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boo, who requested it go away?
ejem, what happened to "i hate list of x questions" mr @IvoFlipse
A: Good typing games

Ivo FlipseThe typing of the dead From Wikipedia: The Typing of the Dead has been described variously as a remake or mod of the original House of the Dead 2. Like the original, Typing of the Dead is styled as a first-person rail shooter game, but substitutes shooting zombies and other ene...

Ivo, I am ashamed ;-)
I voted to close it
and if your memory serves you right @JuanManuel, you can see I requested my own closed list question deleted
and that answer was given on launch day :P
oh and you should blame Juan for the close votes :P
while were starting a flame war here
move that new question to Meta
and then it's probably a dupe of the discussion there
the only (bad) argument I could give for leaving the typing question open
is that it gives me 170 rep, which I probably need to vote to close
why'd you have to close that question
I had a great answer typed out
so either I need to step up on voting, rather than chatting
which one?
the law one
lol was that pun intented @ArdaXi? typed out an answer to the typing question?
answered it at meta
ah the law one, that one belongs on Meta
no, the law question
but the feed just showed a new spawn on the parent
I answered it on meta now
I thought it was just closed
didn't see it was migrated
if you're answering a question and it's closed you see a bar 'this question will no longer accept answers'
Don't understand why emulators are that big a deal to people
on meta
well, ROMs are illegal, hence unwanted
I mean, the people who keep arguing that they should be included
it's simple @Noctrine: we shouldn't be allowing grey area questions, because they lead to darker shades of grey and eventually lead us into darkness
Shouldn't this answer be deleted? @JuanManuel ?
I love living in a country where downloading copyrighted content is legal ;)
which is which?
in the netherlands it actually isn't legal to download software
should I delete the whole question @ArdaXi?
flagged the answer
might be a good idea
May be good to have something that people can see is closed
@antonytrupe flagging doesn't really have much use if a mod is already looking at it lol
when they start typing
Where can I download X
oh, I didn't see Juan
it actually doesn't show up for that title
"Where can I download Alien Swarm" is a valid question :)
that too
question deleted
yeah delete it @JuanManuel, we just need the FAQ saying it
might get gietzen some rep back if it's ever resynced too
hmm, suddenly a lot of questions with 3 close votes
the question seemed valid, only the answer was bad in my opinion.
and @alexanderpas it's not legal to use software where you have no license to, which excludes nearly all games or paid software (where you need to buy the license)
@IvoFlipse but you can't download software you have a licence to either
you can only make a backup copy yourself for personal use only
@Arda actually you can, if the licence allows you to make an archival copy ;)
No, @alexanderpas that's the difference between download and make
you can't download, you can only make
"De kopie moet door de rechtmatige verkrijger gemaakt worden."
well I'm sure Adobe won't blame your for torrenting Photoshop when you've got a legit license though ;)
and technically an EULA can remove that right if they wish
Torrenting = uploading too, so bad!
@alexanderpas in the case of software downloading has the same implications as uploading
but the law only states that it isn't a violation of copyright, not that it cannot be forbidden by an EULA
that's why i said if it allows you to make an archival copy.
yes, but then you're still not allowed to download an archival copy
only to make one
btw: if you do not agree with the EULA (yet) you can do things in violation of the EULA if they're not in violation of the law ;)
actually, an EULA is a binding contract
an EULA cannot override the law, but it can amend the law
within reason, this is up to a judge to decide
i concur!
still EULA is customer unfriendly!
GNU licenses are customer friendly.
GNU isn't customer friendly, it's user-friendly
assuming you mean GPL :P
I hate GPL
besides, a GPL is an EULA still
I like LGPL
LGPL is alright
GNU is not an EULA
I prefer permissivel icenses
sure is alex
me too, otherwise I can't use it at work
MPL is actually good
you're not required to accept the GNU licenses, you can use the program without.
it's a **l**icence **a**reegment **e**nd **u**sers MUST accept to use software
that didn't work like I wanted it to
but you are
GPL doesn't apply to just source code
ok, enough discussion about downloading now :P
you discussed for so long, that I have browsed all my 90 Google Reader feeds
only 90?
I just browse interesting items when I get bored
I've cut down on feeds, dropped all the feeds that felt spammy, like ZDnet
rom your 30 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 8,592 items, starred 49 items, shared 33 items, and emailed 2 items.
you don't have to accept the (L)GPL, it is in the license itself, however, if you do not accept the (L)GPL, you're only restricted by copyright law. (and thus cannot spread the program as the permission for that is in the (L)GPL)
that's not how it works
Subscription # Read % Read
Gizmodo 1,355 100%
Engadget 959 100%
TechCrunch 798 100%
SlashGear 757 100%
Ars Technica 367 100%
Mobile Android News 344 100%
Download Squad 256 100%
[Geeks Are Sexy] Technology News - We make technology sexy 164 99%
Tested Site Mashup 163 100%
the How-To Geek 155 100%
that's included in the GPL? really?
time of day for the feeds is really bad :P
ah, I see
section 9
that was added in v2
meh, (L)GPL is way too complicated anyway
I prefer licences I can stick on regular source files and not have them make up 75% of the file
like the MIT licence
GPL is easy, do what you want, as long as you allow anyone that recieves a copy of your adaption to do the same.
err no, it's much more complicated
Yeah, GPL is super complicated
"if you want to distribute it you have to fully credit them, distribute the source code with it fully and this licence"
the standford licience is much easier
MIT is 3 lines or something
I just realized I can't spell
well, a bit more
GPL is 11 lines in your files + 2 additional files (CREDITS, LICENSE)
yes, those two files I don't like
MIT is about 16 lines in your files
the only restriction is "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software."
hmm, unsure
Q: Showcase 3D games

WhatsitWhat games would be good for showcasing 3D technology? I've seen some games where the 3D seems tacked on, but I've never seen one with well-implemented 3D.

show me the lists
the ISC license is even simpler, it's basically MIT License with language "made unnecessary by the Berne convention" removed.
"Note: 3d goggles are bad for depth perception (your eyes lose their "sea legs"), and can be really damaging to children under 7."
at least GPLv3 protects against tivolisation. (Hello open source software you are not allowed to change because that would damage your hardware - Motorola Droid X with android )
but at least simpler licenses allow commercial use of the code
which is good because it improves software all-round
GPL does allow commercial usage!
of course not
it states so in the license.
commercial usage in this case is closed-source
because it's pretty hard to make money of GPL'ed software
You can make money by providing service, and you only give service to those who bought the software from you.
alright, let me revice
but at least simpler licenses allow closed-source use of the code, which is good because it improves software all-round
uhm... no! which is more secure windows Vista/7 or Ubuntu Linux 10.04
but that wasn't even the point I was making
I meant, without open-source projects with permissive licenses a lot of software people use daily wouldn't have been possible
like Adobe's software
BSD licenses are a family of permissive free software licenses. The original license was used for the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix-like operating system after which it is named. The original owners of BSD were the Regents of the University of California because BSD was first written at the University of California, Berkeley. The first version of the license was revised, and the resulting licenses are more properly called modified BSD licenses. Two variants of the license, the New BSD License/Modified BSD License, and the Simplified BSD License/FreeBSD License have been ...
like the linux kernel? (GPLv2)
the linux kernel isn't licensed under a permissive license?
I meant more like X
it was a counter argument!
I know, and I countered it
no, not like the linux kernel
I'm talking about closed-source software people use to make money
like Windows
let's see... Microsoft office?
for example
I counter that with OpenOffice.org under the LGPLv2
I'm just saying Microsoft Office wouldn't have been possible without the software it was based on
there's a pretty good chance OO.org wouldn't have existed like it does if MSO wasn't there
Possibly, Wordperfect would've ruled the market.
by the way, LGPL doesn't count here, since it is permissive
I can release code based on LGPL'd software closed-source
as long as I don't edit the library itself
a good example would be Google Chrome
that would never have been there without the L GPL
exactly, as long as you don't edit the libary itself, (and allow the possibility of drop in replacement updates.)
I'm only arguing against the GPL
if not the LGPL but the GPL was used, Google Chrome would never have existed, at least not in this format
vote to close this discussion as off-topic
oh wow, yeah
sorry about that
closed (3/3)
Closed as off-topic by antony.trupe, alexanderpas and Arda Xi ♦ 1 minute ago
@alexanderpas I prefer my version
how do you get the diamond?
you have to be chosen by the community I think
I ment in the chat
Juan, Grace and Oak were exceptions
is it just an ascii character?
unicode I think
unicode position 0x2666
no I believe you, I just meant it didn't matter to me the difference between ascii and unicode
well yeah, but you asked it so explicitly
I ♥ unicode
you &fail; at html entities though
don't know why it doesn't work though
at least we can edit messages here...
how did you do that
it's red right after posting
me = dumb
this ♦ is now ♦'s.
don't star that plox
text is red after posting
hey, I didn't even know that reply feature
:57645 this chat gets more awesome every day
it doesn't even work :/
that's a working link
doesn't work either
why doesn't it work :(
shortest shortlink ever
BTW: did we find a bug in the url handling of markdown regarding IDN
I think so
but you can always do it manually
YAY! Package!
at 11 pm?
delivered at the neighbours
what'd you get :P
DMG2 + 4k penny sleeves
consolas snowman is much more awesome
now (not right now) i can finally continue sorting that big-bag-o'magic-cards.
last retweet @Jeff did... LOL
I've decided I don't like the Stack Exchange sites. They're going to destroy the value of my Google-fu.
I would say that means that... part one of the mission is accomplished
pff, I hate providing something online for other users on my site and then getting emails about 404 errors after the utility is deprecated
that's a bit late :P
are twitter links magic links?
ah didn't see it
and twitter links get expanded so
I've decided I don't like the Stack Exchange sites. They're going to destroy the value of my Google-fu.
twitter links are magic links!
Eating a bunch of bacon nachos and watching sports championship games from the 70's. Ah, Fridays.
oh %^&* Twitter
@tzenes What about replies?
aww, no link to the tweet it replied to
oh, thanks
tweet threading is hard
I've seen a couple decent implementations, but mostly it doesn't work
He could probably drop in code to have it produce the icon of the person you're using @ to
I meant just like Twitter does it
Fine, we could probably improve that twitter support.
Go suggest it in chat-feedback ;p
no, don't encourage them
also Twitter++
what's wrong with twitter‽
now mcckay is starting to annoy me a bit, he's over-zealously editing question based on his interpretation of the law :/
he annoys me frequently
and.. he disagrees with me, I don't like people disagreeing with me
I know he means well, but a lot of his answers have about 5 seconds of thought put into them
Its like he's rushing to answer
I tried disagreeing with Grace a couple times
it did not work out well for me
but it's especially the fact he's editing questions everywhere without concern for the original author
downvote on bad answers?
we can revert them
like this one
Q: Steam version of Fallout / Fallout 2 in a window

Tyler SzaboI've been looking to run Fallout / Fallout 2 in windowed mode; I have the steam version. Has anyone had any experience getting this to work? I'm running Windows 7 64bit.

you don't edit a question's scope based on a guess
thats a bad one
I realize there is a lot of poorly tagged questions, but that could be better
Like I said, I think he means well, but I don't think he spends a ton of time thinking about something before he does it
my comment: @McKay When unsure, verify!
I think a lot of that is just the magpie response
true, I haven't spoken out on it before since my history on wikipedia engrained 'assume good faith'
I'm sure when gaming.se hits pro it'll be fine
well right now its "new and shiny" so we all kind of obsess
once there are dozens of new questions every 10 minutes we'll probably back off
only answer a few
and write better answers
we need our equivalent of a Jon Skeet though
I already write good answers!
the one who answers every question before it's asked
we need to lure the Jon Skeet of gaming
and we do that through good questions
but who?
there are not enough good questions
also, another example of what I mean
Jerry Holkins
yeah, and it was already tagged spy
like I said, just seems overeager
but even if it wasn't, an engineer couldn't use an ambassador
+145 rep today already.
I'm on +30
but there's not enough questions I can answer
too much starcraft
Hey, what seems wrong with this answer:
A: What are “grid hotkeys”?

tzenesGrid Hotkeys are a hold over from Starcraft 1. Default Hotkeys use letters in the building/action command for which reference. For example, to build a Bunker you can use the U key. Grid is an alternative style that mimics the layout style of commands on the keyboard. For example the Stop comma...

I realize it wasn't as good as others, but -3? seems out of place
I agree
offset for you
It only gives an example, it does not explain.
Grid is an alternative style that mimics the layout style of commands on the keyboard
granted, not the greatest explination
and I realize why someone elses answer was selected
I would have picked it
I just don't get the heavy downvoting there
well, to each their own I guess
1 downvote from someone + 2 tactical downvote from other answerers
I don't think Raven is that petty
though he did surpass me in rep today
so grats to him
I hardly ever downvote
I'm still surprised by my rep
go finish this one off :P
A: Good typing games

Ivo FlipseThe typing of the dead From Wikipedia: The Typing of the Dead has been described variously as a remake or mod of the original House of the Dead 2. Like the original, Typing of the Dead is styled as a first-person rail shooter game, but substitutes shooting zombies and other ene...

the fact I stayed on top after a week of no activity
check how many new users we got @ArdaXi, they may have gotten rep, just not as much as you have
but how did it take so long for for example @tzenes to surpass me in that week
and how did they do it within a few days of my return :P
Well I didn't hit top till SC2 released
most of my rep is from about 4 Starcraft 2 questions
which is vaguely rediculous
game releases might be related indeed.
I really think more rep should be given to questions
I still cite 'Hello Kitty' as most ridiculous
I disagree @tzenes, just look at what it did at Super User
I know users who ask A LOT of questions
Hello kitty might become meme.
I didn't mean for it to be linear
and gained significant amounts of rep, because of 1 or 2 upvotes per question
I think that after 10 it should double for each vote
Indeed @Arda, SC2 is responsible for removing you from the top :)
And me and Juan
I really don't think I deserve to be near the top
And it's great, quality SC2 answers can do wonders to our traffic
if we become a resource where gamers can ask and find answers right after the release of a game: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

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