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I am at work and my mind is just spinning and spinning with all the shit my relationship is going through right now and I don't know how to make it stop so I can focus
I keep worrying about all this different shit and I can't even talk to her right now cause she's off o there skills course for a few days
I'm literally just pacing around
@cazc_941 sorry, I'm out of the loop, what's going on with your relationship?
Stuff. A lot
We are 'taking a break' supposedly but also my brain just is crazy
I don't even think she's attracted to me any more and that's what I'm worried about today apparently
relationships are weird
All summer she kept saying how she thought once I figured who I was I was gonna be the one moving on to someone better and now I feel the opposite
I should have broken up with her a while ago probably but I can't give up on it...
Fuck I've been so unhappy for months though
@cazc_941 if the two of you want to be in a relationship, keep at it
@cazc_941 Intrusive thoughts like this when you can't even talk to your partner is so hard :(
also relationships are never going to stay exactly the same, they are going to evolve all the time
the thing is that it's up to you and the other person in the relationship to guide that evolution
(figuring out specifically why you are unhappy can be super difficult though, but sometimes just going "hey X i'm unhappy right now but i can't figure out why" is a good start)
@GodEmperorDune I second this. It doesn't sound like a good place to start, but going "I am unhappy and I can't shake it" is a good start because then at least you both know that's there.
@Fluttershy huh, i thought it was you who saw episode 1 and was not expecting some scene in it
apologies none the less
@Ash and sometimes talking it through with the other person helps you clarify your own feelings
@DanmakuGrazer we discussed this in TIF, i liked this response
in This Is Fine, 8 hours ago, by MBraedley
A more structured list divided by topics with redundancy of words like ALERT and TEST can help. Also emojis can help differentiate topics without deep reading
@GodEmperorDune Yeah it's a terrible UI
grouping related things, then removing redundant words and putting them into headings/subheadings is a fantastic thing that improves UI so much
i would even call it a UI lifehack
Also good fonts and colors
@Ash I have done any work in like an hour since everyone else left
@Ave comic sans fam
@GodEmperorDune actually comic sans isn't a terrible font for this
it's good for dyslexic people and such
(though opendyslexia is free and is supposedly better)
i mean all UI is subjective to a certain extent, but fonts are easier to mess up imo
and getting web stuff to be ARIA is a lot when you've never done it before
but grouping stuff properly and removing the redundant info is a quick thing that provides a very big UI boost
@GodEmperorDune Yep, sometimes just getting someone to rubber duck your emotions super helps.
(I assume A is accessible)
its all the assistive technology stuff in html, basically
making things work with screenreaders and keyboard shortcuts
i think there is also some colorblindness stuff there too
@cazc_941 offers hugs Yeah, it's tricky. Unfortunately all my advice is directly tied to the specifics of my brain monsters so I don't think it will help :(
contrast is really important too tbh
@cazc_941 if it makes you feel any better, i've gone through weeks of nonproductivity because of relationship stuff
A11y in tech is SO HARD because there are so many things and accounting for all the things is just augh
@Ave for sure
@Ash oh wow this is a good site
Put Spy target behind three unopenable doors.
Thanks, game.
And surround it with three sensor probes.
@Yuuki ugh i hate that
Which vault are you doing?
but you've hacked all consoles nearby?
@GodEmperorDune yes it is :) Also apologies for the shortform for accessibility
There's always another way in
Stolen Dreams.
I mean like, describe the room
i remember a few spy missions where i had to hack every console to get stuff to line up
there's not actually very many different vaults
and which faction is it?
I hate it when sites tie links to javascript functions
@John i think the game has like 6 or 7 ways to get into a room and then locks down several of them depending on difficulty
@GodEmperorDune As far as I've seen, this is correct
because i find like a favorite way that always works at lower levels and then same map but high level and it's blocked
indestructible grates and whatnot
also that stupid corpus walljump one with lasers
Q: A baby zombie jumped onto a zombie and rid it, is this a glitch?

Hitthefloor2006I have no mods and it is my Xbox-360 and the zombies didn’t spawn that way. Is this a glitch?

on the other hand, watching high level randos do spy vaults in alerts has taught me some new ways to approach things
I wish the different spy vaults had names or something
Bah, time to go shovel last night's snowfall. Unfortunately, probably won't be the last time this year.
They're all so different, but really hard to identify from a description
Also, I'm starting to run into enemies that remove all my shields with one attack.
Which is nice.
Oh and someone who can steal all my weapons?
@John i'm surprised the community hasn't named them yet
@Yuuki wat
sometimes you will drop your weapon if you go on fire
"Drop", you say.
and it will show up as a blue waypoint marker on screen
Yeah, like 100m away.
like you'll switch to secondary and not be able to switch back to primary
also the grineer commander has this annoying ability to teleport switch spots with you
sometimes its like a few m away, other times is across a big room
I have to be here for four more hours
Maybe I'm feeling like this cause I took so much M the other day but I don't think so
It's been happening a lot
@cazc_941 brain chemistry is a helluva thing
No wonder she's losing interest if I'm always acting like this
i don't know specifically about M tho
@cazc_941 did she tell you she's losing interest or are you assuming that from other things?
Well she told me that how she felt isn't 'gone'. It's just 'dormant' so yeah
Plus it's pretty clear, she used to text me all the time and be all over me, now she reads my messages and doesn't respond and like the last three times I've seen her she hasn't wanted to hook up so
She wants to break and hopefully reconnect once she's out of school for the summer cause she says she can't focus on me as much
But I've seen how she focuses on her friends and fwbs so I mean idk what to do
I should probably have ended it a long time ago like I said
I told her I was having panic attacks and she was like yeah you have been having a lot of need lately
I've been having them at work I think I'm having one right now
you're gonna get through this
it sucks right now but it won't suck always
My brain cannot reconcile the way things are now with the way they were it just catches and sticks over and over
And I didn't bring any fucking weed today so I can't make myself calm down
things always change and sometimes they are in your control but most often they are not and you need to figure out how to adjust to the things you can't
I can't
not all at once of course, but little adjustments over time end up with big adjustments
you totally can
We went to her friends barbecue in her town a few days ago and she hooked up with her friend and not me. Granted I was super passed out on the couch and her friend is a girl but how did she think that was gonna make me feel
Stuff like that
I feel like a secondary consideration
In everything
Sorry if TMI delete that if somebody gets uncomfortable
Otherwise the party was fun...
She complains about all the little jokes I make now they used to make her laugh now she just argues with me
Omg I need to go home
I can't do this
when you get a chance, sit down and talk with her while neither of you are drunk/high
and tell her these things
and listen to what she says
We've tried
We agreed to take a break for a bit and for a few days I felt really good not worrying about her so much
Idk not working now
Seeing her made it worse again and we had a shitty like silent car ride back because I don't know why we just weren't talking
This is fucked
Okay I'm gonna go before I take over here any more goodbye
@cazc_941 stay safe, we care about you and you make the world a brighter place
Bridge! I has news!
I'm engaged!
@Frank Congratulations!
This is what I gave her:
@Frank congrats!
@Frank it's a beautiful ring...unfortunately it's not a gundam
@GodEmperorDune Nope. But she recognized it right away. It's from a video game.
well if she likes it i suppose that's what matters
@GodEmperorDune I'm trying to imagine a gundam engagement ring now
@Ash I'm sure they exist.
augh that looks familiar
Also, congratulations! :D
@Frank they'd be too big for human fingers so you'd need to buy her a gundam too
@Ash i'm thinking it lights up and stuff and @Frank has a whole imgur of him painting and assembling it
@Memor-X ok wow
@Frank They probably do, I'm just imagining like five rings that come together ala the power rangers >.>
@GodEmperorDune probably this yes
@Memor-X It is so big and they are so small
@Ash i think it's a 1:1 scale statue
That's my understanding from the article. It's terrifyingly large
Q: Can I get both heroes in the second mission of Age of Wonders I campaigns?

Baskakov_DmitriyAfter the first mission in both of Age of Wonders I campaigns you have to choose a path that will decide your next mission. One of the options allows you to get a cool artifact weapon, the other one yields you a second hero. Many people call the hero option inferior, because if you level up the s...

So the dude at smashburger just gave me a random $2 off?
Time to call my parents in my official job as their ISP to do official ISP things :P
@Unionhawk Nice!
@Ash more so that i think that's the old one which is getting replaced
> Fear not though. Even though RX-78-2' days are over, a new life-sized statue is being designed to replace it later this year: A nearly 24m-tall replica of the Unicorn Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. Whether its tenure will outlast that of the classic RX-78-2 remains to be seen.
suspect that maybe the Unicorn one isn't just a statue? (given what's been happening in North Korea)

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