, how the crap have I been playing Sims for almost an hour already?
I don't have a problem with 'different' as long as it's still entertaining. The new Total Recall looked really interesting...
@GnomeSlice I loved the original Total Recall. To this day it remains one of my favorite movies. I felt like the remake butchered the classic.
@AshleyNunn It's because sim time is sped up. It speeds up real life also.
@Fluttershy Is it bad, or just different?
Glad you finally got it workgin!
I mean, with any favourite movie, you probably won't like the reboot as much because it won't be the same.
@RavenDreamer Ah, that would explain it! Now everything makes sense.
@RavenDreamer Me too, I am having a lot of fun with it!
@GnomeSlice I thought it was bad. But my opinion is biased. From a purely objective point of view, it was an entertaining action flick. It just wasn't what I was expecting. I do love me some Colin Farrell though.
@Fluttershy Well, if you enter We Can Remember It for You Wholesale into Google this comes out as the second result
@Fluttershy I tend to really like Movies like this... I liked all of the Transformers films...
@YiJiang You are my hero. Thank you.
@GnomeSlice Yikes.....
@Wipqozn Most places just use graders.
@Fluttershy Hey, there was some stupid shit in them, but I found them very entertaining. Huge sense of scale, lots of action, Megan Fox/Rosie Whitely, giant robots... come on.
@fbueckert Canada has too much Snow.
@RavenDreamer Says the guy who doesn't live in it.
Some people were all like 'why are they showing us this college kid and his life', but face it, that's how modern entertainment goes, if it was just a bunch of giant robots and lasers the target audience would be a lot smaller.
@GnomeSlice Or, in the words of Michael Bay... "I make movies for teenaged boys. What a crime."
@Fluttershy @YiJiang Personally, I prefer We Can Get Them For You Wholesale (PDF link)
@RavenDreamer Hey, come on. You can't admit there was anything good about those movies?
The sheer sense of scale was part of what made it so engaging for me.
@GnomeSlice No, that was Micahel Bay's actual response when someone criticized his movies.
@GnomeSlice Nope. I can't.
@RavenDreamer Haahahahahaha
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then that's just dumb. You want to hate it, and there's no point arguing with you.
The visual effects, for example, were fantastic.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, that one's easier to read :)
@AshleyNunn FYI It's not the same short story
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also, Leonard Nemoy
@GnomeSlice Leonard Nimoy was in Transformers?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Doesn't change the fact that the scan on the other is terrible. Well, not completely terrible, but not as awesome as it could be..... does a lot of book scanning
@RavenDreamer Transformers 3. He was the voice of Sentinel Prime
@GnomeSlice There was a third Michael Bay Transformers movie?
Really, I don't care about teh story so much, I am just being a judgemental jerk over scans.
@GnomeSlice no amount of Leonard Nemoy can make up for the horrible racial stereotypes, and overall trainwreck of the rest of the films.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ooh! I love Neil Gaiman.
@RavenDreamer Yes. And they switched out Megan Fox for an even more attractive Victoria's Secret Angel.
@RavenDreamer There was. I wouldn't suggest watching it. It was easily the worst of the three.
@AshleyNunn Yea, it is pretty bad.
@Fluttershy This is one of his better old shorts.
@TrentHawkins Sir, what game is your avatar from? I think that's the carrot ship that shoots bananas, yes?
My favorite short is Aasimov's "The Last Question"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I want to either scan it better, or go after it with an OCR scanner to make it perfect (even though that would be work for me)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Now I'm wondering if it's in either of his short story collections... Gonna have to check.
@GnomeSlice Megan Fox is not attractive in the first place.
@TrentHawkins I thought they were okay. The gangster bots were a little weird, but it was funny.
@OrigamiRobot Now you're just being stupid intentionally. Either that, or you're a hipster.
@Fluttershy I don't think it is, at least I don't remember reading it in them
But I did read them a long time ago
@RavenDreamer It can shoot bananas, or hotdogs.... or plain old giant laser.
@GnomeSlice I don't think you know what a hipster is.
@OrigamiRobot This is so very, very true, She is so not pretty.
@GnomeSlice Not everyone shares the same views on what is and isn't attractive.
@TrentHawkins And it was the game which had multiplayer, and the ships could link up?
@RavenDreamer "Tyrian", by the way.
@OrigamiRobot Someone who hates shit that's mainsteam.
@Fluttershy Yes. It's in Smoke & Mirrors.
287,016 damage in one attack. That's more like it
@TrentHawkins Thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ....for serious? How did I not remember that? AUGH
Alright, here we go. Total Recall (the new one) makes no mention of Mars at all. The first line of PKDs short: "He awoke and wanted Mars." So... The remake was crap.
Stupid damage limit. No one likes you
@BenBrocka In The Sims!@??
hates herself now
@GnomeSlice And why?
@GnomeSlice No. No that is not what a Hipster is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Whatever, I don't care.
@BenBrocka Wait, that's Ashely, not you.
Maxim named her 8th in the 2012 hot 100... so a bunch of people think she's attractive.
Dammit, Bridge... How'd I end up with 23 tabs open again? >_<
@GnomeSlice That is a bad parody of what a hipster is as conjured up by the sort of nerds that post image macros to reddit to justify their isolation from the rest of the world.
I just don't get why you have to argue every single thing I say
@RavenDreamer A-s-h-l-e-y
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I know that, but I couldn't think of any other words.
@GnomeSlice But @OrigamiRobot and I are not among them
@AshleyNunn A-s-h-l-e-i-g-h?
@AshleyNunn I tried to type that. But I've lack of will to crorrect my typos tnoight.
@Fluttershy I wish,
@AshleyNunn Okay, so 'in my opinion' would have been more appropriate, then.
@RavenDreamer twitches
...and sadly, neither of those was intentional.
hangs head in shame
@GnomeSlice That's rather pedantic of you
Being a hipster is more about arrogance and elitism than their actual interests.
@AshleyNunn No it isn't, saying nothing more than '___ isn't ___' when you say something just sounds like you're saying someone is stupid.
@GnomeSlice I disagree profoundly with this statement.
@GnomeSlice maybe in @GnomeSlice language.
Fine. We disagree.
> I like The Phantom Menace
@GnomeSlice No it doesn't. Saying someone is being intentionally stupid is saying someone is stupid.
> The Phantom Menace is terrible
Is that really necessary? You're just telling this person that their beliefs are stupid.
@Wipqozn Like this "@Wipqozn is stupid".
@GnomeSlice The inadequacy of your vocabulary is a poor excuse for your continued slanders and lack of clarity.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Shut the fuck up, I have a fine vocabulary.
@GnomeSlice That...no. It is just an expression of opinion, but negative to your positive.
3 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I know that, but I couldn't think of any other words.
@GnomeSlice Your vocabulary was inadequate to the need at hand.
@AshleyNunn Hey now, no need to pick on the tortoise.
@AshleyNunn Then you could say 'I don't like that movie'. Not, 'that movie sucks ass'.
I said nothing about it's general quality.
Who wants to like a movie that sucks ass? Nobody. It feels shitty.
@GnomeSlice All I said was she wasn't hot.
How does it take Pizza an hour and a half to cook and deliver?!
@GnomeSlice Well then maybe you should develop some better taste.
I have no idea if she sucks ass, I know nothing about her sexual proclivities.
@AshleyNunn That's fine, this argument is just stupid. People are disagreeing with my star wars example too
@Ktash I have no idea. That is crazy time.
Also, bridge is active tonight... you all are making it hard to keep up and do other things
@LessPop_MoreFizz Can you just stop being a douchebag for five minutes...
@GnomeSlice No.
He's the curmudgeonly puppet of the bridge.
I am totally helpful.
I'm guessing the star about my vocabulary is because someone actually thinks I'm retarded and it's funny that I said that.
Well, thanks.
@Ktash I feel ya. I'm trying to program.
@RavenDreamer I've given up trying to program while on the bridge
@GnomeSlice For what it's worth, that wasn't me.
Who do we usually blame around these parts? It's @Wipqozn, right?
@RavenDreamer Yes.
There should be an option to clear stars on your own messages. Or to make your own messages unstarrable.
@RavenDreamer Yep!
I should make a feature request.
Okay, good. I would have hated to arbitrarily blame the wrong person.
@GnomeSlice Just stop saying things that are star worthy.
@GnomeSlice No. That would be a terrible feature.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This.
@GnomeSlice Or perhaps someone found it ironic for someone to use profanity when claiming to have a diverse vocabulary?
Spoiler Alert: That someone was me!
If you find something ironic when it's supposed to be taken ironically, did you fail or succeed?
@OrigamiRobot but that doesn't feed @Gnome's "Everyone is out to get me!" conspiracy theory, though.
@OrigamiRobot Profanity is a part of a complete and well rounded vocabulary. Why excise words just because they happen to be derived from german instead of french? I mean honestly, fuck the french and the early english francophiles that made such lovely words off limits.
@OrigamiRobot You're on fire.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They did, however, give us pork and beef.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Profanity is one of the first things people learn.
@Ktash If I knew where to acquire cheesecloth I totally would, because I have everything else
@Ktash It is missing alcohol. It is not very good.
@OrigamiRobot and it has use
@Ktash I never said it didn't.
Stephen Fry says otherwise.
@OrigamiRobot And it is one of the first things that stuck up prescriptivist jerks would have most people forget.
Dec 24 at 2:04, by OrigamiRobot
@Wipqozn Fuck yea swearing is awesome.
lol. I don't drink, so that is a bonus in my opinion
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those people are boring.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apple cider is one of the things I actually prefer without alcohol.
The earlier conversation made me think of that
@OrigamiRobot Did you watch the clip I linked. You have to, it's my response.
Speaking of which, I bought a bottle of Cake Vodka for NYE festivities. I AM SO EXCITED
@GnomeSlice I was going to, but now I'm not.
@Ktash How delighted am I that this is a vlogbrothers link? VERY.
Vlogbrothers are some good videos
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do I have permission to potentially friendly fire you? Since we're not sure friendly fire is a thing?
Also, my unfriendly fire doesn't appear to have much of an effect on these guys.
@AshleyNunn The typesetting on the original paper copy was pretty good though.
I really like how the Q extends downwards
So... who wants to enter door 9 and has the appropriate bracelet numbers?
@RavenDreamer Granted.
@Powerlord I don't even understand this...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, and I conked @OrigamiRobot to boot.
@YiJiang This is true. And I like that the descenders and ascenders don't crowd the page.
@Powerlord Theoretically, eventually, me
@RavenDreamer Awesome. Science get!
@Powerlord AUGH SPOILERS (yeah, even the onebox. I am not very far in this game, because apparently the sims has sucked my life away.)
I see...
@Powerlord I wish this wasn't so expensive.
@AshleyNunn I changed the link
@Fluttershy It's only $20 USD
@AshleyNunn Have you ever played this?
iOS |genre = Adventure, Puzzle |modes = Single player |ratings = |platforms=Nintendo DS, iOS |media = |requirements = }} is an adventure game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS and iOS. Ghost Tricks story centers on the protagonist Sissel, and his ghost's struggle to discover who he was when he was alive and who killed him. The player assumes the role of this ghost, who has the ability to perform various Ghost Tricks to solve puzzles and navigate the world around him. The lead development was handled by Shu Takumi, creator of the Ace Attorney franchise. The game is published by Cap...
I've heard really, really good things about it.
@Fluttershy When I finish it, you wanna borrow my copy?
@GnomeSlice I have!
@RavenDreamer Serves him right. Started next quest!
@AshleyNunn Yes please!
It's by the author of the Phoenix Wright games. \o/
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am accessorizing.
@Powerlord =D
I am doing the fashion.
I am beautiful in square, pixelated 2D.
@Fluttershy Deal. I will then put it at the top of my to-finish list.
gah, now I'm just watching through vlogbrothers videos now
sorry bridge, you will get neglected
@GnomeSlice I enjoyed the game, although certain parts of the game can be tricky. Luckily, if you mess up you can just try again.
@AshleyNunn right after Kingdom Hearts. =P
Wow, three missions in, and I've lost a total of four guys already.
@Ktash I am scared I will fall to the same fate and YOU WILL BE TO BLAME
@Fluttershy I feel so bad about how long I ahve had those
@AshleyNunn You're welcome
@fbueckert SUikoden?
@RavenDreamer XCOM
@AshleyNunn Oh yeah, I heard that versions of 999 produced after September 2012 have new box art, the boxart of 999 shown on Amazon's page.
@AshleyNunn No worries! I'm in no rush to play them again.
Although, to be fair, three of them are from the first tutorial mission.
The older ones show all 9 characters on the front instead of just the two arms reaching for one another.
I'm not sure if the new box art refers to it as Zero Escape or not... does it?
@fbueckert @fbueckert ...speaking of reboots... lol
@Ktash I should be surprised, but I am not - its also your fault that I mainlined the crash course world history stuff over like...a few days
@RavenDreamer Heh. Touché.
@AshleyNunn I feel neglected everyday come 2pm in the afternoon. Nobody lives near my timezone
@YiJiang What time is it where you are right now? (and possibly what day)
11.52am, I live in GMT+8
@AshleyNunn I know... I'm sad that's over now. I'm learning less on a day to day basis
@Ktash I do like the English Lit videos though
@YiJiang Ah, yeah, your 2pm is later than I can usually manage to stay up. XD
@AshleyNunn I'm avoiding them for now... the first one spoiled Gatsby for me and I haven't read it yet.
@Ktash Fair enough - so far I ahve read everything they have covered
Are you watching teh Ecology ones?
The Biology ones made me feel REALLY smart after
I don't know what they've covered because I stopped paying attention for a while lol
@AshleyNunn There's a period of time in the afternoon here where both sides of the Atlantic goes to bed.
@YiJiang : ( :( :( :(
and no, I haven't been watching them
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I powered through a bit of scishow but haven't revisited crash course yet
@Ktash I have been sick lately, so it has been prime time for catching up on all of them :D
@AshleyNunn Yay for catching up, but boo for being sick
@Ktash Yeah, it is a love/hate thing. Also, packing boxes with a cold is terrible....apparently I don't dust my stuff XD
@Wipqozn So much nostalgia...

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