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Evenin', @Ami ♪
the comments of he OP on this question:
Q: What is the most powerful experience you have had, playing a game?

Warren  PWhat game gave you the most compelling experience in your entire life? For me it was playing Steve Meretzky's Planetfall. I won't say what happened in the game, because it would be a spoiler. But when it happened, I will never forget that my opinion of how much a game could affect you, change...

used the Community Wiki isn't a "get out of jail free" card on the comments for that question.
I feel like the beginning of SO all over again
hi oak :-)
OK, who changed "game-recommendations" to "game-rec"?
(@Ivo and hi :) )
no idea, they didn't grant me any mods right, so I can't go and check
and they'll probably say I need to be elected :-(
I thought we didn't have any mods yet
we don't someone with more than 1k rep must have been about
I didn't know 1k rep users can retroactively change tag names
best start a meta topic about some of the tag synonyms
they can manually edit all 30+ questions
2 edited tags
edited yesterday
C. Ross
game-rec space
But it wasn't manual edit
hmmm not every question has been edited, which makes me suspect someone like @Jeff has done it instead
I'll start on meta
Also, I'm torn on my position regarding list questions
torn about what?
your free to change your mind ;-) as long as you think you have valid reasons for doing so
If someone asks for the best gaming easter eggs, should it be closed? Or for the best typing game
Or for the best gaming comic
the problem with our close reasons, is that the reasons themselves are subjective too
Many say that "yes", but objectively these kind of questions are successful and very fun
That's true, though the need for 5 people who agree is good
well last night we were just posting questions here and people would discuss (though not at length) and boom they would be killed
but for me this is like the discussion about webapps on SU
we have more than enough valid questions left when we NOT allow them
we can always change our mind and reopen them
but for now it's probably for the best not to
but you're absolutely right, they are fun and can be useful
however, the focus shouldn't be on coming up with the next list to assemble
On the other hand, people say they might have potentially harmful effect on the site in the future
And they might be right
they set a precedence, users will point and complain: look but this question was allowed
I'm sure people will bitch at me for that typing of the dead answer
Actually I thought the typing question didn't get a close vote
nope, but I close other peoples lists and answered another, kind of hypocritical ;-)
Anyway, I didn't vote. At the moment, I vote to close questions that are really broad. So I voted to close "what games are there for linux", but didn't vote "horror FPSs"
and I even suggested a list myself, since I would create a few and shut down the rest pointing back to those original ones
that seems a valid metric, though when is it no longer too broad? (rhetorical question)
yea... but then the 5-people-to-a-close thing helps to make it a little less subjective
well on a SO size audience 5 people is still not even 1%
but I wouldn't worry about it too much
instead we should keep posting great questions (not a star in that area...)
I see Jeff is also torn:
Q: Should we have a "List of X" close reason?

Jeff AtwoodWe're seeing a lot of the Let's make a "List of X" problem on new Stack Exchange 2.0 sites. Like so. Our engine is absolutely brilliant at surfacing these questions, and they can have some utility ... but they're not really what we want -- they tend to be polls and copy-pasted content, not origi...

I think Jeff feels we should avoid them during beta, but he knows we have to cut the community some slack
some users point and say: we only have 35 lists, but that's still 5 lists a day!
but some list questions should be changed to something: where can I find or how will I know if this works
I'm sure there's a database with Linux supported games or a website dedicated to Linux games. That answer is less likely to be out of date tomorrow than a list
I agree with that, but then we also had some people saying that this site should list the actual answers rather than only point to other websites
also lists are even more subject to drive-by's. Post an answer and never look back at it, even if things change over time. Things like DLC or sequels
Though I don't entirely agree with that
well I agree, though we can't copy/paste everything
but I mean we don't want people to have to search through several forums themselves
If I point you to gametrailers.com, I can't go embed all their video's here
but regarding those classes, we should have an expert on that class create a source of info HERE not anywhere else
No, but for example take a look at the poe spirits question, which I answered"
guess it depends on the scope of the question
Q: Poe souls in Zelda: Twilight Princess

Bill AyakatubbyWhere are all of the Poe souls located in the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?

I just provided a link instead of actually writing the list
But the list is huge and the links have screenshots and stuff
It simply wouldn't fit either, so no worries
also the format of your question will change a lot of people's opinion
Which question?
for instance, if you post some of those screenshots, so people will really believe that following that link will solve their problem
they will upvote it even more
Well, maybe. I just felt like someone invested a lot of effort into making those lists
Should just provide a link or 3
A: Why was [game-recommendations] shortened to [game-rec]

Ivo FlipseFrom chat: Ivo Flipse: @Jeff did you change the games-recommendation to games-rec? Jeff Atwood: yeah I hate "recommendation" as a tag..

well your answer is valid and surely answers the question
I don't understand what does "it's enormous MMMMM giant letters" means
meh, it's chat probably nothing
I'm gone
bye :)
what I mean is that M is a very wide letter
recommendation is "long and wide" -- it is a long word for # of letters and because the individual letters it contains in a proportional font are also wide
same # of letters.
I agree with your logic @Jeff, but isn't world-of-warcraft or lord-of-the-rings-online also horribly long?
yeah should be [wow] and [lotr]
[recommendation] is just, pardon my french, a shit tag
for both reasons I replied to
but then fps can be frames-per-second and first-person-shooter
off course people will use fps + monitor
A: Why was [game-recommendations] shortened to [game-rec]

Jeff AtwoodTwo things Recommendation is a poor concept on our sites. "Recommend me a computer to buy! Recommend me a game to play on my VIC-20!" So the presence of this tag is like a big "this question is very likely to suck" sticker slapped on it. Recommendation is far, far too long as a tag. Recommendat...

gamers know what these terms mean
though with crysis it could be fps + fps + gpu
if I say [fps] to you, you don't go WHAT? EH? WHAT IS THIS EFF PEEE ESS THING?!!
if I say "hey I was playing wow the other day" you don't go "huh? how do you play a WOW?"
Q: How to tag: use acronyms or not?

marco.ragognaI would like to ask the general approach we have to follow in tagging game names. This question already shown the problem: wow or world-of-warcraft. But there any many other examples: hl2 or half-life-2 tf2 or team-fortress-2 mw2 or modern-warfare-2 etc. Maybe we can use google to look whi...

the point is that you use tag terms accepted by the community and in general use
then your input is wanted here ;-)
no gamer says "world of warcraft", they say "wow"
do those tags matter for SEO actually?
A: How to tag: use acronyms or not?

Jeff AtwoodI disagree strongly with the other positions here. if I say [fps] to you, you don't go WHAT? EH? WHAT IS THIS EFF PEEE ESS THING?!! if I say "hey I was playing [wow] the other day" you don't go "huh? how do you play a WOW?" The point is that you use tag terms accepted by the community ...

I like to use short tags for very famous games like wow, tf2, hl2, cod, etc. This short version is also well known by Google and SEO will be not affected. For not well known games I instead would prefer long form
@marco I agree with that
add it to the meta answer
do we have decided to close recommendations questions?
Well I would vouch against any more list questions until we get a more decent body of real questions
Make a question on Meta for a list of list questions!
easy: just search for voted:1 on gaming.se
Did you mean... closed:1
woops yeah
and even better closed:1 wiki:1
actually is there a CW question we wouldn't close right now?
though they can be closed before they were made CW
not sure
yay! 35 more kobolds!
I'm still against closing all recommendation questions
I think they are one of the best thing that can come out of this site
Just as long as they're in moderation, and that the question is specific enough
Q: Where can I find Air Traffic Simulation games?

Martín MarconciniDoes anyone know where I can locate games of this rare genre?

1 take the "good" away from the title, so your question could be considered as objective :) – meo yesterday
misguided advice...
oh boy
is it me or this page is completely broken?
2 hours later…
I'm watching super mario 3 TASes. What the hell are those arrows and (P) for?
good morning
Good Morning everyone
good afternoon
Does this cover it properly?
A: Re-open A Question

Arda XiThere have been a lot of questions like this on the site, yes. So far, we've all closed them. The point is that these kind of un-detailed questions are going to differ for everyone on the site. What's 'creepy' for you might not be creepy for me. StackExchange is based on an ask-once read-many co...

@Oak - recommendations are not the "best thing to come out of the site". You can find recommendations of games everywhere. However, I agree that specific questions about a particular type of game should be left open. Like this one:
Q: Any games like Torchlight with WASD movement?

PyrolisticalI really like WASD movement but dislike click to move. Is there any game out there where its WASD to move your character but using the mouse to aim/interact? I am not talking about third-person-shooters or hybird first-person-shoots. I am looking for an action rpg. Sort of like League of Lege...

It's really specific, not something you can find anywhere else.
I'm going to link to this excellent explanation from now on
A: Re-open A Question

Grace NoteTo be honest, we're in the middle of a scrambled situation here. When the site first came out, we had thought it was perfectly harmless to allow these kinds of questions - in moderation. But as time passed, during the end stages of the private beta and moreso as the public beta began, we noticed ...

But for example this is good since it's specific enough:
Q: Looking for a game similar to a game Maxis released, A-Train, back in 1992?

hokiecsgradMaxis released a game called "A-Train" back in 1992. As I understand it, it was an English port of a Japanese game. I know that the A-Train series ran for quite a while in Japan, but I'm not clear if any of the subsequent games ever made a release in the US. Does anyone know if they did? Al...

It applies to anyone looking for games similar to that game
@Arda - yes, about same kind of example as mine.
What we should close without a second thought is "what is the best shooter", but that's obvious
recommendation should be remoed from the title...
true, it doesnt bring anything. It doesn't hurt as well, though. It can stay
maybe the point in how to ask should be elaborated, right now it only says "We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed."
No, I think it's pretty clear as it is. It doesn't answer to the "no wide game rec", though
but with strong moderators (and community), you don't need to. There only a finite number of "what are best" questions that can be asked. Once they are there and closed, you don't need to discuss closing. You close as duplicate.
Worked for SU
A: What should our FAQ contain?

OakWhat kind of questions can I ask here? {site name} is for knowledgeable and enthusiast gamers, people who have a passion for video games regardless of platform. We feel the best questions ask about a concrete problem encountered while playing a specific video game, but if your question generally...

But there's 'suggest a creepy game', 'suggest a funny game', 'suggest a bad game'
that question was "creepy, similar to"
no, wait
these ones, it's simply falling under the "too wide, open to interpretation"
no, he asks 'creepy' and mentions metro 2033 as an example
It violates the ask-once read-many principle
then i don't know, hard to make a "one time rule", for all this.
what if he asked for a recent game similar to metro 2033, would that still violate the rule?
If it's specific enough and appeals to many people it might not
but the 'recent' localises it
yay, got my first bounty ever
I need more questions in my area of expertise, getting bored :(
what's your area of expertise?
Hmm, most things PC-wise, but mostly Valve games, and well games I've played
@juan happy to assign you the bounty. I have just opened another one now
hmm... mirrors edge... might be able to create some good question from it :D going to play some now :D
Good game, really good
urm, can't you just plug the xbox controller in a pc?
usually, not all games support it though
you can @badp except for wireless ones, I guesss
about the tag used here:
do we allow using dots "." inside tags?
good question you removed there, marco
I couldn't finish Mirror's edge
kept falling from the rooftops all the time
frustated, I quit
gotta jump in time ;-)
yeah, I really tried
@arda how did you get those stats in TF2: steamcommunity.com/id/arienh4/stats/TF2?tab=stats
I just switched to GTA 4
erm.. playing for a really long time?
Well, it had to do with me being bored, having OpenSteamWorks and a knowledge of C#..
I've played every class for 596523.2 hours
then I quit the game
now I know not to trust steam stats ever
fun fact, these show as negative in game
@badp yeah, definitevely :)
Who uses a signed integer to store a score
Any quake game. Suicide counts as -1
fair enough
My personal record is -2 147 483 647 in-game
okay... I'm stuck :D
about tag p.b-winterbottom what do you like more?
I think the first
subway airation room, that room with the timer.
hmm, let me think
which chapter?
hmm, the part where the gates come down?
← has not played that game
past that, the part with the where you have to stop the vent.
oh that
you have to wallrun to the other side
xbox or x-box?
@juan xbox
yeah, xbox
ok ok
I don't think Microsoft and Xbox are unregistered trademarks ;-)
I don't think you don't think you don't mean what you didn't say
@Arda: regd: chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/chats/message/19506?offset=330 have you written about it anywhere ? A blog post , perhaps
not a lot of activity today on the site
seems like iceland.
You mean we're supposed to ask silly questions instead?
no, that's why it is so silent.
please don't... or do it on meta :)
meh, let's get you something to answer
Q: How to get past the Subway Airation Room in Mirrors edge.

alexanderpasHow to get past the Subway Aeration room, the room where you have to Stop the fan, and get past them before they're automatically restarted, in the Ropeburn chapter Everytime I try, or the fan goes back on when i reach the fan (killing me), or I somehow can't reach the ledge just yet, or somehow...

this is funny... I just managed to pass the problem area the first time after posting the question... anyways, the question still stands :D
quite common
every but one question I posted on SU had me giving the answer :(
Alex, I've had trouble with that part myself I recall
that's what frustrated me from that game
that last question @badp...
Most things in that game are jokes
I know I googled for it and didn't find anything
I wouldn't take it seriously
anyone ever get frustrated with Braid ?
I finished Braid then decided to start it over for the stars
now I hate myself for doing that.
A: How to get past the Subway Airation Room in Mirrors edge.

Arda XiIf you press the button and wallrun directly to the fans you should have plenty of time to get through them. See this YouTube video to see it more clearly.

can never seem to get beyond the first few levels. Will ask a question soon
uh, you do know you can skip levels entirely
you don't need to collect all puzzle pieces to open the door at the end.
Yeah @badp
I suck at puzzle games :-\
Quick question
once created, can you change steam group names?
I think so, yes
I know, this one should be for webapps but meh.
you can always just try :P
okay, I need a one line ascii unicorn then :(
That's a tiny bit impossible
No, you can't change a group's name
so I will need to wait to do that. no big deal.
@badp just saw my tweets pasted in the other rooms
Great stuff. Thank you for tweeting it.
i spam tweeter sometimes :)
i blame Atwood
It could be worse, you could be autotweeting
those are terribad
in other news
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

Tobias Kienzlerquicksave.com (Taken, but maybe...) as opposed to quickload.com Joel says taken does not necessarily mean impossible Since console games don't offer quicksave, you may consider this as a: "quick - save my char from dying in this unpauseable game"

what makes you think quicksave.com is squatted?
Usually squatted domains have google adsense spam or something
That website seems just plain empty.
it looks taken, if you ask me.
that's up to Joel to figure out
Or Jeff or someone else
Tobias Kienzler
you're right, I only looked at whois.net
indeed -- when I look on eNom.com to see if you can buy quicksave.com...
it's just not there
There's slowsave.com...
do they actually show you synonyms/antonyms as alternatives? (slowrescue.com)
why is the minimum bid $69?
I don't know what that means honestly
let me see if it lets me backorder anything
yeah, it lets you "backorder" whatever
Tobias Kienzler
how did you find it? I'll add the link to the suggestion
so that website means nothing
they probably send ninjas over to the owner to negotiate for the domain or something
Tobias Kienzler
@Arda Xi: oh, that kind of backordering
although I'm not too hopeful
about the owner not paying for another year
Creation Date: 30-aug-2001
Updated Date: 31-aug-2009
Expiration Date: 30-aug-2010
Tobias Kienzler
hm, the whois.net entry suggests it's been renewed every year
mind you, I'm not happy, pauseforhelp is one of the very few I downvoted
Same here @badp
I still like something like skippedtutorial.com
or thatonelevel.com
Tobias Kienzler
me too, thatonelevel would be a great alternative I guess
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

Antony Kochupdownleftrightybxa.com May appeal more to the slightly older generation...

this isn't even the konami code is it?
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

badpababselectstart.com (Available!)

A: Suggest a domain name for this site

badphowdoimovethepaddleinpong.com Another bad idea I had to put out.

this is worse :P
Tobias Kienzler
aww, let's take slowsave.com. lame enough if we can't get quicksave
Where did you get that answer? I found it on how do I move the paddle in pong dot com
big deal, @arda, I'm the proud owner of the most downvoted answer there :P
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

badpexpertdexchange.com (ask nicely and you can also change str and int!)

I still don't get that part between parentheses
experts exchange
expert sex change
expert dex change
dex int str con
Tobias Kienzler
oh, I finally got it! dex... sigh you should write expertDEXchange. Sorry, I'm a bit slow there...
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

alexanderpas gameover.com displays a maintaince page for over 2 years according to the Internet Archive, so it might be buyable (creds to Ivo Flipse) nope, subdomains are still in use, so no continues left!

nice find: expert sex change
better use that soon...
GameOverdose.com is nice too
Only squatted, not in use
dinnertime here too
dinner time at 1745?
you horrible people.
I usually have dinner at 2100 :)
it's lunch time
it's 12:45 here
Tobias Kienzler
dinnertime, have a nice WE everyone
in more news
yes ?
who is this guy?
Ziggamorph, Cambridge, UK
146 3
dinner time here too, 21:18
I ask because he made this edit
(added "Registered by Stack Overflow Internet Services, Inc. 2010-07-13." to the thatonelevel.com answer)
thatonelevel.com did get registered 2010-07-13, but I don't think it got registered by StackOverflow
it may have been registered by a squatter that read that question
maybe somebody checked for availability with godaddy
actually I guess it would be a good idea to recheck them all.

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