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@Oak I love this quote "I don't like it but I can live with it."
morning @tzenes :)
morning Ivo
Python has been torturing me again today :P
it does that
had a calculation to calculate the center of the pressure for the entire plate for each frame
now I had to adapt it to do so for each separate paw
but I don't like the result
it might just be due to me messing up the plotting, but the results seem 'strange'
let me see
guess I should review all steps before judging it
hang on, first need to create this stupid subplot again :P
hmmm after looking a bit closer, it might just be that dogs truly walk completely different than im used to :P
probably, they're quadrapeds
how do we feel about this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6690 ?
its very clearly objective, and I don't think he's just looking for a recommendation
on the other hand, its really a question about game engines and design
if the question would be: Are all models created equal? and it asked whether the hitboxes of models are the same, regardless of the way they look. Then I guess it's fine
But then it's not a single question.
Someone could ask "Are all hitboxes created equal in Quake 17?" That's an objective question.
:144784 "When to use life and live" - easy trick, Live has a V it's a Verb.
This is a list question where people could answer for each game.
Is there even an answer to his question?
Yes I just scrolled back 3 hours when I came back.
I don't even understand how to use verbs in Dutch, let alone in English ;P
well I'm actually sure that they are the same regardless of how they look
to Ivo's proposed question that has a very simple answer: No, in this one game they are different
so unless there are games where this isn't true
if you adjust the settings of the models in Counter Strike
Golden Eye has different hitboxes
I think you see that they're actually just thick squares
what's more in dkmode those hit boxes change
but there's no real way to test this without the engine itself
So if there are two answers "goldeneye has different hit boxes" and "Perfect dark has different hit boxes" which answer is more correct?
I'm not sure
like I said this is a strange question
I'm not rabidly opposed to it because it requires a level of understanding and expertise in the games you're playing.
no you directly see why I need interpolation @tzenes :P
@Ivo not really
I think your CoM calculation is just bad
how can I test if models have different sizes of hitboxes?
well so do I
let's say you want to test this in halo
You take the Spartan, and I take the Elite
though you have to release that this is projected on the maximal pressures, which aren't necessarily a good way to judge the trajectory
we stand next to eachother and shoot with a non-leathal weapon
just use center of mass, instead of maximal pressure
I'd consider it cheating if certain chars are more difficult to hit, unless they have more armor/health to compensate for this
center of mass would be one point, I need the trajectory
well maybe its a trade off like: easier to hit, but harder to headshot
trajectory is determined over multiple food prints
I just took the maximal pressures to give some reference
I can stand in place and have 0 trajectory, but I have a maximal pressure
no, each image you see there is the maximum of a 11*14 matrix over 50 frames
ok, but still he could just be putting his paw up and down
and the projected trajectory you see should be the trajectory for each frame
doesn't mean he has trajectory
the paw itself has a trajectory relative to the ground
what if that trajectory is down?
x=0, z=0, y=-1
it rotates inwards, outwards, backwards, forwards while having contact with the ground
than I measure more pressure
let's back up for a second
why do you want trajectory?
and probably more surface, since the soft tissue of the paw would deform
wait I'll make you another image to explain what I mean
this linux/ubuntu thing is really interesting I want to see how the votes are tallying
each image in the previous one is for the same area, but the maximal pressures for each sensor within that area
and this is how the paw moved relative to the ground (9 out 50 frames)
the white line should describe how the center of mass changes WITHIN the paw
so again, you just need the Center of Mass for each frame and plot that over multiple frames?
each frame has a center of mass
together those should give trajectory
CoM isn't necessarily maximal pressure
so it should provide a better estimate
though you have to realize the trajectory of a paw should be: forward, backward
I'm trying to plot the dots from the white line over this image right now, to see if it matches better
the backward constituting the paw being used to push the animal forward
well I only measure vertically, so I don't have vectors of shear forces
but if a dog walks like a spring, then yes
he should have some spring like behavior
I know humans do
if you look at human foot prints their CoM exhibits this behavior
though a dogs may be less pronounced? I don't know
well that's exactly the point of this study :P to determine how the pressure is distributed under a dog paw while 'normal walking'
than the doctors can use it to diagnose ill dogs or determine whether their treatment was effective
well then I'd definitely use CoM
though changes in maximal pressure might also be useful for different things
oh but I'm not going to use the maximal pressures for that, it's just that to create an image like that for the entire roll off
means I need to make 50 images with subplots
or I have to animate them
and well... I haven't come around getting Python to do that for me ;-)
you should make gifs!
oh shit, I got paid today
would it store directly into one gif? so just loop and store it as a gif?
oh shit that's bad?!?
its awesome is what it is
time to go buy me shit
have fun ;-)
sorry, but consumerism takes presidence
I'll be back in like 20 minutes
Yay someone asked a game-rec that I don't think should be closed!!! :3333
lol, the hitbox one?
No, the new GBA RPG similar to Golden Sun one
> I'm not looking for a list per se, however I would like to find games that fit the mold of the Golden Sun series.
If you're looking for game s you're looking for a list.
Yeah, that part stood out to me.
IDK, I can't even think of a single game that fits his specs properly
we cannot afford to accept some and reject other game-recs
we have to either accept all or reject all
...yeah, you're right.
indeed, or well it simply needs to be something else than this
plus I hate it when the answer might be no
:145284 I disagree, there could be guidelines as to which ones are ok and which ones aren't
as discussed in length before
:145289 Then you will get "why was this one closed and this one wasn't?"
(not talking about this particular instance)
:145294 and you could say "because of this and that"
"this and that" being the guidelines
Few things in life are either black OR white
gray exists
We have not been able to form guidelines for over 2 months now
I'd rather paint everything black, than having stains on the white @JuanManuel
if we are unable to define grey we'll need to stick to black and white.
:145204 I think they'll exist separately
I don't know...
> They dislike making decisions.
Not really a skill to be proud off :P
i was aiming more to the "I have no strong feelings one way or the other"
one problem with game-rec is that people tend to upvote what they favor, not what answers the question best
so first you get subjective answers, than even more subjective voting
and the world spins out of control!
This site needs a Community Meh mode
what I like most about chat
is that whilst @JuanManuel is a moderator on Gaming, I'm the moderator on this channel ;P
for now
we'll have chat.gaming soon enough
and then I'll have the last laugh
I know (A), I'll just have to reach 10k rep on gaming
I'd rather stay on chat.mso :/
10k mods get chat mod access?
nope, they can see flags and the like
no, they don't but at least I get moderator tools
just like in the regular site
though we might have some of those here too yeah
I see flags here
You're the owner, if it changes anything
I see flags from any room
anyway, off to lunch
Then you're just speshul (I take it you have access to the Teacher's Lounge after all)
bbl, after suspending @Ivo on gaming
lol :P
I misclicked
:145305 potentially, but I'd like to see which way each community is voting
on the subject of the GBA question I wrote a response as to why I think its not appropriate
:145355 I think Jeff summed it up nicely:
yes, but do the linux people want the ubuntu people? do the ubuntu people hate the linux people? I'm curious about their opinions of eachother, which I think would be reflected in the voting
though that second picture is hilarious
I don't think there's hate, but Jeff gave a great point there about the focus each site should have.
Sure, novice Fedora users might be left out in the cold. That's a problem.
maybe ubuntu->noviceLinux?
@Tzenes: our third place requires that user to get 20 rep on meta SO first though
I think we need a better solution than just creating sub-sites for every topic all the time
this is a perfect example
as is gadgets
:145370 You're replying to me I believe
how much rep do you need before you get 100 rep on linked sites?
:145371 I think the real problem is sites are getting created too quickly
we need a community yes, but we don't need to fracture it too far either, because it ruins the experience for those who have to answer
:145375 200
No, replying to a comment tzenes made on the GBA question
like on SE 1.0, you don't have the time to track them all
Oh, wait, that applies to meta SO as well?
you will never have the time @badp
@Mana it does
I only have time, because they allow me to work from home :P
Never knew. Cool, then.
what's more this user already has his 101 on meta
Oh okay, cool.
:145378 Thanks for that, updated my table on MSO
Yo guys, friend of mine's wondering: would a question about who wrote the theme song for a video game be in the scope of this site?
Jonathan Coulton :P
@Mana 100%
Anyway, I think it's borderline but on-topic.
Okay, cool.
mana, do you know the game?
I'm kind of curious now
I actually kind of liked this answer: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6166/… I'm surprised it wasn't more well received
Buck Bumble lol. Nothing classic
but on the off-chance that someone might be able to dig it up he's asking here
this is an awesome theme song
:145422 Because reccomending daggers to anyone playing a rogue before level 50 is bad advice tbqh.
they should level to 80 asap
you might notice I don't recommend daggers
Also because you can't Ambush->Cheap Shot, but that's niggling (Edit it!)
you have to wait for the energy, but there is no reason you can't
Umm... Ambush removes stealth.
Cheap Shot requires stealth.
You can't chain openers without Vanishing.
oh right he doesn't necessarily have vanish yet
Vanish causes mobs to reset.
so it's not viable for soloing anyway.
and is kind of on a long-ish cooldown and more useful as an escape tool while solo anyway.
kidney shot
Vanishing offensively is more of a PVP trick.
thats the one I was thinking of
not cheap shot
sorry, I'm rereading through my answer now
:145472 But yeah, Cheap Shot is the opener of choice while levelling over Ambush anyway once availiable. 4 second stun, and 2 CP's is just too good to pass up. The damage on Ambush just isn't that great all told.
and it requires too many talents to make it less lackluster.
And I /think/ if you've got access to hemo you should have Cheap Shot already.
For a rogue that wants to level sub, I'd say its fine
as he'll likely have those talents
I also mentioned that he'll move to Hemo later, and that he'll want swords for it
:145497 Hemo is actually fine with a dagger now. It's before you get Hemo that using a dagger is a Really Bad Idea.
Yeah I saw they changed that
I didn't know if it made it viable though
I know for a long time it wasn't
A dagger and Sword of equal ilvl and 'similar' speed, (50% difference) will do identical damage with a Hemo hit.
the problem with Hemo is still that the debuff is worthless and the tree is totally convoluted re: whether you should use Hemo or Backstab.
broken design is broken.
one hopes the changes in Cata fix this
Cata subtlety is the most hilarious clusterfuck
did they release the new tech tree after they shorttened it?
You Hemo every 30 seconds to keep up a debuff, weave backstabs when the Hemo debuff is up and sit around waiting for HaT to give you combo points so you can rotate between 4 finishers.
yeah, the new trees are all running on the beta.
wowtal.com - most up to date calculator
I like the new Combat a lot.
New Assasination needs to have some point values tweaked to flow better, but it's not bad.
maaaaaaan, I was totally hoping espais would check out the chat
Sub is a complete mess
they seemed pretty cool
(Also, if you're wondering, a couple of the 'indispensible' talents like the range extension on Sap/Blind, and the +Stealth talents got made baseline.)
this is worse than I imagined
all this % chance
makes for irregular rotations
this is like doing kitty dps
well from what I saw that the beginning of this expansion, rogues don't have to complain :P
and hemo sucks
Yeah, it's like Cat DPS, but worse, because you have to deal with the nightmare that is Shadow Dance.
Which you can't viably not take because with the new design, you have to put 31 points in a tree before you're allowed to subspec
so no 20/21 or 10/21/10 builds or anything
well, its good to see that they decided to make all DK trees viable for tanking and didn't so something stupid like put Vampiric Blood and Bone Shield in the same tree
:145572 Blood is the DK Tank tree in cataclysm.
The other trees do not tank.
and Blood does not DPS anymore.
yeah, I think that was my point
:145577 Yeah, they said letting all three tank in Wrath was a mistake.
after this long spiel about how "all trees are going to be tank viable," turns out: NOPE, just blood
well I'm glad I don't play WoW anymore
:145580 Well, all three were for Wrath. And it was kind of a mistake, since, at the end of the day, the community settled on a 'best spec' and the other two became de facto useless for it.
But I think it was a marginal success, not for raiding, but for heroics, any of them could work.
Perhaps things changed in Icecrown but when I was still getting server firsts in ulduar it changed a lot
And it just caused headaches for trying to balance non-tanking things, since you couldn't put tanking skills out of reach of DPS types as well.
anyone has anything that they feel all the SE-moderators should discuss on our secret chat-session tonight?
game-rec must die
there can be no larger issue
and you said you hated wow @tzenes?!?
The only reason the preferred DK spec changed constantly is because the talents kept getting buffed/nerfed.
It's been pretty solidly Blood or GTFO since late Ulduar though.
When we did server first in Ulduar I was still running Frost for most of my tanking
I think I did blood on trash nights
@Ivo I do and you're starting to see why
Was this before they made Will of the Necropolis amazing again, or after?
It might have been before
what did they change?
They made it useful again. Turned it back into a cheatdeath.
it was like that since 3.0
its 15% off once every 2 minutes
It got nerfed around when Ulduar came out. Was made so it didn't affect damage that brought the DK low, only damage while low, which made it useless against anything that hit worth a damn.
it also didn't have the cooldown before Ulduar.
it was a crummy ability, the real strength of blood was pushing your HP to rediculous numbers
till then nerfed the 10% hp bonus
anyway I need to go to work
Without the cooldown (which it doesn't have again), it's an invisible and enormous health bonus.
And I need to go get my Mac so I can watch the Stevenote.
the all caps is a nice touch.
Intentional or not.
It reads as Triumphant.
In other news -- for most games, you can alt-tab while they load and they'll still be loading
except you can do other stuff while the throbbers spin
:145691 It was. After finding the theme song and replaying it 5 times, I HAD to know who wrote it
I want you to know @LessPop, I have high hopes for you: stackexchange.com/leagues/7/week/gaming/2010-08-30
:145796 hahaha
I once said this site is not a success till someone surpasses me
so I'm counting on you
Oh no pressure.
I think I can manage though, I'm a massive repwhore. :)
given EA's lower traffic dassabignumber.
Oh, bring the wow nerds to gaming.SE
the same way I tried to bring the SC2 nerds
Will do.
I know I've seen Gnarf and Wikwocket poking around.
how much rep do you need to edit a tag wiki?
Steve is hyping the shit out of iOS gaming
isn't that his roll?
come up with crazy ideas and evangelize them?
Well his roll is to hype the shit out of apple in general.
the choice of gaming in particular is interesting.
But the stuff being demo'd is extremely impressive
an Unreal Engine 3 RPG for iPhone coming this fall
I've seen the Unreal Engine demo'd before on the iphone
owh I thought it hadn't started yet, guess I'm too late for Steve's party
:145836 He's still rolling.
:145836 He's unveiled software updates and new iPods. You're just in time for One More Thing.
well turn of anti aliasing and reduce the resolution: voila a SoC can run Crysis
is the iPad getting an update?
link the stream :P
www.apple.com but only if you're in the US, using 10.6 and safari 5
alternately www.macrumors.com
iPad is getting a major software update in november
Printing, wifi streaming of video over network.
they finally get multitasking... that thing android had at launch
:145854 because there are so many Android based iPad competitors on the market right now
they hit the market in November... coincidence?
though I have an android phone
november @tzenes?
that's the general consensus I've been seeing
you mean Verizon's tablet and the like?
I've won Need For Speed: World.
I reached the point where no further progress is possible, which is usually known as victory.
I think they're all trying to target November to be out for the holidays
I didn't feel like trying that hard with the previous version of NFS
I'm disappointed, the site doesn't mention anywhere going past level 10 costs 20$
One'd have thought putting a $600,000 (ingame money) price tag on high tier cars was incentive enough to use the 3 day rental offers instead (which cost real money)
Apparently, they still need the one time payment.
Micropayments are often weird
Mind you -- for a "mmorpg", asking just for a one time payment is awesome
I think Western culture isn't used to them yet
I just wish they were more honest upfront.
:145886 That is the biggest problem with Micropayment MMORPGs.
$20 is not a micropayment
we're very familiar with the "service" model where we pay a monthly fee, but paying $1-$10 for virtual goods is foreign to us
most of them are really scuzzy and try to hide the way they charge you.
Mind you, you pay $20/€20 and get the $20/€20 equivalent of ingame currency
so in a very sort of backward way you don't pay anything (except I wouldn't have bought the ingame currency to begin with)
eventually we'll become more used to these micro payments and publishers will stop trying to hide them
Oh, but micropayments weren't hidden at all @tzenes
It's the required macropayment that was hidden
I'd still term that as a micropayment
micropayment is an ambiguous term by nature
A micropayment is a financial transaction involving a very small sum of money. PayPal defines a micropayment as a transaction of less than 12 USD, and though micropayments were originally envisioned to involve much smaller sums of money, practical systems to allow transactions of less than 1 USD have not been developed. One problem that has prevented their emergence is a need to keep costs for individual transactions low, which is impractical when transacting such small sums, even if the transaction fee is just a few cents. History Micropayments were initially devised as a way of allow...
so paypal sets the bar at $12, but there is obviously some contention
I guess it's more about the car and the levels @badp, less about the 20$
in the Storm8 games you buy points with cold hard cash
but they scale with your own level, so when you're further into the game, you get more
What I do know is that I have no further reason to play the game
If I want the occasional pursuit I still have NFS:MW installed...

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