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phrased in a more delicate way it's certainly a helpful discussion, but it's not a sentiment I'm willing to bet many people agree with (despite the upvotes)
@IanPugsley Personally, I just up voted it to keep it visible. I disagree strongly, but I think, especially in light of both the influx of new users and the quality of some of the answers, that it provided a valuable discussion.
@IanPugsley Upvotes on questions on meta mean I think it's worth discussing. Downvotes mean I think it's stupid. Upvotes/downvotes on answers are whether or not I agree with the content of the post.
@LessPop_MoreFizz precisely
@IanPugsley There's a lot of issues to be addressed. The question doesn't even come close to describing them in a meaningful manner. For instance, are the rules themselves up for debate, or is the communication of the rules the problem?
@StrixVaria and therein lies in the inconsistency in how people vote on meta
thus meta question votes mean nothing
@IanPugsley Truth.
@LessPop_MoreFizz why is it hard to find due to votes? It's a question not an answer
@RonanForman When you export a file from Adobe Premier, what format do you use?
And I bet a lot of the voting has to do with the title, especially the first revision's title
@BenBrocka When a question reaches some threshold of badness, the question is dropped from the homepage of the site
@BenBrocka With that many negatives, it's not on the front page. You have to click the questions tab to see it
@LessPop_MoreFizz The wording of his first sentence is really bad, he should have taken a more neutral approach because the question is fine
@YiJiang Oh, that's a cool feature. I dont' really think it belongs on meta though
the feature I mean, not the question
@LessPop_MoreFizz I downvoted because that question is a sea of ranting (on lots of users parts) and I don't think it is fit for any type of discussion anymore.
@BenBrocka Questions at -8 disappear.
The original title was basically "Is a sucky thing that sucks actually good, or are you all just morons?" Not a great way to start a discussion.
@OrigamiRobot same. It's a rant, even if it's about an important-ish problem. I also disagree with his final point, which is also part of the point of meta voting
Ah, it's visible on the front page now
@BenBrocka I agree 100% that new user experience can be improved, but nothing (pre tzenes) is constructive in that post.
Ktash had a pretty good post describing the way things currently work.
Ktash's post is pretty good
I agree, but Ren seemed unwilling to listen to anything and just kept repeating himself.
Weew! I got a lava dragon! =D
@OrigamiRobot Exactly. It's a rant, not a discussion.
@OrigamiRobot which is why his post was downvoted into oblivion, and IMO deserved it
@Tristan congrats
@Both-of-you Yep
@BenBrocka Thanks. Now I'm breeding my lava dragon with my flower dragon. >.>
Did tzenes ever make a new post?
@OrigamiRobot as in a new meta discussion? No.
Nor does he plan to it appears. He seems to think it fits in that post.
@Tristan remember breeding works by the base elements, only breed hybrids for their base elements
Q: Where is Jacob's Cabin? Where is the tire swing?

FoxtrotThere are two achievements that I cannot find in Super Stick Golf. In what course and what hole is Jacob's cabin ? In what course and what hole is the tire swing ?

@BenBrocka I don't know what that means. x_x
Look at the dragon list in the shop and pick one you want, then breed two dragons that have the elements for that dragon, and no other elements
If you want a Moss (earth + plant) dragon, breeding Plant/fire and fire/earth is less effective and less predictable than just an earth + plant dragon
@BenBrocka Aw... I thought you said breeding hybrids would likely get me a metal dragon or something like that. =(
@Wipqozn T_T
But I was very tired and distracted last night so....
@OrigamiRobot I'm too lazy to grab the chat post, but according to tzenes he works with customer experience a lot (or something). So he looked at the motivation / problem behind the post, and not the post itself.
@Tristan no no, Metal dragons are their own base type, you'll have to level up to access them
@Wipqozn He works for Amazon, yeah
Go ahead and ask a Q if you want a better epxlaination of when to breed hybrid dragons tho
mkay, got a few flags on some old(ish) LoL questions, could use some help close voting if it's appropriate:
@Wipqozn I remember, but I don't really see the relevance.
@BenBrocka I wouldn't know how to phrase the question...
I'm tempted to dismiss all as "helpful" but no action, since I don't think any of the questions have close votes on them
@OrigamiRobot That is to say he looked at why the user was ranting in the first place. Which, in tzenes opinion, was that our new user experience isn't good enough.
@Tristan "How can I breed dragons for specific properties?"
@Tristan seemed like you were wondering/thinking "When should I breed hybrid dragons" or "what advantage is there to breeding hybrid dragons" or something
@agent86 The Infinity Edge one is a low-quality question, but a good question, so I wouldn't close that one.
@agent86 They're not all valid.
The Infinity Edge question is a good question, even if it is poorly asked.
I hate that "the question is the title!"
@StrixVaria and has a good answer
@agent86 The question about runes is pretty subjective though.
that's what it's there for you asfwsdgsd sdgs
The other 2 are too broad, though.
@Wipqozn The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Excellent points don't always shine amongst garbage.
@Tristan That one's really blegh
@StrixVaria Agreed
@OrigamiRobot what are you actually arguing here?
@FAE That's the RL friend I sicced on the LoL questions. He didn't answer many of them, but the ones he did answer he gave a lot of time to.
@IanPugsley I think he just wants to complain :P
@IanPugsley That tzenes should create a new Meta post instead of dropping an answer
@StrixVaria yeah, recently people have been railing about not dismissing "close vote flags" as invalid.
@YiJiang Actually this though.
@agent86 the second one is practically just "how do I win the game"
@StrixVaria Awesome!
I really want it to be a question, because I have quite some doubts over how tzenes 'proved' his points with the numbers
With no explanation of why they're losing or what they need a strategy for it's NARQ
The way he analyzed the data and drew conclusions from it... doesn't seem right
@YiJiang so he should ping @tzenes about it?
I am confuse
@IanPugsley That just because the OP had good intentions doesn't mean it isn't executed extremely poorly.
@IanPugsley tzenes already refused
@IanPugsley That has already been done.
@OrigamiRobot I think it's the opposite - the OP had terrible intentions (see his wording), but there's still some valuable discussion to be had on the subject
@IanPugsley His intentions were to fix a problem. He went about it the wrong way.
@BenBrocka The second one is just flatout too broad to be answered at all. If they were perhaps asking about a specific game and team comp and gave details on what went wrong, that could potentially end up being a "good subjective" answer. But this one's just not good...
@OrigamiRobot okay, so that point is done with - what else is being discussed here?
@IanPugsley Am I not allowed to talk to @Wipqozn about this?
@OrigamiRobot do you see a chat police badge on my gravatar's chest?
I am legitimately trying to figure out what's being discussed
it is not clear
I think we should all hug.
@BenBrocka You invented a new tongue twister! =D
@FAE I regret that I have but one close vote to give for my country
Also, I should really go get ready for school 30 minutes ago.
@IanPugsley @Wipqozn asked tzenes to make a new post. I asked if that happened. It did not. I am telling @Wipqozn that I agree with him. The end.
Damn you people and your wonderfulness. Distracting me from my tasks with your interesting conversations.
Now you're up to speed
@BenBrocka In your answer to the Tiny Tower question, did you mean to say, "Quickly stocked floors like Food floors are easy to stock quickly"? It seems redundant... and rather hard to say. o.O
@OrigamiRobot thank you
@Tristan fixed
@IanPugsley I'm arresting you on suspicion of potentially impersonating a chat police officer. you have the right to rant incoherently, anything you say may be brought up later in a meta thread out of context. you have the right to swear your relative is an attorney who will sue us. If you cannot afford this large of a lie, you may make up a lesser threat about a court of law.
thank you guys for helping me clear the flag list, I appreciate it.
@agent86 I do not recognize the authority of the @agent86-occupied government modship! Now we see the violence inherent in the system! etc.!
So... I can now approve edits from low rep users... but there are never any to review. =(
@Tristan Hardly ever are (that I see)
@Tristan You've been able to do that since 2k.
@IanPugsley yeah, yeah, save it for the letter to your congressman about how we violated your freedom of speech.
@Wipqozn No I haven't.
@Tristan you'll see a notification badge at the top of the screen when it happens
If you've ever noticed the "edit(0)" thing next to a post, that means there was a pending edit.
You don't see the top bar notification until higher rep though I think
actually I think you need tag wiki edits for that
@Wipqozn I've never had that before.
@BenBrocka yeah, 5k gives you the review page. 10k gives you tools.
@agent86 it amuses me that if we ever did actually have to escalate something, the first people who would be made aware are probably people on a team whose name is CHAOS :P
@IanPugsley CHAOS is a good name for anybody who would try to organize this community :)
@agent86 truf
but yeah, being able to approve pending edit is something you get at 2k, just sort of hidden. you don't really get the tools to really do it until 5k, so it doesn't really matter.
@Tristan they are pretty few and far between, tbh. People who care enough to want to edit content tend to gain rep pretty quickly and then can edit themselves.
@agent86 Our users are really quick at approving / rejecting suggested edits too.
@Wipqozn Lately, I mostly reject.
hmm, amazon's doing a b2g1 deal on games right now: amazon.com/gp/feature.html/…
@BenBrocka Could be, I just read that that was the case when I was buying my capture card.
I just hate that sort of thing, you never know it'll work until you get it
0 confidence does not mix well with >$50 products
Morning everyone.
I left my south-facing curtains open and had the sun in my eyes this morning. I think as a direct result I had a nightmare where I thought it was a good idea to purchase a condo that had spotlights everywhere that would track you 24/7. Crazy how realty translates into dreams in real time.
anyways off to work
That... um... that came out of nowhere, but okay.
@BenBrocka Heh, yeah. My card ended up being $200 or so, but it does work pretty great with my Xbox 360
@TimStone what card did you pick up, and are you pretty happy with it?
I've considered a cap card for my PC, but it's pretty old so I probably can't do 1080p video recording
You were in my dreams last night. I dreamt that you were complaining about something in chat. Then I woke up in my dream and got on chat to tell you about it.
@FAE oh good. I'm not the only one dreaming about @StrixVaria.
@Tristan I use H.642 and the apple 720p preset.
@agent86 I've got a BlackMagic Intensity Pro. Apparently they had some compatibility issues early on that made me a little wary about buying it, but I've had zero problems and it works perfectly for me.
@TimStone what's your rig like otherwise? do you have any performance issues?
@agent86 that's another problem, only a laptop here
@Wipqozn I went afk a sec to grab a drink and heard someone ping me. That is definitely not the message I expected to come back to.
my creepometer just exploded. THANKS GUYS.
@agent86 No problem.
@RonanForman When I used H.642 it cropped half the video out... =\
@Tristan Then you're doing it wrong,
I miss the animated Reaper on Gaming.
It was cute.
Also, @FAE, how do you know you're still not dreaming? You could just be dreaming you had a dream where you had a dream about strix and then told him you had a dream.
@Tristan do you guys mean H.264? I have no idea what standard 642 is...
@RonanForman Well, I'm learning. =P I'm mostly just toying with Premier right now to learn the basics, but I have a 9 minute clip of Machinarium recorded (no commentary)
@agent86 Yeah, that's the one.
I sincerely hope that neither of you two got murdered in your dream with StrixVaria, like I did.
@FAE indeed. I always miss the promotional art :(
@agent86 Probably.
@agent86 Nope, no performance issues that I've noticed. I have a Core i7-2600 with two Radeon HD 6950s in CrossFire and 16 GB of RAM, and I'm recording to a RAID 1 (while I wait for disk prices to come back down |:) of 750 GB WD Caviar Black drives. Windows 7 lives on a small 64 GB SSD.
@Tristan Do you have skype? I'll show you if you like.
@FAE I miss Hat Dash.
@GraceNote @StrixVaria is a popular guy to dream about.
@RonanForman I do not.
@GraceNote My dream was -free
@Wipqozn I feel special by association.
@TimStone yeahhhhh, I've got a 4 or 5 year old AMD dual core chip, 4 gb of ram, and a couple of old 80GB disks in RAID0. XD
@Tristan Hat Dash was pretty awesome
@TimStone good lawd
@Wipqozn I actually don't even remember at all what any part he played in it. I only know that at some point before a friend of mine murdered me by slashing the back of my throat and severing my spine, I spoke about something with a guy that I identified as "StrixVaria".
@AshleyNunn I hated Hat Dash GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR
I really need to actually use RAID in my next build
@OrigamiRobot Hey, you got the gorilla suit, don't forget
@TimStone Sooooo how much is your power bill? :P
@OrigamiRobot sadface at you
@agent86 Heheh. :D I also found out (and I should have thought of that before) that it's near impossible to record the video in raw, uncompressed format...20 seconds -> 2.2 GB O_o
@OrigamiRobot Well Hat Dash hated you.
I think I need to spend less time in chat. I really don't want to start having dreams about you people murdering me. Apparently that's what happens
@GraceNote I remember
@OrigamiRobot I hated that whole episode
Using the compressed format (which still looks great) is much more space-efficient, though.
@GraceNote I don't remember most of the details of my dream either. I just remember @StrixVaria was complaining about something.
@RonanForman How'd you like my derpy Kirby?
using an SSD and a SATArev3 500GB HDD
@Tristan It was... okay.
@Tristan Good! I would hate to lead it on!
@Tristan Dirpy
@Sterno Hey, Strix didn't murder me. Just some random entity who was my in-dream friend.
@RonanForman It was very derpy. <_>
@FAE I think the other things in the house consume more power than my computer. Although I should probably find out. |:
Hey guys, someone just downvote this question (and my answer), so i got me wondering, is this really a bad question for the Q&A ? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/59469/…
It's a weak question
@TimStone I have a friend (@EBongo) who owns a pretty high-end alienware rig + a cap card and he told me the same thing, that saving the data takes crazy disk space/bandwidth
@TimStone I used to have different profiles for idle pc use and gaming, but even though though the Engine Control Center thing has profile setup now, it doesn't seem to actually do anything.
It's just a one sentence question, so while it fits within the Q&A, it gives not a lot of guidance to answerers.
@GraceNote Agreed with you. Weak. but is it BAD ? (negative vote questions, for me are bad, not weak)
@MichelAyres Good questions give detail and show some research put into them.
@MichelAyres Downvote means "This is not useful or not clear or doesn't show research effort". All of those are indications of weak questions as well as bad questions.
@agent86 This is twice now that I thought a new user was all awesome and getting involved, and they were your friend. :D You are a good recruiter.
@FAE Yeah, unfortunately my PC is very rarely idle (or off, for that matter). Work or play, I'm on this thing a bit more than I'd like to be.
@MichelAyres Oh, also, I noticed that you've been leaving comments on LoL questions to ask people to be more general, but that actually hurts LoL questions in this case a bit. If we have more specifics, we can give better answers.
@GraceNote thanks for the clarifying =)
@AshleyNunn The one friend I've recruited feels like she's too stupid to answer questions. =(
@TimStone Likewise... which is why I had a windows only profile, as my b/f had looked at the power it was using and was like "O_O" >_> But adjusting the clock speeds and stuff in the control center seems like it doesn't do anything and I can't figure out how to make profiles again. >_<
@Tristan Aww....I know that feeling - that was how I felt at first. What sort of stuff does she play?
@TimStone at least you're making the most of the investment - that's a hell of a build
@FAE Sorry if my comment looks like it. When i post "make this more generic" i mean to be for an open audience. not jumbled, without focus question
@AshleyNunn Tomb Raider and Portal. <.<
@IanPugsley 16GB of RAM is supercheap nowadays!
@agent86 I was thinking about getting some dedicated disks for this stuff, but I figure I should make sure I use it enough for the money, and of course, wait for disk prices to go back down.
@FAE i7s and two good graphics cards in Crossfire are not :P
@Tristan Cool :)
@IanPugsley Haha, very true. I wish I could do Crossfire, but I have a mid-size tower. :/
@AshleyNunn Her husband plays a lot of stuff, but he's not the brightest tool in the drawer so he won't be asking any questions. >.>
@Tristan ...lol
@TimStone the disk price spikes cause me so much pain
all I want to do is buy a couple of HDDs to fix up my htpc and current box :(
@Tristan Have you seen the Minecraft Crossfire map?!
@FAE And yes, I intentionally mixed up 3 different methods of calling someone un-smart.
@FAE Gah. >_< I'm not even sure the best way to go about measuring my power consumption. I do think that one month I was on vacation and it was off the whole time and the impact on the power bill was negligible...so I'll just blissfully assume that's still the case. :P
@FAE I have not.
@Tristan snorts Honestly, if she just writes decent, non-derpy answers, the community will reward her with rep. That's really the quickest way to discover that we are just awesome and yay and like new users who do good things.
@IanPugsley Yeah, the total for (most) of the parts came in at just around $2K, including the extra price I paid for warranties on some of the parts. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
@TimStone Hahaha. Well they have those plugs that measure the wattage going through it, you could take measurements at idle and at load over a period of time to try to average it out.
Of course, that price excludes these monitors, but >_>
@FAE Thank you for not drawing a sperm for Norway like some people. >.>
@Tristan ...I was unaware these 2 things were synonymous.
@Tristan ...what
@TimStone I would be too :P - I've never spent more than $800 or so on a PC

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