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@badp That's one impressive cat.
@badp 'a'*
Q: Where can I download minecraft from to put onto a USB?

Seth RodneyWhere can I download minecraft from that will enable me to put it on a USB and load it from anywhere?

so I've been waiting how long for my hallucinations to wear off with a unicorn horn right next to me? :/
Now I just have to pick up ALL MY ITEMS from that nymph. And I'm down to fighting with bare hands.
@GnomeSlice I don't think this will work, but I'm going to test it
What is the 5-6 minute category, and how am I beating you at it, @badp?
@murgatroid99 I've run it from a usb loads of times, all you really actually need is the game client.
@RavenDreamer Beat Hazard.
@GnomeSlice I mean that I don't think it will load all of the save files and stuff when you start it on another computer
@murgatroid99 It will if you copy them out first.
The wood nymph stole a unicorn horn.
@GnomeSlice copy them out to where?
Oh, the game I get epilepsy whenever I try to play?
I also don't have the DLC
@GnomeSlice oh, I didn't see your most recent edit
So I'm left with nothing but a spellbook.
And I read it.
and I get teleported.
and I read it again.
and I get teleported.
and the spellbook crumbles.
and a rothe joins me. and a newt.
and I die.
Why were you dying?
see above.
@RavenDreamer I'm going to say you're talking about Beat Hazard, because I think that should be the game's subtitle: Beat Hazard: The Game That Gives You Epilepsy.
@murgatroid99 To wherever, somewhere you can get them from later
@agent86 And thus the circle is complete!
I'm editing it again
@badp I'm not familiar with nethack. Hallucinating causes death?
@RavenDreamer No, but you can't tell your pet from anything else. So if you know your pet is nearby you have to be extra careful.
So I could do nothing about the wooden nymph who, in the meantime, stole ALL the things from me.
One item by one, it stripped me of all my food, all my weapons, all my armor, all my potions, all my scrolls, all my items - except a spellbook.
A: Where can I download minecraft from to put onto a USB?

GnomeSliceMinecraft.net is the only site you can use to download the Minecraft game, so you will need a personal computer and an internet connection. However, after you download it, you can copy the game to an external drive, and play it from there. Sort of. If you want to transfer your saved data: ...

There. How's that.
A leprechaun also took a bit of my gold too. For good measure.
Also, please stop voting to close it.
The spellbook was out of depth and it basically got me killed. Not like I stood a chance anyway.
Q: How can I run Minecraft off of a USB stick?

Seth RodneyWhere can I download minecraft from that will enable me to put it on a USB and load it from anywhere?

@GnomeSlice Why?
I've edited the title, it shouldn't be closed.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, that looks like it will work. I have a feeling though that the asker was looking for something to start it, save data and all, directly from the USB drive
@murgatroid99 Clarified that at the end, thanks.
@GnomeSlice actually, it looks like it actually is a dupe of the question yx linked to
@murgatroid99 Oh hell no.
Yeah, that's a dupe.
Wow, my answer is wrong, anyway.
My internet hates me right now
@Wipqozn Oh boohoo, what are you getting like, 100kb/s?
^ Also. ^
Are people really registering that frequently?
If you look at the counters on the site.
@Wipqozn I have a weird internet speed
@GnomeSlice It's not real time: it's taking an average rate determined some time in the past and incrementing automatically based on that rate. May be faster may be slower at any given time
Actually, looks like it's just set to update the counter once a second. No polling for a new rate or anything like that.
Q: How can I run Minecraft off of a USB stick?

Seth RodneyWhere can I download minecraft from that will enable me to put it on a USB and load it from anywhere?

Eek. This is closed for the wrong reason.
@GnomeSlice because the dupe wasn't found until there were already 4 close votes
@GnomeSlice there there.
I flagged it like a fox
How is it not a real question?
@GnomeSlice it was unclear at first what he was asking, which is the description of NARQ
@GnomeSlice The close reason that gets the most votes wins. You likely rewrote it after it got the 3 NARQ votes
I think you guys are a little too liberal with that close reason. For starters, just because someone asks a question that seems really obvious and dumb to us, doesn't mean it is so to them.
> i need a site that i can download minecraft from to a USB so that i can play it any where without having to download it to that computer.
is neither obvious or dumb
Even a simple "This isn't possible/how this works. But you can ____" would answer questions like that.
It's just a bad question that's unclear as to what he was attempting to do
NSFW language and graphic (8-bit) violence, but Mario Goes Berserk is pretty freaking funny :)
@GnomeSlice It's not because it was obvious and/or dumb. I for one had no idea what he was asking for
@MarkTrapp Okay, but what's 'NARQ' about that.
17 secs ago, by Mark Trapp
It's just a bad question that's unclear as to what he was attempting to do
@agent86 Oh man. I remember watching that years ago.
And yes, it is pretty funny.
@GraceNote He's trying to download Minecraft to a USB stick, and play it from the stick.
@GnomeSlice posted today... although nothing on the internet is new so shrug
What's unclear?
@agent86 Posted today... where?
I might be thinking of a different thing, actually...
@agent86 Yeah, actually, I'm thinking of something else.
@GnomeSlice He wants to download Minecraft without downloading it to his computer. Which is not a thing one can do. Your edit clarified it by taking a chance: that's great, but that's what closing a question helps facilitate: editing questions to be clear so they don't attract answers that miss the point.
@MarkTrapp So, if it's not something you can do, rather than close it, why not just explain this in an answer?
@GnomeSlice Because "You can't download something to a USB stick without downloading it to your computer" is not a Gaming problem. It's a problem with understanding how computers work
@agent86 I'm thinking of Mad Mad Mario. Haven't watched the one you linked, because I can't stream, but this probably have even more NSFW language.
@MarkTrapp but in the dupe question the answer says that what the asker wants can be done
He's specifically asking about Minecraft... but I see what you mean. This is where everything gets confusing. How do we define off-topic? Based on the question? Or based on the answer...
@murgatroid99 You still have to download the game to your computer though, this one has been edited.
@GnomeSlice he said he wanted to play it anywhere, not download without downloading
@murgatroid99 Well it's important to note that the dupe wasn't found until it attracted enough NARQ votes to make that the close reason. But also the dupe doesn't say anything about trying to avoid downloading to his computer, just that he wants to be able to play from a flash drive, which is a thing.
Well, actually you CAN download directly to a USB stick, via a PC.
You can change the download location.
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
He's specifically asking about Minecraft... but I see what you mean. This is where everything gets confusing. How do we define off-topic? Based on the question? Or based on the answer...
@GnomeSlice Yes, that still involves downloading it to your computer. You can't not hit the computer. Most flash drives don't have Wifi.
@MarkTrapp the asker wanted to not have to download it to the other computer where he would be bringing his flash drive
@murgatroid99 And clarifying that to make sure everyone understands what he asker was trying to do is what edits are for. Closing in these cases is to prevent answers that miss the point from being generated until the question is improved.
@MarkTrapp Doesn't have to save to your computer though.
He's asking for a website, I assume he's using a PC. You can't browse the internet on many USB sticks.
Mad Mad Mario, y u no load. =[
Stupid shitty internet...
@MarkTrapp Right, I'm not saying that the question should have stayed open, just that what he wanted actually did make sense
@GnomeSlice Yes it does. When you're downloading a file, it saves to your computer's cache. Only when it's fully downloaded does it copy from the cache to the destination folder.
@MarkTrapp I think for his needs, that's probably fine.
I don't think he wants to have the game saved anywhere on his computer.
It's a pretty poorly worded question, to be honest.
@MarkTrapp I would bet it's more like streaming an internet connection stream to a file handler, which at any time would have a small part of the file in RAM
@GnomeSlice @murgatroid99 I'm not arguing that what he's essentially asking for, as edited and explained by you guys, isn't a thing. Of course it is: we even have a question for that. But the question as he originally worded it before you edited it was barely comprehensible.
@MarkTrapp OK, I now see that we are in agreement. cool
I'm not arguing that, all I'm trying to say is that just because a question is barely comprehensible doesn't mean it should be closed outright.
If someone posted the dupe earlier, I'm sure we'd all have voted to close as a dupe instead of NARQ/off-topic
But yes, it was a dupe.
But that's not my point.
@GnomeSlice but isn't that the entire point of NARQ?
@GnomeSlice They should be closed until they are rewritten
@murgatroid99 No, not really. Bad language doesn't mean 'vague question'.
@GnomeSlice Yes it does: closing isn't a punishment. It's to prevent answers while the question gets sorted out
@GnomeSlice Remember closing is meant to be a temporary state
@GnomeSlice That's... exactly one of the reasons for the "Not a Real Question" close reason - an incomprehensible question
@GnomeSlice Yes it does. Closing is a temporary state, not a permanent one. The idea is to close it until it has been fixed, at whihc point it is re-opened.
for the stuff that can be improved
oh my zeus, internet, y u so shitty?
Dog Pile!
@GnomeSlice NARQ says "It's difficult to tell what is being asked here..."
@Sterno Man, global chat in PoE is a cesspool (admittedly, most global chats are)
@FAE Indeed
@GnomeSlice I would respond and say what they all said, but they all already said it. So instead, here's a headshot of Kevin Sorbo
Wow, we just drove up the beach back from lunch and BAM there is a HUGE wall of fog rolling in. We went from being able to see all the day up the coast to nto being able to see more than 30 yards down to like 10 yards.
@Sterno So it seems like there's no real distinction between the classes at all, seeing as you have the same skill board available to all classes, or am I missing something?
@agent86 Enchanting.
You start at different places on it, but yeah, that's fairly accurate
@MarkTrapp inb4 Sandal quote from @FAE
So the FFX analogy's pretty accurate
@OrigamiRobot One day, I'll get that shirt, one day.
@agent86 can't.... look... away...
There was a shirt?
@OrigamiRobot Yes
@FAE Actually, I don't know if it's still true, but back when I last played, the different classes got different, small, fixed armor/shield/evasion bonuses.
my major pet peeve with Beat Hazard is that 40% of the time I don't see what kills me.
@FAE Haha! I was thinking "I hope the back says 'Enchantment!' " and then it did!
@GraceNote Incomprehensible and 'barely comprehensible' are different things. :P
I want some damn killcams or something!
I keep forgetting about closing being temporary though.
Back from the sugar shack.
@badp by they way, have you been checking out the shooty games I've been pinging you with?
@Sterno I'm not sure how I feel about it so far. The gem/active skill system is kind of neat, but it seems to have kept the meh holdovers from Diablo 2 that even Diablo got away from, like items taking up different amounts of room in your inventory, fixed-gender classes, and ID/Town portal scroll taking up inventory and necessitating management.
@badp mine is that often I can't see anything
@FAE It seems like a good game for people who like to grind gear and customize builds for it. It's got a lot of customization ability in terms of rerolling mods on equipment, sockets, socket colors, etc. Not really what I'm looking for personally, but I like that it's kind of a new take on it
@Fredy31 Yeah ok, I didnt understand that image in the other channel either, now that its here I have to ask.. Are you tweaking out on maple syrup?!?
I'm full of sugar
Sugar shack is always oh its gonna be fun
@GnomeSlice not rly. I have way too many.
And yet I keep playing this one. Because I can like listen to my music and stuff.
Then you come back asking yourself Why did I go again? It's shitty as hell
@badp ...You could have at least said something. I went to a lot of trouble...
@Fredy31 LOL
@GnomeSlice I didn't realize you were hunting games specifically for me
Well, no, not really.
@Fredy31 I found this mod for when we want to try and make a time-lapse of the G.SE logo in Minecraft minecraftforum.net/topic/…
when I suggest games it's because I randomly stumble upon them
@Sterno Yeah, I really like that you can just unsocket the gems pretty easily and the colors definitely make for an interesting way to streamline which skills you're allowed to use. Is there a death penalty?
thanks for the effort at any rate
I've been meaning to pick up Beat Hazard. Had the demo a while ago, but never played it.
@FAE At the higher difficulties I think there's an xp penalty. not on normal though
Really, if one day you come to Quebec and they tell you "Lets go to the sugar shack, a Quebec only attraction!" Say no
theres nothing quebec about that place
@Sterno Ah gotcha. Yeah I checked my xp and I didn't see any armor durability stats, so I was wondering if there was anything at all.
@Fredy31 Ill keep that in mind if I head back that way.. I mostly go to Vermont or the like if I want maple syrup though ;)
@Fredy31 Depending on whether it is a candy store or a strip club, I am either completely interested or not at all interested in this, respectively.
Candy Store... With old ladies. So no strip club @OrigamiRobot
@Fredy31 In that case, sign me up!
@badp Well, anyway, you might want to keep an eye on KoboII.
Jochem is watching Archer. This show is... odd.
@FAE I love Archer!
@OrigamiRobot It's... weird.
Which episode is it?
> What is it? Well, imagine Dwarf Fortress, but on a space ship. Oh, and every dwarf is controlled by another player. Welcome to SS13
For those of you who don't know what Space Station 13 is.
Oh, good, I was just thinking we needed another time-completion answer for ME3.
A: How long is Mass Effect 3 on normal difficulty?

JapserWell Im 32 hours in and my war effort bar isnt even halfway yet, I tend to do every little mission... Plus I explore every inch of every ship/planet Im on. Sometimes just enjoying the view, dont want to miss anything !

I've yet to actually play it, but I want to very badly. The platform is a bit outdated and I've been busy today.
@GnomeSlice That sounds like an exercise of frustration
It sounds really awesome.
^ Also, what the heck is that? ^
Please write a better answer prompt?
@Rapida I've never even seen that before.
@GnomeSlice Whatever it is, it's worthless
@Rapida Why is it on a question?
If anyone else at all in my family is using the internet, browser-based Twitter doesn't work at all.
I don't know, I saw it on some of those bad LoL questions during the contest.
@OrigamiRobot They normally say they are tehre to stop Thank you or Me Too responses but if you have something valuable to add go ahead.
All I want to do is follow @RobustGames. So I can keep up on the development of the SS13 remake.
But no, I'm not allowed.
@James You are thinking of a different message.
@OrigamiRobot Hence why I said 'They Normally Say' :)
Its the same system I believe, official annotation to the question..just with a non standard bit o text.. but it sums up to the same thing.
'Give us a GOOD answer' :D
@James The other one actually imposes a restriction where 10 rep is required to post.
@Sterno And this one doesnt?
@James That is a standard thing that is posted on answers
@James Nope.
@James No it does not.
@Rapida @OrigamiRobot Maybe it starts showing up on questions with tags that have been recently getting a lot of trite posted on them?
@GnomeSlice I thought mods put it there
Oh, I dunno.
@Rapida ^this
@GnomeSlice it's a "post notice" that mods can attach to a post if we think it would be helpful
Free Chiptune Album if anyone is interested.
@OrigamiRobot I have always seen it on the question itself but applying to people who want to do the answers, not on specific answers.. Oddness!!
@Sterno Well that sucks, and makes that note fairly useless.
It's not extraordinarily good, but it's free.
@agent86 That one is pretty useless :)
we've got I think 3 or 4 of those "post notices" and they're the same on questions and answers.
which is to say, we don't get unique ones for questions
citation needed
This post does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

current event
Post is related to a rapidly changing event.

insufficient explanation
We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer: please explain why you're recommending it as a solution. Answers that don't explain anything will be deleted. See Good Subjective, Bad Subjective for more information.
@James I have only seen this particular message on bad answers.
There are a few questions that it makes sense on, for instance where people are just posting one-line answers with no context, we might put it on a question. They're used far more often on answers, though, although it's usually the last step before deletion so you won't see it often :)
@Grace Gonna hop in a bot game in LoL if you're interested
Not able to at the moment
@agent86 So its kind of like a warning that you dont adhere to this, we can delete yer response?
Woah... @ThomasMcDonald Nice entrance :) Most people slide down into the people list you just kind of shoved FAE to the right and stepped on in this time (on my browser at the least :))
@James pretty much. I think it got used a few times on questions during the LoL promo(s) especially, where people were posting very short answers
@James ye.
@agent86 Ah, good to know.. Thanks for the info as always :)
that's my style
protecting sometimes works better, but protecting just means very low rep users can't post, and we had a lot of new, but not super low rep users during that time period. Skittles.
Hmmm... I wonder if my computer can handle a 3TB SATA III Drive.
I am in desperate need of attached storage though.
@badp I am back for more Nethack fun.
@agent86 My brain inserted "Skittles" at a random place in this and I got excited for a second...
Oh god.
I didn't recognise that again.
Floating eye.
\o/ Didn't die.
@badp Please advise how kill.
@ThomasMcDonald Index finger to the cornea?
@ThomasMcDonald Use fire.
aaaaaa its moving towards me
"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."
—Jaya Ballard, task mage
I shall retreat back to my original location.
y u no quote
multiline = no markdown.
@OrigamiRobot clearly this needs MOAR EDITS
oh god the eye is next to the stairs
@Sterno Ew... burn it...
So, next time a question comes in, should I VTC it as a dupe of this?
Q: Is there a website that has estimated time duration for games?

enriqueinI'm going down my huge backlog of unplayed Steam games and I'm thinking the best way to tackle the list is to go through the shortest games first and then concentrate on the 20+ hour ones. I'm wondering if there's a website that has an estimated amount of gameplay time for games. Hopefully withou...

@John In other words, if you remove all context, stuff doesn't really make sense any more
Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.

Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
(Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
@murgatroid99 Yeah, basically.
oh dear
I appear to have been killed by a gnome lord
@OrigamiRobot I got to "Terpsichore" and was about to be confused, and then "OHMAGOODNESS THATS A SMALL SCROLLBAR"
@John Yay English!
@OrigamiRobot I don't think I'm going to read all of it....I think I get your point.
Damn you Western Digital! You released a 600GB version of the velciraptor!
in SE Game On!, 9 hours ago, by William Hilsum
Has anyone purchased from Gamers Gate before?
Someone who has, go respond to that.
Make me!
@OrigamiRobot I said someone. It didn't have to be you.
@James Your tags hold no power over me!
@Ullallulloo has, so I have won over your robotic stubbornness.
> 3 TB capacity holds up to 600,000 digital photos, 750,000 MP3 files, and 360 hours of HD video

You know you are getting old when you can remember the counts on photos being higher than the counts on MP3s :D
@OrigamiRobot You will to the of my tags eventually!
@James People put stuff other than games on their hard drives?
@James I hate statistics like this so much.
@Ullallulloo LPs ofcourse! :D
Aw, no all caps tags.
fuuuuuuuuuu :(
@badp I take it you wanted 100%?
@John yeah. I just needed 6 more seconds.
or so.
@badp Ouch.
@badp Big Giant Circles? I approve.
quickly closes Amazon.com before he buys anything else on there.
@Rapida It's a post notice that's meant to remind you to post Good Subjective answers instead of opinions/"this works for me"
@James lol, I think you'll like this
@John vincit omnia accidia
Of course it doesn't salvage a bad question either
@Wipqozn Noooo!!!!!!
I remember that video from you before :P
@OrigamiRobot alien > latin
He posts it every other day
VVVVVV: "Young man, it's worth the challenge."
Me: "I'm not so sure about that..."
Wow. I just did it.
Maybe it was.
Oh drat. Now I have to get back.
@ThomasMcDonald Damn straight.
Q: How can I track my achievements?

Matthew ReadI just started playing Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots on Android and so far it seems that there is a billion achievements, since I've been unlocking them constantly. However, there's no link to Feint on the home screen (like in the original Fruit Ninja) and I don't see any other way to view (a) what...

Q: Confused about how Bow abilities work

AzenMy first question is that why does each skill says increases quiver size and increase arrow by 1 but i dont see a difference. Ive tried resetting my stats but my arrows count is still 10 whether i have points in arrow abilities or not. My next question is to see if im not insane lol. At one poi...

@James I would hope so
I would appear to have no food.
@BenBrocka NOt quite that often, but close enough.
Q: Is there a website that has estimated time duration for games?

enriqueinI'm going down my huge backlog of unplayed Steam games and I'm thinking the best way to tackle the list is to go through the shortest games first and then concentrate on the 20+ hour ones. I'm wondering if there's a website that has an estimated amount of gameplay time for games. Hopefully withou...

Ugh. I hate this question.
@GnomeSlice Too localized?
@John I just don't like it.
Oh I hate the gravitron.
@John The carnival ride? It's great.
@OrigamiRobot VVVVVV
@John Ah, playing that again?
@John ?
@GnomeSlice I am
I'm doing far better this time.
@GnomeSlice I have to survive in the gravitron for 60 seconds.
In increments of 5 consecutive.
@John Five consecutive what?
@GnomeSlice Seconds.
Oh, right.
I remember that room.
That was dumb.
Not so much dumb as it is just plain mean.
Oh thank goodness.
And here I go, back into that facility. And for what? A shiny trinket.
This can't be happening! @Origami is green!
@RonanForman He always has been.
@John What people will do for shiny things.
@Ullallulloo I know.
Though it's more than just that. You haven't actually finished the game until you get them all.
I got them all on my first playthrough, I think.
Actually, maybe not, I think there were one or two areas I didn't go to.
@GnomeSlice Without leaving any to go back to after you'd rescued everyone?
what the
@John Yeah, I think so. I think there might have been one or two places I didn't go to, but I think I went to them after I finished.
I don't have that save game any more anyway though.
"Salutations, lamb021!  Welcome to Hebiwerie's general store!"
 You kill the gas spore!
 Hebiwerie is caught in the gas spore's explosion!
 Hebiwerie resists the gas spore's explosion!
 Hebiwerie gets angry!
You are caught in the gas spore's explosion!
Hebiwerie zaps a tin wand!
You miss Hebiwerie.
Hebiwerie zaps a wand of striking!
The wand hits you!
You die...
The soundtrack made VVVVV for me.
I didn't even know
@GnomeSlice You have said this before. And I have agreed before.
@ThomasMcDonald Did you think a name as innocent as 'lamb' would help your odds?
@ThomasMcDonald What didn't you know?
@GnomeSlice No.
@John That I was about to explode a gas spore.
@ThomasMcDonald Oooh.
I always found video games where NPCs can kill you for annoying them slightly ridiculous.
To be fair, I did attack him indirectly.
but it was by accident.
My point exactly.
Oh no....it's Veni, Vidi, Vici....
@John ?
Oh, is that that room[s] that's ridiculously difficult?
I can't really stream.
@GnomeSlice Yes, it is.
Ah, yeah, I don't think I ever even visited that part of the map.
Seen that before though.
@John By the way, if you liked VVVVV, you should pick up Out There Somewhere.
In fact, pretty much everyone should play it.
Seriously. It's amazing.
I want someone to ask a question on the site about how to get a certain item, but not before I get a better screen recording tool.
I gave up trying to record it with blueberry flashback.
> The Oracle is a monster who resides on a special level called "The Oracle Level" (or Delphi). She can provide a consultation for a fee, which is supposed to be one of the main ways the player learns about the game. In practice, players read spoilers, such as this one.
> We all know that&#39;s going to start filling our desktop shortcuts and end of anything we have served so many shortcuts because they take longer to locate them visually in what we had to slow to go directly to the program by the usual way.
> Make sure you pass this Cylog Toolbox 2.67 which is a kind of manager all the shortcuts you have scattered to every desktop icon to each unit of the PC, being very readable, easy to locate and much more efficient and quick access. You will gain little by little, much longer than you imagine, which will no doubt on the efficiency of your daily work.
Oh yeah, @GnomeSlice, what did you want when you messaged me on Steam?
@John Was gonna ask if you were up for some SID.
@GnomeSlice Oooh. Sorry, was busy.
This attempt to summarize seems an abject failure as people just voted on it like it itself was a position when it was just supposed to be a tl;dr summary. That's why it was CW ffs.
Q: What is the strongest light gear that can be crafted?

nightcrackerI prefer light gear because with very few perks you have very little weight and you are still at the armor cap. But now that I'm planning out a new character I'm wondering how strong the strongest dragonscale armor is, so that I know how many light armour perks I need. Note: I don't want to use ...

@NickT Are you linking to something deleted?
@NickT Meanie. I was wondering why it didnt lead me anywhere.
get moar rep
@James You're not really missing much.
@NickT Im Trying!
I just had a guy on GameDev add an answer 12min after my answer, linking One of the articles I mention... ARG
I bet cause he didnt inline the articles he will get move votes :P
Woot, The other poster was kind enough to change his answer to a comment :)
@James I had someone on movies basically take a quote from one of my answers a week after I posted it, should request a redundancy on answer content :)

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