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12:35 AM
@Wipqozn Right now I have a Kobo Aura H20
@Ash I'm using a Koba Aura One, but the battery is dying. Been considering buying a new one. But reading about lighting issues makes me hesistant :/
Also can't decide between libra or forma... although I'm leaning heavily towards libra
If i was replacing my Aura (which I likely won't do til it dies), I'd probably get the libra
There's not enough value added in my opinion to the forma to make it so much more money
12:50 AM
@Ash Pretty much my thinking. It's a slightly bigger screen, which I do like on my Aura... but sometimes I wish it was a bit lighter. So leaning towards Libra for that reason too.
1:01 AM
Makes sense to me :)
hello, hello!
@Ash I'd like to think so. Still concerned about lightning issues... but I also think people might be overblowing them.
@TheMattbat999 Hello
@Wipqozn what sort of lighting issues?
@Wipqozn how are things going?
@Ash Uneven lighting, I guess
Maybe something about the orange tint not working?
1:07 AM
Apparently yeah the button side is a little darker lit but most people seem to be reporting you get used to it, others aren't reporting an issue at all
Yeah, I think a lot of it is just people being really picky
@TheMattbat999 They're going swell with me. Just living that Covid life. Although luckily things are getting better here in Nova Scotia.
@Wipqozn noice! Glad things are looking up!
@Wipqozn but I mean I put up with my Aura H20 freezing every so often, so.
that sucks
2:00 AM
now that we've had like 6 cases since April, we are finally forcing masks on everyone at Walmart...
2:24 AM
Q: How we can know the blackberry secret in Pigeon room

IsmailWhen in Rusty Lake Hotel we make attempt for Pigeon, we must to find black berry inside the prisoner small bird by TORTURE him!!! I did think this very unpleasant.. How we can know it must be to hurt this bird Six time to get to win?? Is hint given before in some where, of count to pull lever? Or...

3:17 AM
I have a meteor shower tonight! The Dodo code is 8R808 if you want to visit
3:35 AM
Redd has a genuine Moody Painting too
3:57 AM
Nobody panic but I think kings island may have full 3d photo data and may be modeled in the new flight sim, based on what I'm seeing in bing maps
and also I think my house has full 3d lol
test 1: smoke test framerate in an airliner in bad weather
test 2: fly around cincinnati in an aerobatic plane
(I do wonder how it'll handle collision, is diamondback being interpreted as a building or a hollow structure, if I fly under the lift hill will I crash or succeed)
3 hours later…
6:53 AM
does anyone know, if on GOG when you download the offline Installers. do you have to redownload DLC if a new patch comes out?
7:09 AM
Okay, I think my company might just about be ready to go bankrupt. I haven't yet received my salaries for July, whereas they usually are paid on the 4th at the latest
@Nzall Not a good sign, but there are other explanations than going bankrupt
7:38 AM
@MadScientist true
Q: Minecraft 1.16 Commands: How would you copy a player's inventory into a double chest?

edrickI am on a multiplayer Minecraft realm and I was wondering if there was any way to set a chest's Items to a player's entire Inventory including the offhand and armor slots. Using data modify <chest coordinates> Items set from entity <player> Inventory, I was only able to copy over the hotbar and t...

8:36 AM
Q: Only hostile mobs spawn in Minecraft 1.16.1 server

MaxI'm having issues with my spawners in a 1.16 Spigot server. When I try to spawn in a cow (or any other peaceful mob), it does nothing. But, if I try a zombie (or any other hostile mob), it spawns (like it should). How do I have the peaceful mobs spawn too? Thanks

9:14 AM
@MadScientist my coworker also didn't get paid, and our company uses a payroll agency
@Nzall that's not good. Theoretically it could still be a technical or organizational issue that isn't communicated, but a liquidity issue is probably more likely if they don't communicate about it at all
@MadScientist Yeah, it's definitely not good
2 hours later…
11:25 AM
Update on the paycheck situation: my boss is looking into it
11:55 AM
Q: I have made a terrible mistake on cubecraft's SkyBlock

Jay RuoshanI have made a terrible mistake on cubecraft's SkyBlock. I have made a spider farm, it is very secure (so no spiders can get out) but i put all of the spawners in one area. Now, whenever i enter the room (with all the spawners in it) I get swarmed by all the spiders and see the dreaded "you died" ...

1 hour later…
1:58 PM
@Wipqozn Cool
I think I own the original, but haven't completed it yet.
2:35 PM
oooh HITMAN 3 will have VR support so you can really see what it would be like to assassinate someone with a fish
@TimStone yeah, looks great
@MBraedley whaaat. Get on that. Ya nerd.
3:10 PM
Is that a new Braid?
Have no audio atm
3:27 PM
A remaster
+ developer commentary
3:55 PM
@MBraedley You should do that
2 hours later…
5:46 PM
oh nice, you can make firefox look like it used to
the square tabs I really don't like
5:57 PM
@Stormblessed Rounded tabs take up more space though
A league of their own getting an Amazon series
@PrivatePansy maybe
I tried it, it's not as good as Old Firefox
no difference between background tabs and the real background
also can't figure out how to modify the colors in the CSS
Switched back
Q: How do I use `/data modify` in Minecraft 1.13.2?

xjclPrior to Minecraft 1.13, the command /entitydata could be used to set the data on an entity. However in 1.13 this command got removed and merged into the /data command, according to the Minecraft Wiki. However I seem to only be able to get data using /data get. /data modify set seems to only get ...

Q: Minecraft villager

Kecske119I need some help with the villagers. In my world I make a cartographer, and maxed it. My problem is if i make an another cartographer, the trades is same as the other (the price is too). What can I do now, to get new trades?

7:15 PM
@Wipqozn Ah yes, the bow-wielding... Gundam?
I used to be a Gundam like you...
I find it hilarious how at least half of the character customization options are disabled if you're a Gundam.
Well your Gundam's hairstyle and coloring settings are kinda useless
and if it's super in depth, nose/eyes/cheeks/etc are also unlikely to be used
@fredley hope, or disaster?
@Yuuki That's so Phantasy Star
7:23 PM
I feel like it needs a fedora to complete the look
Cannot tell if this is in game screenshot or bad Photoshop
7:56 PM
@Ash I'm intruiged. I don't know how the concept of Eurovision will play out in the US
But I'm fascinated to watch
@fredley My guess would be that the US will take it too seriously
@MadScientist But most of Europe takes it too seriously, and that's what makes it fun
1 hour later…
9:25 PM
@fredley THis is all I picture when I think about Eurovision
Maybe because it's literally my only exposure to this strange eUropeon thing
wait, is the UK kicked out of eurovision?
It's also what I assume all Europeon music is like
In fact I just assume that's a traditional Europeon outfit.
@Wipqozn No, I mean Israel, Azerbaijan and Australia are in it so...
@fredley So the odds are high you'll be kicked out, is what you're saying?
@Unionhawk Upon further bing maps investigation, Kings Island may be the only theme park with 3d data
like even Disney World and Land are flat on the map
I still expect it to be handled oddly, bing maps renders diamondback as a weirdly shaped mountain
@fredley yeah, I really don't know how well it will go
@fredley I will absolutely not accept this
10:13 PM
@TimStone how do you guys differentiate whipped cream and cream in a can then?
We would probably just call it whipped cream since we default to methods of convenience or some brand name like Reddi-whip
To me its all whipped cream
Yeah, I don't even know what other kind of whipped cream you're getting unless you're making it yourself or you're specifically getting Cool Whip
Yeah, it's whipped cream, and if you need to differentiate it's "home-made whipped cream" vs. "spray-can whipped cream"
but they're not even remotely similar substances
whipped cream is not like squirty cream at all
10:22 PM
...what? They're both cream + sugar, the difference is that spray cream is "whipped" by aerosolization with nitrous oxide rather than by mechanical action
I think technically redi-whip is real and cool whip is weird
But like they're in the same ballpark
@ToxicFrog wait, are you saying aerosolization with nitrous oxide is the same as mechanical action?! For such a delicate foodstuff as cream?!
So really it'd be either by brand name or just whipped cream (in a can, in a tub, etc)
It produces the same taste and almost identical texture
10:26 PM
@fredley I mean technically I think it is?
> Cool Whip Original is made of water, hydrogenated vegetable oil (including coconut and palm kernel oils), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, skimmed milk, light cream (less than 2%), sodium caseinate, natural and artificial flavor, xanthan and guar gums, polysorbate 60, sorbitan monostearate, sodium polyphosphate, and beta carotene (as a colouring).
@ToxicFrog uwot
Right, but Cool Whip isn't whipped cream
Like if you made whipped cream with a whisk vs with one of those spray machine things I think it's pretty much exactly the same result
It's non-dairy extruded creamlike product
Yeah, it's squirty cream
10:27 PM
That's the one that doesn't squirt though?
@Unionhawk Squirter
so does "squirty cream" specifically mean non-dairy whipped "cream" even if it's not squirted?
…This is just making it worse!
(because cool whip isn't, it's served out of a plastic tub IIRC)
I do agree that cool whip should probably actually just be called by brand name
Or "whipped topping"
10:29 PM
Here, you can get "whipped topping" in a spray can, but it's not cream
If it's in a pressurized can it's squirty cream
Literally if it squirts it's squirty, if not it's whipped
Ok but that's the one that is actually whipped cream!
Just because it's air not metal doesn't change the mechanics of the thing!
Ok, so, cool whip: not squirty cream; non-dairy whipped topping in a can: squirty cream despite not containing any cream; whipped cream in a can: also squirty cream?
Petition for Google to autocorrect squirty cream searches to something else to put an end to this madness
10:30 PM
Americans have no idea what food is
You're like "It's just cream", when in fact it's mostly Corn
That's literally not true
It is in fact mostly cream, as you can see by the image you yourself posted
Also, Reddi Whip is not the same thing as Cool Whip
Look, corn was a mistake, we're trying to correct it but first we have to not do full fascism
10:31 PM
Like first of all ingredients are listed in descending order of quantity
Or weight or whatever
And second off, all
@ToxicFrog Yes but neither is whipped cream
Whipped cream is made by whipping cream, it does not contain any corn
It contains sweetener, which is usually but not always granulated sugar
I've also made it with brown sugar and with honey
10:34 PM
I don't see why using HFCS suddenly makes it "not whipped cream"
ok ok I forgot the sugar
But still
HFCS is just sugar the way subsidies intended
Also, according to your definition, this is "squirty cream": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_Cheese
No, that is squirty cheese, obvs
According to you "squirty cream" includes all spray-can toppings whether they actually contain cream or not, though
10:37 PM
Look, it's simple: if it squirts it's squirty, if you whip it it's whipped
@ToxicFrog That's not what I said at all
To be fair I don't think it's possible to put cool whip which is primarily hydrogenated oil into a can to be aerosolized
I mean I suppose it's possible but it shouldn't be done
Spray margarine but it's Cool Whip
Go to jail
Look we're already in hell this is just how things are now
10:53 PM
> Wait, you think "British people" are real? You know they just made those up for Bloodborne, right? They don’t actually exist.
Cc @fredley
Explains a lot tbh
11:07 PM
Unrelatedly, G/O media laid off Chris Person so Kotaku is uh, probably dying I'd say. Love to get rid of the guy behind one of the most successful parts of a website (Chris did Highlight Reel, and now I think they have zero video producers)
Q: Any good, lagless shaders for 1.16.X?

EagleGamingI'm looking for some shaders, but my PC is kinda lowend, so any suggestions?


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