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@Tristan on the site? nope, still 200
@agent86 I'm sitting at 234 for today.
of course, bounties and accepts can go over this amount
@Tristan +30 for 2 accepts, +4 for one accept you did, and one undownvote (corrected)
@Tristan looks like two accepts of your answers, one accepted answer, and one un-downvote
@IanPugsley Ah, yep. That's the one.
@agent86 ha!
@IanPugsley shush or I will unupdownupunvote you
@Tristan I can un-accept if you want.
@OrigamiRobot No thanks.
@agent86 the false authority of @agent86 will no longer be swept under the rug! Rise up against your false king mod! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Anyone know if you can download tracks from SoundCloud?
@Tristan artists have an option to provide a download link, or provide a limited number of downloads
occasionally you'll see people use the "buy this track" link to a free DL as well
@IanPugsley darn... =(
Oh there it is! "Buy on iTunes" O.o So tiny.
@Tristan if it ever had a public download you can definitely find it if you Google a bit
@IanPugsley Sic unupsemper tyrannis!
@MarkTrapp lol
@IanPugsley you already used up your right to rant incoherently, criminal scum!
now get back in the bad user pen before I have to tase you
@agent86 I read "taste" and was very creeped out.
@OrigamiRobot :P~~~
@agent86 you gave me that right, you can't repeal it now!
I haven't been properly Miranda'd @agent86'd! You've gotta cut me loose!
ooooh TF2 update.
@IanPugsley I have modomatic immunity - I can do what I want!
I am calling for a revolt. @agent86 could you please make an event for the revolt against you? Thanks.
@agent86 What are you, the pope?
@OrigamiRobot yeah, maybe I should start a meta thread or something.
@IanPugsley well, we mods are infallible.
@agent86 regular infallible, or pope infallible?
Dec 17 '11 at 13:43, by agent86
badp's law of infallibility: whenever you think badp did something incorrect, he meant to do that
Excuse me, I was wondering when they will announce the winners of the RP and Lol Competition that was on this last weak within Stackexchange.
@DarkAveril Contest doesn't close until "tomorrow" at midnight UTC. so basically 4? hours from now
Probably announce it before the end of the week
@DarkAveril You'll probably want to visit this thread on our meta site, which will probably be updated some time after the contest ends
Q: Dragon Quality vs Quantity vs Diversity?

JamesI have what I consider a fairly solid base for my dragon park in DragonVale. What I am trying to figure out is the way I should proceed. I would like to have a park where the dragon coins and dragon food are fairly available so I can focus on expanding and laying the park out. What gives the bes...

Ok thank you ^_^ I just want to see if I might have won something. ok thank you both.
first time ever competing in anything XD
@DarkAveril well, keep on coming back, we do lots of cool promotions and competitions :)
@DarkAveril g.se has a lot of "good chance to win something" contests too these days. Last time I won something outside of g.se was the game "sorry" from some tv station. It just wasn't as satisfying
@DarkAveril Plus we are all sorts of awesome
lol yea I can tell XD
@DarkAveril We promise not to bite! Except maybe @agent86.
He has been known to lick people.
I hope my question can win me a vid card. I need a new one badly for my compy my old one is about to kick the bucket XD.
@DarkAveril I've won about $900 worth of stuff here in the last 3 months. Stick around. Ask good questions. Give good answers. WIN STUFF :)
I have been keeping an eye on the competition and most of them are 1 or two votes behind me but every time I think I am ok someone comes and votes me Down XD but eh thats alright there is still one more chance to win something during the GG Classic.
@Sterno I hate you... <3
@DarkAveril Views are the winning point for questions, actually, not votes.
I hate that in Tribes Ascend the generator is always so out of the way
@agent86 so very, very true
@Tristan: So my friend drew me a picture of fluttershy and applejack haha
pretty awesome
it's hard to get to it, it's hard to know there's a guy camping it, it's hard to get the spammer out of it too.
@Wipqozn You should scan it and upload it here so I can see it.
@Tristan I shall
@Wipqozn Weeew!
Gah, trying to recover from Doctor Who withdrawal... I miss it.
@ArdaXi We all do.
Re-watching the Season 5 finale now.
@ArdaXi I thought Season 5's finale was corny but I liked it way more than Season 6's
@IanPugsley I dunno... I prefer Davies' finales to Moffat's.
doctor who is awesome and I will jam my sonic screwdriver into an uncomfortable part of anyone's body who disagrees
@ArdaXi Who?
@agent86 Ive never even seen it. Is it a medical program?
@RareCandy Eccleston and Tennant, Doctor's 9 and 10, their scripts were written by Russell T. Davies.
@ArdaXi I love Moffat's timey-wimey stories, but I loved Davies approach to stroy arcs.
Aside from a few incidental Moffat episodes.
@Resorath omgwtf
@agent86 I like "House" better personally
@agent86 bbq
@OrigamiRobot That's exactly what I've always said.
doctor who is the best science fiction show ever
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord, a time-travelling, humanoid alien known as the Doctor who explores the universe in a sentient, telepathic time machine called the TARDIS that flies through time and space, whose exterior appears as a blue police box from 1963 London, when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, he faces a variety of foes while working to save civilisations, help people and right wrongs. The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the lon...
@agent86 You mean "Stargate SG-1"?
@IanPugsley haha I know Ian I was just trolling
@OrigamiRobot Like, literally. Blink, Forest of the Dead, brilliant episodes.
@Resorath I hate you.
@ArdaXi It was a pun
@ArdaXi lol
But that's okay, I hate lots of people.
@Resorath I figured it out after this one :P
@ArdaXi Forest of the Dead/Silence in the Library are my favorite episodes.
Not as much as people hate me, of course.
@ArdaXi I'm okay with that. But I think I've watched stargate sg-1 and atlantis 4 times from start to finish (16? seasons worth)
@OrigamiRobot Ah, that was the name.
@Resorath I'm sorry
How the hell did I put love there? I'm not thinking straight.
@Resorath Best episode: Golfing through the Stargate
@Sterno The groundhog day one right? that one was brilliant
goes on murderous pro-doctor who rampage
So, Kanye West has a new website, which he is billing as THE FACEBOOK OF WEBSITES.
It is a Whois search for people to dumb to know what WHois is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is a lot of scrolling for so little content
@ArdaXi If anyone had to take over for Davies, I'm glad it was Moffat, but Bad Wolf was an awesome arc. And Torchwood. And Vote Saxon.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't get it. is it just a whois domain search?
@OrigamiRobot And the Medusa Cascade.
And the bees disappearing.
@Resorath Yes. it is just a whois domain search.
Q: How can I most effectively produce food?

TristanIn terms of producing food for my dragons in Dragonvale, the cost of food vs. the time it takes to produce said food seems to be a little ridiculous. For example: I can produce 75 Zazzberries for 1000 gold in 30 minutes. However, I can also produce 800 Pumpermelons for 15,000 gold in 8 hours. Ei...

Except that it's also THE FACEBOOK OF WEBSITES
And has an awesome URL
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm going to use this now from all time for everything.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So can websites make a profile and befriend other websites now?
@LessPop_MoreFizz please let him actually be doing this
Can ArdaXi.com befriend Gaming.StackExchange.com?
oh wow I must be some kind of "friend" to Kanye West. whodat.biz/#tophatandmonocle.com
Oh wow, Dreamhost puts ads in the WHOIS queries.
@ArdaXi "Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister."
@OrigamiRobot "We know who you are!"
@ArdaXi wow I didn't even notice that. oh well Im still a fan of dreamhost.
I liked them, but they're too expensive for my tastes.
@ArdaXi Needs moar caps and backticks :P
$10/month? Their the same as 1&1 and other similar hosts
@Resorath Mhm, and they're all too expensive for my tastes, just for hosting.
@MarkTrapp haha awesome
I host my site myself, same cost, but I can also run a game server, IRC, etc on it.
IP Address:
Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com
Referral URL: registrar.godaddy.com
@ArdaXi I'd love to do that but I don't have the bandwith at home. I'd feel bad exploiting my work's near-unlimited-bandwith-no-firewall line
@Resorath I pay for a VPS.
@ArdaXi VPS FTW. This agent86 is brought to you by: VPS.
@ArdaXi now THAT is pricy
@Resorath mine's like $4/mo
@Resorath Hell no.
please to link
wow why aren't I doing this. And you can run a LAMP stack no problem? no port restrictions?
@Resorath On Fanatical, sure.
I run a LAMP stack. Well, a LNMP stack.
And their support is brilliant.
I love lamp.
Well I love dreamhost's support. I might take a look at that.
@GraceNote I hate the a and the p.
I strongly dislike the m.
@ArdaXi lol
@ArdaXi P for... ?
@badp PHP
@badp ALL the Ps
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
@ArdaXi So whats the alternative? WIMN? I might have just made that up
@Resorath Winning.
Nah, I use Linux, Nginx, sadly MySQL and PHP
Mono is a brilliant alternative.
@ArdaXi I've heard good things about Nginx and also lightHTTP. After using Microsoft SQL all week I've come to appreciate mysql's simplicity
@Resorath virpus.com - their support kind of blows, and my uptime is probably more like 95%, but it's cheap. You can run whatever you damn well please - it's like having a linux box with SSH root access
@Resorath It's Lighttpd.
@ArdaXi :/
@agent86 I strongly advise against using a service with crappy support. You need that support.
@agent86 I like how on their front page they have clouds INSIDE of other clouds.
An interesting read, possibly, thinking about recent talks about our own newcomers and treatment thereof.
@Resorath I dunno, using MSSQL with Linq is very nice.
And yes I 100% agree support is very important.
@ArdaXi eh, I know what I'm doing, and they respond to help desk tickets pretty fast. There's not a lot of hand holding, is all
for the price I'm paying, I can't really expect them to help me troubleshoot issues that aren't related to their service
@agent86 Fanatical responds to tickets within an hour usually, do as much as they can for you. 99.9% uptime guaranteed.
On dreamhost I usually get an e-mail reply back in 5ish minutes. usually with them admitting they broke something. its oddly satisfying when someone else admits they did something wrong - it SHOULD be frustrating because they have random problems... but its not.
@ArdaXi I like MSSQL quite a bit - if I had the time/dedicated, Azure would be fun to try
like they're not going to fix my apache install
Which means, if they do have downtime, full refund.
@GraceNote You should summarize this and meta it imo
With quotes and everything!
@GraceNote oh god, that's a blog? They don't have to fit everything in the wikipedia stylesheet.
@Resorath I haven't even fully read it. Someone just tossed it in my direction with the following quote:
> What this means is that while just as many productive contributors enter the project today as in 2006, they are entering an environment that is increasingly challenging, critical, and/or hostile to their work.
(a comment similar to the post that went viral earlier today about people commenting on the lack of CSS on the webpage that was the author's "coming out of the closet")
@badp Consistency in expectatoralisms!
@badp Like we don't have to fit everything into ours?
@ArdaXi Chat isn't like that.
@ArdaXi <_<
@badp Blog?
@RavenDreamer yo.
@badp I shudder to think of a wiki-chat system that was still in a wiki-template
@GraceNote {{cthulhu}}
(It's a god in a box!)
@badp Earlier today? That was so yesterday, pssh!
...teehee, the wiki blog has a broken URL in one of their links ♪
quick. Click ALL the links
TV is so big @_@
@GraceNote https//
@Resorath Aye, o, that-o!
thats going to bug me now
@RavenDreamer And my PS3 actually works with it!
@FAE wow your TV was shipped to you already?
@FAE I think I might have a PS3 to work with it soon!
Unlike our old one. Well, it worked with the old one, but HDMI didn't. We had to use Component because there was some sort of issue with DHCP handshaking or something.
...I wonder if you can collaboratively edit a wiki blog post...
With mine, I mean.
@Resorath We did reimbursement because Amazon doesn't ship that tv to the Netherlands.
If I had a PS3 that connected to your TV, that'd be pretty awesome, however.
@RavenDreamer That'd be a long cord
@FAE oh nice
@FAE Psh. Length is nothing. It's about how you use it.
Useless if it gets too many knots.
(And I imagine a trans-atlantic cord would have many knots)
@FAE Your Teevee came? that was fast.
@LessPop_MoreFizz See reimbursement note!
1 min ago, by FAE
@Resorath We did reimbursement because Amazon doesn't ship that tv to the Netherlands.
@RavenDreamer Knot if you work out all the kinks of the setup.
@GraceNote /groan
Thank you, Gaming. <3 I can now comfortably game from my couch and be able to read the text!
@FAE I think they have a thing for that.
It's called binoculars.
@GraceNote I love this.
Grace Notte.
Q: Gaining Hjerim with a peace treaty

IrishJMAIs it possible to gain Hjerim if you negotiate a peace treaty in the "Season Unending" quest without taking sides? The wiki says that in order to gain Hjerim, you must complete certain quests for either side of the civil war (either the Fort Neugrad mission or the Defeat the Stormcloaks mission)...

Are we punning?!?! Did I miss it?
@OrigamiRobot No. Make more.
I <3 puns.
@Wipqozn :-/
@Wipqozn There's a hitch in that plan...I can't think of any.
Holy crap. I had no idea I could search my Steam friend's list.
I can find people on steam again!
@RavenDreamer Yeah, they added that recently, I like it a lot
@RavenDreamer Be less popular. Like me!
@Wipqozn I just want you to know, I blame you for this
True Fact: I started accumulating steam friends for a team fortress achievement.
And now: Class!
@James Thanks.
@James Oooh. Link?
@RavenDreamer Once upon a time, I hit the limit for friends on steam. Had to delete quite a few people... Long time ago though
@RavenDreamer Sounds classy.
@agent86 I've only got 12 friends and some of them I don't even want!
@OrigamiRobot :(
@OrigamiRobot Maybe if you went back to green you'd have more luck making friends.
10 are from here. You figure it out :P
@OrigamiRobot sniffle I see how it is.
I now have all the tactics!
Mar 16 at 16:08, by FAE
@OrigamiRobot We are no longer friends
I see how it is!
@OrigamiRobot She's just jealous because of how pro much you are.
Mar 16 at 16:04, by OrigamiRobot
@Raven why aren't you on Steam
I purged most of my steam friends, most of them were people I played TF2 with who had mics
A couple of years ago I realized I hadn't talked to these people in two years and wasn't likely to play TF2 again
@FAE Also, we played Rock Band together. That's binding.
@OrigamiRobot So we should be picking out curtains now?
@FAE He's in class?
@FAE Nah, you can handle that.
@OrigamiRobot Only if you sing.
@FAE Hope you like Rush, Boston, and Journey.
@FAE make him sing "Still Alive" - it's pretty great
@OrigamiRobot Oldies kinda guy, huh?
@FAE If it isn't older than me, I probably don't like it.
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't seem like you share @Ian's taste much then, from what I've seen him post.
@OrigamiRobot You don't like me?
@FAE Not at all.
@FAE maaaybe two bands?
13 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE Not at all.
@FAE @IanPugsley doesn't like Foreigner
@OrigamiRobot Oh, do you have your own gamertag or no?
@OrigamiRobot stop using your own messages out of context! That's doing it wrong!
@FAE Yea but I don't have Gold. Or an Xbox. Or a TV.
@OrigamiRobot Ah gotcha.
@OrigamiRobot oh yeah "Hot Blooded" is a well written song definitely it's the best for real (not for real)
@OrigamiRobot Ah, created your gamertag on @Ian's?
@FAE No I used to have all those things.
@OrigamiRobot Did evil red GIR destroy them?
@FAE Prossibly
@IanPugsley Better than all your grunge.
@OrigamiRobot apples and oranges
I have a lotta 90's rock DLC, haha. I don't really listen to the music anymore, but it's neat to play it.
but the apples you're using to compare are rotten :P
@IanPugsley All your oranges have the same blandness :P
My dream DLC pack would be:
Don't Look Back
Feelin' Satisfied
Don't Be Afraid
Q: Is the yellow claptrap in arid badlands an easter egg or something else?

TomI recently began playthrough 2 so I'm located in arid badlands. I killed Bone Head and while wandering back I saw this yellow claptrap. So is this one just an easter egg or something else?

@OrigamiRobot I want Nightwish and Tool. :(
@FAE I'm with you on Tool, that would be great
@IanPugsley I bought Guitar Hero World Tour pretty much only for Tool.
RB used to be associated with MTV through Viacom though, which is apparently why MJK didn't want their stuff on RB and went with GH instead. :/
@FAE I'm sorry
@IanPugsley GH's (later, post-Harmonix) charting is awful
I hate it.
@FAE yup
GH1 and 2 though
It's not charted to actually go along with the music, it's just charted for that "Score Hero" mentality and just uuuuuuuugh.
Radium Eyes...I love that song so much
@FAE They ruined Sultans of Swing
@IanPugsley I just want all the Bonus songs from 1 and 2
@IanPugsley I was so upset when they were acquired by Activision :(
@FAE me too (blanket statement)
@IanPugsley Haha, yeah pretty much.
........what the hell
We have Burnout Crash on XBLA
and all of a sudden I hear Salt n' Pepa's "Push It" coming from the game o_O
@FAE I <3 burnout, but I don't have this game. I keep hoping for another "blockbuster" entry in the franchise. it's my favorite racing series
Haha @Strix drew the Windows logo for "windows" in DrawSomething and @Tristan drew a house with windows.
@agent86 It's pretty much only crash mode. I haven't played it extensively. I was also upset when Burnout was purchased by EA. :( Paradise was... eh. I was disappointed. :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...haha wow
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't believe you rejected this! THE TRUTH WILL NOT BE DENIED!
@FAE I kind of liked it, tbh. I don't think I 100%'ed it (I didn't have XBL Gold at that point) but I thought it was decent
@agent86 it was the only one I liked
I picked up forza motorsport recently and it's just too picky for my tastes
I like my car games unrealistic
@agent86 We have that too but I determined I'm more of an arcade racer than sim racer.
@FAE I liked it :/
if you want sim racing, go GT and Forza, arcade racing, stuff like NFS and Burnout (though I'm not really into NFS)
@FAE have yet to really play a NFS game, honestly. They all seemed a bit meh so far
@OrigamiRobot When it first came out, they didn't have a way to let you retry tracks. So you had to freaking drive all the way back to the beginning spot to do a track again.
And crash mode was disappointing to me, especially in comparison to the older games.
@FAE I never did the actual races.
Though I'm glad they got rid of the emphasis on multipliers from 3 to Revenge.
I think Revenge was the height of the series.
I've played 2, 3, Revenge, Paradise, and now Crash, though that doesn't entirely count. Never played Legend or Dominator because I didn't have a PSP when they came out.
@FAE I liked how seamless the multiplayer was and the fact that it took a picture of the people you crashed.
ah, george takei, you sly dog!
@agent86 He's so awesome.
@FAE I think he was rounded up during WW2 and put in an internment camp, which makes me sad
but also somehow makes him more awesome
@agent86 I love that survey.
I love his happy dance:
@agent86 He's doing a broadway show about the Japanese internment called Allegiance.
@FAE hmm, facinating

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