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nice and busy this morning
I can see the tumbleweeds rolling by
I can't. Too much fog.
I'm really cold this morning, sat in this training shivering with my coat and scarf on while everybody else is "too hot"
Do you have a fever?
no I'm actually cold
like I slept in a freezer or something
Temperature regulation while cycling is getting difficult - arrive hot and cold at the same time, in an unpleasant way
my hands are passable as warm but my chest and back are cold to the touch
@pixel Lie on a radiator?
@GrayStoat I'm at work, it's not really an option
I'm sat under the aircon unit which is set to 26 degrees
they won't let me turn it up any more than that
So it's "turn into a blanket pile" time, then.
this training session is doing my headin
we've just been told by three of our developers that the interface that allows two of our applications to talk to each other requires "the other application" to be shut down first in order to perform an upgrade
problem is
they each said the other application
turns out the latest version of our product can't be shut down to upgrade it
"Aw yeah?" turn off the power
@pixel Sounds like that Daft Punk film
@GrayStoat TRON 2?
@pixel I'd recommend driving your product insane so that it tries to become human, before setting itself on fire.
@MartinSojka Electroma
Oh, they made a second film?
@GrayStoat no I just said the words that everybody hates to hear
"I am not willing to install this product on a customer environment until you stop saying the words 'should', 'could', and 'maybe'. Make it work before you tell me its finished"
@MartinSojka They made it in 2006...
@GrayStoat I'm not allowed to turn the air con up, I don't think they'd appreciate me turning up with a space heater!
@pixel If you really want to live it up, I highly recommend one of these bad boys:
Not so suitable for work though, unless you work in bed
I have something awfully similar to that at home
it makes sleeping really toasty
even when its cold
@pixel I would have died at university had I not had one
and I have worked in a bed before, like half the time I don't turn up to the office I work from home
the other half I phone in sick
Old buildings are all picturesque and shit, but those old windows have the insulating properties of a hole in the wall
How can YOU sleep without knowing that ANY moment you could be ELECTROCUTED in your SLEEP just by PISSING YOURSELF IN THE SLEEP?
@badp Insulated wires?
@GrayStoat yeah this is an old building
I'm pretty sure they can insulate wires these days
but all the windows are doubled up
@GrayStoat Your CAT ate the insulation!
they've got all the original exterior windows, and then a second layer of windows
and everybody else is hot
so it must be me
@pixel retrofit. We didn't have that, we had original C16th fittings, and nothing else :-(
@badp My grandfather could soundly sleep knowing that the Russian artillery in the background could at any time hit his position and blow him into tiny bits. I think I'll manage. :)
@badp do you wet the bed frequently?
@MartinSojka To be fair, that was not your grandfather's choice, and not something that could be fixed with additional clothing equipment
@pixel No, but I also don't die frequently
@GrayStoat ...not in real life, anyway
@badp and I thought you were a gamer
see, too cold to type fast
@pixel gloves
@badp Incorrect
21 hours ago, by badp
user image
@badp I can't type in gloves
@pixel Sit on your hands, seriously, it's the best way to warm them up
my hands aren't that bad, its my chest and back that is cold
@pixel Rub them with your warm hands then
yeah that would look really awesome sat in the middle of the office rubbing my chest
@Pixel for arctic-proof warmness, get one of these
... or ask someone else to help you with it.
@pixel then maybe you need a WTF BLANKET
this conversation is slowly drifting off towards the gutter
I am going to blame one of the plebs on the tube for infecting me with something that will ruin my weekend
@pixel Damn those awful plebs
4 1/2 more hours before I battle with London to get to St Pancras
"so how do you upgrade from <current public version> to <new release>?"
"oh, you don't at the moment, we haven't worked that out yet"
Q: How do you trigger vistas?

badpI am in the Grove, right by a map marker for an "undiscovered vista." There seems to be nothing special about it except for a nearby balcony. There seems to be no apparent trigger around except for a discussion tree with Nikkyta (which apparently I've known since forever except I'm not even born ...

@pixel Business makes you cross London? Evil.
@GrayStoat joker
@pixel ?
business makes me cross london, take a train up to the east of england, and then cross over the middle of england
my journey home is Picadilly Circus > St Pancras > Grantham > Retford > Worksop > Sheffield
and my journey down here is the reverse
Its fine on the way down here, since I can fall asleep on the train to st pancras
@pixel D:
but on the way back I have to stay awake otherwise I end up in Leeds or Scotland
depending on the service
That is appalling!
the worst of it is
the train between retford and worksop is 1 per hour
and a 5 minute delay between st pancras and retford means I miss it
and retford does not have a 'station'
its more of a shed with a platform
so that will be nice and cold
at least st pancras has warm shops to hide in
@pixel D:
Delete votes:
Q: Are there multiple versions of Rock'n'Roll?

chaineseI think I've found the game I was looking for, Rock'n'Roll. It's a top-down maze game from 1989, and I played it on a PC, from a floppy disk. But the thing is, the interface seems older than I remember it. Now I am wondering if there are multiple versions of the game. Are there multiple version...

plus I have to come back down here on monday
only 3 delete votes needed?
Q: What happened to NGage 2.0 games? (Nokia N86)

EmirI have a Nokia N86, and about year ago I bought a few games, including Worms. I updated my phone software, and now I cannot find a place to download NGage games. What happened to the NGage games? Where can I find or download them?

@pixel Yup
first delete vote I've ever cast
second delete vote I've ever cast
my weekend is going to be a fantastic waste of time
I arrive back at like 9pm tonight, sleep, clean all of my clothes, dry all of my clothes, then come back down here on sunday night
@pixel Sunday night?
well its more like sunday afternoon
but yeah
they've booked a ridiculously early start on monday and required all the people that don't work in London to be here at 8-30
and I don't do 'waking up before 5am'
@pixel Hope they're paying a lot for the privilege of your Sunday night
but tbh
I get paid extremely well for somebody of my age and experience
@GrayStoat Wow, awesome.
sometimes I feel like the support director's pet project though
@pixel Is it your first job?
third, first IT job though
Does it involve you actually being the pet?
Well, that's fine then. :)
@pixel Wow, ok.
I did a couple of mundane things until I decided I didn't want to go to uni
and this company is putting me through a variety of MCITPs
@pixel Ah ok.
but I make more than any of my friends
yay, GW2 is asking me if I want to rot away my life through in-game mining, wood cutting or harvesting... for starters
by like 10k+
@pixel Regardless of how much you earn, this is how you do financial satisfaction
@badp in-game mining is definitely a valid use of your life
@pixel as in mining copper?
@badp Is "if I wanted to play Minecraft, I'd play Minecraft" a valid option?
@pixel Minecraft?
it was a joke
Mining is like, half the game
in game farming is a waste of life
I have an allergic reaction to any form of farming
any game that convinces me that I am not farming gets away with it
until it becomes apparent that I am actually grinding away at something
I like farming the sweet, sweet tears of my defeated enemies.
and then the allergic reaction sets in
WoW felt fun
right up until the daily quest overload set in
@pixel How did WoW not trigger your reaction?!
and then I haven't logged in since
@pixel Oh ok
WoW has triggered the reaction 5-6 times now
I enjoyed everything in MoP right up until like the 3rd week of daily quests
@pixel I felt that a bit with glitch. It was really cool, but everything but everything was a progress bar. I will miss it though.
I don't call questing grinding, even though it obviously is, but I read quest text so I call it story
but doing the same quests over and over again for tokens
this is the reason why I break down any repeatable process into scripts
the others doing my job start installers, click on stuff, etc
I script it all the first time I do it and just run the script in future instances
its how I spend so much time on chat and still do my job
black is not my colour but I like the principle
@pixel Go to any (UK) tshirt shop and just get the text printed. That's what I do with a lot of these simple shirts. It saves ~£15 over buying from America
> Shell scripts don't require salaries and don't complain about yesterday's coffee on Twitter to their coworkers
eww twitter
oh yeah, I'm also completely anti-social network
like, the only reason I have a facebook account is because there is no option to delete a facebook account
And that's not 'deactivation', that's the real McCoy
since when?
@pixel No idea
the only option that previously existed was deactivate
@pixel Think this has always been there, they just hide it away
well, now I don't have a facebook account
@pixel Congratulations
"Your search - link:www.facebook.com/help/delete_account - did not match any documents."
doesn't appear in a search engine
which stackexchange website would be best to ask about how to delete a facebook account
its about time google cached that
@pixel webapps?
Webapps have it as one of their top questions
Q: How do I delete my Facebook account?

Ivo FlipseI don't trust Facebook's new privacy settings and have decided to delete my account, but I can't find the kill switch. Does anyone know how I can delete my Facebook account?

@YiJiang That question needs a new answer
@GrayStoat the old url on that answer actually forwards to the one you just gave
@pixel Meh
That question and answer need more upvotes, and also Webapps.SE needs a better visibility on Google, since right now it's buried rather deep. :)
I have edited the current answer
I'm now warm
well, now it's more of a feverish sweat
@pixel You still do. You have to stay logged out for a week for it to actually delete it.
@OrigamiRobot that is not going to be a problem, like I said, it was a year since I last logged in :p
I was just pointing it out.
For the people for whom it is a problem, they're just dangling a carrot in front of them.
I still don't trust Facebook to actually delete the data regardless
Oh, absolutely not.
the most worrying thing is that most people don't even think about it
@pixel Why would they ever do that?
@GrayStoat because the wording used was "delete" not "hide from the public"
somebody should write a game called 'untagged'
@pixel But if I delete a file from my hard drive it's still there
@GrayStoat that of course depends on how you delete it
@pixel To go with and
you could use a utility that repeatedly fills said allocated space with 0s after deleting the file from the file allocation table
@GrayStoat to break the tagging system and make a valid tag :p
@pixel I'd use 'erase' for 'permanently, cryptographically delete'. Even deleting a row from a database does not make that data unavailable.
@pixel I'm on it
I'll add it to the list of games to write, along with
I think gaming.stackexchange.com/q/86504/27134 should be deleted
it's such a pointless question
Guild Wars 2 must be some kind of time machine.
@InvaderSkoodge Hm?
Like any Civ game?
You mean it takes you in the future faster than a second per second?
@YiJiang Exactly.
@InvaderSkoodge Yes, it is now Friday
11 secs ago, by Invader Skoodge
@YiJiang Exactly.
I didn't think that would work.
@OrigamiRobot What would it have accomplished anyway?
@GrayStoat how do you even do that?
@InvaderSkoodge Nothing.
Q: Posting a question for a game that doesn't yet have a tag

George DuckettI want to post the following question about the game Towns, but there's no tag for that game and I can't create one. I'm not really sure if any tag that current exists applies. How can I post this question?

Ugh this "You're level 8 but you only have stats like you're level 4 because of the area you're in" thing is really stupid.
This needs a new answer
@InvaderSkoodge You're level 8 already? Damn you
(Also I'm yet to give a single fuck about my stats)
@badp I just noticed because my HP was a lot lower.
That's the only obvious stat.
There's like a few stats in the H screen actually
Like, I upgraded from boots of +1 to power to boots of +2 to power, whatever power is
Yeah I got like gems or something to put in my armor/weapons that increased some of those.
Q: How to buy a graphics card?

LifeH2OI want to buy a graphics card, currently looking for Nvidia 9500GT 1GB as it is cheap (for me) with big memory (1GB). As there are variety of cards available i dont know which one is better and how that one is better. Should i look for its memory size? (1 GB, 512 MB etc) Should i check for its...

I think power dictates how much damage you deal.
I guess
I've been going mostly for Vitality and the other defensive one because I die if there are more than 3 enemies near me at once.
eh, "all" of my attacks are explosive so I always do at least some splash damage
I only have one area damage attack at the moment, and it has a cooldown.
@badp There you go, I gave it one.
I should mess with the other weapons and see what they offer.
Are we letting that question stick around for any reason other than "out of sight out of mind"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Upvotes. I still am not positive on our current stance on platform tags so I was hesitant to answer it myself
@OrigamiRobot General reference knowledge stuff thing.
If I didn't destroy Mark Trapp's proposal for a faq tag on the main site, that'd be tagged that.
(where by "destroy" I mean "left a negative comment and a downvote, oh my")
@badp Is there even a point of an FAQ tag? The site handles FAQs itself
@pixel the idea was tagging the remaining general ITG questions with something other than ITG
If ITG is off topic, shouldn't they just be deleted?
two of them are closed so they can just die
@badp Well, I VTC'd anyway as shopping advice.
there are really only two game-id questions left if you just delete the two closed ones
Q: What game is Jesse playing in the Breaking Bad episode, "Problem Dog"?

MienIn episode 7 of Breaking Bad season 4, "Problem Dog", you can see one of the main characters (Jesse Pinkman) playing a video game around 00:40: It looks to me like a first person shooter. The enemies bald guys with a sickle, and some of them also wear scarves that cover the lower half of their...

In a way they're a byproduct of ITG being off-topic without actually having any of the problems ITG have. We decided to close ITGs as off-topic to cut short on the amount of complaining we'd get when closing ITGs
Q: What game is in this Alienware advertisement?

Keegan McCarthyI just ordered a new laptop (not Alienware! (I hate them)), but I was comparing the weight of my new laptop to the weight of my friends Alienware and I really liked the look of the game that they use in their advertisement. Does anyone know what it is? Here is the photo:

@pixel Why is that relevant? GI != ITG
and tbh, the second one is too localized since adverts change over time
I'm sorry I though game identification and identify this game were the same thing
I am glad to be leaving for work instead of getting into this discussion.
Yeah, GI is ITG + actual data from the game like a song or a screenshot or a video
@OrigamiRobot Later
so game-id is OK?
so confusing
ITG's problem is speculation and guessing what's on the asker's mind
@badp Must....resist.....
When you have actual artifacts from the game, all of that vanishes
which tag is itg stuff under?
I see nothing under that tag
at least I thought so
which is most likely where my confusion game from
@pixel Yeah, uh, I dunno what happened
@badp =)
even with my special mod only "deleted:1" search option all of those questions are gone
time to look at my own ITG questions
yeah, that's why I thought you were talking about game-id
...WTF, they've been retagged as
Now that's abuse
not seeing anything under untagged either :P
Oh well.
Here's one from my profile
that's a deleted question though
do deleted questions prevent a tag from being deleted?
but they still are tagged
@badp That's kind of odd
we can still use tags to dig 'em up from their graves
What is the exact definition of a dead tag then?
One with no non-deleted questions?
it must be awful browsing this site with deleted questions showing in lists
be faster imgur
Great, I drooled on my shirt while brushing my teeth. Thanks Obama!
@MarkTrapp Am I doing it right?
Q: Can't run cstrike.exe file in counter strike1.6 using WINE

Sai Kanthwhen i right click on cstrike file and select open with wine windows program loader it doesnt show any error nor the game gets started.

@badp Overwrite the data. This works well for hard disks, poorly for ssds
@badp there are still limited good uses for platform tags.
Q: Is there another use for Valor Points?

AeroCrossI read today a Dev Watercooler article in Blizzard's site, regarding the plans they had back then for Mists of Pandaria: In Mists of Pandaria, Valor will be used to power a new feature that allows you to increase the item level of your existing epic items. This means that each week, you c...

@pixel No. It's not. At all. It's not anything close to Too Localized. He's provided picture, and is referring to a specific advertisement.
Huh. I have as a favorite tag even though I haven't played it seriously in about 4 years.
I probably wouldn't even be able to answer anything asked about it any more.
@InvaderSkoodge must have accidentally clicked it at some point, or thought it was a good idea favouriting it for another reason
Oh well not like it actually affects anything important.

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