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@FAE As was I, but it was @John's first ever game of Draw Something, and his attempt at Norway was very much like a sperm.
@IanPugsley Yeah, I was all "Argh!" over it, then I remember that it was because of all that flooding in Thailand and felt a little bad, heh. But hopefully they'll go back down soon.
@Tristan ahahaha
@TimStone SSD prices hurt me. They hurt me almost as much as Harbinger.
@TimStone two 30" Apple Cinemas? :P
@TimStone I'm willing to bet they won't...
I wanted one for gaming, but I have 350GB of Steam games alone installed. :(
@FAE That could vaguely be seen as a spoiler to some... <.<
@IanPugsley I think my old machine was like $1500, but I took that one to work after building this one. I almost had the company pay for it, so it was basically covering cost, but then I wasn't sure I didn't want it back >_>
@Tristan He says "This hurts you" all the time.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Tristan not if you hush! :P
@IanPugsley Hey, I didn't say what it could spoil.
@IanPugsley Hahah, no, I have three of these
@Tristan :|
@FAE If the entire question can fit in one line of the one-box, you're doing it wrong.
@FAE Hahah! Also, wow, 350GB of Steam games? I don't have everything I own installed, but it definitely doesn't come up that high. You must have a lot of selection. :D
@Tristan And is also available on the wiki...
@FAE And that... Probably more importantly that.
@TimStone I... own a lot of games. <_< Also I don't uninstall things because I want to be able to have immediate gratification of firing something up if I feel like it. ._.
Makes sense
I think chat just trolled me a bit when I was fixing that typo.
@TimStone my monitor situation is a sad state of affairs - I've got a 21" at work and a 19" LCDTV I brought from home (using VGA at 1440x900), and just a 23" 16:9 at home (not even duals at home...)
@Tristan A walrus? Dang.
@TimStone Oooh nice. I purchased one of these and was very happy with it. It took me a while to find a decent IPS monitor that didn't have a crap delay for gaming, but I'm really very satisfied with this!
@AshleyNunn I've known him for several years now, and we game together several times weekly. I kept trying to get him involved, but when I finally said "Hey, I won a TV this week from G.SE" he was like "bwha? I should check this out!"
@YiJiang I know, but it's not the same as having him sit on the bottom of our page!
@AnnaLear It was bad... I even wrote "Sorry" on it. =(
@Tristan Haha and I was like "a sad seal"?
@FAE Well, a bit of userscript/style should fix that easily I think
I thought "sorry" was part of the drawing. :P It was a nice walrus.
@AnnaLear I ran out of room for the tusk... Which is like... The most important part of a walrus.
@AnnaLear XD
@FAE Well, see, we were planning on having the fate of the animated reaper be decided by all the questions and answers you'd posted to the site, but then at the last minute we changed it so that the catalyst removes the reaper from the bottom of the page in a flash of light. You get to pick the color of the light though.
@Tristan it would be very hard to tell my interpretation of a walrus apart from a Sabertooth Vampire
@agent86 >_>
@FAE oh, you're pointing to the right. You get the "red light."
congratulations! now you can continue to grow the legend of animated reaper gif via downloadable content.
@YiJiang I don't know how to do any of that. :(
@IanPugsley At least they're not tiny, I suppose. I used to work off of a laptop primarily, and had a different-sized external monitor that I hooked to it for a while. This was a welcome change, but now I'm spoiled by the fact that going back down to just one monitor seems impossible.
@IanPugsley lol
@IanPugsley What about a sabertooth walrus?
@Wipqozn What date did we decide? I'd like to write the signup post now.
@OrigamiRobot that would either be a walrus, or terrifying
@FAE Ooh, nice. :) I think I ended up going with the Dells because at the time they were the only ones with DisplayPort, and I needed that to conveniently run all three from my graphics cards while in CrossFire. The quality turned out to be pretty great too.
@IanPugsley I'm going with terrifying
@TimStone I used to have two at home (the 19" was at home) - it is really hard going back down to one
They have another model that's a step or two down that we bought everyone at work, but on that one the colours are complete crap.
@TimStone yeah, DisplayPort is nice
@Wipqozn :(
@IanPugsley I feel your pain, then :( SE should totally offer a monitor in the next contest.
if I have to redo my clock and phase (running over VGA) on my terrible LCDTV (Insignia brand, from Best Buy...) one more time I'm gonna lose it
@TimStone display port is a superior standard that is sadly going to die out. RIP DP, you are in good company.
@TimStone holy crap this is a great idea
@TimStone I could only afford one though, I'd like a 2nd eventually. Right now I have that and my old 19" CRT. :P I'm very happy about the LG one though. I really wanted an IPS because color depth is very important to me.
Wanting good color depth and high response time for gaming seemed to be mutually exclusive goals until recently.
@GraceNote for really reals, please bring up the idea of monitors as prizes in the next PC-related gaming contest!
@IanPugsley I'll do that so now!
I kind of would have preferred 16:10 rather than 16:9 just because I really like vertical space, but oh well. >>
@GraceNote my hero
@agent86 Well Thunderbolt uses the DisplayPort protocol, right?
@TimStone let's just say I used to have some insider info on DP, and things were not looking healthy when I did
@FAE I can't wait until one day in the future when all monitors have a super-thin bezel >_<
Hmm :P
@IanPugsley I have brought up the idea with someone, and they have brought up the idea with someone else! My job is done!
at work I've got dual 24"s, one in portrait and one in landscape
at home I've got a damaged 22" :(
@agent86 I have this but both in portrait.
Feb 22 at 12:56, by OrigamiRobot
beep boop I love you.
@GraceNote And you reminded me I need to respond to the prize email! That's bonus work credit!
@TimStone Let's just switch to holographic haptic interfaces!
@GraceNote oh man if this happens I'm gonna do that contest so hard
@OrigamiRobot Do you have that permalink pasted on a notepad or something?
@StrixVaria both portrait, really?
@FAE whenever someone says something like this, I have the urge to hum the doctor who theme
@FAE For work-stuff, yes.
So, like, if this was up for grabs in some unspecified contest in the future?
Landscape is silly for reading webpages and coding.
@StrixVaria ah, gotcha
At home all my monitors are landscape, though.
Because 2 of them are old and don't swivel, and the middle one must be landscape for gaming purposes.
@Tristan Don't judge me!
@GraceNote TN or IPS?
@Tristan I wish I had green :(
@Tristan You are an artist.
@OrigamiRobot: You around?
@StrixVaria I was gonna upload the Link drawing, but you already saw that one. lol
@FAE I can find neither of those on the page to know what you even mean
@GraceNote oh jeez so big
@Tristan Others may want to see it.
@Wipqozn Kinda
@RonanForman: Would you prefer April 1st or or April 8?
Hm... I suppose I could've cropped out the name, huh? >.>
@GraceNote actually a capture card would probably be smart too
@OrigamiRobot For your super secret, It will be either on April 1, 8, or 15. Do any of those days not work for you?
@GraceNote Neither could I, hence why I asked. TN vs. IPS, see also this question.
@Wipqozn Don't mind, could we do both?
@Wipqozn MCEdit is not being cooperative.
@OrigamiRobot Okay. I'll just put it on the back burner for now.
@RonanForman Sure.
TV incoming \o/
There. That's better.
@YiJiang I am not a statistision, so I did the best I could
Need to afk to clean up the living room a bit. >_>
if you have some better analysis I'd be happy to hear it
@RonanForman: What's it called? Super hostile?
@FAE Nematic is not a real word
@Wipqozn Ultra hardcore.
@Wipqozn But I haven't tried that hard to make it work. I'll get back to you tonight.
Aww man... I'm about to hit rep cap for the day. =( There's like 9 more hours left today.
So this sunday and the one after?
@Tristan turn 89?!
@Tristan turn 99!??!?
@RonanForman yeah
does that thing ever end?
@GraceNote Neither are some of the words in your vocabulary. <_<
@YiJiang grab me on chat next time we're around and let's see if we can do a better job
@RonanForman yusssssss
@badp It actually stops at 99... <.< The counter does at least.
@IanPugsley It'll be awesome!
@RonanForman I want this more than anything.
@Tristan oh god.
@RonanForman: Are you making up a seperate meta thread for sign-ups?
@badp But don't worry! They're upping the counter to 999 in an upcoming update!
@Wipqozn I will do, as I need to know how many spawn points to make.
@Wipqozn I don't believe anything on the internet on April 1st :P
@RonanForman Okay. Once you make the meta, post a link to it in the game on! schedule meta
@Wipqozn Should I do two posts or just one?
@RonanForman: Just one. Just tell people to specify which dates they are planning to attend.
If you think that is a mighty bold statement, you ll be convinced before you get to the end of this message of the overflowing
Were we supposed to get a confirmation from the team after we sent our info over or just assume that if we don't hear anything, we're golden?
my health is 125. I have no idea why
Q: How do you get 'overheal' in Deus Ex?

badpAs I got into the Hive through the women's bathroom, I noticed that my health was not the usual 100, but 125. I did check a few doors and toilets on my way through, but doing so after I noticed the change in health didn't get me another bump upwards. I have thus no idea about what happened there....

@Lazers @badp What a creeper!
@badp sneaks into the Women's Bathroom!
now that I think about it, I don't think there's been a game where I didn't check every bathroom
EDI did yell at me about it in ME2, at least
I don't think ME3 allows you to, I recall checking the door for the men's room with my Shep
@BenBrocka Thats the first thing I checked, and no it doesn't
and I wanted to know what space-urinals looked like :(
@BenBrocka In the future they don't have urinals apparently. Just cramped showers and toilets with no privacy
gah I should've saved before starting this
@Resorath oh, so the bathrooms are identical?
I demand an Intel item that lets me research Space Urinals
@BenBrocka I think so. I didn't play fem shep. Does the women's version have a space couch and space baby table?
I don't recall a space couch , I just remember extremely spartan space toilets/showers
@Resorath space potpourri?
@IanPugsley Obviously those are hidden in the ventilation system. it IS a spaceship
@Tristan ಠ_ಠ You're making me seem weirder than I already am.
It wasn't supposed to be sperm! The thought was never in my mind!
Hm, 3 more praxis points. So many opportunities, so little time.
Q: Name of dog from ad

EllaDoes anyone know the name of the dog from this ad: ?

@John you could have let his message be nice and non-identifying...this tells me you want people to know! :P
49 mins ago, by Tristan
@FAE As was I, but it was @John's first ever game of Draw Something, and his attempt at Norway was very much like a sperm.
@TimStone rofl
@IanPugsley What part of that is non-identifying?'
oh. Right. Here is Typhoon. I didn't expect to find it in the augmentation list but oh well.
@TimStone And that has upvotes?!
@John ah - the original wasn't :P
@IanPugsley sigh
and yet, by clarifying even more, you prove my point :P
@TimStone Great, now I want to know.
Hm.. I think I'm gonna play a Solo Queue pvp match of LoL in a bit... <.<
@IanPugsley I tried to defend myself without clarifying anything. >.>
@John Yeaaaaah....
@John We would've all forgotten about it if you hadn't brought it up again
I was just responding to a ping I got that I didn't have 10 minutes ago.
@ThomasMcDonald Is it published by Ubisoft?
@fredley lol
@ThomasMcDonald Seems to also require Origin, whether or not you get it through Origin.
however, concept vidya!
@GraceNote yup. Just like Battlefield 3 in that regard.
@BenBrocka I like the explanation of specimen #10
any opinions about this LoL question:
Q: How viable is AP Ezreal Mid lane?

RiceI've recently started seeing AP Ezreal's going mid lane and destroying everything. Would he be a viable carry for Solo Q? He hits like a truck, but don't only 2 of his spells scale off AP?

@agent86 Is the comment on that question a valid comment?
It sounds like @OrigamiRobot malfunctioning in my head
@fredley Yes
It's also accurate
@GraceNote How unsettling
Q, W, E, and R all are shortcut keys for skills
@ThomasMcDonald I like the idea of Sim City, but it is way too complicated for me. They need to make a little kid version so I can play XD
AD and AP are stats, equivalent to "physical attack power" and "supernatural attack power" respectively.
@AshleyNunn Ever played the Sims?
@fredley That is totally different! That's a life sim, not a city sim
@AshleyNunn I found SC4 surprisingly easy to pick up, it's only really once you get to large scale that it gets difficult to manage.
My lack of understanding LoL is making me feel old.
@fredley She meant "Little kid" as in "one a little kid could play", not Sim Kid as opposed to Sim City
@ThomasMcDonald The strategy kills me
Also Sim City Societies was an awful attempt at a scaled up Sims/scaled down SC4.
@GraceNote Yeah that is what I meant.
@fredley this is why I have a hard time clearing flags on these LoL questions
Of course it's what you meant, it's what I said you meant.
I cant believe its only Wednesday, it feels like such a Monday!
@agent86 I'm leaving LoL questions well alone
@agent86 The question is, in less arcane terms, "Is a mage-build viable on Ezreal rather than a standard archer build?"
@James Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays!
Q: What is different between the pre-Mom levels and post-Mom levels?

Ian PugsleyI beat Mom for the first time yesterday and continued into the Womb on a second playthrough. I was doing pretty well (playing Cain, had 6-7 hearts, maxed out tears, high damage, 99 coins and keys, etc.), but noticed a significant difficulty difference in the Womb. What is the differences between...

Q: Ultra-hardcore signups

Ronan FormanPlease answer this thread with your Minecraft username, the days you can play, whether you can record and a picture (or description of a picture) for the recording of the event One the 1st and 8th of April at 1800UTC we will be playing a game of Minecraft called Ultra-hardcore the objective of ...

@fredley Allll week so far :)
@GraceNote I need a Google Translate LoL -> English page.
get to work on that.
@agent86 Or you can just poke me.
@GraceNote I did that. It's not automated.
@GraceNote Thank you for interpreting me :)
I'm already used as a "Stupid -> English" and a "Rage -> English" and an "Incomprehensible -> English" and a "Shmup -> English" and a "Fighting -> English" and a "Violence -> English" translator.
except the door I actually unlocked with no time left on the clock after using all of my stop worms actually was completely useless
@GraceNote just get a long cable, and plug one end into your brain, and the other into the internet.
@agent86 I have headphones.
@Lazers @RonanForman And a picture for the recording of the event... Is what exactly??
@agent86 Wouldn't that result in a dial-up noise? Sounds unpleasant.
@James I'm making an intro thing (and kill splash) I need a picture to use.
Not quite Silver Headphones that give +1 Walk and +3 Strength. Just... plain ol' headphones.
@RonanForman Of what?
@James Anything you like, minecraft avatar, G.SE avatar, an actual picture of you.
if movies have taught me anything, it's that you'll immediately be taken into a virtual reality environment where there's a lot of electronic music, but you can hack by shooting little balls at things.
@James I can draw something too if you like.
@GraceNote Do they emit white images of music notes here and there?
@badp But you got sweet, sweet XP out of it
@RonanForman for picture, are you talking about a pic for each person playing (a la Mindcrack?)
@agent86 Futurama?
I say, reading the messages above
@IanPugsley Yeah.
If so I could perhaps interest you in some hats!!
@badp No, someone else does that with her drums
@IanPugsley Glad I am not the only one who was wondering :)
Can someone edit the post to explain it better?
@RonanForman that's going to take time
Though they're more light blue than white, and are kinda like missiles.
now I have a real reason to actually pic a new gravatar and FB/Twitter pic and such
@RonanForman Done
@IanPugsley I'd recommend some kind of pork-based gravatar
@badp I put the dapper top hat on the tank.
@GraceNote I put the party hat on the sentry.
I find it odd that this Disgaea walkthrough decided to type out all the in-game conversations
It makes finding the useful info a real PITA
@Sterno You'll never have questions if you use a walkthrough! D=
@badp So I've got a high class hoverin' howitzer tank while you've got a party animal gun-and-rocket sentry unit.
...and a wrangler
@Tristan I figured "how does this friggin game work" was a little too broad
what matters though are the hats.
@GraceNote Is this the wrong time to try and pick up the thread of this conversation? :)
@badp Mine is silk
Is Draw Something only playable through mobile device, or can I play it on my PC?
@Sterno Perhaps. I'd love to answer your Senator killing question, but... I've never actually killed a senator in that game.
@James We're talking about hats! Geezers, can't be that hard to pick up.
@RonanForman I just edited your changes out :/
@Sterno Used to be a Facebook/Flash app, but apparently they have made finding that version either impossible or very very hard
@Tristan Not my question.
@GraceNote .. Party Animal gun-and-rocket sentry hats?
@Sterno It depends on what the question is, though. What parts are getting you trouble?
@Sterno Oh... Right...
@James No, party hats and top hats.
Cloudsdale in Minecraft is pretty awesome sauce.
@GraceNote Yeahh... Ill just stay over -=> that way. :)
@AshleyNunn I love that Fluttershy picture in the banner. o.O
@GraceNote I'm still going through the tutorial sections, so I'm definitely not in the "ask on Gaming.SE" stage yet. But I figured I'd try to peek at a FAQ to get a general sense of how things like combos, bonuses, etc. work. Right now I don't even know what I don't know. Playing through the tutorial will, I'm sure, help. But I can peek at FAQs at work... I can't use my DS at work :P
@Tristan Yeah that is a pretty awesome one
@Sterno The in-game help will be much better in that regard.
Not from the stages, but there's either an NPC in your castle or an option straight from the menu who will give you all the basic tips to understand the basic mechanics.
Should also be in the instruction booklet, at least, if they ever decide to continue making actual instruction booklets these days.
Here's a question I can ask you guys. I got Disgaea for my DS and also have 3 and 4 on the way for my PS3, because I'm retarded and can't just buy one game and find out if I like it before buying the rest. Does any one of those 3 stand above the others significantly?
@AshleyNunn Is this something I have to have hooves to understand?
@GraceNote No instruction book for me. I bought it used. Though I probably could find it online. Which I could peek at right now. Hrm...
@fredley Probably
@AshleyNunn Sorry, I'm a thumbs kinda gamer
@AshleyNunn ಠ_ಠ
@fredley laughs You're missing out!
Well, more accurately... gameplay and mechanics are much finer tuned in the latter two than in the original. However, you should still play the original for the story, as it is exceedingly worth it, and it will be easier for you to stomach the short-comings of the engine while you are unaware of the shortcomings (by not having played the later entries).
@ThomasMcDonald Hey, it is AWESOME
I made the mistake of mentioning pork earlier
Now all I can think is
Pooooork! it's the meat of kings...
DS version first, then!
@fredley Much confusion ensued when I clicked that link, it had a little star by it! What else was I supposed to do! :(
> ./configure: line 12606: ` PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SNDFILE, sndfile >= 1.0.4, HAVE_SNDFILE=1, HAVE_SNDFILE=0)'
I refuse to install MacPorts, and yet this isn't on Homebrew.
So anyway. Sign up!
Q: Ultra-hardcore signups

Ronan FormanPlease answer this thread with the following: Your Minecraft username The days you can play Whether you can record A picture representing you or description of a picture for the recording of the event (see the player's pictures in the Mindcrack intro below for examples). One the 1st and 8th ...

@James I know, right
Is frequently changing your gravatar generally frowned upon?
@RonanForman At some point we need to play that RFW map, my weekends will be freer in a few weeks time, maybe after this ultra-hardcore bout is finished?
@Tristan Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@Tristan By me, yes.
@Tristan Ask OrigamiRobot how changing your gravatar is working out for him :)
@fredley There's a TBD in the schedule for Minecraft.
I ask simply because I have like 15 Fluttershy images saved in my Gravatar profile. <.<
@RonanForman Awesome. I reckon that map is playable in a single session, so pencil it in
@John and I found a pretty neat adventure map w/ story last night
To solo queue, or not to solo queue...
...it's made from pigs, try it with onion rings...
@Tristan Solo, co-op vs ai, Dominion, intermediate
@Zamual05 Wanna play a round of LoL?
@James I meant normal PvP solo queue. lol
@RonanForman are you sure @RonanForman is going to be able to draw you a picture?
@Tristan AH! Ping noise! Sure. ^_^
@IanPugsley I don't know, I haven't asked him.
@RonanForman Bring a present when ya do, he can be a bit of a jerk :)
@RonanForman let me know what he says, I might want something drawn (once I figure out what that something might be)
And... Rep-cap.
Maybe I should force you to have the drawing done by him, to keep the style consistent.
@Tristan Congratulations
@RonanForman not a bad idea, but if you get 10-20 people signed up?
that's a lot of drawings @RonanForman has to do
@IanPugsley Hmmm...
I hear he can draw pretty fast if he puts his mind to it.
@IanPugsley That will be my goal to accomplish if he does do that :)
@Tristan See, in your case, though, it's still all just Fluttershy. You still remain mostly recognizeable (much like murgatroid didn't become that much more difficult for changing the Twilight Sparkle image)
@GraceNote Must... resist... temptation.. to figure.. the meaning of this.. Out!!!
Hopefully I'll get so much spam from that post.
Does anyone know if the headset I won is USB?
@James Tristan's talking about changing avatar images, but he's sticking to a gallery of the same character. So while the image will be different, the content is still going to be mostly recognizeable as a yellow equine with a long pink mane.
@GraceNote Oooh, I thought you meant like no matter what @Tristan did, he will still be Flutter Shy no matter what :)
@James It's a good idea to follow the reply arrow to see I was responding to a message where Tristan said he had a gallery of 15 Fluttershy images (Hahahaha, only 15...)
@GraceNote The last link confused me, makes a guy link shy :D
@RonanForman Amazon does
Q: How do I change my greeting for Pokemon GTS Negotiations?

Michel AyresI have saw lot's of different Greetings in GTS Negotiations, like "Good Morning" as gifs. How can i change mine greeting ? Is there a way that I could use those "gifs" greetings ? or they are event only ?

Q: Where is my Goddess Chest from the Goddess Cube in the volcano?

JoshWhen I entered the actual volcano in Eldin Volcano and dove off the metal platform, I landed on a tall rock platform witha Goddess Cube on it. I hit it witha Skyward Strike and it shot into the sky, but when I returned to the sky to open the Goddess Chest, I saw no indication of where it was on...

Q: Dealing with tagging policy inconsistency for iOS games

FAEThere's no specific discussion on Meta nor any mention in the ios tag wiki of how we should be using this tag and whether or not it's being used properly, so I wanted to discuss it here. We currently have 198 questions with the ios tag, and it seems like either our current policy is not being enf...

(and it's a yes)
Goddammit @Lazers, I was talking!
@fredley Awesome!
@RonanForman It appears that there's a control box connected over USB, into which the headphones are then plugged.
Ooh, I just noticed I've asked 100 questions!
possibly nsfw, but android phone names are getting a bit ridiculous...
What do people think, should we be more aggressive about trying to identify duplicates programmatically for new users? Or is it better to let them be closed by a person after they are asked? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/127269/…
@bwarner I don't think automatic methods are good enough. It might make sense to change the order of tags and body to have people enter the tag first and use that information to search for duplicates using tag and title
@Fabian Yah, I definitely feel like they have to fix "Similar Questions" to rely more heavily on tags. It seems to ignore them right now, or at least weight them very low.
@bwarner It ignores them, and it shouldnt.
Oh hey, I finally cracked 30k. Thanks BrowserQuest.
@LessPop_MoreFizz grats (and lol)
I think it's perhaps time to sell my TF2 items.
as I hardly play it anymore
@ThomasMcDonald if you've got good stuff and time you can turn that into actual games
which I find pretty funny
@IanPugsley I'm planning to turn it into money.
Not so bothered about games. Hardly any time to get into new ones now.
@Tristan are you going to ask that Q about Hybrid dragons?
Q: What are the statistics for the Blood Donation Machine?

Ian PugsleyThe Blood Donation Machine allows you to trade half a heart pre-Womb or a whole heart in or after the Womb for some amount of money. Additionally, there is a chance that the machine will explode and give you a Blood Bag, which gives you another heart and heals you five hearts (unless you're playi...

Probably got at least $80 worth of stuff.
Selling my unusual will be hard I imagine.
Can I pre-emptively write a question on Meta about "Why are all the questions on the front page about Diablo 3?" That way whoever asks after May 15th will have their question closed as a duplicate of mine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz the gunner at the calculator is brilliant

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