> Shuckle with max def EV and IV and +def nature at level 100 (614)
Power swap changes that to attack.
Noibat with 0 Def EV and IV and -def nature at level 1 (4)
Metronome boost at max 100% (x2)
Shuckle +6 attack is +300% (x3)
Noibat -6 def is -300%
Defense curl doubles iceballs power
Forests curse gives noibat a 3rd type, grass. (Flying, Dragon, Grass)
Noibat has now a 8x weakness to ice.
Protean switches the users type to the move, shuckle becomes an ice type and gets STAB +50% (1.5x)
Huge power doubles attack stat (shuckle without counting boosts is now at 1228 attack)