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Me either... Not well at least.
@RavenDreamer Night!
@RavenDreamer Mystique wasn't an X-Man GOSH
@RavenDreamer She could change appearance.
@James I dunno, @OrigamiRobot seems unresponsive.
@OrigamiRobot I was obviously referring to the series, and not the rock group.
@Origami and @Ian have more comic-fu than I do though so I'll let them correct you.
@John abort, retry fail?
So I can sleep. zonks
@RavenDreamer I stand by what I said :P
@BenBrocka reboots @OrigamiRobot
Q: Fastest way to level pickpocket

Outlaw LemurSo i have done lots and lots of research on how to level pickpocket fast, but im already a level 90 so im not going to pay the outrageous price to be trained, and i dont really want to spend like an hour just going around pickpocketing people, so are there any faster ways to level up pickpocket o...

Q: Lost my colour palette in Draw Something

Louise SI have come back to play after a couple of hours and I have lost my colours..... I now have red blue yellow green and black . I did have about 20 different colours I had bought... Now mysteriously gone. Where have they gone and will I ever get them back

@FAE I read that as zoinks. You are now and forever Shaggy.
I need another freaking moon dragon
@OrigamiRobot Wow. a dragon you can kick as big as you can make it?
Needs trample.
@RavenDreamer Needs to cost less.
@OrigamiRobot I never understood mana costs
This is probably because I stopped after deckbuilding 101.
20 lands, 20 creatures, 20 spells, always.
So boring.
lol Double red is rough
@RavenDreamer That is boring.
And bad :P
I will continue to spam pictures until I get some kind of response out of you. :)
@John I don't knoooooooooow
@OrigamiRobot Then just say yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
None of us really know.
We'll find out as we go along. :)
@John I'm not gonna play tonight
@OrigamiRobot like I said. I learned deckbuilding 101 and then just stopped.
@John What that is?
@OrigamiRobot And that's ok. Tomorrows playing starts with todays planning.
@RavenDreamer @IanPugsley fusses at me about my deckbuilding.
@Tristan That Minecraft map is.
@OrigamiRobot At least you're not married to him. I'd imagine that'd make the fussing worse.
@John Adventure map?
@Tristan 'tis.
@RavenDreamer Pssh he is still fussy.
@John it's a pretty one. Strong urge to burn those trees though, they look so close together...
I guess I should paly minecraft again sometime since it's out of beta
@OrigamiRobot I don't fuss at your deckbuilding, I fuss at your playstyle - in a 5-way multiplayer game, you should be trying to win, not be trying to make one person lose
@BenBrocka I'm trying to find the picture of "The Burning Lands" to link right here, but I can't find it...
@IanPugsley How many times have you criticized how many lands I run?
@OrigamiRobot not that many times?
@IanPugsley Every time.
@BenBrocka @AshleyNunn @Tristan I got a Moss Dragon! (And a Flower one :)) Compared egg types :)
@John I could always try throwing the map up on my SMP server
@IanPugsley I'm guessing you're the one he tries to make lose?
@OrigamiRobot 60% of the time
@Tristan not always :)
@IanPugsley 100%
@James We could do that. That way @OrigamiRobot has an opinion, because apparently he wants more data first.
@James I'm breeding some dragons right now.
@James congrats. Poisons are my fav early hybrid though
@Tristan When these two are done Ill have habitat space for one more fire type dragon.
@BenBrocka Poisons looked to be a bit less cash per hour than flower
btw, always go for the bigger habitats if you can
@Tristan I try to make people lose. I f I make enough people lose, I win. As long as I am not the first to lose, I'm pretty satisfied.
true, they look cooler though
btw eventually you get a building to store dragons you want to keep but not use habitat space
Borderlands is finally installed. :)
@Lazers Dupe
@Ullallulloo Yay!
@Ullallulloo I'd offer to play with you but I have it on Xbox.
Message in a chat room for ya @John
@James FYI there are drop-down notifications for that. :)
@John Aye, but you were not showing up :D
@James @Tristan ect, if you have any dragon vale Qs be sure to ask them on the site, we have like no content on it and I know quite a bit about the game
@James True...the desktop notification cause by the message in this room is more effective when I'm browsing other tabs. :P
@BenBrocka Can I breed dragon types at a level I have not unlocked them in the store yet?
@James that's not possible anyway, you have access to all dragons in the store via breeding, other dragons aren't possible with your available dragons anyway
Also answered this, btw
A: Can I improve my habitat?

Ben BrockaYes, once you unlock the Large habitat of a type, any Small habitat of that type can be upgraded in place. The upgrade will cost the same price as the large habitat would otherwise and take the same time, but the Small habitat will function normally while you're upgrading. This means your drago...

@BenBrocka Thanks! Now I'm at 51 rep til 5k! =D
That 1 rep is going to annoy the crap out of me...
I'm hoping to hit 10k on a site where I'm not a mod...would be nice to have access to those tools
of course SO is where all the cool deleted content is. And a billion gallons of spam
I'll probably never hit 10k...
well I got 4k in a month...I beti f I actually got/understood diablo 3 I could hit 10k in not too long...but that won't be happening
I've just been lucky. lol
@BenBrocka MSO's where all the funny reading is. :P
@BenBrocka Do I have to do anything fancy to make a post show up like that, or can I just enter the link?
@John I was starting to wonder where everyone went. O.o
@EBongo just paste the link by itself and it should onebox like that
Axon is a pretty fun game, and it teaches you things about how your brain and neurons and things work. :)
ooo, up to 85 visitors in dragonvale
Q: Is there an in-game list of my current items' effects?

OrigamiRobotI have no idea what a lot of these items do. I have seen a small description appear when I first pick up the item, but it goes away after a few seconds. When I pause the game, I can see the list of my items. Is there any way I can see exactly what each of these items does without looking it up...

Q: Can people have all their blood drained without vampires?

UllallullooI've found a few people in my fort completely drained of blood. Does this mean that I have a vampire among my dwarves or is there another way for this to happen like bleeding out or just remaining dead for a while?

@BenBrocka How is that even possible?
@BenBrocka I want this :(
@OrigamiRobot you haven't even seen the dragons! It is an epic game though
@Tristan I've had the game for 3/4 months now :P
and my pile of rainbow dragons gets me lots of money
take a peek at my park if you want, use Visit from the friends menu
@BenBrocka How do you get these?
theoretically breeding any 4 different elements in one pairing has a chance of it. The dragonvale wiki has tons of info/theories on it
don't worry about them yet though, they're a late game sort of thing
I have... 2 plant dragons, 2 earth dragons, and 2 fire dragons... That's all. =(
btw you'd be amazed how quickly I can go through that much food and money...
In fact I'm currently tempted to buy the 10,000,000 volcano. Which erupts...
Welp... Due to that guy not removing his downvote, we are now tied.
@Tristan good luck
seriously do ask any dragovale questions you have :) I'd love to see us be a good site for the game as well. The wiki has certain issues :/
@BenBrocka Thanks
Lauren didn't reply to my meta discussion today. I fear my question will be invalidated and the answer with it @Tristan
Q: Where do I get the Bow?

Ashley NunnI was in Catfish's Maw, and noticed a few places with bunches of arrows floating in the air (so you can grab them using the Roc's Feather). Problem is, I have no use for them because I don't have a Bow. Did I miss the Bow somewhere? Where can I find it? It would be a useful weapon to have.

Q: Are there always enough keys on a level?

OrigamiRobotOn a certain level of this basement, I found 2 locked doors but only 1 key. I think I have cleared out everything I can from this level but I still only found one key. Are there always as many keys as there are locks or should I simply move on?

@Resorath I hope for your sake it still counts. I just don't approve of the guy downvoting my answer because he thought I downvoted his. Not to mention the fact that I removed my downvote after I calmed down from his allegations, and he didn't remove his.
@Tristan Thanks, we'll see what happens tomorrow when the contest closes.
@Resorath I wonder what happens in the event of a tie? O.o
Non mobile. Hat actually works petty well on ipad
Autocorrect not so mcuh
@Tristan You both can share the prize... $100 video cards for both of you!
they might run diablo 3 pretty good on "low"
Half a video are to both!
@Resorath I'd just settle for $100 worth of RP.
@Tristan im not a huge fan of in-game currencies.
okay starcraft 2 time.
@Resorath Me either. But I am a huge fan of buying Champions in LoL.
Have fun!
My word that truly was the fastest 17 upvotes I've ever gotten. o.O Yay for science!
One Flower Dragon, my first hatched, but second bred, dragon :)
Oaky I rescind what I said about desktop chat working well on ipad
@BenBrocka lol
@BenBrocka desktop chat?
So, I still need input on what my first LP should be.
Yay for your first hybrid
Mine was poison, they're so cute
@BenBrocka I'm anticipating a Lava Dragon to be born soon.
@Tristan How do you get one of those?
Fire and Earth?
@James Yeah
Awesome! Got m first brass dragon
@BenBrocka Gratz on a metal dragon!
Oh, and HOly CRAP on the number of those long dragons you have!
Lol, rainbows. They're my money makers
@BenBrocka Yeah I saw they are like the most cash giving of all dragons
I bred like ten sun dragons trying to get a moon dragon too...keep em for the money they give
I will need to retire a plant sancturary or so soon
They stock up the most money per habitat too
@BenBrocka The plants produce fast but even a large habitat is only 500g :(
@BenBrocka @James What game(s) would you guys like to see LPs of on our YouTube channel?
My fires are doing a little slower, but the cash limit is much higher
Yeah, the plants have a terrible cash limit
Cat invading arg
@Tristan Dunno man.. I do enjoy Minecraft. And that map @John and I just tried out was.. OMG hectic..
Dunno. I do fairly well with flash games.
Just put a fire and a plant in to the breeding cave
10 hours until an egg pops out
Get used to it
Rainbows take 48
Flower took 1hr :)
I wonder if you can guess the egg though based on the mix?
Moss took 12 hours
Huh I think poison is also short
@James I was thinking I'd do a minecraft map or something. I just feel like we have too many minecraft videos already.
Yeah, the breeding time is always the same for the same dragon
I need to do a vid promoting the gaming se channel
@BenBrocka Sounds like a solid idea to me. =P
Sure you didn't have an earth in the mix for the ten hrs?
Oh, hey!
I've passed 1,000 answers!
Q: Is there any way to use a nether portal to travel to y = 250?

DanieLI have recently build a platform above my house at y=250. As my house is at ground level, I would prefer not to have to build a tower every time I wish to get up there, and ideally I would like to not have a tower visible between the platform and my house. With this in mind, I decided that nethe...

I hear you get a prize with only 8001 more
@RavenDreamer I don't even have 90 :/
@BenBrocka But that would put me...
@OrigamiRobot I'm up to 63. =(
at 9,003.
@OrigamiRobot I have 149 :)
@Tristan its the easiest thing to LP
@Tristan Terraria?
@James That's pretty easy to LP, too.
That it is, and is somewhat fun :)
@Tristan Borderlands :D
@James I'd love to do that one, but I don't have it on my computer. I'd have to buy a capture card for my xbox for that one
Dunno about multiple play throughs though when the world resets itself all the time
... or just buy it for the computer instead :)
@James If I could afford it, I would.
I would assume its cheaper than a capture card?
And did you miss my last Borderlands giveaway or some such?
@James lol Yes.
But I need a capture card anyway.
I have a lot of console games I'd like to LP.
@James You gave away Borderlands? O.o
Yeah, 3-5 copies of it... 2-3 weeks back?
Was on sale :)
I need a capture card for ps3... All of them seem to be for desktop pic slots tho
@James =(
Terrarium is fun. I'd be up for a coop terraria lp sometime
@BenBrocka I've seen some that run off USB
Off to snag some food
then likely call it a night after a game of Epic Spell War!!! :)
Yeah, never seen a USB hdmi one tho
I should sleep. Later all
@BenBrocka See ya
@BenBrocka Doesn't matter anyway, since I think the PS3 uses HDCP for all HDMI output, heh.
Yayy! I just broke 5k rep!
@TimStone Any suggestions for my first LP?
Hmm, nothing comes to mind...but I'm kind of out of it at the moment.
Fair enough.
Heading to call it a night
Cya all tomorrow
@James See ya
Q: How viable is AP Ezreal Mid lane?

RiceI've recently started seeing AP Ezreal's going mid lane and destroying everything. Would he be a viable carry for Solo Q? He hits like a truck, but don't only 2 of his spells scale off AP?

Good morning people
Q: Why are existing units dropped/modified in Heart of the Swarm?

ripper234If I recall correctly, Broodwars didn't significantly alter units, but focused on adding units and upgrades. With Heart of the Swarm, several units are significantly modified or even dropped. Why did Blizzard decide these changes had to be made?

Q: Are there rts games with predefined custom tactics?

ripper234Are there any real time strategy games where you can define custom tactics before the game, and execute them inside? E.g. you could program tactics like Build probes until you're at 14 supply When you reach 9 probes, build a pylon at the entrance to your base When a nexus is 15 seconds from com...

Already voted to close both @Lazers
2 hours later…
Q: How to reopen `construction` and `recruitment` popup message in Rome Total War?

Nam Gi VUAt the beginning of each turn, on the left hand, there are popup boxes which contain messages - important ones to me is the construction and recruitment ones. Those boxes disappear when I load a saved game. So my need is to reshow the boxes or more important, to restore the list of finised bui...

1 hour later…
Q: How can my Admin find the seed to his map?

selonianthOk, so I'm playing minecraft trying my bloody hardest to find a bloody slime chunk for real since the recent hiding of the seed has made the minimap way impossible to use in SMP and my admin told me that if I can tell him how he can find the seed of the map (without going into server.properties) ...

Q: Xpadder or JoyToKey profile for The Binding of Isaac

LeadriCan someone please share their Xpadder or JoyToKey profile files for The Binding of Isaac? Btw, I have a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 Thanks.

Diablo 3 and Rize of the Fenix released both on May 15th, coincidence I think not!
@Lazers It's been ages since I played R:TW
Great, my blog's broken. That's what I get for relying on Wordpress. :(
@ArdaXi Luckily for you, no one who cares noticed before you did.
@badp People noticed. It still works, but I can't post to it any more.
Also I'm kind of worried by the loading screens of Deus Ex. They give a plot synopsis up to where you're playing but don't tell you how many points are left in the story. So I see 7 and three padlocks and think the game is actually close to the finish
@badp Where are you?
Right after the 1st boss fight
So, in Detroit still?
You've got quite a bit of game left to play.
Won't say too much because spoilers but you're nowhere near the end.
Q: Is investing in the shield stat points a waste if I later choose to dual wield / use 2-handed weapons?

RobertI am new to the game and trying to decide where to put my points. The manual seams to be a bit vague when it come to stat descriptions, however it does say: Shield - Additional blocking points. So I assume this is useless if you are dual-wielding? Also, is it possible to re-distribute the...

Q: Can I dump refuse into the magma sea?

Stuart PeggI've embarked into a mountainous land with no bitumous coal or lignite, and can only find magma in the magma sea. Because of these limitations, I'm going to be migrating my fortress 150 z-levels down; to be closer to my forges (avoiding the fun of magma pump stacks). My main problem is that 150 ...

@ArdaXi Good.
I'll just assume Square sucks at synpopseses
I dreamt I was an iOS game last night.
There may or may not have been a boss fight involved. (>-_-)>
*raises eyebrows*
ahoi hoi everyone
@RavenDreamer with Apple? They busted your infectious payload and didn't want to allow you on the store?
Q: How do you win against the superiority of NPC Lords?

scorcher24I am playing a female character and have fought a long time with the Kingdom of the Nords against Swadia, which resulted in them having only a few castles left. Now I am trying to help the female Claimant on the Throne. I have captured 1 Castle of Swadia, which has a good position since a lot o...

@badp The first boss fight is maybe 25-30% of the way through the game. Assuming you did all the side stuff in Detroit before fighting him.
Disgaea for the DS doesn't let you save mid-battle if you need to stop playing. Not awesome for a game on a portable device!
@Sterno Just close it :P

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