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@PrivatePansy Yeah, I know that. Blame the creators for making such an unfortunate name.
Q: terraria ps4 how to defeat the twins

arqademastersNeed help defeating the twins so please answer this question so we may advance at the game. We tried taking on spasmitism first it did not work we have tried both so we really do need help with this issue

> Twenty-year-old REDACTED – who prefers to be known as Fractal Tetris Huracan – has spoken about her love of the game before and was previously sexually attracted to a calculator named Pierre before she moved on with old mate Tetris in September 2016.
Note: the calculator relationship ended because she was cleaning it and it short-circuited
so effectively she killed her boyfriend
Kind of excited for the Subnautica launch tomorrow.
Is the performance still awful?
Mfw hanging out with cousin and friends and there's weed on table
@cazc_941 Stardew Valley 3D?
Do you guys got any recommendations for decent beginner weapons for Warframe?
like, something that can be used at Tenno level 5 or something and is really cheap
@Ave you get used to that
@Nzall Do you like melee, single shot high damage, or automatic, sustained damage?
@Maximillian Preferably something that's decent for soloing
Melee, you want Orthos.
@fredley I guess yeah, plus light (?) combat
@Maximillian Does melee work well though? I've found that if I went too much into melee, I take a ton of damage
@Nzall If you're mastery 5, you should have a number of Vitality and Redirection mods.
@cazc_941 SV has light combat
Upgrade one of each and equip them on your frame.
but don't upgrade any mod that says "DAMAGED" on it
@Yuuki I'll have to check that at home I think I might have installed some of them, they got damaged, and they were lost when I removed them
@Nzall That's not how mods work.
@John all I know is that I removed damaged mods and I didn't have them in my mods list
like, the 20% HP one
Damaged and undamaged mods stay that way forever
there is no going between them
which is why upgrading damaged ones is bad
You stop getting damaged mods after you beat Vor.
also unless you turned them into endo or sold them for credits, there's no way to get rid of them
Damaged mods are kinda/sorta a way to get some powerful mods toned down, in the early game.
Anyway, you always need some kind of trusty melee, even if it's just for the quick-melee spam.
you'll get frames that are better able to melee later
@Maximillian Nope, I'm pretty sure I got a damaged mod from one of the earlier junction bosses, none since then though.
Orthos is a long reach, sweeping polearm that hits multi-targets. It's a good blender when you're in a bind.
melee is viable
As for early game shooty, let me check. I personally don't recommend shotguns or sniper rifles for soloing.
I'd recommend a bullet-hose primary as your main weapon though
well, I have a sword, and I had a level 5 bow, but I replaced that with a bullet spam weapon I bought for something like 12500 of the ingame currency
@John Like Braton?
Ideally you want a Soma Prime, but you're a ways out from going for that.
@Yuuki along those lines, yes
because I ran out of arrows halfway through th first mission i tried
Braton is okay in the early game but the damage is gonna drop off and not be helpful around level 20-30 foes
@Maximillian yeah I don't primes are exactly "beginner" weapons
@John It is if you got them in a promotion!
@Nzall Because you shot them at containers.
You might think you want a burston. You don't want a burston.
(wew amazon prime)
@Arperum yeah, which was dumb
Use your sword to cut up containers, and don't cut up explosize boxes and those ice boxes.
My first gun was the Latron
which can be upgraded into a more midgame gun
and then replaced once you reach late game
semi-auto trigger can be a bit annoying though
Hmm. Standard Soma is locked at rank 6.
Do a latron, then turn it into a Tiberon after you rank 30 it.
and hit MR 4
because tiberon requires that
I think they said they're MR 5.
oh, okay
Tiberon will last you a little ways into the midgame till resources determine what you get next.
really, @Nzall, any "beginner" weapon you get is gonna have to get replaced along the line somewhere.
I'd endorse @Maximillian's plan though
Yeah, I know, but I'd rather get in on the meta early enough
Latron is a good rifle, but you'll need something with more dakka on the secondary.
MR 5 requires mastering multiple weapons though, so I'm confused.
Maybe Furis/Afuris.
@Nzall Most of the "meta" gear is locked behind higher mastery
@Nzall "level all the things"
like 6 and 12
And what are those mastery levels? are those the Tenno level?
kiiiiiind of
Mastery level is named mastery level in the game.
Sort of. MR levels doesn't equal enemy levels in this game.
mastery rank is simply a measure of how many different gear pieces you have leveled
that's literally it
It's 100% unrelated to the level of your warframe.
@Nzall When you say you're level 5, do you mean that you have a 5 next to your name in the top left or that your frame is Rank 5?
@John Also: how many different nodes you've done at least once.
@Yuuki I have no idea
Here's what's locked behind each mastery rank. warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Equipment_Unlock
@Arperum this too
@Yuuki ooooooh
I can't check until I'm home anyway
MR is usually displayed on your little icon tile in the upper left when you're on the ship browsing the star chart.
@Nzall Do you know if you've done mastery tests?
I think I saw a popup that said "Tenno has leveled up
@Nzall Have you hacked a bunch of computers at once in an empty void?
Where the Lotus puts you in this blue place?
I haven't done Mastery tests yet
Then yeah just Latron for now.
then you are not MR 5
As I said, i'm REALLY early on in the game
Okay, so you're not Mastery 5, your frame is Rank 5.
Leveling your warframe isn't mastery.
your frame is rank 5
@Maximillian It's part of mastery.
I've only just destroyed the symbiote and gotten a report of "you can now do whatever you want, have fun"
Yeah, getting frames and weapons to level 30 will advance your mastery. Big part of the game
getting as many frames and weapons as possible to 30
and I kinda logged off after that because I don't like it when games go "whatever, the game is open" without direction
which means trying all the things
So yeah, you want a Latron. warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Latron
Is there a central storyline I can follow for Warframe, like a suggested play order for the missions?
blueprint is 20k on the marketplace, parts are not terribly hard to find. 5 morphics may take you a bit.
@Nzall Junctions. Find and complete the junctions.
one on each planet
The story missions kick in later. For now you'll want to do the only one available to you, the Vor storyline. Work your way from earth to Mercury.
they'll force you along enough until you know what you're doing
@Nzall You are probably mastery rank 0 or 1, whatever is the lowest.And your frame is level 5.
Vor is your first 'real' boss.
@Maximillian I think I have killed Vor already though. I've killed this dude who had a shield and summoned adds, somewhere in a mining complex on Earth
Yup, ignore Mars for now.
he actually killed me
That's the first run-in with Vor.
@Nzall yea, he's also on Mercury.
So get to Venus. Then to Mercury.
If you clear all the nodes on a planet, you'll be able to build and place a resource extractor which can farm resources for you.
Not something to worry about, but important later.
To get to venus entering and immideately leaving the planes of eidolon is convenient. Since it allows you to get to the next nodes that actually have eximus units from early in the mission.
If you get online this evening and are able to get into the arqade discord for voicechat, I'm sure someone will help you.
Once I'm online, I'll gladly help.
Oh yeah. That. Planes of Eidolon has a huge level range of enemies. This early in the game: Don't be there at night, don't join random groups in the plains. Land in the city instead.
There's a bounty that has enemies of level range 5-15, which should be an okay challenge.
Anything else and the ghouls will eat you.
go to city, enter plains, ignore plains and go back into the city.
@Maximillian that one murdered me badly early on.
i did run out at night though.
@Arperum this is what i recommend for new players. There's just so many ways the plains can go wrong
You may want to set your online grouping toggle from 'public' to 'solo' when you stick your nose into the plains.
As groups can't leave unless half the party tries to leave.
It's the grey bar thingy in the upper left by your profile.
Important note: Playing solo actually pauses the game when you tap esc
Oh, void trader this week.
Time to save some ducats.
@Maximillian Yay, and also: dammit, I already live in a constant financial crisis in the game...
My average amount of credits owned is probably under 10k.
It very frequently dips under 1k.
I spend 300k yesterday I think
@Arperum Strangely enough, I haven't completed that mission.
@Nzall he summoned advertisements?
Pentester’s Portable Cracking Rig : Password Cracking for $1,000 : http://www.netmux.com/blog/portable-cracking-rig
Aww it's so cute
in that case who called them kernel developers and not /proc/tologists? https://twitter.com/nex3/status/954906191666102272
@TimStone only one GPU? Weak
@Yuuki I did it once, need to do it more since he drops some parts for a gun.
@KevinvanderVelden Indeed, but I didn't realise the case was just a Fractal Design model, that's nifty
I have no particular need for a super small PC but I kinda want one
Backpack sized PC
And then just get a long extension cord for VR =p
I'm not really sure what problem that solves but I like it :P
@Arperum I've got another 60 days of credit booster, so I tend to float around 100k at any given time.
@TimStone me neither
Though the best concept I've seen for that is the one shown by linus tech tips, let me look it up
@Arperum And Ceres.
And other places
How you have to kill him multiple times, I dunno.
He's quite persistent
I guess in a game where you yourself can revive, it stands to reason the bosses can, too.
There is a lore reason for Vor showing up so often
He's also in the Derelict, but he's kinda special there. He's been cut in half from your previous kill and is using the power of the void to hold himself together.
@Maximillian *void, not derelict
Also didn't want to spoil that so I said "and other places" =p
He's annoying.
unfortunately, most of the story reasons for things like this were told in limited-time events which were never repeated
which leaves odd "how did this happen" moments
like basically Alad V's entire story
also the backgrounds of Tyl Regor, Sargas Ruk, and Nef Anyo
Alad V. Turns out he's more than just some guy you beat up to take his lunch money and neural sensors.
Nef Anyo went from placeholder boss to HERALD OF THE VOID.
Most play groups skip the opener for bosses so you never see them unless you solo. :(
yeah, ditto for the scene with the 4 craft flying to the place
that's something I always thought was super cool
I need to do the Jordas Precept...
That and Sands of Inaros are the only story missions I have left.
Oh no. nope. Harrow. Still have to do that too
It's a long road to Mot.
@John that's sad, at least they could like put the lore in the codex or one of the inbox messages
cuz i heard some things about one of the dudes you mentioned during second dream and was like "wat"
@GodEmperorDune yeah, "explain to new players what happened during old events" is basically brought up weekly by the community
and everyone involved was very non chalant about this huge thing mentioned
@GodEmperorDune hrm?
message me this somewhere where we won't spoil anything?
@John do i have you on steam? I'm GodEmperor
@GodEmperorDune apparently not. I'm John the Green
kk, sending friend request
@KevinvanderVelden there's a few wireless VR projects happening already, in a year or two it should be commercially available
probably sooner
Client calls, "we're ready to set up the remote connection, let's test it out"
"OK, what's the server address"
"...oh, I don't think I have that"
There's a perfectly viable Discord server where this can be done.
Also true
Anyway, I say it is home time o/
I just don't like spinning off Chat.SE spoiler rooms because those eventually become inactive and get frozen.
And then when someone wants to talk spoilers again, they either have to badger a mod to un-freeze or make a new room.
@Yuuki why is that a thing though? Seems like it doesn't serve any purpose
like, why is a mod required to unfreeze a room? why does it freeze to begin with?
I have Excalibur 6, Braton 3, Lato 3 and Skana 7
@Chippies inactivity usually
And my profile name (for invite into the clan, maybe) is Nzall
@GodEmperorDune I understand that, but for what purpose?
what is it trying to achieve by freezing the room?
@Chippies limit the scope of things that diamonds have to monitor and that consume resources on the SE side?
so people don't have to sift through a billion inactive rooms to find one with actual people in it
@Chippies The primary function of Chat.SE is actually real-time discussion/troubleshooting of questions.
similar situation to servers in MMOs
@GodEmperorDune but if it's inactive, why would it need to be monitored anyway?
rename the freeze function into a sleep function and allow "unfreezing" by having activity
When a room (discussion on a question) becomes inactive, it's assumed that the question's problems are solved.
@Yuuki I mean, I guess it works on rooms generated by the question-discussions
Okay, I'm now Mastery rank 1
@Chippies And if you think of question discussion rooms as the primary use case for Chat.SE, the functionality makes a lot of sense.
@Chippies i mean i'm not going to speak for how SE's stuff is architected, but my company shunts dormant accounts off to a cheaper server so that they aren't slowing the main database down
So what was the weapon you guys recommended I get? A Latron?
@Nzall That early, I'd recommend an automatic fire weapon like the Braton but the Latron can work, I guess.
I have a Braton
@GodEmperorDune I understand why the rooms would be put into some sort of dormant state with lack of activity, but basically locking them for good, unless a mod unlocks them, seems... odd? But it makes sense if we view chat.se as an extension to question discussions
I just feel like chat.se is a lot more than just a question discussion platform
especially since there's nothing stopping people from creating "randomroom2" when "randomroom" gets frozen
Braton is a good bread and butter gun. Braton, not MK1-Braton.
Q: Can all Destiny 2 users play together, regardless of edition?

ChildishforlifeI am looking to buy the standard edition of Destiny 2 while my friend has the Deluxe Edition, both on xbox. Will I be able to play with him? Will some content be locked?

Yeah, are you sure you have the Braton and not the MK.1 Braton?
yeah, I have the braton
Okay, sturdy early game assault rifle.
Is it Rank 30/Max Rank?
Most other assault rifles you get will have worse ammo management.
If not, I'd say stick with it until you hit max rank.
@Chippies sometimes things are gated behind rep or mod powers because its a bit of a performance intense operation that not many people need to do and it's easier than trying to harden it against abuse by randos walking in and talking in inactive rooms
11 mins ago, by Nzall
I have Excalibur 6, Braton 3, Lato 3 and Skana 7
Yeap, stick with a gun til it hits 30, unless you absolutely need a different gun for a level
@John Do you get the regular Braton just by playing through the game? I could've sworn it starts you off with a MK-1.
Just stick mods in it as you level.
@Yuuki I'm pretty sure it starts you off with MK-1s of most everything
Doesn't matter, even the MK1 is good for mastery.
Although I guess if he was using MK-1, it'd be roughly the same rank as his Excalibur and Skana.
Just go dakka dakka dakka till it pings 30, then toss it out.
Farming Lato parts will be when we worry. Or if you decide you want to farm the Seer pistol.
Also, do not do this.
@Maximillian The Lato's like 15,000 credits, isn't it?
10,000 apparently.
This Gaia mission...
failed quite badly
it's control point based, and I couldn't keep them all controlled on my own
ah, interception
very hard to solo
Do you have matchmaking open to public?
no, invite only
Do public for interception.
yeah you have to
you want randos if there's any available.
Except for maybe Spy missions, there's not much that randos can do to mess with your game.
Sometimes you get high level players looking to grind out new low level suits who will just annihilate foes on those maps. XD
@Maximillian Yeah, I should go back to older maps to level my Oberon.
Spy missions are a mixed bag. Public maps often has the party split up to go to the three puzzles and solve them.
Occasionally, someone who has no idea what they're doing sets off the alarm and tries to face-tank their way to the data, then bungles the whole job.
If you want to learn spy puzzle maps, recommend solo.
If you don't care much, do pub.
Most pubs are harmless. They'll turbo their way through the map though and hit the objective as fast as they can.
Yeah, I punched through some Uranus missions that I really shouldn't have been doing with my freshly-made Oberon, Gorgon, and Lex because I got some pubs.
Kinda sad that I can't really take advantage of Oberon's passive because pets are 1) expensive and 2) I haven't unlocked them.
Taxon should be easily available.
Yeah, you get Taxon for completing the Venus junction
@Maximillian I heard Sentinels don't count?
It had to be the dog or the cat?
@Yuuki there are cats now?! :O
I have a dog, but it's frozen because they slowly die while active
it's annoying
They are spindly legged cats with peacock tails.
@Maximillian ooh they're kinda creepy looking
more like bats without wings than cats
Kubrow and Kavats slowly die because they're clones riddled with horrible genetic defects, which you have to use stabilizers to correct. Costs about 75k for a six pack
There is a module to half the 'aging' process.
And it'll auto-toss them into stasis if they're about to die from it.
75k was a fairly large chunk of money when I played
If you don't have a booster, it takes a little bit.
1 index run
Well apparently the original tenno breeds are all long extinct.
So you're cloning tenno war-pedigree pets from genetic material of remaining animals.
If you just want a cute pet you can make one, have it as a puppy/kitten and never mature it for combat. It will stay little forever and not age.
so, they have technology to correct the DNA temporarily, but not permanently? Why not correct it and then clone it?
I just solved all Tenno problems
Because crafting/farming economy game
@Maximillian but you can't take it outside with you
If we're already doing possible unethical cloning, why won't DE implement a questionably unethical breeding mechanic?
Technically there is breeding.
test tube babies
You have to gene sample two of your pets (must be same breed, no cat-dogs here), then make a new pet and insert the gene samples.
And of course there is SECRET PET but it can't breed. You wouldn't want it to.
@Maximillian I disagree
Well you can't gene sample it anyway.
You can pet your space dogs / space cats on the ship too.
i dunno, kinda liked this enough to doodle him some legs. a bit of a take on warframe's excalibur. love the look of that frame but still... loki and frost are my mains atm XD
I bought a pet bed. They use it. I bought what I thought was a pet toy, they never play with it (accurate pet behaivor).
@Gallifreyan ingame skin when
@Maximillian just throw some garbage in their direction, they'll play with that (if they're anything like real pets)
haha, discord
oh yeah, I bought a new mouse
There's 4 (...5) breeds of Kubrow for dog-friend-battle-pet and two breeds of cat.
I need the other cat breed as they have a neat 'luck' power.
My current cat periodically gives the team crit buffs and sometimes reflects damage at enemies with a big damage amp.
@John You wish
Although this guy has drawn a few Warframe comics, if I'm not mistaken
He drew this cover, it turns out
The issue is available here: bleedingcool.com/2017/07/08/…
As in, a giveaway
I need to finish leveling my Excalibur. I'm pretty biased to using my Rhino.
Rhino with Iron Skin can more or less solo most content.
i went a bit frame crazy and have both rhino and limbo in need of leveling
also my helios prime finished cooking and got an immediate potato
and i fnished the stealth sentinel too
so many things to level
Helios Prime is your camera buddy.
Oh neat. I'mma scan this. And that. And that guy over there.
i went to the secret fortress and helios went wild
like evertyhing was new to scan
it was glorious
I learned if you only carry synthesis scanners and have a sol battery, he will not use charges.
yep that's what i've been doing
although i bought like 500 codex scanners before i realized that
@Maximillian Yeah, I'm debating on whether to get normal Helios (and spend a bunch of fieldron) or get Helios Prime.
@Yuuki mastery rank points, yo
I think I need one more Corrupted Lancer scan for my Cephalon Simaris quest.
@GodEmperorDune I did get like 6 or 9 fieldron from that last invasion.
Helios is building \o/
yeah if you do a few invasions you will be swimming in it
I'm trying to get the mod where Helios will point out weak spots on any unit that I've completed Codex for.
Can you buy/replicate clan blueprints through the app?
I don't think so
I just need to gather some plants to do the very last warframe quest (currently out)
@Maximillian i have that mod, it's fun but not as powerful as i thought it would be
maybe once my helios levels up more it will be better
@Yuuki nope
@KevinvanderVelden new loka one?
@GodEmperorDune ugh, I really don't want to go back to the hotel over lunch break just to buy the Helios blueprint.
@Yuuki its a 24 hour cook time, no rush
Hmm, my app doesn't see the clan key that was supposed to be cooking right now
@StrixVaria hey this is cool
Have you ever played Egg Inc. ?
On Android
@cazc_941 Yeah, quite a bit.

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