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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@Ash wait like the ISP you work for is your parents' ISP?
@GodEmperorDune Sure is :)
@Ash how often do you work "frizzle sizzle" into the conversation? router name? network name? icebreaker?
@GodEmperorDune snorts
Sweet, the thing I needed to do worked and my dad is a pro at following instructions :D
@Yuuki The Grineer Drahk Master can disarm you, but generally only 1 weapon at a time.
Congratulations, @Frank! Such a nice ring, too
Q: How so you un-save a car from Franklin's driveway in GTA V?

johnI cannot figure out how to remove a car from his drive way i need it to be unsaved

@Maximillian You mentioned helping me with Warframe bits, I should be around tonight, I will try to remember to ping you if I am
@Ash I might join you guys for that if I'm on
I could use some more warframes
I think specifically this was him offering me bits for one of the weapons I was going to try
But if you want to join @WorldEngineer and I at any point if we're playing you're welcome
@Frank OMG! Congratulations!
though I think that we're working on the 5 things with only melee equipped thing so it might be murder
@Frank Yay!
@Frank Yaaaay I am glad she recognized it (and sorry I didn't)
@Ash I'm in for a little bit. I can make that stuff available. Good luck farming the orokin cells.
@Ash S'ok. One of my cousins guessed it. I was somewhat surprised.
To be fair, nobody here has guessed it, either.
@Frank it's not that fruit from Kingdom Hearts is it?
@Memor-X doesn't look like it
@Memor-X That's it, alright.
@Frank yay, do i win anything?
@Memor-X Bragging rights?
@Frank yay! now i can brag how i only got it right by guessing the only star with a leaf i recall in a game which just happens to be a series i know you played
@Memor-X it didn't really have a proper leaf though :/
Q: How can I find self-charging gear?

Jonah BishopThe only way I've seen to find self-charging gear in Heat Signature is to hope that a "liberator" character eventually shows up with something. Is there a way normal characters can find self-charging gear? There are various personal missions that are all but impossible without that kind of kit, b...

although in artwork it seems to have a leaf like that, so eh I guess
the actual fruit in the game looked a bit different
weird, in-game it had 2 leaves, each on a different tip, but most of fanart and artwork seems to only have 1 or 2 leaves on one tip
cc: @Ash
for some reason it's impossible to get a good picture of the wall, this is quite edited for contrast
but it looks much better in person
few more areas left before we can start painting :)
Q: When should I use glitch traps?

Jonah BishopIn what scenarios should I be using glitch traps? I know I can use them to teleport enemies outside of their ship, but what other uses are there?

@Chippies whoa that's awesome progress and it looks amazing
@Maximillian shiny. I just got home and I am eating dinner currently
Roomie's cookin up our food.
@Ash it looks much better in person too :P I bet when it's painted, the photo will look better too
the top areas are so hard to do though >.<
@Maximillian I just have leftover pizza but I am happy with that
@Chippies yeah I can imagine
and we don't have a ladder, so we have to get on a chair and wife's not allowed, so she does as much as she can reach and I have to finish it up...
and I like being the brain of the project and letting wife do the hard work... :P
@Chippies how do you just draw that from scratch
it looks so intricate
@GodEmperorDune I put it all together in photoshop and we bought a cheap 100$ projector
then I divided the picture and the wall into 9 rectangles and I project them on the wall and trace them
the end result will be amazing
I wish I could afford one of those short throw 4k projectors, but those are way too expensive :P
aligning the projector is super annoying, so we try to finish the whole rectangle in one go
painting is going to be super difficult
What's a good Warframe to work towards?
@Frank depends on what you want to do with it
@GodEmperorDune Ranged support/minion stuff
@Frank oberon has a passive that heals pets and can actively heal the party
pretty easy to build too
he's a jack of all trades type character so he's not the best at anything
but he's been fun for me
@GodEmperorDune Any sort of pet frame?
Just defeated a New Loka Death Squad
@SaintWacko grats
@Frank maybe @John or @Maximillian or @Fluttershy will have a better idea, i haven't been playing long enough to see one
you get a little robot helper and there are ways to get puppers and kittens
I don't remember any pet frames when I played and Idk if warframe game model really supports pet frames
mirage can duplicate itself
but like a necromancer from wow i don't think exists
the duplicated version mirrors your attacks, afaik
@Chippies yeah it looks pretty cool
Idk if there's any newer frames that are more pet-oriented
And...Prime versions are better versions, right?
@Frank yep
and harder to get as well
anyway here is the spreadsheet with all the things
I wish prime versions weren't a thing, because it kinda makes non-prime versions feel non-endgame
@ToxicFrog check your email for book things
it makes you not want to invest too much into the non-prime versions, because you know there's a better version of the same frame available
@Chippies yeah i agree
Q: How does 3 tick fishing work?

Timmy JimI understand that a lot of things in Oldschool Runescape can be tick manipulated. One of which I am interested in is 3 tick fishing. From my understanding, you need to perform certain actions within 3 game ticks to allow for this to work. A common strategy I've watched streamers do is take a lo...

i'm scared to put anything boosty on my non prime frames
@Ash thankyouuuuu
@GodEmperorDune I haven't boosted any of my frames and I played it for over a year :P
@GodEmperorDune I think my next plat purchase is going to be a Carrier
@Chippies no catalysts/reactors or forma?
cc @badp this account exists
That ammo conversion sounds amazing
@SaintWacko why? it's only 100k credits
@GodEmperorDune nope, they were super rare to get back then
@GodEmperorDune Wait what?
@SaintWacko you can buy the blueprint for 100k credits from the market
then you build it in foundry
I have 3 carriers, never spent any platinum on anything other than slots
@Chippies why do you need more than one?
@GodEmperorDune they have different skills and come with different weapons
carrier is the floaty thing that follows you and attacks stuff, right?
one of them vacuums items
and back then there were only 3 of them anyway
@Chippies sentinel is the generic term, carrier is the specific one that converts ammo and loots boxes for you
now there's too many
@GodEmperorDune oooh, I have 3 sentinels then :P
for the floaty robot
anyway @SaintWacko the ammo thing is great but helios is my fave
i lvoe to scan things
huh, there's a prime carrier?...
For some reason I thought you could only buy them for plat
Well, Carrier blueprint purchased
@Chippies i think its in the vault now
Now I just need another Control Module
I have dethcube, carrier and shade
@GodEmperorDune Idk what that means
i have taxon, helios, and carrier
@Chippies they temporarily retire some things from dropping anymore
or permanently retire but periodically let it come back out, like with frost prime
> An item enters the Prime Vault" means that players are no longer able to acquire Void Relics that can potentially reward those items. Any relics, blueprints, and components that the player already owns will not be removed from their inventory
I see
hey, nice
> It has been confirmed that Ember Prime, Frost Prime, and Loki Prime will be unvaulted in January 2018.
You: “Victoria, you look so focused. What you thinkin’ about? My brain: https://t.co/nSkFFeFFYx
Ooh. Got a Forma blueprint.
Mastery Rank 3!
Should I be making extra weapons, so I use new stuff when I max old ones?
@Frank nice, those are tough to come by early on
@GodEmperorDune I can't make it, though. No Orokin Cells
@Frank yeah, you need to rank new ones if you want to improve your mastery
@GodEmperorDune Any suggestions for what to take?
@Frank you can try out different types to see what you like best
don't worry too much about the fancier weapons, since you can't access them yet
oops i forgot to link the spreadsheet before, here it is
Orokin cells are an annoying grind.
Q: Minecraft 1.12.2 Forge API not appearing upon download (Mac)

ArcturusIn an attempt to download the Forge for Minecraft to have access to many other mods, I have downloaded the Installer from the Forge site. This downloads a .jar file. However, when I double-click the jar, instead of seeing a program API appear as seen here, I am shown a folder as seen here. How do...

@Chippies cool, but can it fly! *throws plane*
@Memor-X considering it doesn't have wings yet, I guess not. Judging by complexity of it though, I wouldn't be surprised if, when done, it would be able to fly on paper fuel piloted by a paper pilot
Q: How do I fix this in Minecraft pc?

Madalyn DawsonSo...I've been having this problem for a few hours and I cannot find out how to fix this. I've downloaded quite a few mods, so I can't pinpoint which mod could be the cause of the problem. But in a few of my worlds, I'm being "haunted" by an elder guardian. There are also invisible enderman all o...

@Frank The next frame is supposed to be a pet frame. Besides that, Oberon turns wildlife friendly to you
Beyond those and actually having a pet....
There's not much else
I guess a ranged support frame it is, then.
Heat Sword, goooooo!
@John I got all the Vasto Prime parts for 75p!
Now to get 6 Orokin Cells...
@Frank That's a fun one
@Yuuki nice!
Just got the Dread blueprint!
Ooh, Dread is good
Which is better Dread or Paris prime?
Q: Was blowing air to N64 Game Pack ever recommended?

DarkCygnusSometimes Nintendo64 Game Packs don't run at first try when powering (for whatever reason). Recently I had this situation with one game, and remembering the times when that console came out I recall perfectly that a common "fix" or procedure that was known to work was to take it out and blow so...

Q: How quickly does time pass in The Sexy Brutale?

Steven VascellaroEach day in The Sexy Brutale runs on a timer from 12pm - 12am in an sped-up approximation of real-time. How quickly does time pass in The Sexy Brutale? How long in real-time does it take for an hour to pass in-game?

2 hours later…
Ugh, I can't turn the heater off and now it's too hot to fall asleep.
@Yuuki oh yuck :(
Yeah, I think the hotel flipped the switch to keep the heater on because of the cold weather.
But ugggggggh.
Which makes sense, except it makes for miserable sleeping :(
Tempted to crack open a window to let some arctic air in.
A duck musta been at the door wae a parcel this mornin
time to play some warframe
@Dragonrage i'll group with you after i finish this mission if you want
alright, invite me when ready
ok, joiined discord as well
hey @Arperum
@Yuuki I've had one that had literally no way in except for triggering the alarms. I checked post failure. The only things that were possible entrances into the room where locked doors. I went everywhere to disable stuff and hack consoles.
I was able to disable all lasers in the room, but couldn't open the doors.
Q: What is the strength of the negative effect of Skruuia, Spirit of Scorn in Cookie Clicker?

Highly IrregularSkruuia, Spirit of Scorn in the Cookie Clicker Pantheon has the downside: All golden cookies are wrath cookies with a greater chance of a negative effect What is the strength of that negative effect exactly? This detail isn't documented in the Cookie Clicker wiki (which for most other thing...

@badp I forgot to tell you that they sell half-length (essentially pre-broken) spaghetti at the store now, which I think is some.kind of war crime. The best part is that it's more expensive per unit, for some reason
Mechanical Engineering

Proposed Q&A site for mechanical engineers, teachers,lecturers and professors teaching mechanical and related subjects, students or anyone involved or interested in learning mechanical engineering and related stuff.

Currently in definition.

Q: Snapshot 18w02a: How do you set a custom name for an entity through commands?

TrueDakkonSo I have tried for a while now to set a custom name for an entity using snapshot 18w02a, but it won't allow it to spawn. the command is: /summon villager ~ ~1 ~-3 {NoAI:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Silent:1b,CustomName:"test",CustomNameVisible:1b,Team:"plr1",Proffesion:0,Career:1,Offers:{Recipes:[]}} When...

@TimStone This causes double the amount of stress on their machine, it needs to cut at double the speed! So double the wear, so machine is only usable for half as long, ergo, double the price.
2 hours later…
Q: Is there any benefit to switch driver / blades?

TapakaI will use some approximation if I can to avoid spoilers. I am at a point in the game where I have 2 extra drivers. I've always played with the 3 from the beginning because after a quest from the beginning of the game where you have a 4th driver, he becomes unavailable permanently at some point ...

*sign* for the 4th time in a year my arm rest has broke off. i am so getting tired of these shit ass second hand "computer" chairs my mum picks up. no a single one of them is adjustable so i am sitting lower at my desk than i aught to be
oh but no one is going to help if i buy a brand new one and need someone to pick it up while i am at work
Maybe instead of getting 4 crap ones you buy one good one?
@Memor-X Pay someone to do it?
@KevinvanderVelden no it's been the same chair the past 4 times but all the chairs i've had in the past having never been adjustable so i've been putting up with sitting lower than i should and now i'm dealing with arm rests always breaking off
@fredley yeh but then someone has to be home to watch out for the delivery as one Currier was about to take a package mu mum ordered back only because we had the gate closed because of the sheep, didn't even bother to come up and see if we were home
and if i can't count on my family to pick up something how can i count on them to look out for the Currier
Solution: get stuff delivered at work.
@Arperum too much red tape given i work in a government clearance section as such has to be screened
Ah. That's not convenient.
RIP your back then I guess
1 hour later…
Q: Huawei Mediapad t1 7.0 or Amazon Kindle fire 7 ($49) which is best for gaming?

user25919As I always game in consoles. I have a very little idea about gaming in android devices. So which one of the bello two tablets is better for gaming? Huawei mediapad t1 7.0 ( specs : https://m.gsmarena.com/huawei_mediapad_t1_7_0-7307.php) Amazon kindle fire 7 ($49) tab (https://m.gsmarena...

@Lazers2.0 Neither?
> Tomorrow at 7am (Japan time) on Thursday the 18th, we will introduce a new way to play the Nintendo Switch on this page.

Proposed Q&A site for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, programmers, and professionals who are looking to educate themselves and get into this vastly expanding technological economy with over 20+ different currencies out there.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for designers and software developers building interfaces for special needs.

Currently in definition.

Space Science

Proposed Q&A site for this site is for enthusiasts of Astronomy, AstroPhysics, Cosmology, and other space related sciences.

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for fanfiction writers and readers.

Currently in definition.

Morning, Bridge
@SaintWacko Afternoon!
woo visual studio 2012 has crashed
@Unionhawk Is that a new name for a cryptocurrency?
it might as well be
We're supposed to roll out Visual Studio 2017 soon at least
Bitcoin is still freefalling. @Lesspop would laugh himself half to death if he sees it.
Latest shots: #Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm. "All roads lead to Capital", "Grand Core: The city-sized machine", "Capital's seedier backside", "At Master Mayfair's penthouse study". Running on iPhone and @UnrealEngine 4! @EpicGames @AppStoreGames http://www.cornfox.com
Cook, Serve, Delicious 1+2 is $8.22 on GOG http://bit.ly/2EM97NL
@StrixVaria hmmm
boo NullReferenceException
@Arperum more like @RipPop
I accidentally flagged it as spam but it is just gibberish
@Yuuki very nice
明日18日(木)の朝7時より、Nintendo Switchを活用した「新しいあそび」を、こちらのページで紹介いたします。 https://www.nintendo.co.jp/20180118/index.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=&utm_campaign=20180118
> Tune in to discover a new interactive experience for Nintendo Switch that's specifically crafted for kids and those who are kids at heart. - Nintendo EU
@Dragonrage Actually you were right to red flag it. Gibberish is rude/abusive
Probably some kind of Disney Infinity/Skylanders-esque amiibo game thing.
Since they said "specifically crafted for kids".
Yeah probably now that you say that
@Unionhawk I think that it's only down in Americas
a friend in brazil pointed it out too, though I can access the servers she pointed as being down and send messages in them
@Unionhawk blame gcp (/s)
It came mostly back with like 2 of 8 down earlier, now it's back to 6 down of mine
apparently it's only down on mobile for her
There it goes
@Ave lol that might be
I should make a discord ping chart thing
because apparently they tamper with the one on status.discordapp.com
to appear good to investors or smth
god no, jessie only has python 3.4
@Ave Compile your own Python!
Anyway Python 3.4 isn't too bad.
@PrivatePansy dpy rewrite doesn't run on 3.4
it's 3.5+ due to asyncio
@PrivatePansy the machine I'll use has an allwinner H2... which is hella slow.
I'm installing miniconda now.
Ah yes, that's one of the few big features introduced in 3.5 and 3.6
Pretty much the only other really big features are the matrix mult operator and the new filesystem stuff
Oh, and typings I guess
Has anyone here played The Elder Scrolls 3 before?
was 3 morrowind or was morrowind 4?
3 was morrowind and 4 was oblivion
I watched joel play morrowind, not the whole series, but some of the videos.
alright, python3.6 is up
Well, I ordered it (and it ain't came in yet) and I was just wondering what it is about.
@TheMattbat999 You are a prisoner who is destined to save the world, what else is an Elder Scrolls game about?
This won't tell you anything at all about what morrowind is about, but it's a good video
If you're used to Oblivion and Skyrim, though, Morrowind is going to be a bit of a shock.
There's no fast travel and the combat is so, so bad.
Like combat in Skyrim is passable, and combat in Oblivion is pretty bad, but combat in Morrowind is like avoid at all costs bad.
@StrixVaria good point, but what about like who you are fighting? The first one you fight Jagar, the 4th is about the Daedra, and the 5th is about the big lizard thingies.
To hit someone with an arrow, you have to first aim at them and have the model of the arrow collide with their body, and then it rolls to see if you hit based on your Marksman skill.
mfw I give the bot a really dumb name ("fuck b1nzy") and it gets a really nice discrim (#0412, discrims under 500 are considered "good") and now I'm stuck with this name
So you can miss because you as a player missed, or you can miss because the game decided that this time your success as a player was not enough.
@StrixVaria that sucks. Arena is like "if you don't hit first, your just gonna die".
@TheMattbat999 I'm not actually sure, I never finished the main quest in Morrowind, but there's a lot to do otherwise.
There are more faction questlines in Morrowind than in Oblivion or Skyrim.
But some of them are mutually exclusive, and not just like stormcloak/imperials in Skyrim.
Like the fighters' guild and thieves' guild hate each other or something, I can't remember the specifics.
The travel networks are worth looking into before you start.
@StrixVaria Really? That is cool. Skyrim had 6 questlines/ guilds. Oblivion actually had like 10 or more.
Some cities have silt striders, some have boats, and some have mages guilds, so you have to learn where they overlap to get from one network to another.
So to get from the starting area to Caldera you can walk obviously or you can take a silt strider to Balmora and then the mages guild from there to Caldera.
But you can't do it in one jump.
Anyway I have to go eat lunch.
Thank you for the info
Q: pokestop and gyms for pokemongo

ahmedI requested pokemongo for creating new pokestop and gym in my area but they said they are not accepting requests for new pokestop or gym directly through pokemongo and said there was another game ingrss offered by niantic and I can submit request for such things through ingress. But after invest...

Q: List of desired Games for a moving platform

HamidOur company, which develops new ideas in gaming, have developed a moving platform with 2 degrees of freedom called Cheeta. This platform can thoroughly rotate along pitch and roll axis; thus, it gives a real feeling to the player. My question is that which games would you like to play with such a...

@Ave What's a discrim?
@SaintWacko the part of a discord id after #
for example, I'm ao#5755, and 5755 is the discrim
(discrim stands for discriminator)
That's... racist?
@Yuuki Well, at least discriminatory, but it's hard to tell what flavour.
> gah why isn't this property being passed down?
> *20 minutes later*
> oh i set it in the wrong place
oh my
I love these things
doesn't matter how often you see'em, they're always hilarious
Oh, energy siphon aura mod. People that can play warframe within the next 20 minutes: go do that alert (it's in jupiter)
> WARNING: clock of the subversion server appears to be out of sync. This can result in inconsistent check out behavior.
It means I have to wait X minutes before setting off a Jenkins build, but I have no idea what the real value of X is.
1 million, might as well go home for the rest of the day
Also, I don't have shell access to the server, and it doesn't look to be running an accessible ntp service, so I can't check how far out of sync it is.
@KevinvanderVelden It's certainly less than an hour
And the guy who admins the server is in Montreal for the time being.
Hrm this project is so tiny and it's releasing... when?
@Wipqozn i like the walls are melting one
Q: My mincraft world wont show up when i already have it on application

Lolo_slaySo I was going to do the usual on mcpe then it loads MY SKIN IS GONE AND MY WORLDS Where are they I don't know so after it says Press application to load your worlds back then when I press nothing happens. Then I go to settings and clear the data and force stop ,log back into minecraft nothing ha...

I just watched a question on SO get 7 downvotes in under 1 minute from being posted. I had forgotten how fast that happens there. Wow
@John O.o
What question?
Q: Reverse Hashing in Python

Alexander DixonAs per the accepted answer in the following post Implementaion HMAC-SHA1 in python, I got that method to work. However, I wanted to account for the scenario where we need to check the other way. That is, we receive a value already hashed and we want to reverse engineer it. Please reverse engin...

@John yeah that is a bad question, not surprised it's downvoted
i'd get the same if i asked for a constant time algorithm for prime factorization in python
@GodEmperorDune oh there's no doubt it's a bad question
I had just forgotten how fast and hard SO operates
@John Yeah, sometimes that just terrifies me
it's fast and furious until the question is off the recent questions frontpage and then it gets ignored entirely
love the comment on the answer
anyways I was mostly just curious if a bot had reported it
none of them did
@quartata yeah i don't get how it is 100% possible but he doesn't have an algorithm to do it or even a test case in pseudocode or anything
Warframe: The game where you can get 4 people to work together on moving 4 virtual little ships up and down in sync
@GodEmperorDune I think he's thinking of HMAC but doesn't really understand it at all
@KevinvanderVelden its so fun when that happens on the loading screen
Either that or he thinks that passwords are "unhashed" when they arrive on the other end lolz
@KevinvanderVelden I like making it look like it's "eyes" are open
This time there's time to get fieldron from an invasion \o/
@KevinvanderVelden hehe, sorry about that
@KevinvanderVelden Oooh!
@GodEmperorDune no prob =p
@Arperum start the game already!
@Arperum HOI
You gonna watch me and @Arp be space ninjas in space?
She is sitting behind me.
I can currently see like 1/3 of screen
Why did I think @Hoi was @Arperum's sock puppet?
@Hoi this is where you plunge the sword into the nazgul king's face, right?
Well shit
I can also throw some of @arp's socks
@Hoi you should throw the socks
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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