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best edit your comment @tzenes, so we can delete ours :P
:145929 +1
> Having a place to direct people is very nice. Right now we should all be aware that it requires 200 rep to be able to access. – tzenes 1 min ago
on the meta question
ah well @JuanManuel, you edit it and delete my comment while your at it ;)
look again
I think you guys are missing the point I was making
yeah, I try not to edit other people's comments
I would if there was history available
"access" is kinda vague
:145941 the point is clear, but 20 is way easier to get than 200
I guess we were, but there was a lack of content though
I meant use
should it be edited to state "post"
0 for read-only @McKay
Look, the point I was trying to make is that a lot of gaming users have 0 meta rep
for them acquiring 200 gaming rep is often easier than 20 meta rep
:145950 I clarified my original comment.
since our site is gaming (where we'll be linking them) then its important to note if the user has 200 rep on our site
you lost me
but eventually it will be 20 rep on our site? When do we get our own chat rooms?
I'm not sure if they even want rep on MSO
anyway, it's an experiment
Ok, look, some schmuck makes a game-rec question
we say: go here
in Chat feedback on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 1 at 18:04, by balpha
the first one might happen next week
we need to know if he has 200 rep on gaming.se
don't know which site though
if he has less, then we can look to see if he has Meta rep
:145967 Thanks, because we use our chat room so much (more than anyone else) we might be first?
but that 200 number is the first number we can check
web apps then @JuanManuel
I guess so
Wow, this room has more than half of all room posts.
I'm sorry, what?
Oh, maybe not, but it's close.
I don't want to ask if it's Gaming, because I don't want him to tell me "no" :P
in Chat feedback on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 1 at 18:09, by balpha
@JuanManuel chosen specifically -- we probably don't want to start with SO, being the largest
:145990 Oh, drat, well, I asked.
:145980 It's because we spend so much time arguing about game-rec
If only iOS apps could use AirPlay to stream their own stuff to AppleTV.
I stopped arguing, I just vote to close and tell them why :P
:146015 and lists
yeah, we're the only 'community' :P
:146023 lists are just judgement free game-rec though!
Yes, I saw that.
I contend that the appropriate response to list questions is just to list off only the most utterly execrable games that happen to meet the criteria
:146038 heh
why would I want an Apple TV without a hard drive?
what's the use here then?
:146057 Closed as S&A, off-topic, and too localized
thank god this is meta chat then :P
I mean: if it has to be connected to a real computer for a hard drive (ok it could be a NAS, but that's geeky), then there must be better alternatives right?
:146069 It's not meant for /your/ content, it's meant for cloud stuff.
Think of it this way. Yesterday, if I wanted a high quality device for HD netflix streaming, my best choice was to buy a video game console.
Now it's an Apple TV at 1/3rd the price.
everything else is icing.
Think of it this way. Yesterday, if I wanted a high quality device for HD netflix streaming, my only choice was to move to the US.
Now it's the same.
Big effin' meh.
but I already own a PS3 and Xbox360, I assume they will also launch such services
and even then, why would I need to buy a 100$ box that does absolutely nothing more than what I already own
:146089 Think of it this way . . . You don't own a video game console?
:146132 I actually don't own a 360 or PS3.
well I guess I'm just we don't have Netflix and Hulu in Europe
:146141 Yeah, the use case for TV is much stronger in the US.
without Netflix, the value drops unless you rent from ITMS a whole lot.,
though local streaming is very underrated.
I don't think Hulu would be very successful here... I tried it once, it's exactly like our TV only with 5 times the ads
well the movie studios blame me for downloading it illegally, but they don't offer me a legal alternative
strange, the episode I watched only had 3 short ones
:146154 well, US tv already does have thrice as many ads afaik
:146153 The Google Voice thing was worst, LifeHacker had an article: "Google Voice opened for everyone"
Apparently, according to LH everyone lives in the US.
Just watch Fox TV on satellite, it's one advertisement space ("Fox Extra" for us) every like two minutes
everyone that get's them add-sales does @ArdaXi
:146164 I thought everyone did. I mean you do, don't you?
Otherwise, how could we even be talking right now?
:146169 I'm pretty sure they make money on international viewers too
It's like Midnight and Winter on the other side of the planet, so you should really be asleep if you were somewhere besides the US.
Tsk, tsk. You should know gamers are night owls.
It's just 23:39 here in Pakistan.
:146174 oh, Osama says 'hi'
@badp *gasp* Evil doers! Thems what does the evil!
we're in ur internetz posting u moar game-rec's
:146191 Haha, enjoyable series of edits! :)
Yeah, I failed to adhere to the snowclone appropriately :(
I have a dummy-level SC2 question. Do roaches with tunneling travel under buildings? I've never actually tried to do this.
:146236 no
I don't even think they can tunnel under lowered supply depots (though that makes sense physically)
:146243 Cool. Would probably be too powerful if they could.
Bypass a terran wall.
Though I have done slid under some terrans when they lifted up a barracks.
Haha, slick.
what exactly is macro vs micro in sc2 context?
macro is controlling everything
micro is perfectly controlling individual units.
@Tzenes wrote an article about it on the blog?
you're right
I'll go read it
Macro implies economics and building management, more so, but also (I think) implies army placement on a large scale.
But @tzenes is the recognized authority here. ;)
that day[9] video about it was awesome
here I'm focusing on a small army to try and do something
@JavadocMD in SC2 its more about being able to build an army quickly
look what happens when I focus more on the macro and quickly expand
tactitcal choices, such as where to place an army, are important but aren't really macro or micro
:146316 Does expansion and worker management not fall under macro?
army is jargon though, which doesn't include any of that
in fact, we just describe that as macro without any qualifiers
Hm, okay. I guess that makes more sense with how I've heard the terms used in casts.
So if you had to chunk a SC game into realms of resposibility, there's: micro, macro, army, and economy?
At it's most basic level, the way most people use the term, and with a lot of handwavey inaccuracy, Macro is things you do with your buildings. Micro is things you do with your units. (with workers existing somewhere in between.)
Macro is anything that helps you build a bigger army
Micro is anything you do with that army
Tech is technically the third pillar
economy is necessarily a part of macro
tech is a strange thing because it isn't true macro, but it does have tension with macro
sometimes people will just say its part of macro
SCII hit 3 million copies sold
also, holy f*** Recettear pulled ahead of Civ 5 and Bad Company 2 on Steams top sellers list.
and in terms of copies sold is probably ahead of Mafia
wow, those are two long answers
I wish I had more time to write somethign better though
but I'm a busy man
:146406 Please keep it clean in here. Thanks.
just use gaming curse words then people won't know what we're talking about
What the foobar is going on here?
Fraggin' youth and their curse words.
Sigh, I want to get those last 72 rep badly, but I can't find anything to answer :/
how do I offer bounties on other peoples questions?
:146574 If they're old enough you'll see the link
I can't on questions from july?
"start a bounty"
The link is below the question author name and the comments
Q: What do you do after the Jelly in Crawl Sprint I: "Red Sonja"?

badp ⚠ Spoilers ahead My usual route around the first part of the level is: (× mark doors that get me killed) Stairs → Ijyb → Ogre → Sigmund → Gold → Giant amoeba × Kobold demonologists → MORE FUN GOES HERE ↕ ↓ Gold Gold Items ...

> add comment
> start a bounty
all I see is addcomment
brb lunch
are you sure your logged in
To be honest, a bounty won't do that question any good
The only way to answer that Nethack for Windows ME question with an actual game would be to make a nethack client based on their specifications
There's just no other crawl player here I'm afraid
that seems awfully familiar
:146380 wouldn't that be meso?
Project Reclaim Diskspace, Backup & Delete Games with Steam Cloud Support Started.
no start bounty
again: are you sure you're logged in? @tzenes
:146847 I have a start bounty button
Evening all
Evening :-)
How goes GSE today?
I think fairly smoothly
See, that question
is a good question actually
but doesn't need game-rec
Not sure why it has that tag
It makes game-rec look too good.
yeah, not really a game rec.
I had a random idea for promotion: Wonder if Toady would give us a shout out for a sizable donation? He'd certainly give us a spot on his list and a crayon picture ...
I think permanent promotion should be done after going out of beta.
also BTW:
cool... I've got a firefox version from the future (dutch screenshot.) http://ahb.me/lzc
:146922 Yeah... I still don't get it. What's futuristic about that screenshot?
I think it's the message
:146877 I hate it when people throw two different questions in one
:146925 firefox 3.6.9 is an unknown version according to them, 3.6.8 is the latest to download.
:146939 Oh right. The latter part isn't expressed in the screenshot :)
:146944 I think that's what the message says
:146945 It says that you're supposed to download the most recent version.
Without context it's impossible to tell that 3.6.9 is the most recent version.
latest version, scratch beta.
Yeah, I read 'beta' instead of 'beste' :P
@ivo I am very sure I'm logged in
:146997 You should definitely have enough rep to give away
what browser are you using then @tzenes?
@Ivo fire fox
could you try to replicate it in another browser? just to see what's causing it
have you tried to log in and out?
Feel free to downvote me into hell
It's the meaning I usually hear of it (the game I play does have rts components)
then again I'm not really into the genre (or those rts components)
I'm writing a long answer
but the short answer is, no that's not what map control means
argh you deleted your answer @badp :P
> Care to add a nice screenshot, to explain what you mean by choke points? And when do you have enough economic resources to have 'control'? Just a lot of bases, doesn't imply I actually harvest a lot ;-)
was planning on commenting that
:147062 If it's plain wrong it's best deleted than kept
:147063 I don't even play the game, that's why I used generic terms and whatnot :P
I'm out of questions to answer :/
direct2drive.com/promos/d2d-turns-6 argh more bargains getting their hands on my moneys.
:147075 I have been for weeks, it's ruining my rep
damn, carl is getting good
I'm going to have to work harder to keep up
(okay, my source is the Q3 casts when people are said to have map control if they are in a situation where they can get all the items in the map in safety)
(I'm not pulling things completely out of my arse)
:147083 You are 1.8k rep away from your closest competitor
@badp map control is the ability to respond anywhere on the map
in that situation you should be able to get all the items on the map safely
but that is a benefit, not the concept
:147079 What are your interesting tags? Maybe I can give you something to answer

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