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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

anyone who bet i didn't make it has won, I had a structural shortage of 10% pix on the final amount, I will take 1 loop.
anyone else having issues logging into lotro?
:175959 Did you finish the final week?
and fail it I mean
yup, I failed the final week.
g'night all
2 hours later…
CHEAP balls of fire!
7 hours later…
did someone edit your question?
I had to completely rewrite that answer
The excerpt was excessively long.
I don't even have the game to begin with :D
So I have not completely fixed my SLI problems, but I do see where it is worse.
which is?
good afternoon btw :P
For example: Just cause 2 runs great with SLI'd cards. However, the menu system is all messed up and i can barely start a game because I cant read anything.
It looks like a Vsync issue, but its only in certain parts
Speaking of which, I do happen to have an extra copy of Just Cause 2. So if anyone got any trades or what not, email me.
Activation code for Steam.
did you order them online? the GPUs?
that's 'too bad' else you could have brought them back in and have the shop check the problem for you and replace the faulty one
I get about 30fps maxed out settings with 1 gtx 460 and about 55-58fps with 2 gtx 460's
perhaps simply contacting the webshop for a replacement?
I don't think its the cards. It is drivers and the specific games dealing with v sync.
because it is the parts that are 60fps or higher
well you don't want a buggy card either
it's not your fault their drivers suck
I turned on FRAPS and now I am seeing where the issues are at. Menus are not too intensive all the time, so they run at high FPS, while the game may bring it into sub 60, so I don't see any issue. Also, metro 2033 will make any video card cry.
I would take it up with the manufacture of the card, the retailer will just charge me shipping and restocking fees
isn't this a warranty problem? plus it should work as advertised
but contacting nvidia or the real manufacturer would always be a good idea
Not really, it is SLI issues, which are usually related to drivers and game coding. The cards by themselves work fine.
Once I got into the games of metro 2033 and just cause 2, I saw both cards being utilized at the same rate.
SLI is just a card function, if it comes with it, it should work
Well, it requires more than just having a feature. The applications have to be able to take advantage of it also.
COD 4 runs great for example with the dual video card option on.
customers are beta-testers, software is delivered AS-IS without guarantee. etc etc etc.
Google URLs can be quite scary...
well than youll have to benchmark it using 3dmark or pcmark and see what an 'independent' test says
I need some more graphic intense games. Downloading 3dmark right now.
glgears ftw :P
Dirt 2 seems to do ok after some setting changes.
@Ivo, do per site metas have a migration path to MSO?
at least, SU doesn't have one
ugh, first day of classes
neeeeervous :<
uni <3 =}
hey, at least you won't have to commute to university!
I'm not even sure there's any country other than Italy where students commute to university.
Yahoo answers needs its own meta.
actually people commute to university here in Canada as well
although I live in residence since my home's too far
Yeah, I think of commuting as a luxury tbh
you think so? In Holland all students get a card, so they have free public transport
Tsk. I pay €69/mo to commute.
Well, renting someplace in Milan comes to 300€/mo so...
well it costs you money, but if you get your degree, you don't have to pay
ah, I see.
how much does college/university cost you then @Mana?
well tuition is crazy expensive, there's no denying that
Since my family owns our home, university thinks we're reach and "charge" us €3k/y (this is a public university)
something like $6000 there...then $3000 on meal plan...residence fees...carry the two...divide by zero...
about $15 000/year when all's said and done.
In the Netherlands students pay one fee, regardless of school or level (for Bachelor/Master degrees)
:176440 geez
oh well, I saved for many years
across many odd jobs
swallowing my pride
you actually saved $65k?
which comes in at about 1600€/year and they even get a small loan each month which they don't have to pay back if they graduate (for about 100€/month)
and I covered 75% of that first year cost
oh, right :)
:176448 nice.
in Belgium it's even cheaper, the government subsidizes everything: school, books, food at school, student residences
it would only set you back with like 1000€/year
Well, the Politecnico di Milano is the most expensive (and best) public university in Italy
so €3k/y is hardly representative (as far as public uni's are concerned, private unis go well above that.)
indeed, though really if you get a decent job, you shouldn't have to worry too much
though it can't keep increasing like it has over the past 50 years in America
that's one hell of an if :)
and like you said: in Italy everybody owns their houses so spend less money each month on mortgages
no no no no, not true
we as in "our family" do, which is why I pay as much as I pay
others who don't have a mortgage on their shoulders and instead pay rent pay much less for uni.
See, the amount you should pay is determined by an "economic status" index that's quite affected by whether you own or rent.
how 'fair' :\
At least, that's the only way I can understand why my index is as high as it is :)
Well, technically it's fair to have the richer pay more
I just didn't notice I was swimming in the gold ;)
enough about me though.
good afternoon all
good morning, too. Good everywhere.
afternoon misses :)
lfcs (looking for cheap student) 10$
I need someone to click loads of buttons for me :P
import mechanize
In the Netherlands students pay one fee, regardless of school or level (for Bachelor/Master degrees) <-you stop getting subsidy after 29 though, I thought
I so can't wait to get my own company, so I can hire job students to do this stuff for me :P
well I could try and automatize it with Sikuli (very awesome), but it would probably cost me more work than doing it by hand
googles it
need to manually export a whole database of measurements through my jobs software
oh, a variation on the AutoHotKey theme
no, no, not just Mac
and it's a visual AHK, since it can recognize pixels and use that to click interface buttons, something that AHK doesn't really support
oh, it looks Pythony.
it is, there's a library you can use yourself
making it even more awesome
the downside is, that I don't have enough experience with it to automate anything useful
though this current task might apply
have to export 20+ measurements from 33 dogs... each file is 16Mb, so it's not lightning fast either...
Q: Are all units in cover really covered in CoH?

mafutrctUnits in Company of Heroes can be in various kinds of cover. For instance, if the "green cover" symbol appears above a unit group's flag, it means the group is in heavy cover and is hard to hit. However, does this mean that the whole group (any unit in that group) is really in green cover? For i...

Dangit, I thought this was about City of Heroes at first glance and got all happy :(
awh :( you can try asking a question about it yourself
aww, cmon
picks card
throbber spins
throbber spins ×2
throbber spins ×3
Game has disconnected from server. Game will now end.
I had that with SC2 yesterday, got a silver achievement, turned out I wasn't logged in due to booting from sleep mode...
NFS:W is practically unplayable right now
In other news
«Funds in your Steam Wallet may be used for the purchase of any game on Steam or within a game that supports Steam transactions. »
Micropayments are coming to Steam.
Not entirely sure I see the use of that
Purchasing on steam is already really easy, especially if you save your credentials
not just that @FallenAngelEyes, I for one don't have a credit card
You can use ideal now though
so if I can get prepaid cards or a Wallet, I just pay my mom 50$ to fill my account and pay her off
sssst you :P, I'm just making a hypothetical point here!
Yeah, I was thinking that, mostly useful for kids and stuff
and microtransactions can help Indie games
you drop the sales price, make people buy upgrades ingame
I am reluctantly conscious again
speaking of indie, think I'm gonna play some more Recettear
too much beer? :P
have fun
and good afternoon @tzenes
well @tzenes, I'm exporting all my data
someone put a 500 point bounty on my question, so I need more samples to feed the hungry!
which question
also, morning
Q: Peak detection in a 2D array

Ivo FlipseI'm helping a veterinary clinic measuring pressure under a dogs paw. I use Python for my data analysis and now I'm stuck trying to divide the paws into (anatomical) subregions. I made a 2D array of each paw, that consists of the maximal values for each sensor that has been loaded by the paw over...

good morning mate :)
they really like this question
yeah, and since exporting takes forever, I started a blog, so I can post more info
... +126?!
what? upvotes on that question
that's kinda crazy.
it had 4500 pageviews within 24 hours
> This has got to be one of the most fun questions I've read in a long time. It even comes with illustrations. My hats off to you, sir. – wheaties Sep 10 at 14:23
what I need asap now is get more data online, so they can test it on more measurements, as it's not 100% sure they will work for any type of paw
hehe and get your entire work done by SO :D
but the problem for me is that my current script just works for one measurement, so it's going to be interesting to see whether it will even work for others
:176701 goes tag it homework.
good idea.
I'm not at school anymore ;-)
well you're partially right: it's nearly a send-me-the-codez
...it's not like I did homework when I was at school <.<
haha. well @IvoFlipse if you ask too much of SO, I might have to tag it send-me-teh-codez :D
I wish they gave me homework like this when I was @badp
oh yeah. totally subjective question: I'm getting an android phone for my birthday. I'm getting it outright but the provider has to be T-mobile. Which one would you guys recommend
where do you live?
oh, right, you americans and your provider-mobile lock ins.
I got a moto DroidX, but I don't think that helps you with T-mobile
get the G2 when it comes out
well the other part of it is that my trusty razr was sat upon and hence no longer works. So I kinda have to order today :-p
does the galaxy work on tmobile?
Personally I got myself a Nokia 5800 for cheap (€145) and I don't even know what I'm missing up on
I hear good things about that
Well, okay, it doesn't have an IRC client in the Ovi store or speak to type or GCalendar integration and it doesn't do coffee but...
I hear that the galaxy is pretty good but the mp3 player is kinda bad
bad is pretty relative, I wouldn't think too much of it @Mechko
I'm an audiophile/fanatic :D
that reminds me I need a good podcasting app for my droidx
to cast pods or to listen to them?
I thought Google's Listen was decent as a manager
okay, the Ivo starring program didn't work too well
you evil Ivo impersonator, @tzenes!
«It is too late to undo this operation»
wow, was that you?
it looks like you went star crazy
with( <bottom half of screen> ):
  for match in findAll( <Ivo Flipse> ):
    click( <star> )
uh what @badp?
Where the <> bits are actually screenshots
Trying Sikuli, @Ivo
ah Sikuli :)
how awesome, I like it already
I thought it wouldn't be a problem since starring can always be undone
I have something like that for @tzenes posts on Gaming
except it can't!
:176780 lol :D
ok, that made me laugh
somebody emailed me a Starcraft question
:O what did he want?
He wanted advice on a replay
it started: "hey you may remember me from gaming.se"
it was kind of weird, I don't fully understand why he didn't just ask on gaming
tell him to come to chat
so everyone can have some fun :)
oh, I just emailed him the answer
morning guys
morning @Jin :)
Good evening
how are the designs coming along?
(Yes, I know it's morning there.)
i should have the overall concept completed today!
pixel art is so time consuming...
w00t and for web apps?
i'm done with wev apps css conversion already. but i still need to test for bugs
a super sneak peek at the gaming header
ok, that's pretty good
guys, does this question belong:
Q: Where can I download a shared userdata folder which has unlock all feaures?

Nam Gi VUI've finished everything in the Normal edition. I now just enjoy playing the Endless Survival with the GotY edition. But to play with the new edition, I have to replay from the beginning - which is quite boring! So, I want to look for saved userdata from any of you who have unlocked everything ...

:176835 On chat, definitely
On the site I think it can stay
Is there an easy way to make a table in an answer?
:176872 <pre><pre/>
Well, convenient. And that'll work well enough, thanks
1 hour later…
@tzenes I just stumbled upon this answer (I don't know how I missed it)
A: How can I tell which layers there are in an in-progress fortress in Dwarf Fortress?

tzenesOk, I'm going to give you a crash course in Geology. In traditional Geology there are three kinds of Rock: Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous (actually that's an over simplification, but pretend its true). Dwarf Fortress is modeled on this system but it further breaks Igneous down into Igneou...

and it is awesome!
Ok, so I was just showing that answer to someone at work
and I was explaining how partly I was writing a long answer (which is my style) and partly I was trolling the question
because there is no really good answer to it
essentially he just has to look and hope he finds soem
yeah, in short it's a "you can't" answer
but the long version is beautiful
oh yeah
and fun. I always remember College geology fondly
we got to go on trips and take actual measurements on real rock hill
in fact I' think I'm going to link that on fb for my geologist friends
I'd share it with geologist friends if I had any...
what did you major in?
he did CS according to his CV :P
Computer Science
@Ivo have you been stalking me?
hehe, no I just stumbled on your twitter account @tzenes, which led from one thing to the other :)
i was in computer engineering
it would probably be faster to ask who didn't do CS around here :-/
what were you Ivo?
human movement science :)
really @Jin, interesting change from CE to design
<<-- Not a CS major
i do not miss 'em breadboards 'n 8pin flipflops
Media Studies/Urban Studies double major
ew, breadboards
oh yea, feel the lack of practicality oozing out of that degree.
@CRoss i always liked design, but i didn't want to be a starving artist i guess. but web design/dev is the best of both worlds imo
and it's booming business @Jin :)
yeah, IT is one of the few things doing well in the States
i did dev for a few years before, mostly in classic asp and asp.net 1-2
I'm still doing classic asp (amongst other things)
to me programming is just a bigger graphical calculator @CRoss, though I got to do some product management at my current/previous job
it's not exactly the joy of my life
I think a lot of programmers should just start a business of their own and create stuff for small businesses
:177064 well TI-92s, TI-89s are full featured computers by my definition
that doesn't make working with them programming :P
no, but you can program on them
The TI-92 series of graphing calculators are a line of calculators produced by Texas Instruments. They include: the TI-92 (1995), the TI-92 Plus (1998,1999), and the Voyage 200 (2002). The design of these relatively large calculators includes a QWERTY keyboard. Because of this keyboard, it was given the status of a "computer" rather than "calculator" by American testing facilities and cannot be used on tests such as the SAT or AP Exams while the similar TI-89 can be. TI-92 The TI-92 was originally released in 1995, and was the first symbolic calculator made by Texas Instruments. It came...
I know we'd use to have these fun games on them. One was a racer game where the track would get increasingly narrow and you'd had to avoid the sides. I would tweak the code so the narrowing had a very large delay and I could leave it running for the whole class and then brag about my highscore :P
see where that tweaking has lead @IvoFlipse? Now you're posting questions on SO about Python and image analysis
yeah, I must have missed my calling somewhere down the line :P
I guess it's due to IT education in high school being way too dull and theoretical
that happens to a lot of people
or they can't hack calculus
i only had a TI-81. i had a nice graphing program that plotted a Mickey Mouse.
I suck at math, but luckily you only have to understand the effect of what your doing when you're programming
i love math. <insert racial stereotype here>
I had a TI-83 I used to write adventure games on
:177112 What race are you, so I can get it right?
if they had apps when I was in highschool, I probably would have gone the way of programming :P
i had one those fancy HP calculators. but it got stolen after 3 days. :( i never told my mom that, because it took her forever to save up $200 to buy it for me.
@CRoss Asian.
web design and math, you're hitting all the high points
:177125 sigh "please do the needful"
i also like photography, I love my Nikon
you have a public gallery somewhere?
@Jin what lense should I go for: 55-200 or 70-300mm? I just want to take fancy landscape pictures
there's an SE for that
you'd need wider angle then. i've been thinking about getting a Sigma 10-20mm
this would be a shopping recommendation, which we obviously don't like
well I first wanted a Telelense too shoot stuff far away
but first dinner time! bbl
:177137 But it's less of a reccomendation than it is an ask as to what tool is appropriate for a particular job. There's a right answer. It's not like you're asking what brand of lens. :P
Is this our first flatout Check the Gamefaqs?:
i wish we can get some of those flickr groups traffics to photo.se
:177163 There was one earlier, I rephrased it completely
Holy shit, when Grace starts writing there's nothing stopping it.
so why would you pick a wide angle over a tele-lens @Jin? I just figured that compared to my current 18-55, a 200mm would be nice for when I need something far way
I already ran into trouble with that when I was in Paris
:177181 Ref?
@IvoFlipse i just assumed you wanted wider angle landscape shots. those are my fav
@IvoFlipse i'm using my 18-105mm kit lens for now
I guess I don't know what I want @Jin, just lot's of pretty pictures for my vacation memoirs :P
nice pic @Jin :)
why is everything blocked as social networking?
thanks. i'll stop hijacking this room now.
no worries, they're used to me doing it
you mean we actually talk about gaming in here?
When we get really off-topic, we do sometimes.
Just 5 more rep... so close and yet so far.
ask a question @badp
I have, earlier today <.<
A: How do you fully explore level 1 of the VVVVVV demo?

badpAfter spoiling myself and watching a few videos on Youtube I can say that yes, that's all that can be explored in the demo version. What the demo fails to explain is that actually you start a "level" by reaching its starting sector in free roam through the game's world. That is, the full version...

00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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