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Game pass?
You get to pay more if you're on game pass lol
(Game pass also gives you 20% discount, but for some reason the website doesn't correctly calculate sale price)
Aah. I don't have an xbox; I'm looking at the Steam version
Game Pass is also on PC, although it's a bit hard to tell if it's on the PC game pass
The game selection differs for some strange reason
It is apparently - I found it on the website
Game Pass is a pretty good deal IMO. Nice way to try out a bunch of games you wouldn't otherwise have bought
1 hour later…
@Memor-X I didn't know it was still ongoing!
@PrivatePansy i thought the same when that "controversy" happened over Mr. Ratburn being gay
though i can't remember how long ago that was so i've just accepted it'll be on-going until i get told it stopped airing like a year ago
@MBraedley The smoke is so thick I can barely see the other end of my parking lot
Pretty sure it's smoke from BC, at least
Yeah. Stepped outside to look at the sky, nothing but haze.
In other news, everyone should go watch the replay of the women's skate park finals if you haven't seen it already. It'll make you feel old, but at this point most Olympic athletes make me feel old.
i just realized something while i was driving to Pizza Hut to get my lunch. what's going to happen if he launch the Pizza from the soon to come Cargo Catapult in Death Stranding
like will it be possible load flat? will it remain flat when it travels?
2 hours later…
Q: What is the particle trail for in Genshin Impact?

Taco タコスI recently started playing Genshin Impact and after making it to Mondstadt I noticed that there is now a particle trail on the ground: My educated guess here is that it's leading me to my current objective. However, I didn't notice it before reaching Mondstadt which, subsequently, leaves me with...

5 hours later…
@Unionhawk apparently there was a software bug in bombardier planes that caused them fly the wrong way or something like that? theregister.com/2020/05/29/bombardier_missed_approach_bug
I posted that here because we were talking about bugs in MSFS and how that would work IRL
6 hours later…
Huh interesting, sounds like it was resetting the hold direction on a missed approach in certain situations
Which could be bad if the other side of the hold is unsafe but I feel like as soon as you start turning the wrong way around the hold the crew should pick up on that
One would hope so!
Though if absolutely all else fails
That's why TCAS and EGPWS were invented lol
You just have to you know, follow their orders and you should be fine (there's a video about the near miss between JAL907 and JAL958 including what the TCAS callouts would have sounded like which is quite funny since it was a miss not a midair youtu.be/1V-NURlZ0Jc?t=6m10s the 747 was getting CLIMB, CLIMB NOW - INCREASE CLIMB and if they followed that they would have passed safely)
Yeah, 907 was told to climb by TCAS but was simultaneously told to descend by ATC, and followed the ATC instructions
I almost went back to school to be an air traffic controller
(and a year later something similar happened over Germany, resulting in an actual collision -- ATC saw an impending collision and told one of the planes to descend, which they started to do; a few seconds later TCAS told that plane to ascend and the other to descend. The other plane obeyed TCAS and the first one ignored it and continued the descent ATC gave them.)
At least the ICAO guidance is now "follow TCAS orders first and foremost and inform ATC once you are"
Yeah, IIRC for at least one of the planes involved in those incidents the manual (at the time) actually disagreed with itself on whether TCAS or ATC had priority, depending on which page you looked at
1 hour later…
Okay, so I am genuinely surprised at how much difference wired vs wireless makes for connection speed. I just ran a speedtest on my laptop, once wired and once wireless, and when connecting to the same router, the wired speed was almost 3X faster
My wireless speed was roughly 3-400 Mbps, while my wired speed went as high as 900 Mbps
@Nzall Oh that's not surprising, you're basically reaching the limits supported by 802.11ac
IEEE 802.11ac-2013 or 802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the 802.11 set of protocols (which is part of the Wi-Fi networking family), providing high-throughput wireless local area networks (WLANs) on the 5 GHz band. The standard has been retroactively labelled as Wi-Fi 5 by Wi-Fi Alliance.The specification has multi-station throughput of at least 1.1 gigabit per second (1.1 Gbit/s) and single-link throughput of at least 500 megabits per second (0.5 Gbit/s). This is accomplished by extending the air-interface concepts embraced by 802.11n: wider RF bandwidth (up to 160 MHz), more MIMO spatial...
wait, I don't get it
Where does it say that's the limit?
Because the router in question stated it could send wifi speeds of up to 1.3 Gbps
I see
so that's duplex speed and the normal speed is half that
minus any heartbeat signals of other devices
4 hours later…
@Nzall are you connected to the 2.4ghz band?
oh nvm you seem to have figured it out...
Yep, staff will finally get some distinguishment on per-site metas and MSE.
Kinda nice. Some want the badges to be a bit less "loud" which makes sense.

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