Need help defeating the twins so please answer this question so we may advance at the game. We tried taking on spasmitism first it did not work we have tried both so we really do need help with this issue
> Twenty-year-old REDACTED – who prefers to be known as Fractal Tetris Huracan – has spoken about her love of the game before and was previously sexually attracted to a calculator named Pierre before she moved on with old mate Tetris in September 2016.
Note: the calculator relationship ended because she was cleaning it and it short-circuited
@Maximillian I think I have killed Vor already though. I've killed this dude who had a shield and summoned adds, somewhere in a mining complex on Earth
To get to venus entering and immideately leaving the planes of eidolon is convenient. Since it allows you to get to the next nodes that actually have eximus units from early in the mission.
If you get online this evening and are able to get into the arqade discord for voicechat, I'm sure someone will help you.
Oh yeah. That. Planes of Eidolon has a huge level range of enemies. This early in the game: Don't be there at night, don't join random groups in the plains. Land in the city instead.
There's a bounty that has enemies of level range 5-15, which should be an okay challenge.
He's also in the Derelict, but he's kinda special there. He's been cut in half from your previous kill and is using the power of the void to hold himself together.
@Chippies i mean i'm not going to speak for how SE's stuff is architected, but my company shunts dormant accounts off to a cheaper server so that they aren't slowing the main database down
@GodEmperorDune I understand why the rooms would be put into some sort of dormant state with lack of activity, but basically locking them for good, unless a mod unlocks them, seems... odd? But it makes sense if we view as an extension to question discussions
I just feel like is a lot more than just a question discussion platform
especially since there's nothing stopping people from creating "randomroom2" when "randomroom" gets frozen
I am looking to buy the standard edition of Destiny 2 while my friend has the Deluxe Edition, both on xbox.
Will I be able to play with him? Will some content be locked?
@Chippies sometimes things are gated behind rep or mod powers because its a bit of a performance intense operation that not many people need to do and it's easier than trying to harden it against abuse by randos walking in and talking in inactive rooms
Yeah, I punched through some Uranus missions that I really shouldn't have been doing with my freshly-made Oberon, Gorgon, and Lex because I got some pubs.
Kinda sad that I can't really take advantage of Oberon's passive because pets are 1) expensive and 2) I haven't unlocked them.
Kubrow and Kavats slowly die because they're clones riddled with horrible genetic defects, which you have to use stabilizers to correct. Costs about 75k for a six pack
There is a module to half the 'aging' process.
And it'll auto-toss them into stasis if they're about to die from it.
i dunno, kinda liked this enough to doodle him some legs.
a bit of a take on warframe's excalibur. love the look of that frame but still... loki and frost are my mains atm XD