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wow Electronic Arts support are amazingly helpful
I've never seen such high quality customer avoidance
@InvaderSkoodge You had me on Ignore!? :D
@pixel o.O Not sure if Sarcasm or... Sarcasm :D
I know, that surprised me too, who could ever put you on ignore? :p
@James I could not be more sarcastic if I tried
I'm trying to help somebody who has come to us instead of going to EA
@pixel Haha, Sad to here that :D
and I've read literally 30 threads with EA representatives being unhelpful
@pixel Hehe, Did I mention I was a very vocal supporter of the ITG tags? :D
I pissed off quite a few people
@James so was I
@pixel o.O I do not recall you even being on the site yet when that happened.
I even tried to answer them before Lazers broadcast them
I mean the most recent rehash of it
there was the 'which episode of breaking bad is this from' question
the 'what are all of these game references' question
@pixel Ah, nah once it got closed 'officially' I gave up.. along with caring about most of the other 'Questions good for this site' discussions
the 'what is the pokemon font from this game' question
hey I have 10k rep now, I can go and see all of my answers that I spent ages researching just so they could be deleted :p
I get the impression that @InvaderSkoodge used to have a different name... named.. S...somethingicannotremember... cause that is the only person who I am ever sure ignored me :)
@pixel Yeah thats it! :)
And gratz on the 10k :)
I was going to make a push for it during Mass Effect 3 promo.. but lost interest extremely quick :D
I've actually had it for weeks, I've only just found a use for it
oh I gave up, stopped really posting anything, it's just trickled up over time
I've stopped posting loads of answers/questions, too time consuming and upsets too many people
@Wipqozn LoL Did everyone get a Yak just to annoy @AshleyNunn??? :D
@James Yes.
@Wipqozn Nice.. Mine should be arriving soon I would think :D
anyway sleep time
@pixel tata
@James it looks that way. Because everyone is so mean.
I've programmed in Python too much. I'm currently coding in PHP and I keep trying to do things like "if <value> in <array>" and using "+" to combine strings (which I'm aware is the worst way to combine strings, but it's just for a school assignment so I'm not concerned about one string).
@AshleyNunn I am not! :O
It's true. You have not taunted me. You are nice.
I'd like to note that I also lack a yak.
@James I did.
@AshleyNunn Woot :)
I didn't get the game, I just bought a yak off eBay to taunt @AshleyNunn
@OrigamiRobot I bought the game and then a yak
I didnt even know about the Yak until after I got the game and people started asking me :D
@OrigamiRobot If you really did this I would love you forever.
@OrigamiRobot That's my yak.
No stealing!
@Wipqozn ugh + is the worst concatenation operator ever CONCATENATION IS NOT ADDITION ashiduhkqhdqhjdsahdlashdkas rage
@MarkTrapp IT's also slow as fuck in Python.
I don't even know why it exists. It's so slow.
It's especially confusing for type-coercing languages. "3" + "2" WHAT DOES IT DO WHO KNOWS EFF YOU THAT'S WHAT IT DOES
@fbueckert My bad.
Can't say I'm really a fan of PHP's . either though.
@OrigamiRobot You're so handsome.
I know.
@AshleyNunn I'm sure one of those is my yak.
@OrigamiRobot You didn't ping ashley though.
Q: How to find the combination of the underwater safe in the Flooded District / Daud's base?

GreentinIn Central Rudshore of the Flooded District before entering the Daud's base there is a safe in the flooded basement of a nearby building. Where am I supposed to find the combination of it in-game?

Q: Ridiculously high numbers in final scoreboard

Sergey GrinevJust finished classic ironman and final scoreboard is weird (see screenshots). World average numbers shows about 146000 scientists/engineers. Same stuff for credits and few other values. I believe in geek who clicked "Mission" buttons for a month to get huge amounts of them from council. But ho...

@MarkTrapp 32
ldi r16,0b00000011
ldi r17,0b00000010
add r16,r17
In JavaScript, "3" + "2" == 32, but + "3" + 2 = 5, but + 3 + "2" = 32and 0 + 3 + "2" = 32 BUT 0 + "3" + 2 = 032
@MarkTrapp Ok, I can follow some kind of reasoning up until that last one
I hate everyone. I am sad and all I want is a yak and a spoon to scoop my brain out because it gurrs
@MarkTrapp So but + 3 + "2" = 32 ??
Not "32" ???
And ignore the but, that was a copy/paste error
@OrigamiRobot Both addition and concatenation are left associative and share the same precedence. Additionally, the + used as a unary operator forces numerical coercion (that's THREE things overloaded to the same operator now). +"3" + 2 is the same as 3 + 2, not 0 + "3" + 2. That out of the way, the last one is the way it is because 0 + "3" implies concatenation (i.e. "03") and "03" + 2 also implies concatenation
@MarkTrapp See my brain came up with that dumb pattern and refused to follow it for the last one.
@James Did you really not realize I was StrixVaria or was that a joke?
@AshleyNunn hug
Q: Obtaining Legendary Weapons?

Jonah BishopIs there a level requirement or stat requirement for getting legendary items? Or do they simply drop that infrequently that they're hard to find? Are legendary weapons more likely to drop for high level characters? I'm nearly 150 hours into this game, and have yet to get one.

@InvaderSkoodge Didnt realize until ya mentioned that man :)
@James Where'd this 26k rep guy come from? Probably new.
@InvaderSkoodge Nah I just thought you were someone old that had returned.
Oh yeah you weren't around from the beginning.
I think the only really, really high-rep user who isn't around much any more is tzenes.
Wouldn't be the first time.. I mean what, @Powerlord is apparently an old person that came back.. we have seen @ArdaXi a lot more recently too. I just lumped you in there with them :)
And that really elusive bastard... whats his name.. a gent something... :D
Oh yeah KevinY hasn't been around all that much either.
You know who I miss? @SexRobot.
SWTOR F2P has a level cap at 50. What's the normal cap?
Worked with a guy named Alex Green for a while, and we had an automated build system that would send of an email with the last user to check into our repo to all the developers.. but the wording came off really odd making it sound like 'agent green' may have usurped the build process.. We all expected like mission impossible music to start playing or something :)
Powerlord came back?
@InvaderSkoodge I want to say 80
@RavenDreamer You are a shark again!
Welcome to yesterday!
I only refreshed chat to see @GnomeSlice's name change.
I can't believe it's changed back already.
@OrigamiRobot We all miss the sex robot. He touched our hearts with his robot sex.
That's the worst news all week.
@InvaderSkoodge @Mana Boo Boo is a sell out.
@OrigamiRobot Seriously, though, what is your gravatar?
I just tried to go from chat.stackexchange to... chat.stackexchange
So this is pretty much asteroids but with a boss fight?
You have to mine the asteroids to get the little yellow dots to make bombs.
The red dude will try to steal the yellow dots and repair Sinistar.
@raven hugs thanks. It is seemingly getting better finally! Yaaaay.
@OrigamiRobot Since you switched to this gravatar, I always hear "Run, Coward!" in my head when you post...
@TrentHawkins Good.
@AshleyNunn I'd give you my Yak if I wasn't a terrible person.
Yeah well I know you are terrible and live off of my hatred and sadness
@OrigamiRobot Jesus man.. I thought you were @GnomeSlice for a second there :P
@OrigamiRobot Dude, that is -EXACTLY- My question!!!!
@OrigamiRobot I think you need to go back to a non-round gravatar.
@OrigamiRobot Anywho.. Wasn't this video posted a month or three ago?
She burns the pizza and eats it anyways cause shes 'drunk'
@James Probably. By me.
@OrigamiRobot Well, at least my memory is good for something :)
Q: What stats of Malzahar's do the Voidlings mimic?

Jonny BI know that the Voidlings scale 1.0 of Malzahar's Attack Damage, and partially from Armor Penetration, but do they benefit from anything else? And if they benefit from his life steal, does the life go to the Voidlings or Malzahar? The reason I ask is because I want to use Surge with this build: ...

@OrigamiRobot I can't decide whether she's awesome or really annoying.
@Wipqozn The answer is awesome.
I get it
she's drunk
@OrigamiRobot ROFL: If my mascot was a maple leaf I would try and hide that fact.
Evening again, Bridge.
@OrigamiRobot She looks and sounds very familiar. I think I know her in RL.
@Wipqozn What.. a drunk chick?
@Wipqozn Can you introduce me?
@James A drunk Canadian chick.
@OrigamiRobot If I knew her at some point, I think it was only in passing.
Otherwise I would gladly introduce you.
@Wipqozn I do not think she IS canadian.. I just think she was Visiting Canada.
@Wipqozn Sadly, I have no chance.
@James OH, I see. Well then.
@OrigamiRobot Well, to be fair, you do look like you'd kidnap her and tie her to some train tracks for the hero to come save.
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot He has a point.
@OrigamiRobot Change your Gravatar :P
Ah well I am going home
@James That's a bit of an overreaction because he won't change his gravatar.
Find me something better than Sinistar or BMO or GIR and I will.
@Wipqozn Not a robot.
22 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Wipqozn Not a robot.
@OrigamiRobot I'm too lazy to Photoshop in Robot parts. looks at @ronanforman
For the record I like your gravatar.
@Fluttershy hahahaha, that's fucking great.
@Wipqozn I would totally change to badly photoshopped version of you.
@Wipqozn Needs roboyak
Damn. The robot version of me is pretty terrifying.
I'll wait to see what @Ronan can do.
He hasn't been around in 2 days.
It's a great out of context picture.
@AshleyNunn Who would eve set your character to white? You look like a snowman!
Q: How do I switch characters in avengers battle for earth on kinect?

Brian CauthonI just downloaded the Avengers: Battle for Earth demo on the 360 for my kids and we can't figure out how to switch from Hulk to Thor. The boys flail about and switch them randomly, but we haven't figured out how to do it on purpose. Any help?

Also, Tough Guy looks more like I'm going to hit on you guy.
@Wipqozn Yes, yes it is.
@wipqozn I know, right? I considered it but I didn't want to be a snow person. Also robot you and robot yak are scary. Tough Girl also looked like she wanted to jump you.
I always feel really lame when my character only has one thing different from the default.
What in tarnation are y'all kids talking about?
@RavenDreamer Harvest Moon.
@RavenDreamer Robots
What is "Tough Guy" ?
@RavenDreamer Hello!
@RavenDreamer Me
@RavenDreamer Doesn't that mean "yes"?
Only in Japan
Oh zeus, I'm hearing voices. ANd holy snap, seriously, a movement tutorial?!?!? I HATE THOSE! EVERYONE KNOWS HOW TO MOVE! FUCK!
grumpy turtle
By Jove
@AshleyNunn better or worse than hm 645?
@Wipqozn What?
@OrigamiRobot Harvest Moon. They had a short movement tutorial.
So many games do that. It's so annoying.
@Wipqozn I tried to show my fiancee how to play Minecraft and she couldn't figure out how to move.
"Why can't I just click where I want to go?"
"Why can't I just use the arrow keys?"
"WASD doesn't make any sense. How am I supposed to remember that?"
you can rebind to arrow keys; I vaguely remember Minecraft getting a click to move option. Or maybe it was the other way around: keypress to use item
yep, keypress to use item NEVERMIND
@raven pretty much as awesome. Random tutorials that can be a bit tedious but overall the most like HM64.
@MarkTrapp Even if I did rebind to the arrow keys now her hand's awkwardly on the other side of the keyboard out of reach of useful keys like "jump" and "inventory".
And there are really no good keys near the arrow keys either to rebind those to.
should just rebind to SAZX
At least WASD is the same shape as the arrow keys.
@wipqozn you keep hearing voices when you sleep. It's a little creepy.
Whose voices are they?
A witch?
Did I just scare a bear? Damn, I'm manly as heck.
In other news I am out of rum.
@LessPop a lack of rum is a sad thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If there's one thing you should be able to buy easily in WV, it's rum.
That would require going back outside.
I'd rather pass out
@AshleyNunn: Do I need to buy farming tools, or will they be provided to me on day 3?
@RavenDreamer Bad Shark! Spreading lies about Elmo!
@wipqozn you will be given them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Paying people money for lies about Elmo!
@InvaderSkoodge moonshine*
@OrigamiRobot Legit.
@wipqozn its weird having one of my 3ds friends actually playing stuff at the same time as me :p
@AshleyNunn I'm assuming that's what the flashing light is.
@wipqozn I think so. :p
These first few days are kind of a bore. There's not enough to do :/
Q: How does crop quality work?

WipqoznI know that a higher crop quality results in more profit, and that I need to use fertilizer in order to get higher quality crops, but I'm not sure on any specific details. Specifically, I'm curious as to the following: What are the different levels of crop quality? How many times do I need to ...

@InvaderSkoodge, I'm in here like all the time. I posted a pic of a shark eating a turtle earlier, and one of a grumpy cat. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME???
I always do that.
Stupid imgur even having those info pages.
@wipqozn yeah It takes a bit to pick up.
I still think some questions about legendary hero tits would be sweet
I mean, who knows what kind of birds are saving lives the world over? not us, for sure.
@agent86 I will admit to a bit of a giggle when I saw the tag last night.
Q: My world keeps not responding correctly, how do i fix that?

SovietOnionI was using a lan server on my favorite world and when i saved and exited the world everything worked fine. Then later i tried to enter the world and it glitched out a bit at the load screen and when i got onto the world, it was VERY unresponsive, by that I mean that i would break a block and not...

@AshleyNunn I did the same when I saw it this morning :P
Also, Halo 4 is far too much fun
Also also, I am going to bed
@Wipqozn Benchmark for you to hit: I shipped 60,653G for the first month.
@fbueckert that is such a crazy huge number. Considering it is Spring 20 in my game I doubt I will even get close.
@saintwacko I have never played Halo. I should try it sometime.
Q: A more efficient mob pushing redstone circuit?

JohnI am trying to build a mob system where the pistons push the mobs. The screen shot below shows my current design, but I'm thinking there has to be a more space/redstone efficient way to get at this. Or is this as good as it can get?

Q: Attack Damage and thornmail

Hoseinthere is a question. think you are ashe or mf, you have 2 phantom and 1 infinityand 1 Bloodthirster. and in battle you just focus on ap player. for example teemo or lux. this ap champ has thornmail and hp items, like warmog. now , if u att him or her, you take damage. is there any way that you ca...

@Lazers Can someone translate this into English?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That list you've reviewed and rolled back should now update weekly if data.SE is everything it promises to be
Q: Is it possible to cc npcs by emptying their energy pool?

FadewayFrom DoA, I know that using Energy Surge on the same enemy too many times can result in damage loss because there's no more energy in their pool to burn. Aside from that, however, I haven't noticed much, if any, ability usage decrease in my general PvE as a result of lengthy fighting attrition. ...

Q: Building a dedicated game Server

ChaoticLokiI'm not sure if this is the right stack exchange to post on but I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with building and setting up a dedicated game server at home, I've only managed a server that my community rented from a service provider and I am now looking into hosting my own server. A ...

Q: Is there a solution to Xcom - Enemy Unknown save game bug?

Peter MI deleted some save games from within the the game and now it seams that I cannot save games anymore only on rare occasions when a new mission begins. Also a new game that I started does not get saved. Is there a solution which does not involve re-installing?

@YiJiang I think translation is not really needed since there were similar questions on that before: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/61448/… - Well in case I get the Huseins question right ;-)
If those guys think they have a problem with 30% damage reflection ... my tank in L2 can trigger 100% damage reflection unbuffed, and something like 145% with full buffs. Eat that. :)
@MartinSojka We'll just have to tickle you to death
@badp Kinda. The trick is to disable the tank until the trigger runs out. Stun, sleep, paralyse and similar effects are available.
@badp Or get some lava blocks around him and see what he is trying to do from there
@MartinSojka That doesn't sound like fun.
It's a game of "Who has the right counters available and ready, the situational awareness of using them well, and a bit of luck with them landing." At least in party vs. party, the people who are better trained win.
Hmm. Shouldn't YouTube videos in answers be automatically embedded? I thought it worked like this ..
They need to be bare and in their own line, or paragraph, if it helps
Doesn't seem to work in the preview. Let's see.
@MartinSojka No, it doesn't work in the preview
@MartinSojka No, I mean, it doesn't sound like fun to play tank only to be forcibly disabled by others :P
@badp It's fun. I do it all the time to others, forcing them to attack me, pulling them all to me, then making them all fall to the ground helpless for a few seconds while my team mates have a field day and generally being one big nuisance. As I wrote, it's a big game of counters (and counter-counters and counter-counter-counters ...).
Ok, one small nuisance since I play a dwarf ..
Q: How to create a timer/counter in C# XNA

Jon CoggerI'm fairly new to C# programming, and this is my first time using it in XNA. I'm trying to create a game with a friend, but we're struggling on making a basic counter/clock. What we require is a timer that starts at 1, and every 2 seconds, +1, with a maximum capacity of 50. Any help with the codi...

Q: How to complete the "Dodgeball" goal?

mmdanzigerI've completed all of the career events and all of the goals in Asphalt 7 except for "Dodgeball". The goal is: DODGEBALL Complete 20 Near Misses in a single event. A "near miss", of course, is when you travel within a small distance of an oncoming car. The problem is that in many of ...

my PC reboots so quickly
Q: What's the difference between Critical Hits and Mini-Crits?

RetrosaurIn simple terms, what are the differences between Critical and Mini Critical Hits? Is it the damage multiplier, or is it just chance of getting one? Thanks.

Q: How do I change character classes in Firefall?

RetrosaurIs there a way to change characters in Firefall? Or are you stuck permanently with the one picked upon Character Setup?

Oh god, Apple's Physics has to be the single smuggest TV advertisement ever created
@YiJiang I guess this is a nudge towards their hardware engineering team, which probably deserves it.
But yeah, an absolutely aggravating ad.
@badp Oh, I absolutely agree that Apple hardware is good, but it doesn't break the laws of physics by a million goddamn miles
@YiJiang Well, the main physical barrier to packing in more stuff in tighter spaces is heat and somehow these newfangled mobiles haven't hit this wall yet
I mean, my laptop can even get away with getting really warm up until the point where silicon melts because I don't wear it in my pocket
wait, the upper temperature bound isn't ~105°C because of silicon itself. Oh well
@badp I have an old Pentium 4 laptop which I still occasionally use as a space heater
Q: Jaedong's build orders ZvP?

Xitcod13Jaedong is considered the best zerg in the world but his replays are difficult to get a hold on. I wonder what are his most common build orders when he plays against protoss. Im looking for most recent build orders (maybe last 2 years although this year is best) but i cant find anything. cant eve...

@badp mobile devices use relatively low frequency chips though
@pixel I had a dream that you told me an edit I made was too trivial. The end.
@OrigamiRobot sounds like telling me that answering questions by researching the answers is not the right way to stackexchange
except that actually happened
snip snap
I think somebody has told me that one of my edits was too trivial before too
but you may have been prompted
because somebody has recently used my name and too trivial in the same sentence while talking about edits, because I didn't fix a spelling mistake when I did an edit and they were unable to make a single character edit
Alas @pixel editing did not correct the Tson to Tsun. I can not change a minor edit. Has to be substantial. — desaivv 2 days ago
actually doesn't contain the word trivial
I think I'll simply chalk it up to "dreams are weird"
could do :p
and morning
@pixel Well he can't. Sub-2k are blocked from making edits of only one character.
@LessPop_MoreFizz not relevant to what I was saying, but yes
And in one case, it caused a spontaneous abortion. Woah.
Q: New to nethack: playing wizard

Xitcod13The top question on this website is about nethack so being a total baller I downloaded the game. I got the visual version for windows. I want to play a wizard but I died on my first attempt. I wonder if it had something to do with me not being able to use spells. I have no idea how to play this ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz O_o
Hmm, if the Consumer Reports figure of 215 mg of caffeine per 5 Hour Energy shot is correct, they may be liable for false advertising. I doubt that it actually caused the issues mentioned in any case where the person shouldn't have gone "Yeah, let me not consume this much" first though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought for a moment that was the name of whatever hip sleep schedule du jour
Q: Why some recent games seem to barely use the GPU?

RyanI've tested many games on a GTX 590 and a 3.6Ghz CPU. Games like GTA IV, Max Payne 3, and Battlefield 3 get my GPU at 92 °C degrees at maxed out settings! However i just got NFS most wanted, and i pretty much maxed out the graphics, the GPU's temperature didn't surpass 46 °C, barely 4-6 degrees...

@badp Well, it is, after a fashion.
@Lazers Because graphics aren't everything.
@Lazers Does anybody else feel like this question is rather close worthy? You could write books on the topic
There's no clear question there, just "where do I start from?"
Well, we can point him to the Nethack Wiki, the spoilers section.
@MartinSojka This is kind of the answer I've been forming
Right now I'm mentioning ?a and the Guidebook
people piss me off
I'm sorry for downvoting this but here is the reason: If you had any knowledge of Wordpress, you'd know that modifying the core is the worst thing you could do, this is not a solution at all, not even a technique, just an insight on other replacement technologies... — Mathieu Dumoulin 11 mins ago
This guy pisses me off.
HE misunderstood what I meant, fine
Q: Do the post level 50 specalizations provide anything apart from armor?

tombull89After you reach SR 50 in Halo 4 you get to choose a specalization such as Wetwork, Operator, Stalker, etc and these levels go through from 1 - 10. Once you have your chosen unlock, do they grant you any special abilities or is it just armor? I have the full set of Venator armour with a fairly dis...

Q: Blops2 - Prestige Option to Reset also Reset Permanently- Unlocked Weapon/Perk?

TimmyI understand that one of the three options when you prestige is to reset all stats, but you can also use a prestige token to permanently unlock some weapon/perk - so my question is: When you reset your stats upon prestiging, will that also remove the permanently-unlocked weapon/perk that you unlo...

but instead of asking if I intended for the OP to modify the core files, he just jumps to super condescending tone saying I have no idea what I'm talking about.
@AshleyNunn It's a lot of fun, and Halo 4 added a lot of cool mechanics
@Wipqozn Life is unfair man. Take me for example. I don't have any messages on the starred list.
@OrigamiRobot There you go! pats on head
@OrigamiRobot You knew perfectly well that was guaranteed to be starred :P
@Wipqozn Now if only your unfairness could be avenged so easily.
@OrigamiRobot Next campaign: downvoting comments
To be honest, guys like that are one of the reasons I'm not that active on Stack OVerflow. I find they are one of the rudest sites on the network.
@Wipqozn I keep hearing that, but I've had pretty good experiences there
Maybe it's the languages I use: Java and SQL Server
@Wipqozn He's from Montreal; what do you expect?
@SaintWacko It's not even that I've personally had a lot of problems, I've mostly been fine. But it seems like most of the questions I go on have at least one rude comment from someone directed at some question or answer.
@Wipqozn Oh, okay. I don't actually browse the questions there
@SaintWacko I don't do it anymore, but I used to. Now I only go there when I'm looking for answers.
@Wipqozn Yep, same here
I just did this for no real reason other than making it
user image
Monthly victory frequency on nethack.alt.org
@badp Seems a little high.
Still seems higher than it should be
@badp VTC as duplicate of this
@Wipqozn I can only assume some people must be skewing data
@badp Projected date at which the players will be skilled enough to beat Nethack half of the time: 2400.
Jul 14 '10 at 21:48, by radp
I don't care what you have to say!
@MartinSojka Off by 100 years

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