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@Memor-X I assume that at least the actual dev company doesn't want to be trashed on their first A-class game because Warner Bros is evil.
and the official game page does state: "no microtransaction, no in app purchases". So I expect that the only purchase is the Dark Art pack that is included with deluxe.
1 hour later…
@Fredy31 /Dehyamains currently raging about useless kit, even worse than when Kokomi / Yoimiya released. Quite ironic to watch...
I really can't see where her place in the game would be.
@SPArcheon Yeah, and I pretty much consider that a deluxe pack upgrade, so I don't think that should be seen as a microtransaction
@Nzall exactly. Considering this is a "new" dev (or at least a dev no one cared about before) it would be like shooting themselves in the foot to first claim "no microtransaction" and then "we were joking, game is full of those"
Not saying it is impossible, but seems less probable.
If they are planning something, it is just dlc expansions
4 hours later…
@Memor-X We don't actually know much about the mechanics of magic, partly because it's a children's series not hard sci-fi, so we can't say for certain that wands are only channeling devices. While wandless magic exists in Harry Potter, it's treated as a curiosity and "a thing those foreigners do".
And just because something can channel magic doesn't mean it can channel ki.
@Yuuki Wait, weren't the wands made using kyber crystals?
@Yuuki I mean it's basically magic.
Anime stuff in general it's best to just not think about it too hard.
I mean why is saying Kamama apparently required for it to work? Shit makes no sense. Just try not to thnk about it.
@Wipqozn I don't expect Harry Potter to start throwing Kamehameha waves around anytime soon, but I would expect Goku to learn magic without any reasonable explanation should Toriyama feel that his little favorite Mary Sue is risking to lose his supremacy of "most ridiculous overpowered character I-am-10-times-better-than-you" status
@SPArcheon I mean sure, because Toriyama just makes shit up as he g oes along
That's not an insult, he's straight up said it, because he likes to be as surprised as the reader.
Apparently it works. I love me my DBZ.
Super really took the silly shannigans to a whole other level thoug
@Wipqozn to be fair, lately I had a sightly different feel...
@SPArcheon I'm not even sure if he's involved anymore tbh. I think he's offloaded a lot of it.
I don't think he does any drawing ont he manga,.
"Toriyama just makes things up as other mangas go along so that Goku is still more op"
and then you end up with punch collisions that can destroy the universe.
He did plan to make Goahn the lead at one point, but then changed his mind once he started writing the Buu/Boo saga.
@Wipqozn iirc, magic does exist in Dragonball and it's distinct from ki but I might be thinking about a different IP
@Yuuki oh you're right, babidi casts magic
but again, can't think about it all too hard
@Wipqozn yeah, that's one of my main gripes as I personally prefer Gohan over Goku
@Yuuki problem is that even Gohan isn't exactly well developed. The main advantage is that at least he cares about something outside fighting
@Yuuki I do too, but I also think Goku is a better lead. Gohan doesn't have the same drive to be the best martial artist like Goku does. Which is fine, not every character needs to just be all about martial arts all the time. I like that Gohan is a professor.
Goku is a deadbeat dad and neglectful husband whose only redeeming quality is that he likes beating up people who tend to want to destroy/conquer the world and/or universe.
@Wipqozn The issue is that kid Goku was more of a "martial artist" than Goku.
I'm exaggerating quite a bit, but yeah.
@Yuuki yeah, Toriyama himself said he doesn't consider Goku to be a hero. He just lieks fighting.
The kid version had some vision of "self improvement" closer to bushido etc. Older Goku has been reduced to "I like to punch stuff"
which becomes very annoying when he is still hand waved as "pure heart".
@Wipqozn I do like the idea that Gohan could potentially be stronger than Goku, but he isn't because he just has different values than Goku does. I'm sure that pisses Vegeta off a lot.
@SPArcheon I mean even Piccolo mocks that in the Battle of gods movie, ha.
@Yuuki Yeah same.
@Yuuki Vegeta is probably more pissed about being the new Yamcha because Toriyama doesn't like him at all.
Really with Gohan it seems to be that he doesn't train at all. That's why he's gotten so fragile by Super Time. He starts training again with Piccolo for a bit, and he gets back some of his old flare.
See the ending of Return of F. You think he can do something for once? Nope, reset, Goku wins.
If you think about it, Gohan's personality and lack of drive to be "the best" could be explained by his father, who does have that personality, being such a non-factor in his childhood.
@Yuuki We all know Piccolo is the real father figure in Gohan's life
Although also, isn't Goku dead for half of Gohans life?
And I'm sure if Goku actually sat down to think about it, he'd be aghast at the fact that he basically robbed himself of the best fight of his life.
He's gone for a year during the saiyan arc, and then he dies during Cell saga, and then it's...what? 8 years or something until he comes back?
So I think goku has legit been dead for half of gohans life
iIRC, part of the Cell arc had the implication that Goku basically dragged it out for a better fight.
@Yuuki Goku... Risks world survival once because "Gohan can totally beat Cell", does it again later because "Trunk and Gohan 2 can totally beat Bu".... and then tops everything with "hell to 7 universes worth of people, I have no regret, I get to fight who cares if I caused mass genocide"
And that the saga could have ended without him dying if he was more concerned with actually defeating the bad guy.
No, really, think about it. At the tournament of Power he didn't know that Zeno was planning to erase the universes anyway. So all the time he though that Zeno got the idea from his proposal.
So he isn't completely faultless for himself being dead for half of Gohan's childhood.
Serious question: do you think you would even be able to sleep knowing you just got "God" to start the apocalypse ?
At least we can be sure of something: Goku does not have Haki nor can "hear the voice of all living thing".
See how Cody ended up at Marineford War for a not-planetary level war.
Now imagine feeling an universe worth of "voices" disappearing.
Nightmare for any "force user" too.
Darth Nihilus: "Who could've done such a horrible thing as snuff out the lives of an entire planet at once?"
Also Darth Nihilus: "Me, it was me."
@Yuuki well baring anything that gets suddenly made up on twitter i havn't seen i can find anything that suggests that Wands were invented to do anything else
@SPArcheon When you log in and thats the first message you read you think 'What the fuck did I just walk into'
but ofcause the Europeans are weird. they invent wands but then still don't understand the lore with them
@Fredy31 oh, just your average "What kind of person is Goku for being fine with starting a tournament that will cause genocide of 7 different universes"
Yeah I read context and figured out the discussion was on DBZ, but your message is the first I read, completely out of context
Spoiler alert: Goku will be the missing Fatui Harbringer.
@SPArcheon At least Marvel's Illuminati had the excuse of the Incursions being entirely out of their control, but somehow they're the more controversial figures.
Even more spoiler, we will also discover that Zamasu went crazy because Goku personality took over :P
@Yuuki you can do better.
At least Kyubey had the "universe entropy" excuse
Wait theres a genshin anime coming out? youtube.com/watch?v=6jY2f6OkpBo
@Fredy31 ... didn't I told you before?
might have forgot then
Its just that a youtuber I follow for league lore decided to... expend his horizons since league's lore has been trash the last 2 years. And landed on GI youtube.com/watch?v=0Od-0F93fl8&list=WL&index=18
And he off the coff mentionns the anime like WHAT
also works quite well as a wallpaper.
@Fredy31 Riot has no idea how to allocate resources, I feel like they moved everyone to the MMO project.
Yeah, my impression too
They need a fuckton of lore for the MMO, so the lore team is on that.

But I just dont want it to look like the OW2 debacle: Oh you got less content for 2-3 years because we are working on what is coming up! Its gonna be awesome!

The thing coming up arrives and... Its 2 maps, a game mode, and a character.
I mean, League clearly has the potential for a ton of lore. There's so many moving parts.
And possible apocalypses.
Yeah there is what, just off the top of my head: Celestials, Void, Shadow isles, The runes Ryse is holding down?
And I'm sure I'm missing some
Between the threat of Mordekaiser, the Void, the World Runes and then there's Targon slowly losing their control on Aurelion Sol after spending the last several millennia pissing him off as much as possible.
Imagine deciding to harness the power of what's basically a creator god and then deciding to treat him like garbage because there's totally no way that he could break free.
@Yuuki No he didn't. He was in a heart coma for the start of that whole Arc. When he woke up, he knew he couldn't win, so he did training instead. While he was training, Vegeta let Cell Absorb 18 so get a better fight. When Goku fought Cell, he did go all out, but was outmatched. HOWEVER, Goku did (IIRC) admit that he might've done the same thing vegeta did if he was in his position.
aka he didn't drag it out, but he also never had the CHANCE to... but if he did have the chacne, yeah he might've did it.
@Fredy31 The Shadow Isles has been solved, IIRC, with the end of the Ruination. At the very least, they're not expanding, I think.
@Yuuki Well, viego was held down and I think its left to that. He could get out
@Wipqozn I think that the argument is more about the bean he gives to Cell afterward.
he says "I was going all out" - yet it would not be the first time or the last he says that and then "Oh, by the way, I was forgetting this new SSJ recolor I just got". But even if you suppose he lost legit, I wonder if giving Cell a senzu bean was that smart.
And if that was Honor (he should be 100% against Gohan) or Pride (there is no fun if he is not 100%)
Consider that there is a pretty big difference in kid Goku behavior when overpowering an adversary and adult Goku. Adult Goku - imho* - feels very toxic sometime, almost having FUN at humiliating people.
That does not mean that the opponents do not deserve that most of the time but... it is very different from Gohan
2 hours later…
So there's a Nintendo Direct planned for today and Tears of the Kingdom was mistakenly added to the eShop earlier...
Speculation abounds.
@SPArcheon Oh right. Forgot about that.
but he did that thinking Gohan was like him andj ust wanted a fair fight. Piccolo pointed it out at one point that he knows shit all about his son.
@Wipqozn true, problem is that the "fair fight" almost costed everyone life. And even with the deux et machina powerup, it costed King Kai life instead.
Which for Goku is a joke since it is a running gag in Super that he never remembers to resurrect him despite being asked so multiple time.
(Compare with Vegeta collecting the 7 balls in minutes because of Beerus)
Goku is the main villain of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super
This is known
3 hours later…
Man I want Pikmin 4 to be good
Etrian Odyssey?
Didn't expect to see Metroid Prime
Wonder if they plan on remastering the other 2 before 4 releases
Atelier Marie remake? Hot damn, I haven't even played Sophie 2 yet.
nice! we're going to finally get Salburg and maybe also Gramnad Atelier games
@Unionhawk Goku Black Two Kamehameha Boogaloo
now with the brand new Super Saiyen Rose Gold transformation
@Yuuki $40, or $80 for all 3. Woohooo. DAmn it atlus.
if you had "new layton game" on your nintendo direct bingo, then kudos but also i'm a little worried about your sanity
just watching the video now after downloading. disappointed it's not a new
Etrian Odyssey. though am curious if the first 2 are going to be "Classic" or "Untold"
not sure about Untold 2 but the first one Classic was just the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. Untold had it and the Gladsheim Ruins
@Yuuki I'm not sure who would be expecting that, but I'm very happy
Also Ghost Trick remaster is neat, not that I'll be buying it
I recommend everyone play it though

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