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Q: How do I continue a data pack function even when a command fails?

MrAwesomeOwlI am very new to data packs, and while messing around with /execute I ran into a problem. As of 1.16.1 there is no "else" subcommand for the /execute command, meaning I have to do something like this: /execute if score #value foo matches 1 run say 1 /execute if score #value foo matches 0 run say ...

Q: How do I fix the Controller Settings loosing the ELEMENT SHIFT WHEEL action?

EnderThe game involves accessing 8 Elements to cast spells. When you use a gamepad to play the game, the 8 elements are accessed by your four face buttons for the first four elements, then holding the L1 Bumper for the next four. This 'shift' action also allows editing of the four MAGICKA quick slot s...

Viewing is a recommended way to spend 15 minutes
Cat (and human infant) psychology
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I wonder if it's better than the first one, because the first ones a classic.
I just wanted to make your 2020 a little better.
According to HLTB it's 5 hours long. Oh boy! Perfect way to spend an evening.
A real steal for 59 cents. Well, 59 cents in beaverbucks.
Not sure what that is in freedom dollars.
@Ave you're welcome
Maybe if Star Citizen ever releases then I'll play Bad Rats Show in exchange for you buying me Star Ctizien. I'll even stream it on Twitch.
lol damn it @Sterno. You already managed to troll me with this. Since I just got it added to my account, it shows up on the top of my "Recently active" list in steam. aka I launched it instead of Hades by mistake.
I mean it's not installed so it didn't launch, but I still had to clsoe the installer! Real annoying.
Just play Everspace, @Wipqozn. That'll get you your space fighter fix.
@Frank I mean I don't need my fix, it's just I got Elite for beating Bad Rats...Star Citizen for beating the sequel seems fair!
3 hours later…
Q: Will deleting my Steam account also revoke gifts I've sent?

Chef TonyI have two Steam accounts one of which is a very old one that I don't use anymore and I'd like to delete. Over the years I've gifted some games using this account. If I delete it, do the gifts I've sent get revoked? Steam FAQ page says: Account deletion is permanent. If you delete your Steam acc...

4 hours later…
Q: Can’t Re-summon Guide

DaveSo I have been trying to re-summon the guide so I can fight the wall of flesh but for some reason he isn’t in the housing section and so I can’t do it does anyone know a solution or any way to summon the wall of flesh without the guide?

3 hours later…
First ascension on 25...
Amazon's new game Crucible flopped so badly that they're... un-releasing it? I've never seen anything like this before. It's going from released game to closed beta: t.co/hoKlSou4eH
GG Amazon. Amazing.
Quite the hilarious dumpster fire
@Wipqozn I'm fairly sure this isn't the first time a game was unreleased. I think Arkham Knight on PC was unreleased for a couple months (as in removed from the storefront) while the game was fixed
FF14 famously crashed and burned in 2008.
but we don't want it to become a trend
Q: What happens in a game maintenance?

Fredy31I really wonder: why does game maintenance takes up to 3-4 hours every few weeks? I know the reasons can be far and wide, and lots of different things may happen, but what are the normal steps that happen in the backend during a 3 hours maintenance? Like I get they have to shutdown the servers, l...

@Frank That game remained publicly available throughout it's rebuild, which is different.
Similar though
@Nzall TIL
@Wipqozn Did it? I thought they burned the world down and started anew.
@Wipqozn woat
@Frank They did, but the original game remained available the whole time they were developing the new one.
@fredley I blame those pesky rain forests.
@Wipqozn All I remember about it originally is that I could hear their insane advertisements from blocks away when I was visiting Tokyo.
@Frank Version 1.0 was kept up to fund development costs for 2.0. Then in a massive event, they essentially blew up the entire world in-universe and then did an 800 year timeskip
@Nzall And erased the memories of who the heroes were in that time.
@Frank yeah, but
from a lore perspective, the player is one of the heroes from that earlier era who got sent forward in time, I think
That is, if you played back then
Q: Is there a way to find the NBT of a player head?

UnderratedGooseLet's say I have the head of a player by the name of "Player" (creative, I know). If you have the physical head in your inventory/stored somewhere/in your possession, and that head has the correct NBT (in this case, specifically meaning it has the SkullOwner set to the aforementioned "Player"), i...

@fredley I changed the color of my elemental sliders to match the element they are supposed to attack. Makes it easier for manual changing.
@Nzall Oh wow, I didn't know about that
@Frank yeah
@Wipqozn Honestly, it's kinda funny to me that they used the Paragon assets to build a team shooter. Paragon as it was was honestly interesting to me, as a third-person MOBA of which I only know of SMITE that does that. I just didn't really like the systems around it.
Q: How can you detect when a player is looking at an entity in Minecraft Bedrock?

Bob JeffI'm trying to detect when a player is looking at another player to re-create Dream's 'Speedrunner v Assassin' video with GeorgeNotFound, in which if George looks at Dream, Dream becomes frozen. I would do this in Java but my friend only has Bedrock. Anyone know how to do this with command blocks?...

@SaintWacko Yeah, it was pretty epic. Most of the main cast in FF14 Realm Reborn were part of the original main cast. The opening cutscene in FF14 is actually the final scene that played when FF14 original shutdown.
So, I recommend Battle Brothers for turn-based tactics and hard fantasy RPG people
It's very difficult so far
half price on Steam atm
XCOM people might be interested. Game is hard. Not sure if just because I am inexperienced with such titles but man
@Yuuki I really really enkoyed Paragon. Honestly more than any other MOBA I've played
I should try SMITE cause the third person perspective made it much easier for me to keep track of the battle
@Yuuki Wanna see something weird?
See how many Paragon assets you can spot in this trailer
@Nzall You sure it was an 800 year timeskip?
@Yuuki it was a long timeskip
Based on what I remember of the Fall of Dalamud, it was not an 800 year timeskip.
oh wait, I'm mistaken, it apparently was 5 years
Like, it wasn't even a long timeskip.
800 years was until the calamity before that
Q: Why bloodmoon rising and other coop no longer exist in overwatch arcade?

user4951All I see is this competitive open queue. And it's been that way for so long. And I can't play that game. The wait time is like 30 minutes to 1 hour. So, do I have to play it so this competitive open queue go away? It's been 2 months the only game in competitive game.

@GnomeSlice The colors in that game look so weird.
@Wipqozn And it's pretty epic.
Answers is right up there with one of the best video game tracks ever.
It's honestly pretty cool how they decided to lead up to the end of 1.0 with a "stop the apocalypse" plot and the resolution is that... you don't.
@SaintWacko Also, you should definitely watch that cinematic before you get to the end of Stormblood so you can have an understanding of just how ridiculously powerful Bahamut is.
Ideally, you should watch it before the post-Heavensward plot stuff, but I think you're past that.
Nope, I'm still in Heavensward
I'm also in Heavensward. Been there forever.
I actually haven't played in a little while
I'm in the beginning of Stormblood
Decided to switch main jobs
Used to play BRD, but that class really isn't fun in solo content because so much of your damage is based around your DoTs. I now play RDM
My wife and I are slowly working our way through the main campaign. My main is levelling all the crafting to keep us in great gear.
I was level 62, so switching wasn't that big a deal, just need to level from 50 to 62
Wait, I'm playing RDM and wasn't @SaintWacko also playing RDM? We should make an RDM party.
RDM is the best
Although I'm actually levelling my BRD right now
Since my RDM is already level 60 and I'm still in Heavensward -.-
@Frank I really need to take some time to work on my crafting...
I'm at the end of Stormblood right. Finished the release story and now I'm working through the post-Stormblood, pre-Shadowbringers plot.
@SaintWacko My crafters are still higher level than my RDM.
My main is a...58? SMN.
I got my crafting into the 20s and then drifted away from it
I find it's pretty easy to level crafting once you start doing the collectable turn-ins, daily Grand Company turn-ins, and beast tribe quests.
Like the daily GC turn-in is worth basically a whole level if you turn in a HQ item.
I've been grinding the Moogles.
It's neat to see the progress in the plaza.
After I hit 50, I never did a single levequest on my gatherer/crafter.
@SaintWacko BRD is a mess in the open world because things die too fast for you to really want to care about your DoTs, but then like 80% of the rest of your toolkit is either useless or 75% less effective if they're not up
@Nzall Yep. Also they just hit so much softer than RDM
I should go back and do the Moogles, I kinda zoomed through Heavensward gathering/crafting using Ishgard Restoration.
Like the procs and everything are fun, but man
yeah, that's partially because their spells are instant. That means that you can do your full rotation on the move, while RDM needs to stop every other cast
Doublecast is a fun mechanic though.
I saved one of my dungeon parties from a full wipe when our tank and healer went down because I could Jolt -> Verraise, Jolt -> Verraise within the span of 5 seconds.
Yeah, doublecast is amazing
It feels so good
Well, except when I accidentally doublecast Jolt >.<
Monsters dying before I finish Verthunder/Veraero really vermess me up.
I keep thinking I finished casting and so I go to Jolt to get another Doublecast proc and then I just instant-cast it.
Like... dammit.
Although another fact about RDM, until you get to 70, I personally think the melee combo is pointless.
@Yuuki What happens at 70?
So even if you hit 100/100 mana, just keep up your casting sequence.
@Nzall You get access to Verflare.
And finishing the 70 class quest gets you Verholy, I think.
Both of those spells are really strong (600 potency) and chain from your melee combo.
But without Verflare and Verholy, I don't think your melee combo outdamages your casting combo.
Haven't done the math but even with the melee skills being faster, I don't think they have the potency to outdamage your Ver spells.
I just asked the Novice chat
the combo is worth it. It's 970 potency in 3 half-length GCDs
even before 70
so it's essentially 970 potency in 1.5 GCDs, which hits REALLY hard
And here I thought Summoner's spell rotation was simple.
Yeah, RDM's rotation is super-easy, imo.
Summoner, though, is pretty funny to me. It has a two minute long opener.
On the other hand, you get to summon Bahamut, which is pretty damn cool.
I really like how varied the different classes are in FFXIV.
And how every class brings their party utility.
Except SAM, I suppose, whose party utility is MOAR DPS.
I do want to learn NIN at some point since those Ninjutsu actions look kinda fun.
Plus you get to make a bunny!
Gotta say though, sitting through 30 minutes of video every time you do Praetorium gets boring really fast
MSQ is the best roulette for EXP though
Also, the tomestones are nice.
Lets you pick up some good quality gear that'll last you halfway through the next xpac.
@Nzall that's why you usually have something else to do while that plays in the background
My goto has been Pokemon Showdown during movie time
Although I rarely do MSQ roulette. Would rather spam deep dungeons
I just play through the story as I wait on roulettes.
Oh, for the cutscenes?
30 mins of unskippable cutscenes
Yeah, pretty much watching something else or I swap to another game.
I should get an apartment...
since i've got about a whelk's chance in a supernova of getting an estate
I also can't play through story while waiting for queues cus I'm done until August 11th (patch 5.3)
Well, I think you're the only one in this room who's level-capped.
I'm capped on SCH, SMN, DRK, and RDM for combat classes
Gotta love that SCH/SMN are a two-for-one leveling deal.
I don't care for the SCH quests so for my alt I level boosted SCH and got SMN for free AND got to do the SMN quests
I'm spoiled by FFXIV's class system, tbh. I'm playing GW2 with some friends and I'm so bothered by the fact that story progress wouldn't carry over if I wanted to play another class.
I feel that
Wish more MMORPGs would go for the "change classes for free" model.
That'd be pretty nice
It's just so liberating. If I don't like how a class feels in a particular patch and I just go play another class on the same character.
Sure, it's only shortcutting a log-out, log-in action but it just feels different.
I started as THM but by the time I unlocked BLM I was bored of it so I went and played another class
I hear BLM changes drastically as you level.
@Yuuki it's more than that because you're still keeping all your story progress
I got bored of BLM tho so I leveled ACN and started to main SMN
eventually I decided SCH was more fun
One thing I like about RDM's rotation is that leveling just builds on top of my existing rotation.
RDM is my DPS main
So when I do low-level dungeons in roulettes, I'm not thrown for a loop.
I'm thrown for a loop only when I end up in Sastasha or something
Whereas I hear BLM's rotation changes dramatically between 50, 60, 70, and 80.
Now tho I mainly play DRK and when I don't have edge of darkness/shadow I get mildly depressed
I get mildly depressed when playing DRK but that's only because I have a mishmash of low-level gear on DRK and so it's not nearly as fashionable as my RDM.
I'm using pvp gear for glam on my DRK
Late Allagan
I should get some tomestones and glamour plate a set of DRK tomestone gear so I can look nice.
> Your base item has to be of equal or higher level than the item whose appearance you want to glamour, meaning that you can’t glamour the appearance of a level 50 piece of gear onto a level 1 piece of gear.
oh wait, dammit
With the exceptions of the mask and the ear ring, this is the glam I'm using on my DRK (only as a Miqo'te, not an Au'ra)
I suppose I could make a set of level 1 town clothes and glamour that.
At least it would have a consistent theme, as opposed to my current DRK fashion nightmare.
you can't get it since you said you're not 80 but the other glam I had been using before I found that one was the 2B set from Copied Factory
In other news, my friend has the luck of the gods
he can randomly teleport to Ul'dah and (without ever buying gil) be traded millions of gil from one of the RMT people
@GnomeSlice indeed
@GnomeSlice this makes me want to play dishonered again
@Himitsu_no_Yami ... Isn't that against ToS?
@Yuuki buying it is, but he didn't buy it
he was randomly traded
we also are only assuming they're RMT people because they're level 1 default hyurs in starting gear
Sounds like something that still might get you flagged and you'd have to prove how you didn't buy gil.
And that might be hard to do.
fair enough
Probably why they do it; make it harder to track down illegitimate trades when some protest they didn't buy any.
makes sense
I'm honestly not sure what to do with my gil, maybe it's because I haven't reached level cap, but I don't know what I'd be buying.
the current BIS gear is several hundred k
close to a mil for the full set
@GnomeSlice @Yuuki Remnant is fun
Is Divine Divinity any good? I'm looking at it in the Steam Sale and I'm sorely tempted.
Sorry, Original Sin.
@Frank lol okay that makes more sense. The Divine Divinity is less than a $1, so mine as well just pull the trigger.
@Frank but yeah Original Sin and Original Sin 2 are both supposed to be excellent
@Wipqozn Yeah, that's just a pull the trigger.
I'm trying so hard to resist; I've got so many other games to play.
@Frank I mean, if you're looking for the will to resist, you've come to the wrong place.
@Wipqozn Nah, just looking for reviews.
Steam says they're similar to KOTOR, which are great games.
@Frank Also similar to Baldurs Gate and all that too,I think.
Honestly, I'm just going to wait for Baldurs Gate 3 instead of getting Original Sin.
@Yuuki Also, glamour. glam gets expensive fast...
@Wipqozn It is really fun yeah
The gunplay and movement are very satisfying
I also remember enjoying Jade Empire back in the day. So the Source Saga + Jade Empire juuuuuust hits the $35 CDN needed.
Glad you are enjoying
And essentially discounts Source Saga by $1 and gives me Jade Empire for free.
oh fucking hell. My brother just visited us, and one of the first things he said was that one of his coworkers came into work with COVID symptoms for a couple days and wasn't told to get tested until today
:| that is indeed how you spread it
@Himitsu_no_Yami Worst part about it was that my brother was dismissive when we asked him why he still came instead of self isolating, then started joking about infecting us
jesus christ
@Nzall Exactly the reason we're staying away from our family.
Some of my immediate family are in the group that disbelieve there's a problem.
@Nzall Spray him with disinfectant as a joke.
@Frank finally beat the tutorial
@Dragonrage Yep. Onto bigger and better.
does this game have offline progression?
cool, will get about a weeks worth of it then
Q: Visible Barrier Block Mod

M4STA_GEEKBasically, I want to know if there is a mod that forces the barrier particle to show on barrier blocks. Does anyone have something like that?

@Jutschge, how do you get good gear while leveling?
im act act 6 and i still have a level 5 wand because i havent found anything better
Q: Investing after marriage

Ian Etherealist JohnsonI cannot seem to invest in ghorza gra-bagol after I marry her. I have both the required skill tree park and gold to do so, but it only gives me the option to say that I'll do it later.

Q: BMC Blood Seer: sees DW as wolfpack or not?

ShabasDoes the Blood Seer see Direwolf as member of wolfpack or not?

oh this is epic. A post on /r/relationshipadvice about someone whose boyfriend said "I won't talk to you anymore unless you read my favorite 1200 page book". Said book turns out to be The Way of Kings. The epic part is that Brandon Sanderson himself (the author of said book) replied and basically said it's okay if she doesn't want to read it, and that he'd even send her a signed copy to gift him if she would like that
Is that the kind of person you'd want to gift something?
I don't know why that's amusing.
@Wrigglenite Short answer: no
That's a terrible way to treat someone, if you're serious about it
Not everyone you date has to like/read/do the things you like and this is not a twee cute omg yay author noticed me moment, it's a really crappy thing to do to people.
But I mean most of those sorts of reddit things seem to be
oh haha SOMEONE IS DEALING WITH ACTUAL ABUSE ahahahaha so funny
Q: Grave Wardens: can they block each other?

ShabasGrave Wardens targetting the same avatar at night and potentially blocking each other's ability to block each other. Sounds paradoxical. What happens in this situation?

I mean, it's a pretty oft-mentioned meme that the top advice in /r/relationshipadvice is to break up a relationship.
which is hmm...
@Ash I used "epic" more as a "woah, it's rarely seen that the author of the book took time to bring his own input into an argument between a couple about his book".
Like, I fully agree that the relationship thing is shitty
and that you shouldn't do it if you love and respect your partner
but I just thought it was nice to see that the author of the book got involved and essentially sided with the person who was treated negatively
Reddit is literally the worst platform for relationship advice. That which will get upvoted is that which is funny, weird, or awful. I doubt anyone has ever received good advice.
@fredley Well, there is definitely well-intentioned advice and good subs on reddit. You just gotta recognize it
Which to be fair isn't as practical if you're the one asking advice
Q: Inquisition and Item wc status

ShabasHow does the Inquisition's recruitment mechanic work when targeting non-wc village roles with items that do make them appear as wc-users? (Extra question is more of a 'soft' one, since I know Inq wincon isn't coded: is the Inq's wincon dependant on people appearing as wc-users through items?)

Q: I think I know how to do it on any platform. (You cannot undo this)

Zachy the godSo you have to edit the minecraft grass texture with a application that can change the brightness of the grass texture. Change all the texures white in the mojang folder. After you've done it, Then you might have to add a glitch file in the mojang folder to make it laggy. I told you a way. to do ...

Q: Dying with multiple Ankhs of Reincarnations: 1 or all are consumed?

ShabasAs the title says: Dying with multiple Ankhs of Reincarnations: 1 or all are consumed?

1 hour later…
Q: Should question titles use "I" or "you"?

ExpertCoder14I have noticed questions on Arqade phrases in different ways. Which of the following ways is better, does it not matter, or does it depend on the circumstances? Can I negate the effects of a slime block? vs. Can you negate the effects of a slime block? If I die, will I lose all my items? vs. If ...

Really wish my phone had a fingerprint instead of face right about now
This is just irritating at this point
Oh ok science seems to indicate that all pixel facial recognition needs is my eyes and nose so not too bad
A small mask adjustment gets an unlock
Q: Why do some achievements not count towards the achievements total displayed on my Steam profile's Achievement Showcase?

ZouvaI've bought a game on Steam and completed 100% of the achievements a few months ago yet I noticed recently that the numbers of achievements and perfect games haven't updated on the Achivement Showcase of my profile. My best guess would be that this is due to the fact that the game in question (Lo...

Q: Editing a list of cheat codes

NinjabdouI have a file of game cheat codes, I use it on Retroarch, it's in .cht format, it can be opened and edited in any text editor Here's how a single code looks like cheat0_address = "24112" cheat0_address_bit_position = "0" cheat0_big_endian = "false" cheat0_cheat_type = "0" cheat0_code = "" cheat0_...

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