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@Dragonrage Compressed Earth -> SoilEarth -> PlantEarth
Q: XBOX One - Micrsoft Family Accounts

user2715877I might need a little hand-holding here. I have two boys who bought an Xbox One which they both used my Xbox/MSFT account (I don't actually play, just used to set up for them) to play games (i.e. Fortnite). I just created a "Family" on MSFT and created their own MSFT accounts as "Child" account...

Q: Is there a way to make a command block pirate ship in mc bedrock edition?

SnivellingTen76I've been trying to make a command block pirate ship for over a year now and still haven't figured it out. Please provide an answer, Thank you!

@MBraedley YAY
ahhhhhhhhh I'm no longer deadname on steam finally
throws confetti Grats
@Dragonrage @badp The new Morderkaiser ult looks interesting, although I wonder if they'll change it so that neutral objectives will still show up in the "death realm".
But I suppose that could also cause problems vis-a-vis jungle Morde walking into a baron fight 1v5, ulting a support, and then smite-stealing Baron due to lack of kill threat.
@Ave I think I never saw your deadname on steam
@Moacir it was only my login name, which you can't change
@Ave But you managed to change it?
Or did you create a new account
@Moacir yeah
@Ave Huzzah! :D
@Ave Wow, Gratz! All with steam support?
@Moacir mhm!
Do any of you Monster Hunter people play Dauntless, and if so, what do you think of it?
@Sterno Last I heard it was terrible
One of my friends has played it recently and he described it as "Fortnite-esque Monster Hunter".
The last time I saw Dauntless was early closed alpha gameplay and I felt the sound design was pretty bad.
I was bored AF by Monster Hunter so I don't know what to make of that
@Ave Oh wow, greater gratz then!
Attack animation was also bad.
It felt like your attacks didn't have weight to them as if you were swinging a cardboard sword.
@Ash this makes me incredibly happy tbh, it was the one platform that I actually used that had my deadname and didn't allow me to change it.
I am so glad you could change it :)
But that was during early closed alpha.
For all I know, things could've changed since then.
Slay the Spire needs to come out for Switch already
Oh, yeah, Void Bastards! that was on my wishlist
@Sterno Agreed
@Sterno I just learned about it 2 hours ago
Also, Cadence of Hyrule comes out in a few days I think
Thats the Zelda Necrodancer thing, right?
Q: Capes in mc bedrock edition

SnivellingTen76I see people in servers with capes and I don't know how to get them, and there are many videos out there on how to get them but none work. Please provide an answer.

.....damn it
long suffering sigh
To this day, I still don't know what the lyrics to that song are outside of "link he come to town" and "come to save the princess zelda".
You're one click away from true enlightenment.
Here, don't say I'm never helpful!

Link, he come to town! Come to save the Princess Zelda!
Ganon took her away now the children don't play but they will when Link save the day! Hallelujah!
Link, fill up your hearts so you can shoot your sword with power.
And when you're feeling all down the fairy will come around so you'll be brave and not a sissy coward.
Now Link has saved the day. Put Ganon in his grave. So now Zelda is free now are hero shall be
Link I think your name shall go down in history
It's a mystery what exactly our hero will be
That's why the song is so deep and really is true art
That was the most useless "See full text" link I have ever clicked.
@JasonBerkan Saaaame
YouTube needs to show the number of referral views from The Bridge.
For some things, that would be a ridiculous number
@Ash What video in particular?
@JasonBerkan You can get that info for your own videos
@Kevin Yeah, that
@MBraedley If only I was a moderately known recording artist with a song about a weekday.
Hmm, looks like people aren't finding this answer anymore, because referrals to my video have basically gone to 0 in the past ~3 years.
@Wipqozn made by people behind Captain Forever? Huh
Why didn't I hear about this before, this looks dope
Q: Scoreboard Currency

Josh CochranSo I'm trying to create a map in Minecraft Bedrock PE and I want to know how to test for players with a minimum score for a store. My score currency name is Buckz. I tried "testfor @p [score_Buckz_min=~] but that doesn't work in my version. Does anyone know how to do this in Minecraft Bedrock 1.1...

@Sterno I was gonna try it tonight and see if my girlfriend would be interested if I liked it
I heard it's like a more accessible Monster Hunter
@Wipqozn I miss one-box :/
the tldr is, I assume, they shut down and banned everyone who was streaming Artifact because most of them were actually streaming various things that are not allowed on twitch
yep, looks like it
> We are working with urgency to remove the offending content and suspend all accounts engaged in this behavior. In addition, we have temporarily suspended the ability for new creators to stream.
Also that
The post was 15 minutes ago, so most of the streams are still up
I was playing with someone the other day and they checked the category and just rattled off a list of movies and stuff playing in it lol
yeah it was just filled with movies, anime, and porn fwiu
@Ave I like that Kevin Van, Van Der, and Der Velden are all on there.
which like I assume happens all the time anyway, it's just unique for it to be concentrated to one game category
and probably also for there to be as many as there were
I wonder why artifact in particular was chosen by the streamers to group in
just because it was such a failure?
because nobody plays that game I guess
I'm pretty sure Atlas has that too
i'm sure you can find a number of empty twitch categories for dead games though
maybe none so recent, though
May 6 at 14:56, by Moacir
@Yuuki https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableMoralArugulaMVGame
@Moacir Incidentally, I figured where I recognize that avatar from.
Anthem actually has players
@Yuuki From where?
@Moacir It's one of the free provided profile avatars for Warframe.
yeah doesn't the Artifact steam stats show like
a total maximum concurrent players of around 6 or some shit?
Oh yea, Bahroo is... something of warframe
He is not a representative or anything, but he does play it from time to time and his numbers go all high
that only took 82 games
@badp what position do you play?
like a goddamn noob
which champs?
vel'koz and soraka mostly
vel'koz so I can switch to the mid lane at some point, also the slows and damage are juicy
raka is good for higher elos. but to carry in lower elos as support, it usually easiest to play mage supports
soraka because hard engage champs are a really annoying thing
all can carry pretty well at lower elos
I'd consider Nami as a "similar to but not the same" alternative for Soraka.
soraka is kinda meh tbh, I don't really enjoy playing her
lower elos being anything below like plat
she's fun while laning
but that's about it
by the time you get your ultimate a lot of champions can already spike for more than it can recover
and then there are too many people to heal with your Ws
anything below like gold, you usually dont have a teammate that is actually good enough that healing them is more productive than you dealing damage
also, as a plus. playing mages is generally way more fun
When I play support, I usually don't play enchanters so I don't really have suggestions.
I love engage supports like Alistar, Leona, or Rakan way too much.
Leona is so annoying to play against
oh I made one positioning mistake
To be fair, that's literally all she's good for.
Her engage isn't nearly as reliable as Alistar or Rakan given that it's a skillshot, not a point-and-click or area-targeted ability.
Alistar I can kinda deal with even as vel'koz, at least at the skill brackets I'm playing at
for context I started playing last November and my friends are high bronze breaking into low silver
Well, Vel'koz is pretty good into Alistar since he's pretty squishy before 6.
you can interrupt leo's e with your knockup as vel
And Vel'koz has more than enough range to harass from outside of engage distance.
I can't usually cast the knockup it in time
maybe there's a tell I need to pay more attention to
that's kind of the thing I have with vel'koz, I regularly end with least damage taken for my team, but still die a lot
I take damage very efficiently
She raises her sword back and her E comes out a half-second or so later.
@badp To be fair, you tend to not have a high health pool as Vel'koz.
So even when you die, it's not a lot of numbers added to the "damage taken" stat compared to a beefball like Alistar.
@Dragonrage when brand spirals out of control he gets pretty insane
so how about the two of you
what do you usually play
Q: Crash rendering overlay

GuestOn start up the game crashes with message "Crashed whilst rendering overlay" System: Mac with OS X version 10.10.5 Yosemite Java is up to date. (Java *)

Typically, I'm jungle or support these days.
Used to be a toplaner but that role's been crowded out by recent teammates.
When I'm jungling, I typically opt for Warwick or Nunu. When I'm support, it's typically some form of engage support or Braum.
I should play some more jungle Poppy, she's probably my favorite character but I don't play toplane much these days.
I've had a handful of good jungle Poppy games so it's not the worst idea in the world.
I had to play jungle once. It was not pretty
im a fill main. i just play random stuff where ever. if i am playing ranked though, I generally play mid/jungle/supp. i tend to play like kha/kayne/hec jg, syndra/neeko/veigar/lux mid, brand/zyra/vel/fiddle support
The skill floor you need to reach before the team was better off with you AFKing on podium is preeeeeeeetty high
kayne jungle is such a menace
Warwick smooths out a lot of the learning curve with jungle, imo.
for the speed boost?
same with nunu. both of them clear pretty quickly and healthy and have obvious ganking tools
He has so much innate sustain that you don't really have to worry about being healthy for farming your camps.
I find that it's a lot harder to carry on Nunu.
Between his attack speed, ult, and build path, I can easily 1v2 or 1v3 as Warwick.
But it's hard even getting a solo kill as Nunu sometimes.
Although Nunu's still the only jungler I'm confident enough to do level 2 Krugs at 75% health.
@Yuuki kayne or hec can do it fine if you kite them properly
For some reason, I can kite every other camp fairly well but not Krugs.
Q: Is the draw weighted?

Fredy31When I start getting for exemple a couple of goblins, their draw rate seems to plummet, and I have a hard time getting any more. And it seems to do it for every race. So is the draw weighted in some way (for exemple to make stacking 1 or 2 races more risky), or is it just rotten luck?

Q: How is the round damage calculated?

Fredy31At the end of every round, if you lose, you lose x HP. Thing is, I can't seem to figure out the logic. I used to think it was 1 HP per star (the unupgraded units value being 1), but sometimes that doesn't seem to fit. Also, you can see summons doing the damage animation, but do they count? Feel...

stares at ereader Okay, The Dawn Breakers, I see you and all your 672 pages. Let's do this. :D
(It's been a while since I've read anything this long. I think maybe Hamilton was the last really long thing I read)
@Ash I find this funny since it's rare I read books that aren't somewhere around that range.
No doubt a consequence of the genres we frequent
Yeah, romance novels are usually 200-300 pages.
A lot of the Baha'i stuff I read is longer than romance novels (God Passes By was 500something pages) but everyone talks about Dawn Breakers because it is like one of the bigger ones.
(I am gonna be so curious at the end of the year to see what percentage of my books is romances and what percentage is Baha'i and what percentage is other stuff)
(Last year it was something like 45% romances. Just under half, at any rate.)
Q: How does the win/loss streak scale?

Fredy31It doesn't seem to be linear. I think after 2 wins/losses in a row you get +1G, then a little later it scales to 3, and I think I've seen with a very long streak a +5. So how does it scale? Is it the same for losses and wins?

Q: how to show outline player csgo

Mohammed Brekyi want to figure out how to show / make a LAN game like pro's in youtube i'a a spectator and i want to -show the outline (blue/yellow) for players -show team members and how to collect the scores at the end (death match mode)

Q: Does “testfor” send a different redstone signal depending on how many entities it found?

Poppycoimc39221I know if a command block testsfor things And a comparator is connected to it, it sends a redstone signal, but does the signal change depending on how many entities/players it detects? Sorry for bad grammar, this is my first post on this forum.

am curious about
> Requires 3rd-Party Account: Paradox Account (for Multi-player) (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
like you'd think that's just for multi-player, but then again you'd think the same for Starcraft II
if someone does get it, let me know if you needed an account for just singleplayer
hey here!
@Memor-X It says for multiplayer only; hopefully that's a requirement, and not an explanation.
Q: Why doesn't this command fill a 4x4x4 area with ice after a splash potion flies out?

wolfstarI've got this "magic" system in place where if I throw the right thing, it turns into lightning or fire. I'm trying to make an ice-element trap like this: /execute at @e[type=potion] if entity @p[distance=3..5] positioned as @p run fill ~2 ~2 ~2 ~-2 ~-2 ~-2 ice It's throwing a splash potion t...

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