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:106809 Which is command-line Wireshark/Ethereal right?
tshark is the commandline for wireshark, tethereal is the command line for ethereal, though they're practically the same thing
Ethereal was renamed to Wireshark due to trademark issues
so it's exactly the same thing
Evenin' all~
hey grace
Hey, @tzenes
how's life?
Not bad. Felt good to review MM. Considering editing the other post to include the proper names of all of the weapons
You're crazy for picking Fire Man first for an easy run. He's not Elec or Ice in which he does 12 points of damage, but his aggression is pretty painful to a new player, I would expect.
oh man
Darwinia's tutorial isn't all that great
its more about who I don't want to face without a weapon than who I do
I don't mind facing fire
I always went with Elec first
While I enjoy a challenge, doing Elec first is generally a nutsy idea in the original
I just really hate bomb
unless you're speedrunning
Sure, he takes more damage than the rest, but 12 points of damage! You have 28 units of health!
he was just easier for me to predict
I think that's why he does so much damage
Fire Man is easy to predict, but requires a lot of finesse
I can easily see starting with Fire Man, it's a very clean fight
as long as I avoid that first wave, its just a rhythm game
I had a friend who used to start bomb and it just drove me nuts
so I just learned fire really well
My first time was on Guts.
I don't think I ever really stuck to anything from that point onwards
Hey, @Sathya
Ah @Grace and @Arda
how goes gaming.se
Not too bad
almost typed gaming.sex
oops too late :P
We already closed one of his questions, and now he asks one again, using CW as an excuse...
Q: New/recent browser based games

WebDevHoboI have a problem. The only online browser games I know and play are getting pretty old. I stopped kingsofchaos a while ago. Stopped with Ogame too. Playing Ikariam, but nothing much else. It's really hard to find very new and recent browser-based games. Search engines turn up the same result ev...

This is why I dislike CW, it's hardly ever used like it should be, only to excuse otherwise closed questions
there's no question in it either
I ranted about that on Meta Stack Overflow, too
so close and delete
aren't browser games out of scope ?
:106953 Can you link to that? I want to upvote it
I don't actually know, Sathya. I remember there was early discussion
:106955 no reason why they should be
browser game is still a game
if we allow iPhone games we should allow browser games
Ooh, and then there's a comment at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/61519/…, where I liken my vision of Stack Exchange to a section of Nintendo Power
we had a discussion on our meta as well
Q: What is the Use Case for Community Wiki

tzenesWe tried to discuss this question once before, but it devolved into a discussion of what questions should be allowed and how people were using CW; so I'd like to refocus on this topic once again. You can find the previous discussion here: community wiki needs to be explained better I understand...

I considered linking my answer to that over on Meta SO
:106958 could've sworn there was a discussion. shrugs oh well
That's how people used to do Expert Q&A: by mail, send questions, get answers.
I think that questions shouldn't be CW ever, answers should
I mostly concur, @Arda
I think questions should, when we want to make them easily editable
not when we want to avoid downvotes
why would we want to edit a question other than corrections?
which high-repped users already take care of
In a Gaming site, I can't think of any
Which is why I think for our site specifically, CW is quite worthless on questions
I think forcing people to have CW answers is a useful flag in a question, as it discourages too many answers in favor of collaboration. But there is no reason that means the question has to be CW
:106978 then again, we should almost always disregard the CW status of a question when deciding whether to close it
Almost always? Always.
Fair enough, I can't think of a use-case here
I might be more bias to closing a CW than a normal question
In the words of Joel Coehoorn: "This is only partly true. If you ask a subjective question, then yes: it should be community wiki. But it's important to clarify that community wiki does not make subjective questions okay. You should not ask most of your subjective questions in the first place."
Closing is based on if the question doesn't belong. CW is irrelevant to that. The "borderline" questions that are CW are ones that are on the "on-topic" side of the border
I wonder how many times I'm going to have to fight this on how many sites ...
Well if a user has so little faith in there question being on topic that they CW it, then my first impulse is "If even you don't think its appropriate then let's just close it"
this might be question profiling
Well, I think we're successful, I just tried to Google the answer to a question on GSE and the first result was that question.
Gaming Stack Exchange :)
@grace gaming.se
:106995 The SE engine does a really good job of SEO
:107001 I know, but for this to happen it needs a lot of links :)
then again, there are quite a lot of sites on the same engine linking to it I guess
Wait, was the question "How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat"?
well, no, but that is awesome
I love the way that every non-GSE result is still about nethack
aside from the article about eating roadkill... yet another reason I have lost faith in humanity.
why was this re-opened?
Q: Suggest a (steampunk) deepsea game

kevintNot Bioshock please. I'm looking for a game with a true deepsea setting including traveling between settlements. I'll accept any deepsea game with underwater civilisations that the player can interact with. The ideal would be an underwater version of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura ...

Because people think the quantity of potential answers is actually a useful metric for keeping a question open
Is there anyone except the asker desperately looking for an underwater version of Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (or Fallout) with floating vehicles, deepsea creatures, and non-Tolkienesque humanoids?
To be honest, I can't think of many people who wanted to know the differences between versions of the PS3 due to pre-ordering a PS3 game prior to getting the platform
does it matter if only the asker would benefit?
:107015 Well, yeah
the SE engine is based on ask once, read many
to have answered questions people have before they have to ask them
The site as a whole serves the greater internet community. This does include answering the occasional personal question that requires expertise
:107011 subjective vote to close
Key point though, is that it still needs to pass all of the other necessities.
:107021 My point is that it doesn't matter whether a question is broad or narrow, game-rec does not suit the engine
:107019 and game-rec doesn't really require expertise per sé
just someone in the right place at the right time
@Arda My point is that if that is your point, then don't use the narrowness as a reason
:107022 God damn people an their one strat per answer
:107027 but narrowness is the reason why the other half should be closed
then again, SO has quite a lot of "why doesn't this code work" which hardly anyone will look for later
No, but what comes out of those questions? People getting their problems solved
We are a Q&A site, after all
@arda are you saying close all game-rec? or just the ones that are between certain small scope?
:107033 basically, unless there's a really good reason a question should stay open
It would be callous of us to turn down a valid problem inquiry just because only that one individual currently has that inquiry
Yeah, but we're a Q&A site, not a Dial-A-Game line
That's irrelevant to the scope of whom a question helps
I agree that game-recs are bad, but I don't think the size of the help they provide is the reason they're bad
But, as @tzenes has said before, if a site is filled with game-rec questions that doesn't attract experts to the site
@Arda I'm going to take a moment to refresh your memory that I'm anti game rec as well
I'm just trying to find out where our line is. It seems that we draw the line somewhere around the broadness of the question.
But if we limit it so that they have to be in a tiny window where if it's too broad it gets nothing, and if it's too narrow it gets nothing, then that's when we seriously may as well not bother at all
I think that all game-recs are harmful to the site because they are essentially opinions and opinions are like assholes, everyone has one
:107051 that, or we just remove that window entirely and be done with it
That's... entirely what I was meaning, @Arda
I think we all have the same goal here
we just have different reasons for it
then why do we still accept game-rec questions? :)
Because we're only 3 users?
because we 3 are not the community
I have more meta posts opposing Game Recs than some users have meta posts at all
I don't think anyone has ever taken this stance on our Meta, it's always been: if it's specific enough it's fine
correct me if I'm wrong though
that's not true
I have taken that stance many times
I once even explicitly stated that our engine is horrible at handling game recs and repositories
my goal has always been to destroy game-rec
I have compromised in the belief that it'll help destroy game-rec
I will take what I can get, but I make sure to use my close votes every day on every game-rec I can find
Because it seriously is. We are poorly suited, even moreso when we have to try and house repositories in the same storage that normal questions are in
But this one for example, seems like a perfect example since it has 22 answers
Q: Games that feature procedural generation of content?

RCIXI'm looking for games that include procedurally generated content as a major feature; like all levels are generated, enemies, weapons, etc. One per answer please, and pics if you got em! Games that have been mentioned already: Diablo Dwarf Fortress Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, the Eufloria...

Have you seen my comments on that question?
Did you read tzenes and my comments on it, @Arda?
I did, yes
yeah Grace's were great too
she's an allstar
Q: What games offer a good co-op multiplayer experience?

Paolo BergantinoI am not really a big fan of playing anything that is not with at least one other human being. For this reason most of the games I've ever really loved are FPS that you can play online with/against others. One thing that has always surprised me is how few games actually let you play their "story...

in this case it's more @JeffAtwood who's harmful to our site :O
This is a larger example of why the questions are poor quality
41 answers :O
I can give more than 82 answers by myself!
I do agree with Ivo on this in that if we must allow these questions they should have no more than 1 CW answer
I don't think that's a good idea
The people who want lists want their rating system
Their rating system is why it never works.
We can moderate the site if needed, we just need to make our intentions clear
@Arda I think we have been
We've had so many meta discussions on the subject
That's part of the problem I think, consensus is rather scattered over meta
We don't have a consensus
I think people like their game-rec
A: Voting on the future of list of X questions

tzenesEdit: If you disagree please post a comment to promote discussion. I'd like to take this opportunity to discuss the subject of [game-rec] questions. I realize there are a number of topics on this issue with diverse responses (one even linked by Ivo here) and that I've responded in some, but I b...

The pro-rec dislike all of the anti-rec's conclusions, but never give us anything solid to create a consensus with
look how many people down voted my answer
I wish Oak was here
he tends to be an advocate of game-rec
people like gamerec on our site because they can abuse the voting system as a poll
taking that away by enforcing single answers might help to avoid that
Even though I suggested that, I don't have large faith in it being useful
no one has tried to actually execute it so far, afaik
Actually, some of us have been plotting it behind the scenes
We just haven't decided on our candidate, yet
Candidate? Who's going to implement it?
We're not doing a full-scale. More of a test run
In that case, I'd say this one, it's one of the most popular game-recs
Q: Games that feature procedural generation of content?

RCIXI'm looking for games that include procedurally generated content as a major feature; like all levels are generated, enemies, weapons, etc. One per answer please, and pics if you got em! Games that have been mentioned already: Diablo Dwarf Fortress Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, the Eufloria...

Pick a "good" repository, swap it over to a single answer form, and see how it goes
My "don't have large faith in it being useful" is that the primary effect is to make a good single answer, but I don't think we have a strong enough backing to make a real good answer.
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