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@Yuuki gotcha
I had heard the ancient Asians thought it was the power of the spirits
@GodEmperorDune more specific numbers
So... the soundtrack to Destiny 2 might be one of the best scores I've ever heard in a game.
Q: Does Yoshi eating apples do anything?

Fredy31In super mario world, yoshi can eat apples that are in the bushes. Does eating these apples do anything?

I bought a laser pointer for my cat
@Fluttershy It's bungie, of course it is
@cazc_941 This is a different composer than traditional Bungie fare, though.
Did somebody clear the stars on my hurricane joke
yesterday, by Yuuki
> Hurricane victims call sex hotline after FEMA mistakenly tweets wrong number
boo down with mods
They fired Marty O'Donnell shortly after Destiny 1 released.
True but I would expect them to find someone equally well suited
@Fluttershy no. Castlevania series is always gonna have the best score as far as I am concerned
@TheMattbat999 That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. But that doesn't negate my own. Castlevania typically has very good scores. But for my money, Nobuo Uematsu's soundtrack for Final Fantasy X. Or IX, maybe.
I like the score of Grand Dad 7
Actually, no. Strike that.
(Alright that's a meme but Pokemon BW2 has amazing soundtrack)
Yasunori Mitsuda's soundtrack for Chrono Cross is my favorite.
Also, if any of you have not played Chrono Cross, and like JRPGs, play it. It's one of the best. :P
@Fluttershy that's cool with me, though the final fantasy games have always been confusing to me
So, top 5 game scores for me would probably be... 1) Chrono Cross, 2) Final Fantasy IX/X, 4) Nier: Automata, 5) Destiny 2.
All five of my top 5 game scores are TP
Fight me
@Unionhawk puts fist up
Vgm is really good across the board really
@Unionhawk Yeah!
Even Payday 2 loud music is really good, especially what with how it synchronizes with assault waves
Splatoon music is also real good
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I just saw someone create OWO with discord reactions
Hmm... Yonder or Osiris?
@cazc_941 i hued
Q: How can I retrieve my ID for pokemon go

NanetteI forgot my id number - how can I get it. I can not sign into my account at all and want to reset my password. set up in Pokemon trainer

Yonder isn't Early Access and apparently has no combat (which is plus right now) while Osiris would fulfill my fantasy of being Mark Watney.
@Yuuki Do you have other people to play Osiris with?
Probably not.
@Yuuki In that case, I'd go with Yonder.
So I'm an idiot that sliced his finger opening a package of bacon.
This is why we have scissors, @Yuuki you moron.
Bit of a broad statement there bud
@Yuuki lesson learned! But, in all seri, how exactly do you flice your finger on a package of bacon?
Yesterday I took a chunk out of my finger trying to open my mini food processor. Like not on the blade....on the plastic lid.
@TheMattbat999 When you use a knife on the plastic packaging and your fingers are too close to the knife holding the package..
@Ash I can't say anything. I am the klutz who trips on a flat floor
Now this is classic VGM
@Yuuki oh. Thought you were using your hands for a second there
.....apparently the nineties were far enough away that Crave can have a whole series of documentary episodes about it.
I feel old
@Ash how to un-old: just remember that anyone born after 1980 is a millennial
It doesn't stop the old, but I like knowing i am part of the "destroying everything" team
Honestly I think when people complain about "millennials" they're just complaining about kids
It's the same thing as always, older people don't like that the younger people do things differently than they did so they whine
in a more socially acceptable way
@Ash cc @Sterno on that sick burn
Q: Should there be a Minecraft Better Together tag?

Timmy JimWe've had a rather trendy question related to the Better Together update for Minecraft. From my research, it appears that there are now two versions of Minecraft available for Xbox One (as I stated in the answer for that question). Minecraft: Xbox One Edition Minecraft The Xbox One Edition d...

@Fluttershy Is Osiris not as fun singleplayer as Yonder is?
@Yuuki I'm not sure, tbh. But I know Osiris was marketed pretty heavily as a cooperative experience.
I'm tempted to get both.
cc @Avery
That's a lot of credits
@Dragonrage war profiteering is rewarding
@cazc_941 this is more growly or whatever than I normally listen to. But it's decent.
After a long people filled day I love that the only sound I can hear is the hum of the freezer in my bedroom
@GodEmperorDune its so quiet and there is no one here and I am content.
@Ash i thought someone was over and humming like your freezer
@GodEmperorDune nope, literally there is a bar fridge sized freezer at the end of my bed.
It has the fudgesicles and frozen pizzas and ice cream in it
@Ash such deliciousness
Also dangerous because I am like oh I feel like a snack but it's late oh but hey fudgesicles are right here
Q: Managing Steam game saves in gaming arcade environment

SteveI am in the process of researching the viability of a VR gaming cafe. Since this would largely use games from Steam, I am looking at the capabilities of the Steam platform and what it allows. I am aware of the Steam Site Licensing Program which appears to suit the general need to have a centrall...

2 hours later…
Morning chat
I feel I have to inflict this on everyone else, also CC @Yuuki @Wipqozn @OtherHorriblePeople:
user image
@uni dat rick & morty
@GodEmperorDune thanks for the reminder
@Ash IIRC they have a frozen cover too.
Q: Why do AI civilizations suddenly become rich in Civilization 6?

Sashko LykhenkoAzteks suddenly got very rich around turn 300. What could be the reason? Can I find it out using debug panel if I have saves for around that turn? Played on king difficulty.

@ASCII-only this is surprisingly good
(also I wonder what @Yuuki would feel about that cover)
Q: Can I plant and chop forest multiple times for production in Civilization 6?

Sashko LykhenkoCan I order my worker chop and plant forest on the same tile over and over in order to continously boost production in the nearest city?

@Avery i think i've heard this cover before
yasss, major campaign thing changed and i can access the republic again
damn this campaign is intense
#endless sky
Time to buy all the good shit for my fleet
@ASCII-only I must inform you that several bytes of this video are outside of the 0-127 range
Star Trek: Discovery on Netflix has Klingon subtitles
@badp D: how could this happen brb base64ing
@GodEmperorDune Yes, I think I posted it two years ago.
@GodEmperorDune I tried it yesterday, couple planets in, I left a planet: got literally blown to bits in a split second.
Q: Total War: Warhammer II, Can every faction win the vortex race?

KevinTheGreatAlthough the game isn't out a lot of people have gotten early keys and are allowed to play. So I started wondering are only the 4 playable factions able to race for domination over the vortex or are the non-playabe faction able too as well? If this question is somehow not answerable (due to it no...

@GodEmperorDune Ok I definitely need to do this campaign
1 hour later…
oh dear
I'm watching "banking with bitcoin" on netflix
(I talked about how terrible it was from the advertising materials before)
It claims that bitcoin transactions are instantaneous and that they don't have transaction fees.
It's far from that.
It's about as instantaneous as email is =p
sure you can send something instantaneously but verification will take time (and nowadays, that time is reportedly up to a couple days) and you won't be able to spend it until then
also transaction fees are necessary if you want the transaction to actually happen right?
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. https://t.co/XMnpGT5ja5
til: iceland, south america, central asia and canada lacks banks
Also africa.
@Avery wtf is this nonsense.
apparently we're the lucky 50% that has bank accounts
if you live in these areas, you apparently don't have banks but you have WU
Q: Best place to grind for the Pokemon League?

IG_42I've made it to the Pokemon League in FireRed version with my team at level 45 and intend to grind roughly ten levels before going in. Of course doing so on Victory Road would seem the first stop though I am apparently not allowed to use the VS Seeker in there. Would travelling to another area b...

Q: What is single/double pixels setting?

user598527There's "single pixels"/"double pixels" option in "display setup" menu (the background is in-game footage; note how UI changes as well): "Single pixels" looks sharper, but what is actually changed? It may appear that the game lowers rendering resolution when "double pixels" is selected.

also apparently transfer fees and exchange fees are less than WU fees, and apparently WU's pretty much instantaneous system is slower than sending bitcoin, waiting days for confirmation and then trying to sell it through an exchange
30 minutes in, first mention of verification time
@Avery You're saying all western union around here is a scam?
It's all a big conspiracy to defraud you
No one else, just you
I don't think it's been very cost effective
@Chippies nice
@KevinvanderVelden Especially since I've never used it.
But someday you will and it will have all been worth it! YOU'LL SEE
I like how there's a lyrics version of a song that doesn't have any lyrics until 2 and a half minutes in
(the song is 7 and a half minutes long though)
@Chippies hue
@fredley oh my god that's cute. is it real? tell me it's real! don't say it isn't, just......
@Chippies to be fair, somebody in the government probably has a good pancake recipe
It's me
Actually no, I'm just government-adjacent, technicality confirmed
@TimStone hello, brethren
I mean they'd subcontract a job like that anyway
@TimStone that's going to be horrible isn't it
Burn it with fire now and we'll never have to find out just how horrible
@fredley dammit how do you manage to get the username fredley everywhere
@Avery By being super 1337 and signing up to services before anyone else
I'm playing FF9 for the first time since it came out on PS4. I'm not far yet and the character customization seems pretty basic compared to FF7 and FF8. Can anyone with experience confirm or deny?
looks at confirmation email huh, looks like I managed to book a direct to miami
not bad
Except I have to get to CVG at 4:30am
Which means leaving at like, 3:45am
@Unionhawk I hate mornings
I get to hang out in miami for like 2 hours after that
so that's pretty cool I guess
@Unionhawk have some fun at the beach or something
Nah I'll be at the airport
@Unionhawk pretend your having fun at the beach in front of a picture of the beach?
I enjoy hanging out in airports
I suppose that makes me a strange person
and I'm about to have like 50 people in here like "who the fuck enjoys airports"
@Unionhawk I have never been in one, so I can't say. They seem pretty cool
Good bye bridge!
@Unionhawk it's certainly not the only thing
Quite the opposite
Q: How does route calculation work?

DGarvanskiCurrently there's a lot of traffic in the center of my city. I tried avoiding that by creating a circle road on the outskirts of the city, but it's almost always completely empty. I used that road to divert truck traffic coming from my industrial zones towards the main highway. However, trucks st...

@Unionhawk FITE ME
@Ronan What if he does it at an airport?
Then I'll probably get arrested
(that was unrelated to the previous thing)
CVG starbucks at concourse B or wherever it is had better be open at 5
Or I'm actually going to die waiting for flight drink service to bring me coffee
@Arperum Too late, alright officially THUNDERDOME
@KevinvanderVelden SHIT'S ON FIRE.
(why is there a train with busses on it? I DON'T KNOW #ruleofcool)
@KevinvanderVelden You have to transport those busses from the busfactory somehow...
@KevinvanderVelden It's just Eurotunnel, until Brexit
Yeah I was going to say, that's actually a thing that exists
Coffee, I love you
@KevinvanderVelden's #ruleofcool is just a #ruleofboringreality
@Arperum can this reality be cooler and not have trump? Okthxbye
(where reality is not required to be boring)
Also I'm thinking a giant train with busses sitting in cramped seats
Because reasons
@KevinvanderVelden Yesplease. Can it also involve a solution for our issues?
while Renne's life prior to joining Ouroboros is hinted in Trails in the Sky SC you can't really be prepared when you see an image of her on the floor with no clothes on and all cut up, especially after seeing this the past 30 minutes of dialog which then takes a much much darker tone to it. makes one wonder if Ouroboros really are the bad guys.
though i think they might have changed Renne's history. she said her parents hit her all the time yet when she sees them as an Enforcer it seems they regret loosing her. i know it can't be just 2 look a likes to the dolls she had because Loewe even says it's up to Renne if she wants to kill them and the baby but honestly it isn't worth it
Also: if we are wishing people who do horribly racist things away: can we also filter our minister for immigration? Because he's a racist twat. And is working with a repressive government to see if refugees from said country need to be send back.
all users moved to this is fine
sets fire to Belgium
kinda wish i can play as Renne or have her as a party member in later The Legend of Heroes games, but i think it might be doubtful
Also: clicker heroes has the worst monetization tactic. to revive a unit they asked me for an amount of premium currency that amounts to €550+.
Which resulted in their game getting insta uninstalled.
@Arperum is there a wait timer or is the only way to fork over premium currency?
I love seeing the articles on our intranet site, because it's always a window into stuff people have complained about recently
This week includes one reminding people to be quiet outside conference rooms while you wait for your meeting
@Memor-X You can get some gems through gameplay, but that's speaking about a couple hundred gems in the span of 3+ weeks. I would need 74k+ for this revive.
So, not realistically. Also: to gain gems efficiently, having the unit that died was a good thing. They also die after a random amount of time that is predetermined at cretion of the unit.
@Arperum yeh that's shit
i'd be curious who invented the micro-transaction system so i can find where they live and punch them
this is an Important twitter account
sets phone on fire STOP CALLING PLS*
@Unionhawk it is now the time of lunch™
Is the lunch hamburger?
why not
cc @badp
what do you mean
it's all regular expressions anyway!!
you can't run away from regular expressions
I will run away from whatever I want thank you very much
regexr.com to the rescue
/^\🙏.*$/g https://t.co/EZd6fv6qdm
that thing doesn't even support basic shit like named captures
I think most RE engines support named captures
I didn't even know named captures existed
holy shit it doesn't even have the x flag
(frowns intensify)
@badp Even Java has named captures now!
@badp if you like running arbitrary code with regex you might like Perl's s///e
@quartata yup, but that's just arbitrary code on the right hand side. I think you can also run arbitrary code on the left hand side
I forget how
I mean you kinda don't need regex anymore at that point
that's the beauty of it though isn't it
I mean Perl RE's already kinda try and support arbitrary grammars...
(?{ code }) and (??{ code })
That's more PCRE wih its recursive regexes. Perl kind of stopped at the "implement lexers in regex"
Ahh nice
also a thing
don't see anything wrong there
well mostly the fact that there's not a lot regular about it probably
I'm sure there's a way to count very non-RE things like balance parentheses with Perl REs
I don't know if I want to go there though
even Perl ships by default with a module that will do that, just to take away from the temptation
Not sure about Perl itself but .NET has balancing capture groups which are literally stacks
context sensitive expressions amirite
also PCRE can parse XHTML with a recursive regex
oh there's a thing just for that, apparently, (?PARNO)
your computational linguists were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think if they should
@Arperum revive a unit? I don't remember anyone dying and needing to be revived last I played it (pre-steam version)
@Chippies Mercenaries.
I... don't remember that being a thing :o
I suppose they kept updating it all this time
which is odd for a clicker game..
tbf: at this point the game can be found on steam, mobile and in browser.
@StrixVaria what do you mean in terms of character customization in FF9? Like ability sets and stuff?
@Fluttershy In FF7 and FF8, any character could do anything, in theory. In FF9, it seems like each character is limited in what subset of all abilities they ever could use, and then it's gated again by acquiring items that have those abilities.
Like, is there anything more to learn about customization than "abilities are on items, use them for a while to permanently get the ability"?
Map of the UK, according to Americans. https://t.co/yAUJNsmcJs
@badp That is a nice sentiment and would be ideal except it doesn't always work. I also don't think this particular hard and fast rule is suitable, but I don't think it's a good idea to assume people will just always be adults about it without any rules in place at all — cazc_941 23 hours ago
My only contribution to that post, probably
@StrixVaria yes, passive abilities need to be equipped and you only has so many points to spend on equiping
which generally fits almost any system really, just in Final Fantasy 9 Passive Abilities could be uneqipped if you needed the AP for another ability. most systems you spend the points to unlock the ability and have that all the time
For what it's worth I agree with @badp s comment too, I just don't think all angles have been considered
@fredley if only
thinking back on them. about 1/2 of the main Final Fantasy Games had locked roles for characters like 9. though 6, 10 and 13 were kinda where 6 everyone could learn the same magic but still had unique skills to them and 10 and 13 you had to wait till late game to start getting everyone the same. 12 is weird in that the first version you could have characters learn everything but the job system locked it up
at least London is in the right ballpark
@StrixVaria Ah, okay. The characters do have more defined roles than in, say, FF7 or FF8, but it was an intentional design choice. FF9 was meant as sort of an homage to the classic FF games.
Does anybody have a counter opinion or something to add to that or
I'm surprised Italy is that (relatively) high
Am I just gonna be ignored
@KevinvanderVelden damn
@cazc_941 I mean, there's one answer (at +7) that is saying the same thing
@fredley Untrue, I'd erase Wales altogether
@cazc_941 Or nobody has a counter opinion but yeah, you can go ahead thinking that the world is against you, I guess.
And the question itself is at -3
@KevinvanderVelden If it wasn't for the fact that I don't speak Finnish or Swedish and that Finland is way too cold, I'd move there maybe.
@Fluttershy oddly enough the "classics" weren't like that. Final Fantasy 1 if you had a party of Red Mages they could learn most of the main Black and White Magic, Final Fantasy 2 you had to buy magic for each character and there was no restriction and 3 and 5 had job systems
@cazc_941 At the end of the day I think there's a fairly substantial difference between the current arrangement and your examples, in that this is a thing that the mod team sat down and made a thing rather than just some offshoot room that didn't end up becoming a Thing per se (the one was frozen), which I think is what has made this iteration of it more effective.
in fact 4 was like the first to have defined roles for characters which you couldn't change.....until the DS version
@Unionhawk that makes sense
I guess with more official eyes on it it should be easier to handle
It's not enforced by hard and fast rules, but it's officially recognized as a thing by the mod team, and @badp will hunt me down if I start ranting about the president of mexico or some shit
@Yuuki me too thanks
That's not a rule that's just kind of understood
I won't hunt you down, since I believe most of the community is on board and will probably ask you to do the thing
That's fair
@Unionhawk, do the thing.
I don't know what that thing is, but you should do it.
but yeah if that the thing doesn't happen someone will be more forceful about it
room owners are already sufficiently empowered to be more forceful about it
room placed in timeout for 60 seconds: POWER
the joke was going to be that @badp couldn't be sure if that was real
it's very easy, just open the page in incognito mode
You'd get a prompt to login first though right?
even logged out users get the countdown
Q: Linking battle net account to psn

NovargNow, with the Overwatch free weekend I downloaded Overwatch for PS4. In the store it seemed like it's Origin's edition. According to this answer I should get Origins edition cosmetics if I link it. The question is: will this free weekend version of Overwatch on PS4 count as Origin's edition? Wil...

I figured you'd test by timing out sandbox and seeing that I got the audit message wording wrong
Because I'm pretty sure I did
@Memor-X FF1 had set roles for each character. FF5 had set roles for each job. The level of customization in the earlier Final Fantasy games were nowhere near the levels afforded in FF7 or FF8. Even FF6 had very defined roles for each character.


5 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 15 messages, 3 users, 1 star

Bookmarked just now by Unionhawk

@Unionhawk I think the actual message is more verbose.
I don't remember
in The Dangerously Elite, 49 secs ago, by Unionhawk
This room was placed in timeout for 30 seconds; I'm sorry I needed to do science and I don't own sandbox
you do know you could just create your own room
and you'd own that.
I never thought of that, but literally everyone in dangerously elite is an owner or mod so
I think I'm going to buy a HOTASS when I move out of this hotel room and play some more Elitely Dangerous.
@Fluttershy You just reminded me of the nightmare of getting Gau to learn certain monsters in 6.
granted 7 had a more fluid approach and 8 you could force GFs to learn certain commands but the level of restriction you had in 9 in terms of roles is really only seen in 4 where it's impossible to create a jack of all trades character
@Fluttershy i'd argue that a system where you can change jobs that once unlocked there's no restriction in who has a job and how many of that job is assigned is comparable to a system where your available commands is based on which summon or item you have equipped. and the roles the characters had in 6 were mostly resolved by the time you completed Zozo because everyone could be a healer who also had Vanish and X-Zone.
I wonder if I still have the Kefka laugh as a ringtone file around here..
@MadMAxJr my brother hated that sound
when he laughs like mad it would drive him insane
@Yuuki I'd play it
On the one hand, I could see someone claiming that the color choice is sexist but on the other hand, those are Zelda's actual colors.
Also there's a purple Link
@Unionhawk I actually want her to use her Twilight Princess rapier instead of the Master Sword.
@Yuuki Yes
A different combat system would definitely be very interesting.
What was her Wand of Gamalon attire?
TP Zelda is one of the best zeldas
@Yuuki With more Sheik ninja stuff
pirate zelda is pretty top tier too
All Zeldas are top tier Zeldas, apart from endgame WW Zelda.
it's unfortunate that tetra stops being as awesome when she finds out she's zelda
Is it possible to find love Heart Containers on the battlefield?
@Ronan yeah
@Yuuki I would play the hell out of that
Although she picks up the bow for mirror shield shots so there is that
Actually, Zelda 2 and Minish Cap Zeldas are also not great

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