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And in relation to @BlueBarren's point, whatever the cause of the terrorism is, it will be used by people on all sides to make the situation more heated
I miss chiller times
Bah, Typescript compiler doesn't complain when you redeclare a variable that's a let in an outer scope using const.
Q: Moat Lurker: Mechanic Question

VyndicuSuppose I use a moat lurker to remove a card that is at the moment annoying me like "The Lich King" or something else dangerous to buy time. What happens if I play a card that take this moat lurker off the board? Like say, Shadowstep or Vanish or Sap or effects like Youthful Brewmaster that remo...

Q: Changing canPlaceOn/canDestroy display names of blocks

Egor HansI'm building a resource pack for a map, to implement a common workaround for canDestroy and canPlaceOn not supporting block metadata (retexturing completely different blocks to look like the block that's supposed to be usable). I already got in all the textures and also already modified the block...

Luckily we can relax in there
Except now it's full of jerks
@fredley Misery Horse will be back soon
@Wipqozn I know
@fredley hey now, just one jerk
New canon: @Wipqozn is a collection of no less than two jerks
@Wipqozn Every post in the room is from a jerk, it contains no posts that are not from jerks. It is therefore full of jerks.
@Wipqozn I have a free evening on the 8th
We should have a Bridge viewing party
At least the recent white nazis stuff is prompting a lot of companies to step up and start telling nazis to fuck off
The rebel, which is basically Breitbart: Canadian Edition, has had 150 companies pull ads from it after the attacks. Maybe this will help to get nazis to stop being nazis in public.
@fredley I'd be fine with this
@Wipqozn I'm not sure which is better, a closeted nazi or an open nazi
Also, Sonic Mania is decent
it's a return to form for old school sonic
I was only a bit of a sonic fan, so I'm enjoying it but I'm not like "ZOMG SONIC"
I think the levels are fun but the bosses are trash.
@Wipqozn Brietbart America has had like 2000 pull ads
Our main remaining target is amazon
@fredley there I fix it
fredley has removed an event from this room's schedule.
fredley has added an event to this room's schedule.
@badp i fix it better
@fredley citation needed
@Feeds how would I even watch it, let alone with fredley
@Wipqozn What did you get it for?
@badp Netflix?
I don't know if it's simultaneous release
8th sept so seems like it is
4 mins ago, by fredley
@badp Netflix?
what's a Netflix
is that what the kids call it today
@Wipqozn huh? I was asking about Sonic Mania...
@badp Get the free monthly trial, watch all of misery horse.
is Sonic Mania on Netflix
@badp it's slang for Heroine
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, it's a Netflix original, so would be very surprised if it wasn't
@fredley I could only possibly do that once Misery Horse was over
and you're asking me to blow my free month at the start?
what a monster
you must be @Wipqozn's sockpuppet
Literally wait until the end of time to get the most out of your free Netflix month
I should have to be on vacation for my free month, which I will probably by the end of time
@badp Don't forget to take crack to get the most out of your free Netflix month
Can't waste any time sleeping
@fredley wait
why would I pause the stream just because I was sleeping
oh shit barcelona
Developing story:
BREAKING: The dick has been photoshopped out https://twitter.com/motherboard/status/898193505746604032
@Unionhawk hue
@GodEmperorDune saturation
@fredley value
@GodEmperorDune 2016 intensifies
When do we predict maximum over2016
@Unionhawk 16020
Q: Do Poppy & Cappy effect wasteland events?

jhawesWhen I would send people out into the wasteland to explore they would come across locations/events fairly regularly (i.e. Red Rocket). After getting Poppy & Cappy these events don't seem to trigger anymore. It's been days and I've typically had around 3-5 dwellers wandering the wasteland withou...

only 14004 years to go
@GodEmperorDune 1620 AT (after trump)
I just realized that AD (anno Donald) was the better joke
you done goofd that one @uni
imagine if we had self-driving cars
or at least
self-slowing cars
imagine if the charlottesville guy had autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian detection?
Is that where we're going?
Because... actually you might be on to something
I think people who are @sternold would really benefit from this
Honestly I might even benefit from an emoji translator and I'm supposed to be a millennial
the only good emojis are :sunglasses: :rainbow: :hearts:
this is a fact
shit you're right
There are a couple tiers involved here I think
@BlueBarren i'll write a reference letter for that @ave
the only emoji anyone needs is ಠ_ಠ
that's not an emoji
@BlueBarren I know
🍆 this 🍆 is 🍆 easily 🍆 the 🍆 most 🍆 important 🍆 emoji 🍆
I have never seen so many redundant but separate drawings of eggplants in one place: emojipedia.org/aubergine
This must be why we need an emoji translator.
You don't want to risk someone seeing an LG eggplant emoji.
> The hashtag featuring a single eggplant / aubergine emoji #🍆 previously could not be used to view photos using Instagram's emoji search function, due to common usage as a phallic symbol.
As in it can now?
Yes, apparently. I'm not going to test it though.
@Wipqozn this doesn't help my confusion
@PrivatePansy there is a 100% chance of dicks on that instagram tag
@PrivatePansy the eggplant refers to male genitalia and the peach refers to booty.
@BlueBarren This is funny because you're doing the thing where you explain things unnecessarily still
@Unionhawk this is funny because it's an @Ori joke
@Unionhawk hey some people might not know what the peach means
You need to be 13 years old to be here
someone could unknowingly send someone a peach saying they want to each peaches when in actuality they're saying they want to eat the booty like groceries
You need to be 13 years old to be here
are implying 13 years old know about eating booty?
I am 30 and I am confused by this conversation.
I think I am too and I'm a part of this conversation
Eggplant is a vegetable and peach is a fruit.
@Beedrill not in the emoji world of millennials
Netflix is an American entertainment company founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997, in Scotts Valley, California. It specializes in and provides streaming media and video-on-demand online and DVD by mail. In 2013, Netflix expanded into film and television production, as well as online distribution. As of 2017, the company has its headquarters in Los Gatos, California. Netflix's initial business model included DVD sales and rental, although Hastings jettisoned DVD sales about a year after Netflix's founding to focus on the DVD rental by mail business. In 2007, Netflix expanded...
@BlueBarren hey i thought peach meant dick too
A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant. Some euphemisms are intended to amuse; while others use bland, inoffensive terms for things the user wishes to downplay. Euphemisms are used to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, excretion, and death) in a polite way, or to mask profanity. There are three antonyms of euphemism: dysphemism, cacophemism, and loaded language. Dysphemism can be either offensive or merely ironic; cacophemism is deliberately offensive. Loaded language evokes a visceral...
@Wipqozn I know what Netflix is, this isn't helping. Explain what's going on to me like I'm 5 years old
@GodEmperorDune no, butt
yes you made that very clear
@BlueBarren "you can't be here, you need to be 13 years old to be here"
I thought peaches were lady bits?
@badp You only need to be physically 13 years old to be here.
There are no restrictions on mental capacity.
@badp @Wipqozn explain it to me like I'm 13 years old
@Beedrill hey, that's still your ELI5
@Ash clearly bridge needs an official emoji translator
Peach is butt. Obviously.
@Ash they've always been booty. Not sure what people use for that, I would assume it's the taco but the taco is a relatively new emoji so I'm curious what people were using if it's changed
I like tacos.
@BlueBarren 🤢
I do as well
@badp that's a nice square
Has the terrorist attack in Barcelona been discussed yet?
@Nzall i mentioned it, we didn't really discuss it
@Ash if there is not an official one yet, i nominate 🍯
@BlueBarren I just figured it was that because romance novels love the peach/ladybits comparison
@Ash if it wasn't taken by booty already that would probably be the reasoning/rational for peach being that
@GodEmperorDune what is that?
@BlueBarren honey pot
@GodEmperorDune 🤢
what part of git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always did you not understand git
oh the part where it's not git config --global pull.rebase true
Q: Can I play on EU servers I register on US servers?

Ab_Ok, so I told someone who's in the US to get me 2 $20 Blizzard gift cards cuz they don't overwatch were I live nor the cards. But for some reason when I signed up I turned out to be a EU account. So I'm busted. Im going to try using VPN to the US and create another account. But I'm afraid that ...

@GodEmperorDune oooh, also good.
I started reading "worm" (those people from near us on the r/place thing) and it's this weird combination of amateurish but I want to keep reading anyway.
@GodEmperorDune jokes on you we provide free emoji translation on our discord server
@Lazers2.0 so I don't actually know if I'm right with this answer but it felt like too much to be left as a comment
@StrixVaria wat
here's some of our more bridge friendly works
@badp It's a web serial about a world full of people with super powers (kind of like X-men), and the main character can control bugs.
can he, like
two bugs?
@StrixVaria look who changed their name back NOTHING TO SEE HERE
@BlueBarren What are you talking about?
@StrixVaria oh hey, welcome back. Where'd you gone?
I was starting to get worried
@StrixVaria umm... nothing... totally nothing...
@Unionhawk there's none.
is it all just "here's my dinner lolololololol this tag is funny xd"
well there's this
So @PrivatePansy is a liar
When are we going to get emoji TLDs?
@Unionhawk there's some of that and some "look I spotted something that looks like it xd"
@StrixVaria 2016
@StrixVaria we do have emoji domains
I want to be able to visit 🍍.🍕
http://👩‍💻.ml << my site
some neckbeards aren't on board
@Avery of course you have a site
It's an eh-mo-jay site
@StrixVaria RIP @twobugs
how many are you going to be renewing at the end of the year
Your use of "neckbeard" as a derogatory term is insensitive to neckbeards
@Avery oh shit it works
@badp 7, 4 are normal domains and 3 are emoji
@Sterno they're parasites. They grow on your neck and start telling you things. It's a terrible fate
I hope to get rid of ardao.me and 0ws.pw by 2019
Holy crap did @StrixVaria change his avatar back
Welcome back @StrixVaria
who is @StrixVaria?
where did my 2nd fave mod @beedrill go?
also ugh apparently I blew the f2 fuse of my ndsl and need to desolder something and replace with a new one (so solder again) to get it working. Problem is, said fuse is smaller than the screws for the device.
just pretend I photoshopped a picture of scooby and the gang taking the mask off a Beedrill to reveal Gir behind it
@StrixVaria And here I was just getting used to your other name... :P
oh @StrixVaria changed his name too
I'm just glad that I can make @StrixVaria == @Omega jokes again
I specifically didn't pick that avatar.
Just because of you.
@BlueBarren Netflix is a streaming service
@StrixVaria I'm special
Also thank zeus for backups
I just deleted most of the data from our dev database
@Wipqozn and Sonic Mania is a video game
@BlueBarren Yes and you asked where what I got Sonic Mania from
Anyways I got a database to recreate
@Wipqozn it's not on Netflix
@BlueBarren and Netflix is a streaming service
I'm just going to... uh... okay
I never asked for this
on a scale from 1 to 7 how likely is it that there is currently coffee
@GodEmperorDune WTF
@DanmakuGrazer ugh he follows watters world
he probably follows everyone from that channel
are you serious
old people love watters
I mean
wtf that guy is such an asshole
@GodEmperorDune I never understood why this is not a core twitter feature
if old people didn't like him he wouldn't be on the network
he does hit pieces on millenials and other sorts of people who are not old white people
that's like the core genre on the channel
also i see what looks like parody antifa accounts?
The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!
@Avery he waits for all the facts before making a statement
congrats on getting the facts first mister president
"What would really help is if you impeach and imprison your president, OK THX"
Oh so you condemn THAT but not the charlottesville one
I guess I should keep using the block feature until that feed is empty for me
I mean
@badp hue
unless he follows like
@BarrackObama for some reason
he follows neither of those people probably though
I'm working on a tiny block bot
Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!
I don't get that tweet
Digs through replies to trump and makes some quick checks to see if they're very clearly a trump supporter and blocks them
Usually I'd assume it's my lack of knowledge, but it's Trump, so I'm not sure if it is actually supposed to make sense
@MadScientist chances are it's a misunderstanding of history
also from wikipedia it seems that pershing did some good but was also not that great a commander in WWI
something trump doesn't understand: ISIS doesn't fear what happens after they get caught.
well at least he's consistent on "radical islamic terrorism" particularly even though he's an absolute failure on the "you must call things like this what they are" department
> He controversially ordered his troops to continue fighting after the armistice was signed. This resulted in 3,500 American casualties on the last day of the war, an act which was regarded as murder by several officers under his command.
They care about performing their (fucked up) political statement.
If they cared about what happened after their statement, they wouldn't really suicide bomb, would they?
maybe trump likes him because he was stubborn and didn't follow directions?
@GodEmperorDune ofc
it's the bullets in pig's blood story. It's not in Pershing's Wikipedia page because it's likely not true
seems like he was much better at domestic policy than at combat
> In 1921, Pershing became Chief of Staff of the United States Army, serving for three years. He created the Pershing Map, a proposed national network of military and civilian highways. The Interstate Highway System instituted in 1956 bears considerable resemblance to the Pershing map.
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
@Avery I dunno, they've stopped blowing themselves up and started actually fleeing the scene or fighting for their lives
@MadScientist yeah i dunno what he could possibly be referring to
I guess the idea of martyrdom was becoming too hard to sell
@MadScientist bullets in pig's blood story?
WWII was less than 35 years after WWI so i dunno where this lull in "radical islamic terror" happened
because WWI you had the lawrence of arabia stuff
and then in WWII the arab league fought the nazis so...
so, how long before pedestrian avoidance system become compulsory on pretty much every vehicle
it's an advanced feature now
I don't have it yet and I just got a new car
back up cameras are mandatory as of 2018?
random note: eating pigs is haram, wearing the skin or being hit by a bullet that was in pig blood or being buried alongside a pig, albeit fucked up, is not haram
yeah, um, I don't know if you've been keeping up with current events, but we might want to turn that into law in a hurry
But those sorts of changes take years
I guess it's tough to retrofit it on existing cars
@MadScientist Oh good I'm glad it's consistent in that it's worse than I expected somehow
@badp given how lhere are still cars on the road that don't have seatbelts, decades
@GodEmperorDune what the actual fuck
because "oh we can't make all new cars do that that quickly are you kidding"
@badp grandfather clause
@GodEmperorDune what the actual fuck
@GodEmperorDune I mean, on the road versus manufactured
@Unionhawk yes
@GodEmperorDune In any civilized country?
You can't retrofit autonomous emergency braking
@MadScientist depends if US is civilized or not
so "all vehicles on the road" will never happen
"all new private passenger vehicles" will still take many years
we could do it for all new cars manufctured
cars had to get retrofit in Italy both for seatbelts and for not using leaded petrol
why do you keep being bested by puny little tiny fucked up Italy
we still have late 80s cars on streets here
I mean, italy has italian food, so it's hard to compete
@badp Yeah, sigh :/
or something
@badp but mah profits
@badp actually, running protestors over is patr-- banned
hmm, it's even legal in Germany for Oldtimers. I didn't expect that
@Unionhawk except they're trying to legalize it
(it's funny because "running over protestors" has been a right wing meme)
(for definitions of funny meaning extremely and irrevocably fucked up)
420 should be legal, driving over protestors should not. smh.
@Avery yeah, legal in NC\
which is hilarious
2 mins ago, by Unionhawk
(for definitions of funny meaning extremely and irrevocably fucked up)
what the fuck
as long as you "do it on accident"
which like, no
they need to define protestor
if you accidentally hit a pedestrian for reasons other than "they suddenly entered the roadway unexpectedly" then you should pay the fuck attention
@Unionhawk i think the white supremacy bro was paying attention when he accelerated into a crowd of people
@GodEmperorDune that was not an accident therefore theoretically the NC law does not apply
wasn't in VA though
(so the NC law never applied)
(NC has the best laws, great laws, bestest of all)
@GodEmperorDune That's the thing though, I have no idea where Rs think "accidentally hitting protestors with a car" would even be a thing
on what planet is that a thing
shut up other uni
Oh good they updated the PIV card utility to use the system's case speaker to beep when I don't remove the card and the computer locks
That won't lead me to throw the laptop out the window or anything
Someone left a red triangle on this whiteboard so I improved it https://t.co/rhhY0zPooO
@TimStone sounds fun
Also Google decided that because I met my boss at a restaurant once I now work at that restaurant
And is giving me traffic updates accordingly
@TimStone damn it @StrixVaria
@TimStone As in it marked it as "work" or as in it just gives you a "17 minutes to buffalo wild wings" card

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