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that is, how long?
1 hour :-p
timezone difference is funny ;)
hehehe I can do a chat injection attack on the 'starred' stuff.
I think.
anyways. peace out
you can edit your own chats for 2 minutes.
yes, but I noticed that my comment got starred and the edit showed up.
so I could potentially completely change the contents of the chat. if I wanted to misinform
but I guess there's no significant reason to abuse that
within the first two minutes, yes, and stars can always be removed.
meh it's a futile attack, but it was amusing. To me. but I have a fail sense of humor anyways, so it doesn't mean much.
ceilingcat is watching you gaming.
wait, rts is a synonym for real-time-strategy by role-playing-game is a synonym for rpg?
yeah, that was a dumb one
expanded form should always be the standard
what about PC
should we tag that personal-computer?
rts vs. tbs
no PC is right. @tzenes: See? Its the exception that proves the rule
just like RPG
RPG games is correct, right?
no I get that alexander I mean rts->real-time-strategy is correct
role-playing-game going to rpg is wrong
acronyms are bad
remember what jeff said about game-rec?
rpg matches with mmorpg
acronyms are usually the standard
acronyms are broke
otherwise we have to tag questions with massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game
or just mmo-role-playing-game
or just mmorpg
mmorpg can be the name of a game
what's worse, what if it is the name of a popular game
acronyms are broke
game developpers aren't stupid
who would call a game mmorpg?
or rts
Rorry The Squirl
by that logic, massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game could also be the name of a game
it is less likely
no it isn't
there are more possibilities for an acronym
it's just as likely
very very very unlikely
how is that just as likely?
Random Technology Shooter
they both already have an established meaning
and that stops people from reusing them?
First person shooter, frames per second
we've already had this debate
that is an unfortunate exception to the rule
there is no barrier
why is that an exception?
its an example which proves the rule is broke
no, it's the exception that proves the rule
there's no developer in their right mind that will call their game rts of rpg
Frames per second -> framerate
no, it doesn't prove the rule
my point is, it doesn't disprove the rule
it proves that acronyms are reused sometimes
it doesn't prove they will be
sigh belongs on the other meta!
which is what you're implying
@alexanderpas this is meta
if they have been, they can be
and this works a lot faster
if we all die right now, nothing will be reused
that's a specious argument
yours is too
any tag can be reused
PC could mean something different
3D could mean something different
Anything could
somethings are more likely
so we shouldn't base our strategy on what could happen
on the contrary, we should play the odds
it is not at all likely that anyone will re-use a popular gaming acronym ever again
since its happened before I don't see how you can say its unlikely
I still don't think we should tag questions with massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game
the big bang happened before
it's impossible
do you expect it to happen again next week?
26 chars.
I don't think -role-playing-game part of massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game is necessary
its usually not necessary to include that part
sure is, there's other kinds of mmos
I expect new games to come out next week
yes, but you can tag both mmo and rpg
mmofps for example
you don't need them smooshed together
and you expect a new game from a developer that has never heard of the acronym rts?
I'm willing to bet there already is one
I don't think most game developers think of what the acronym is for their game when they make it
its existance isn't the issue
even then, the game name would be written in the long form
the issue is popularity
right, because one of them has to be written in long form
there is no reason both couldn't
besides, we can always decide to change our tagging strategy later
tzenes, there is
that's always true
a 26 char limit
which we can abbreviate to get around
[real-time-stategy] matches with [turn-based-strategy]
you mean they're synonyms?
you're against abbreviation, unless it's better to abbreviate
I don't get it anymore
I'm against acronyms
[rpg] matches with [mmorpg]
not abbreviations
and there is no reason mmorpg shouldn't be two tags
acronym role playing games, no acronym for RTS
massively-multiplayer-online is still more than 26 chars
search mmorpg will not find [mmo] [rpg]
that too
it could if we place a synonym
you can't place a synonym to two tags
search mmo or rpg will find [mmorpg]
that maybe a limitation of the technology
not really, seems perfectly natural to me
hi Juan
could you read this and comment your thoughts in the post?
A: Voting on the future of list of X questions

Grace NoteI think the major flaw in list questions is not only the size, but the approach that we take. I completely disagree with the popular approach of "one-per-answer" polling for list questions. I know, everyone loves the fun of the rating system that you can simulate with votes. However, I believe it...

careful, there's a hot debate going on :)
oh, I can't stay
too much work today sadly
we're discussing whether or not to rename mmorpg to massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game
it's not possible! sigh! ;)
synonyms FTW
I know
yeah, but we're talking about which should be the synonym
if only this were taken more to heart
I don't think we should
you're just being a jerk
so anyone who disagrees with you is a jerk?
my argument was that acronyms are inheirently broke
no, you're metioning a subject of what we were arguing about
oh no I agree that acronyms is broke
and I don't mean that offensively
it's impossible to not use acronyms
I also agree that Arda's statement from way back, that we shouldn't base our strategy on what could happen should be taken more to heart
I believe there are alternatives
it's [real-time-stategy], [turn-based-stategy], [rpg], [mmorpg], [framerate], [fps] etc etc etc (I'm willing to discuss [fps])
StackOverflow uses vb, not visual-basic
and C#, not c-sharp
also, no personal attacks!
C# is actually its name
the vb argument still stands
I don't like rpg
I understand the precidence, but it also has tags that aren't acronyms
I could go on, sql instead of structured-query-language
microsoft calls vb vbasic in the msdn url
what's more it doesn't have to deal with the existence of new games
I'm talking about SO, our example site
basically our parent
sql has become a noun
it's the best basis we have to go on
just like rpg
that doesn't make it right
so has RTS and all the others
at least among gamers
sql has become a noun amongst non-programmers
but it's meaningless most of the time
RPG is beyond gamers.
I don't think there are many non-programmers whom know SQL
Both my parents, my last 3 girlfriends, I could go on
its a big deal in business
same goes for RPG I'm sure
how about the [jrpg] tag ;)
none of the afformention would have known RPG
could they distinguish a sql statement from a java statement?
no, not in a million years
let me take another example
but you're switching arguments all the time, nobody can give sql a new meaning because everyone knows it?
then the same thing would go for RPG surely
google queries for sql: 91million, structured query language 400k
exception: military
sql is the standard
by comparison
stats for rts: 21 million
STRUCTURED query language
realtimestrategy: 62 million
sorry I wrote that out wrong
my typo
edit typo
honestly, I don't think it's a big deal
real time strategy is the standard
how much rep do you need to be able to edit other people's chat messages?
though, not as by much
rpg: 57m, role playing game, 30m
its not a big deal
I don't think we'll have another rpg or rts in gaming
we're arguing philosophy
google results are irrelevant
no we're not
how about a tbs?
tv station
we're arguing whether or not to abbreviate tags
that is not what we're arguing
I have no problem with abbreviations
in your case, about whether an acronym could potentially be re-used somewhere in the future, and whether that is at all relevant
only acronyms
if tbs is not known enough, we should not abreviate real time stategy.
but instead you keep coming up with a red herring
are't acronyms a subclass of abbreviations?
@alexanderpas the two are not dependent on each other
I have no problem with the superset
an acronym is an abbreviation
so if you're ok with abbreviations, you're necessarily ok with acronyms
@ArdaXi they are if you're trying to be consistent.
@alexanderpas then we have to be consistent with every tag
I think acronyms are broke, the same is not true for the super set of abbreviations, or the super set of all words
and we get back to the [massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game] problem
ok, now I understand
which I suggested has a solution
the alternative is broken too
abbreviating part of it
or breaking it into smaller tags
you only proposed breaking it up in two tags
which are still too long
I did previously suggest abbreviating part of it
@ArdaXi that depends on the size of the set. [mmorpg] is required by limits, so [rpg] is consistent with it.
but what about, for example, wcf on so
if you'll scroll back up
there are not a lot of programmers who know what wcf means
yet it is abbreviated on SO
windows communication foundation?
This is phuckin english. it's not a consistent language!
wcf is specific to .NET, so many programmers won't know anything about it
as I've mentioned before Stack Overflow is not infallible
I just think that abbreviating everything is much more manageable than not doing so, if we want any kind of consistency
I think it only needs to be unambiguous and understood by those already 'in'.
then again most programmers with a question about its about?

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