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Q: Screenshot of the Week #84 - Love Declaration/Valentines

Timmy JimHello and welcome to the 84th Screenshot of the Week! To start with, congratulations to the winner of the previous contest! Batophobia's picture from wonderlands won with 13 upvotes (and Batophobia is now on a 3 post winning streak)! To submit a screenshot, simply post it as an answer to this q...

7 hours later…
@Memor-X ???
> Can players make in-game purchases in Hogwarts Legacy? A: Players with the Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition can purchase the Dark Arts Pack in-game separately, which is otherwise available exclusively in the Deluxe Edition. There are no other items for purchase in the game.
you mean the "deluxe edition upgrade"?
If that is indeed the only one... better than those idiot at Bandai.
One Piece collector edition had a) a Luffy figure and b) a Sogeking outfit. Thanks to scalpers that edition was basically unfindable.
there is NO option that I know of to buy a digital upgrade standard->collector, so if you preordered the physical standard version (to get the preorder outfits) you can't upgrade to "deluxe" to get the Sogeking one.
@Memor-X the pre-order is driven by exclusive items that you can't get otherwise.
@Yuuki I would not be worried about that. I am not a fan of Harry&Co, I only watched the game as a potential fantasy RPG game so I can't really talk about lore...
but the game has Avada Kedavra and you can use it.
There isn't a "true" karma system either. Since you are in the school, you will stay in the school the whole game - the most you can hope for are some (probably minor) "consequences".
> Murphy added that Unforgivable Curses are understandably not learned in school, "and the player very specifically chooses whether or not to learn them." Even if players deign to acquire this knowledge, "they don't have to use them... and the world does react to their use."
Justifying the absence of a "morality system that punishes" the player, such an inclusion was deemed "too judgmental on the game maker's part." That said, Murphy makes it clear that "should the player continue these actions, the world will reflect back knowledge of them."
The world reacts.....
You are not expelled from the school (like PKMN Violet/Scarlet, the school is the game core, they could not deviate from that), you are not "sent to Azkaban", I expect that the "effects" will be things like people avoiding you, some dialogue differences or increased prices in shops.
There is a good and evil ending, but it is "Demon Soul" style. It all amounts to a choice at the end of the game.
So you can be a murderous killer all the game and still get the "good" ending.
... At least Demon Soul had the "excuse" that the game was unfinished (-> missing Archstone - land of Giants, missing lore about "you are being used" etc. That said, is not like they cared enough to complete the game for the remake either...)
@Memor-X Apparently the PC version indeed has performace/frame drop issues.
That said, console version seem to run at a lower resolution/detail level.
5 hours later…
@SPArcheon what
> Dragon Quest Hero in Smash has more spells than you do in Harry Potter
This feels wrong too.
@Yuuki For use on the slave rebellion goblins of course
House elves are the slaves. The goblins are an entirely different problematic depiction of society.
Sorry, minority rebellion goblins
I haven't actually read anything about the plot other than that goblins are the bad guys in it
Minority rebellion goblins that are depicted as hook-nosed money grubbers who control the wizarding financial system.
I saw some tweet of people getting themselves banned from the discord yesterday
One of them was someone asking for period appropriate slurs for goblins
As you get older, you start wonder how it took this long for JK Rowling to be exposed as problematic.
I think the whole witchcraft is evil thing deflected from some of the actually legitimate criticism
@Yuuki Protego, Stupefy, Lumos, Revelio, Accio, Levioso, Repario, Ancient Magic (& Ancient Magic Throw), Incendio, Dissillusionment, Petrificus, Expelliarmus, Depulso, Confrigo, Diffindo, Wingardium LevisoSSSa, Glacius, Alohomora, Descendo, Filippendo, Transformation, Bombarda, The Three Curses.
Not that many but... how many spell did you ACTUALLY USE in Skyrim?
I think "Dragon Quest Hero" refers to the Hero from one of the Dragon Quest games.
And I don't think his spell list is that long in Smash Bros.
@Yuuki Smash has basically.. 4 special attacks for the four different directions?
@SPArcheon Dragon Quest Hero actually has a drop-down list of spells for one of his specials, I believe.
Okay, so he has three spells each for three of his directional specials, that's 9. And then his down special, Command Selection, gives him a choice of 4 spells out of a total possible 21. In total, 30 spells.
So... He might actually have more spells than you get in Harry Potter, huh.
If you consider the directionals as only one spell each rather than three, that's still 24.
@Yuuki to be fair, some would seem pretty useless to add in the game.
Would you really want Densaugeo or Furnunculus ?
That said, it also shows a severe lack of insight on some topics.
Portus is basically canonical Fast Travel if I get that right?
Why don't use it then?
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon Yes, although to nitpick, Portus or the Portkey spell enchants an object to do fast travel like old-school hub-to-hub fast travel.
Apparition is more like current-game fast travel.
If you REALLY want to nitpick, then...
That is Mark, the runes are "Kal Por Ylem" and was a thing in Ultima, far before Potter :P
Sure, but in context of Harry Potter, there's two (or more) spells that do fast-travel in different ways. Portkeys are generally considered safer than Apparition but are also supposedly more regulated.
And there's the weird smoky thing they do in the movies that they never make clear exactly what it is or how it works.
Someone should also warn J.K.R that "Nox" is a rune commonly tied to poison, not "turning out light". Ironically, the cure poison spell in Ultima was "An Nox", so in a way she took the wrong rune.
@Yuuki Would you prefer them going into detail about WHY Apparition/summoning spells are more dangerous? Watch Guru Guru
Probably a corruption of "noct" -> "nox"
@SPArcheon In the books, they do go over why Apparition is dangerous. Lack of concentration/focus can result in missing body parts, leaving body parts behind, or jumbling up your body.
@Yuuki I get that you didn't see Guru Guru. Also I notice that this is the Bridge, not Anime and Manga so that was to be expected.
In the movies, as Apparition isn't very theatrical (you literally appear out of nowhere), they use some kind of weird smoke transfiguration thing instead.
And they never say that it isn't Apparition but it clearly functions under different rules.
@Yuuki Mahoujin Guruguru had the "Circle of Friend Summoning" spell. And guess what happens if the friend was going to take a bath when you summoned them.
That said... Guruguru is weird. Very weird.
I doubt you can find another anime about JRPG that silly.
And then there's the movies' fascination with beam duels in magical combat. That's supposed to be a pretty unique, rare, and specific occurrence. But now we're getting into movies vs books territory and kinda distancing from the original topic.
@SPArcheon I don't know Guruguru, but I remember the season 2 cold open for Seitokai Yakuindomo being a full five minutes of sex jokes entirely in English.
@SPArcheon oh, about JRPGs, never mind then
@Yuuki oh, but aside from sporadic "toilet humor" (that really never goes past the overused joke of Shizuka in the tub in Doraemon) Guru Guru is more about jrpg expectations and tropes.
Also, since I know you will love this one...
Kamehameha is not a magic spell and therefore wouldn't be in the Hogwarts curriculum nor would it be fired from a wand. Although it does amuse me that Malfoy's idea of a prank to create a snake in Harry's general location.
If you think about it, it's a major plot point in the books to reveal that Harry's Parseltongue ability is actually pretty rare and further ostracizes from the general student population but Malfoy's choice to conjure a snake really... doesn't make sense at all.
this. And if you were thinking "weird, those clothes look like DQ hero/dancer outfits"... well, guess who made this anime.
Clue: that company was bought by Square and now is part of their name, even if no one remembers that.
Which also ties to this.
I think that's Comet Azur from Elden Ring. Kamehameha has this weird bulbous head with an odd ring around it look.
and then.. they forgot.
4 hours later…
@Yuuki but it could possible be fired from a wand. the Kamehameha is a Ki Wave and Ki has been infused into objects such as Trunk's sword, and given a wand in Harry Potter is really only a channelling device to make spells more accurate and potent while maintaining stability one could surmise that if one channelled Ki though a wand to fire a Kamehameha Wave, they could do so with the benefit of using less Ki to form an equivalent blast (and thus less of a charge up)
@SPArcheon i wonder if EMPRESS has cracked it yet to see if those issues are cleared up
@SPArcheon yeh i don't by that. other games have DLC and don't list in-app purchases on steam
@SPArcheon still just a digital only "bonus" which you can apparently buy anyway so there's no FOMO involved (assuming people know you can buy it)
now if it was something physical it would be a different story and the FOMO would make sense given physical goods would indeed be limited in stock. you wont have that for digital goods in any natrual way, only artificially driven
My kids talked me into watching The Owl House
It is actually very excellent
@SaintWacko How far though are you?

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