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In NG+, that unique equipment can be upgraded further with rewards from replaying stages.
Dammit, now I just want to go home and play it.
@fbueckert That sounds awesome, adds some replayability. Do you know how many different stages/levels there are?
@fbueckert Ya, I want to get home too... Dang 11 hour days...
@Jonny Uh...30? Or so?
@AshleyNunn Forgot to tell you: Oh, Edo Towns is out for Android.
@agent86 Is there a tool that you have that can show me what % of the bridge chat comes from @fbueckert?? :)
@James Just because I can multitask doesn't mean I should be ridiculed for it. :P
@fbueckert Why do you take that request as a point of ridicule then? :)
@James Because that's the implication I'm getting. :P
Yeah, I spend a lot of time here.
Just think of what chat was like BEFORE I showed up.
Boring as hell, wasn't it? :P
@fbueckert Yes :)
@James There you have it.
I'm the crazy guy everybody likes.
@fbueckert And humble about it =)
@fbueckert Woah there pardner.
@Jonny Eh. I'm not humble. I'm good at what I do, and I know it.
@fbueckert He is good it Crazy :D
I get along with people, though, due to my easygoing nature, and maniacal cheerfulness.
@fbueckert Fair enough. (ps. the blog was very informative, the game looks awesome)!
I'm very personable; people tend to remember who I am.
@Jonny So check out the demo once you get home. If you like it, throw some money his way.
@fbueckert Will do
Like seriously, @James. You're planning on coming out this way on business, and doing some gaming with me, no?
@fbueckert Going to try man but I am not sure if I can get enough time to head your direction and back again
@James Fair enough. Hope you can.
I might be doing some travelling for business, too.
Not sure exactly when, but I'm headed further up north.
We land 10pm Monday (17th)
we leave 3pm Friday.. They didnt give us a weekend day. and since we are staying with the COO.. Dunno what the plans are, hehe.
@James In Winnipeg?
In London
@James Whew, that's nowhere near Winnipeg.
@fbueckert Yeah thats a long drive to there
It's a 21 hour drive to Winnipeg, even at crazy American driving speeds.
@fbueckert Yeah I am pretty sure thats at crazy Canadian speeds :P
@James Hey, we use an intelligible metric system for our units of measurement. They don't translate well into an arbitrary system.
@fbueckert hehe, All numbers are relative :) In any case we are only like 2 hours from Toronto and I believe Toronto has cup cakes :D
@James Yeah; that'll be easier for you to get to.
@fbueckert In all possibility we wont be getting anywhere unfortunately :/
Winnipeg is in the middle of prairie country; you can see right to the horizon.
Wide open spaces.
@James Yeah, that sucks.
Suck is my vacation starts tomorrow but I have like no work to do today so I am just sitting here paying way too much attention to my second monitor
@fbueckert I am surrounded by mountains where I live, and when I went to Toronto, that was so flat that it unnerved me. I can't imagine what Winnipeg is like.
@StrixVaria I think that is why we hide the horizon in the center of the country with an endless corn field.
@StrixVaria I prefer the open spaces; mountains are nice to look at, but I'm not meant for living in it.
The rolling hills though are pretty neat... I mean hills that take like 20-30miles to roll :)
@fbueckert I don't mean the rocky craggy ones on the west coast. The Appalachian mountains are more like giant hills.
@StrixVaria We have small hills kicking around here and there. But for the most part, the land is nice and flat.
Makes for excellent crop growing.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere, so being able to see all around me was just how life was.
And we got some freaking AWESOME hills in winter.
I am from a pretty elevation changing area in upstate NY
And the hills are covered with fields
I'm a country boy. Technological country boy, so I have to balance things.
Meh, link to the live streaming cam in the town is apparently down.
The reasons I live in the city is because this is where the tech jobs are, and getting high speed internet outside a city is really tough.
If I could get my awesome internet connection in a small town, I'd be there, no problem at all.
The town I am from eventually got fiber
Only about 8 years or so after it was supposed to
Yeah, when there's no competition around, there's no incentive to upgrade or improve your offerings; you're the only game in town, whether your customers like it or not.
hi guys!
@spugsley o/
@fbueckert :(
Mission accomplished!
@fbueckert you bastard!
Using me for your own starring needs!
For shammmmme
@spugsley Pfft.
How else am I supposed to siphon your legendary luck?
@fbueckert ahhhh I see how it is :p
about to do a run right now, before I get stuck doing homework for the rest of the evening
@spugsley I'm at work for a couple more hours.
And when I get home, I'm playing something else for a bit, and then off to salsa class.
@fbueckert fun. Here's my plan for today: Diablo, start dinner, homework, diablo, homework homework homework. Gonna sneak Diablo in between subjects
@spugsley What are you taking?
@fbueckert A bullshit Geography lab (my psych minor requirements changed and even though I'm a senior, it applied to my credits as well -.- ), Women and Madness in Literature, Forensic Psych, Social Psych...and Pilates :p
@spugsley I think you need to take a break from Diablo, actually, so I can catch up. :P
@TimStone and I think NO :p
I could completely ignore the work I have to do and play, but that seems entirely irresponsible.
@fbueckert oh and Body Image forgot that one
@spugsley All I wanted was the general program. Didn't need the details of which courses. :P
@fbueckert oh....oopsie. I'm getting my BA in English with a concentration in Psych :)
@spugsley There we go! :P
... The guy I am waiting for information from just signed off... ಠ_ಠ
@James sadly, no :P it's just an RSS feed if I recall though, so go get your RSS feed parser! there's also stats on some related page for the chat room, can't remember exactly where
@James Early vacation! Go go go!
oh, it's the little "info" link above our gravatars.
the number in the lower right by the active users on that page shows the number of chat messages sent
@agent86 Ooo, look at that barchart! :D
13K/695357 = 1.8%
so yeah, enjoy your statistics :P
@fbueckert Wow look at that almost 10% from @badp
@James And you thought I was active. :P
@fbueckert I think he has longevity on his side :)
@James The real question is how much of that was him talking to himself. He is a little crazy.
Of course, I think I have about 9% of the posts in the Tavern on Meta, so I suppose I am too. :P
@TimStone I am only ever talking to myself, you are all just voices in my head (or words on the screen, whatever) :)
That's a pretty complex imagination you have going on there
Hmm...I was going to do work, but now I've forgotten what I was doing.
@TimStone Have you forgotten what you were doing or is my imagination not complex enough to actually provide that information? :)
My mind has just been blown. Unless it's not my mind but yours. In which case you might be having a stroke.
@TimStone Hmm.. Well I guess you never know.
Heh, read about that yesterday. Good stuff.
@Wipqozn ah!!
@sjohnston totally agree, but the powers that be said we weren't allowed to discuss having one
@MarkTrapp sorry :(
meh: que sera sera, c'est la vie, it is what it is, and other clichéd phrases
@MarkTrapp life is chill.
dream crushing is my favorite part of being a mod.
and I am playing GW2. and it is chill.
@Mana We couldn't respect you if you weren't brutally corrupt with power, it's alright.
although it makes my computer very warm.
@TimStone well, at least I have your respect. My life is complete.
Mana is the most mild-mannered of all the brutally corrupt totalitarian despots
I fixed bugs and completed someone's life today. I'm writing today off as a success.
@MarkTrapp I would not consider myself mild-mannered.
you have not seen me get pissed off at Gnomeslice outside of this site.
@Mana You apologize to people, though!
Supreme executive power means never having to say you're sorry
anybody... y'know, have a dream, that might need some crushing? Just, well, haven't crushed a dream in a little while.
@fbueckert I played it on iOS. It was pretty awesome.
@MarkTrapp Exactly, you get to take that sharp, shiny diamond and stab it effortlessly into the soft underbelly of justice whenever you want!
@agent86 I dream of a happy, relaxed life with an income.
@Mana HAHA, sucker. you'll be working for the man 8 hours a day and a slave to your obligations until the day you die.
hth, <3, ~agent
@agent86 I keep having a dream where I ragequit my job, but I'm not sure if I want that one crushed or fulfilled.
@TimStone usually in my work-related dreams I'm kicking someone in the nuts.
@agent86 My dream of corrupt mods hasn't been crushed in awhile.
feels good, man. feels good.
@Wipqozn dreaming of corrupt mods is the #1 cause of bans from corrupt mods. just sayin'
I should make a meta post complaining about the lack of meta posts complaining about stuff. It would be so meta.
Sic semper tyrannis!
I should go and unjustly use my moderator powers so that people have something to complain about on meta.
maybe I'll close a really controversial question just for entertainment.
A: How can I level up more quickly?

dpatcheryOnce you've reached 60 and have started gaining paragon XP, leveling becomes a completely different game. 1-Hour Trials I ran a few 1-hour long trials when the paragon system was first introduced to figure out the best way to get paragon XP. But first a few disclaimers - these trials are not in...

Awesome answer, bounty system works. Take that haters
@James <3
@StrixVaria You could whine about the lack of whining, or you could just whine!
What's it gonna be?
If he whined loudly enough about the lack of whining, would there still be a lack of whining?
Although a self-defeating post is also quite meta.
Nothing unifies people like someone or something they can focus their rage on.
I propose we make gameaddict a permanent scapegoat here; he unified the community like nobody's business.
Is it just me, or did @Lazers up and die on us?
He's busy at the two minutes hate. Can't gnash teeth at Emmanuel Goldstein gameaddict and provide quality feed action at the same time
@MarkTrapp That's a poor type of lazer, then.
To speak against the Dear Lazers is crimespeak
Doubleplus ungood
@Lazers Here's the last time @Lazers was around.
@fbueckert Do you still keep up-to-date on the D3 essence? I was looking at this question: Here and it was mentioned to always salvage 60+ items. Do you know what the going rate is now days? I thought it was generally better to sell now
@Jonny Last I checked, they were worth ~800 gold.
1.04 quadrupled the drop rate of magic and rare items; we're being glutted with extra salvage.
@fbueckert So it would be way better to sell a 1000+ item now right? Instead of salvage?
@Jonny Try checking this answer of mine; the logic should still hold true.
The price of rare Inferno salvage is dirt cheap; it shouldn't even be a consideration in whether you might get one or not.
@fbueckert Ya, I looked over that post and agree with it. Should I consider an edit of the first question I posted though, or post a different answer? If someone searches for the general question, "salvage or sell" the first answer they see is "Always Salvage". I think this answer is incorrect. Edit it, or post my own answer?
@Jonny Either or. Edit will get you +2 rep. Your own answer may garner downvotes, but probably not.
Another one of these "ever changing answers" that we love so much
If you post another answer, don't forget that 1.03 nerfed the chance of getting a brimstone from magic items to 0%.
Correct, do you know the percentage of rares now?
@Jonny 0.1%, off the top of my head.
@fbueckert Seriously? What garbage.
That's where all my Fiery Brimstones are from :(
@StrixVaria That's where two or three of my brimstones are from, too. The other one is actually rolling at 0.1% after 1.03
Only way to keep the price high: lower the supply.
Those are sitting about 100k now right?
@Jonny That, I don't pay attention to.
Haha me either. I only have three and don't have any plans anyway.
I surmise the price has gone down slightly (more rares being salvaged, so better chance of getting one), but I don't see it dropping that far.
If anything, 1.04 will consume more of them.
@fbueckert .1% seems high
I'd expect the price to skyrocket once people realize their legendary recipes got upgraded.
@Jonny Just double-checked. It's right.
hm... maybe I should salvage a little more than. Every 1000 items I get one =0
You still have to salvage 1000 rares to get one; that's, what? 30 or 40 full inventories worth?
@Thomas Great link!
I can't believe this
Giving the Internet access to the president. This is not going to end well.
Why do we approve edits that dramatically change the intent of the question?
@fbueckert I do not include CyberSkull in with the "we" of Arqade as a whole.
@StrixVaria Granted. General approach is to suggest a change to the author on how it can stay open, correct? Or, if it's been abandoned, then we salvage it.
I would err on the side of closing a question rather than changing the intent of the author.
Especially if the author is long gone, because then no one would be able to accept an answer to the real new question.
We can inform the author of what's wrong and let them change it on their own, or else just close it.
Edit rolled back, and comment left explaining why.
They did roll back his comment about whiteshouse beer?
Whitehouse beer
Nope still there under his comments, just not under his overview.
> And although their will be occasional disagreements on the details of various legislative proposals, I won't stray from that principle.
I expected better of you, PresidentObama
@StrixVaria I liked the 'a asteroid' :)
> we are focused on a potential mission to a asteroid as a prelude to a manned Mars flight.
@StrixVaria another one..
I like how someone pointed it out too.
@StrixVaria 1. Is it actually him typing? 2. He's got a short amount of time to answer a lot of questions, so cut some slack.
I can't hear your complaining about grammatical errors over all this freedom
Are you people actually able to load the page? Because reddit appears to be effed in the A right now
I was able to load /r/all once, and never again
@sjohnston Typos I couldn't care less about. their/there/they're should be impossible to screw up unless you're on a phone.
On a related note, what a great error image reddit has
And I would hope the president of the United States isn't doing his AMA from a phone.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet 9000 of those comments are "Why isn't pot legal?"
@MarkTrapp I am refreshing his comments page.. Its not given me that its down screen
@MarkTrapp I understand people who think drug legalization is an issue worth discussion. I fail to understand the people who think it is the most important issue.
Reddit is detached from reality: it doesn't need to be understandable. It's a land where people can be atheist android-anti-patent lovers who smoke pot but still worship Ron Paul
And where people make hairline distinctions about what constitutes pedophilia and rape
@MarkTrapp so brave.
CHOO CHOO RON PAUL 2012 DAE ZELDA?! uptokes to the [le]ft
Oh god it's finally loaded
Whew, it's humid.
@fbueckert It's always humid here. I have never experienced "dry heat" in my life.
@StrixVaria Come to the prairies. Only here, can you experience a seventy degree temperature difference over the course of the year.
You're talking in those Celsius degrees, right?
I experience 70 degree differences in Fahrenheit :P
@StrixVaria Of course in celcius. :P I was just telling @James about how we use sane measurements, instead of arbitrary values.
I still think my favorite part about that is the sign just over the border into Canada that says "KPH are not the same as MPH. Do not go 125MPH."
Celsius is just as arbitrary! Why is 0 °C 273 degrees above absolute zero?
@fbueckert When talking about temperature, even Celsius is stupid :P Kelvin ftw!
@MarkTrapp Because it's the freezing point of water?
@StrixVaria If you go 125MPH, you're going basically twice the speed limit.
@fbueckert At what atmospheric pressure?
@fbueckert Why water? Why not Benzene? ARBITRARY HE'S A WITCH BUUUUUURN HIM
@MarkTrapp I think water is pretty clearly the most important liquid.
All I hear is unreasoning defense of a system not based on anything in logic.
@StrixVaria Typical anti-benzite thing to say
Doesn't really make it any less arbitrary, but if you have to choose a random liquid to make a measurement, water is an obvious choice.
@StrixVaria I may be wrong, but I think @fbueckert is just saying 0 was a better number to pick for when it freezes than 32.
@James Fahrenheit's 0 was initially "as cold as some guy could the temperature in his lab".
100 was the temperature of the human body on average.
His tools weren't very precise, obviously.
@StrixVaria Or maybe the ones we have now are all off :D
But sir! it reads 97.7! Just go with it.
I have to say though. If the guy could get his lab to be 0 degrees then Damn that was some good cooling.. Cause that is freaking cold.
You know who also used the metric system? Hitler.
@MarkTrapp /facepalm
My car gets 40 rods to the hog's head and that's the way I like it
@MarkTrapp Irony? A meter is the measurement of a metal rod :)
The rod is a unit of length equal to 5 yards, 16 feet or th of a statute mile. Since the adoption of the international yard on 1 July 1959, it has been equivalent to exactly 5.0292 metres. A rod is the same length as a perch or a pole. In old English, the term lug is also used. History In ancient cultures The Ancient Roman units of measurement of length included a rod or pertica (also decempeda) of 10 pedes, which was equivalent to about 2.96 m; the related unit of square measure was the scrupulum or decempeda quadrata, equivalent to about 8.76 m². In continental Europe ...
I'm personally partial to the fathom, though.
> Originally based on the distance between the man's outstretched arms
Horse racing is measured in furlongs.
> A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one-eighth of a mile, equivalent to 220 yards, 660 feet, 40 rods
crashes through the twisted treeline
Here’s how your gift can help immediately:
$40 can supply lunch and dinner for a family of four for one day.
What the fuck.. Did the red cross contract out their meals to McDonalds or something!?
@James cost of living is a lot lower in other countries. It could be that
@murgatroid99 america which over spends averages $5/person/meal
They are offering relief funding at the same price..
I feel like I should just drive in with an In and Out truck
I could undercut the red cross people and make a killing
This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post. — CyberSkull 11 mins ago
@bwarner I'm sorry for that.
@fbueckert Lolwut?
@YiJiang Check where it was.
I know, that's why lolwut

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