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@Unionhawk You can get another element mystic staff and change its element in your house with a crystal of power. Dust devils drop mystic air staves pretty commonly
I had that clue step earlier
3 hours later…
At least it's Trailblazer 1 clue juggling rules still
(clues save their "steps done" stat even after you drop them in leagues)
But that does make it just 80 slayer again which is cool
Additional pro tip: do not try to get black pickaxe from beginners, it is 1/800 do easy clues for that to complete the beginner clue log
4 hours later…
Huh. Apparently there's no Late Show with Stephen Colbert this week because Colbert's appendix burst
1 hour later…
(ps: for added context, the PS5 version of Sable has very poor framerate. Yes, you read that right. They managed to make Sable graphics have framerate issues on a PS5)
1 hour later…
> "Genshin 4.2 Archon Quest was very dark and depressing, but lucky the new event seems heartwarming and cozy"
The event:
... who knows knows.
2 hours later…
@SPArcheon you have powerwash simulator
@Memor-X You mean "Mario Sunshine without Mario, the platforming, the enemies and so on"?
@SPArcheon i mean the strangely cathartic game which came out with some free DLC which include FFVII Midgar settings
@Memor-X yes, the one with the achievements locked into PAID dlc.
sorry, but I am not interested. Elebits was far better.
@SPArcheon not sure how that is a bad thing
sorta expected when you have DLC that expands game content like expansions
@Memor-X depends on how it is done. Many PS games I own add a new achievement category that does not exist if you don't have the DLC
This one apparently on PC adds all the achievements even if you don't have the DLC
Therefore it is not possible to "100%" the game if you don't spend more money, and some users hate that.
Alas, I don't care about that since I am simply not interested into cleaning more stuff with the FLUDD
@Elva Good Morning Elva
Heya Memor
this reminds me...
Memor plushies now available on Amazon. Buy yours now :P
3 hours later…
I wish it was tomorrow already. I need my advent of code fix.
Ooh, that's right!
Doing mine in Typescript this year
If you really want to do some Typescript programming I could give you some SPFX webpart to develop on SharePoint instead you know....
@SaintWacko I'll probably be a combination of Python and C#
No I'm not hnq baiting you're hnq baiting
@Unionhawk We will remember this day as "Stack Exchange HNQ scandal 2.0"
@Unionhawk also... you need an answer.
A: What are the criteria for questions to be selected for Hot Network Questions?

David FullertonBasically the same formula used to select the questions shown in the "hot" tab on a site. We have a few tweaks: Successive questions from the same site are penalized by increasing amounts. So, the first question from SO in the list gets multiplied by 1.0, the second by 0.98, the third by 0.96, ...

> Questions with no answers are excluded
I’m not very familiar with SE from a technical side, so I may be missing something obvious, but gaming.meta.stackexchange.com/a/16965 seems to maybe not have actually happened? A random counterexample: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/357002
It kind of looks like the tool missed like, raw links
hard to tell exactly, will let the team know
No that's not it
@Wipqozn maybe I should actually do that this year...
@Yuuki Do it you nerd
@Wipqozn 9.5 hours to go
@MBraedley but I want it noooooowwwwwww
I'm just disappointed that my coworkers in UAE are going to absolutely crush the company leaderboard.
Yeah, no way I'm going to try to stay up to do them
4 hours later…
If anyone wants to join our leaderboard for Advent of Code the code is 194428-5ca78c8d

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