@Memor-X This feels like kind of a loaded question. I give exactly 0 shits about it being an Epic Game Store exclusive or the contract they had with it. As far as bugs, there are some, but they're minor. The bigger problem I'd say is some balance issues. I've got about 40 hours into the game now (which should make it clear I do enjoy it) and there are some pretty broken combos. For example, one ability, dash, lets you spend 4 willpower to get a free move.
So instead of spending the 1 or 2 AP (of 4 you get per turn) to move, you can dash for 4 willpower. Then do it again. And again. For as much willpower as you have (max is around 20> So that's basically 10 AP of moves before you start even spending AP. And you get 2 willpower (3 with a perk) every time you kill an enemy. And there's a skill you can get that gives you 2 AP when you kill an enemy
So you can make a shotgun guy who basically zooms all over the map on turn 1, constantly getting refunded willpower and AP for every kill, and kill like 10 guys in a round
To be clear, that's kind of fun to do. But on some missions (like one where I started next to 6 units that can mind-control 3 of my guys each... and I only have 6 guys), you almost need to use it to succeed
So overall the game needs some rebalance. And I'd love to see more content. You see pretty much all the enemies pretty quickly and then just fight versions of them with more armor, mostly, as time goes on
Combat feels so much better than XCOM though
And the geoscape is a lot better too
So could it have used more polish? Sure! Can I say whether or not whatever money they did or didn't receive from Epic Games went towards that, and it would have been even less polished without it? Who knows? I write software too. Sometimes you just fuck up and go way over budget.
The actual bugs I've had are shooting from cover not always working correctly (patched already), I had one item I looted from the battlefield was broken and unequippable (and the tooltip was <Missing ID> or something like that), and I've got a tech upgrade that gives my energy generators +50% power, but every time I finish a mission and come back to the geoscape/base, it forgets that and powers off a third of my base, and I have to go turn things back on.
That's been pretty much it
A lot of the initial "this is a buggy mess" claims (mine included) were actually kind of from treating the combat and cover like XCOM. It's not. Just because you hide by a wall that shows a half cover or full cover marker doesn't mean you necessarily actually have cover from a particular person. It draws a real line of sight and bullet trajectory
And for the first 2 days or so there was a bug where your guys wouldn't always step out from cover to fire, so you'd get behind cover and not really be able to shoot at anything. And I think that probably made things seems a lot buggier than they were.
I would say they've got to know the game could have spend more time in the oven, though.
But it came out last Tuesday and I've got 45h 57m on it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think in a year or two with patches, DLC, and mods, this is going to be the best XCOM-like to play
As for the Epic Game Store stuff, I just really don't care anymore every single time it comes up for all the different exclusives. I prefer Steam, but whatever. And I was an original Kickstarter backer. Yeah, they said Steam or GOG. They didn't do it (for another year, anyway). Life goes on. As far as broken Kickstarter promises go, this one is really, really minor to me.
Plus, my understanding is that I still get a Steam key in a year. "All backers up to this point will also STILL receive a Steam or GOG key after the 1 year exclusivity period. The Steam/GOG key will also receive the same 1 year of free DLC which came with the Epic key."
So now I can gift a copy to someone a year from now. Fine by me