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or w/e
because I get cards like "9 minutes to church" on sundays and whatnot
@Unionhawk Please. It was Hooters.
It was somewhere
Statistically speaking
Likely somewhere near @TimStone
@Unionhawk It literally tells me my drive to work might be delayed
For a while I had no idea where it even thought I worked but I finally clicked it the other day and realised where it got that location from
@TimStone hahahah what
I have a request - can we like...not link EVERY bit of Donald Trump is awful the world is awful the US is a tire fire we come across?
It's really, really damn emotionally draining, to basically have this constant firehose of awful.
This is an acceptable request
Yeah, I think that's fair. I've been trying to cut back because it's already everywhere so it doesn't all also need to be here
I'm starting to really understand why people have been avoiding this room because it feels like all we do is discuss how awful the state of America is
@Ash I think the reason people (including myself sometimes) post stuff is that we're seeing this stuff and just need people to vent with
and I get it, it's super bad and awful
I appreciate it's tiring
Maybe we should have a Trump room
@fredley I understand that
but like this is a Gaming chat for a Gaming site and it feels like right now its 1000% America is doing the Thing instead of being what it's supposed to be
I appreciate it's awful and people totes need spaces to talk about it
I am just not sure our main room needs to be this 1000% of the time
Someone just pledged $150 @Unionhawk :o
It wasn't me
^^ Direct venters to the vent, migrate large vents into the vent
@fredley do we anticipate venting this much into space will alter the trajectory of the lazers mothership
@Ash Well in gaming related news Gamescom starts next Tuesday...
@Unionhawk Dunno, I miss the times when Bridge was 90% @Wipqozn memes though
That's true
Our numbers are really down in that department
So apparently university police did an active shooter simulation at a nearby bar
except their simulation sucked because there were less than a billion people inside
> no one should ever lay on the floor at this place
also a good point
if you tried to treat a patient inside, they would probably get stuck to the floor forever and die that way
@BlueBarren heck yes elephant
Q: Self building house in minecraft

lucaCan someone help me make a command for a self building house? If you can then post it here please.

@Ash ah okay. See I wasn't sure if elephant fell into the category of "cc: Ash on this link"
I love elephants
I have a feeling that I've eaten more American and Chinese food than Canadian food so far on this trip.
I did have maple cream cookies yesterday so there's that.
aaa accidentally yellig
They smell so good when you open the bag.
Yelling about cookies is explicitly allowed in the bylaws of the bridge
I just checked
@Yuuki I mean that's how I live my everyday life as a Canadian
I also bought a shot glass.
COOOOOOOKIESSSS (with freedom!)
They're one of my favourite kinds of cookies
And one of those Canadian wool hats.
I like sugar cookies.
With the long ear strings.
@Yuuki I recommend picking up the Canada mittens to complete your set
Something I'll probably never wear in Texas, but I felt like I needed it.
@Yuuki I found a ridiculous shot glass in colorado that had to be like a 12ozer
it was weird
Stat is one big sip!
Novelty shot glasses are so universal tourist it's hilarious
Really wish I could get this travel stuff done though :/
Too bad our week is saturday-saturday otherwise this might be easier
the friday-friday flight on similar days is super cheap
🎵the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round🎵
@Unionhawk Still struggling with flight costs?
that sucks :(
Go buy a plane if your tired of paying for round trips
I'm pretty much probably going to take whenever it drops next
And stuff
@Unionhawk hopefully that's soon and it drops to something reasonable :)
unless it ends up with "overnight in DFW" or something stupid like that
The flight I am taking is cheaper by about 50 bucks than when I booked it but honestly I am just so glad to not have to worry about it
Like $550 for round trip YYZ to ATL is not bad, I've had it be much worse
@Unionhawk That sounds like it would be awful, yeah
@Ash YYZ is such a great airport code
I hope the universe gives you good flight karma. Or at the very least, mostly non-shit
@GodEmperorDune I like it
@Yuuki it gets cold in texas
@Yuuki you never know when a good warm hat will come in handy
It is almost consistently summer here in Mississippi...
@TheMattbat999 you misspelled california
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just checked it after eliminating one airport it considers nearby and now "leave 3 days late and stay in a hotel at $100 a night" just became cheaper and now I have to consider that
I hate flying into this airport
@Dragonrage it gets cold in northern california :p
There's so much 12d chess required to get a decent deal
Yeah, whatever you're planning sounds super tricky :/
@Dragonrage it is hot there too? It is just super humid here.
@Ash at least flight is the only thing I have to pay for, really
@TheMattbat999 yes, its hot here most of the time, though we dont usually have humidity
@Unionhawk Well, that's something at least
@GodEmperorDune nothern california is fake california
@Dragonrage nah they have all our water
cleveland is fake ohio
thats the only reason they are part of the state. well, that and the capital is up there. but california could easily be broken up into at least 5 states
there are at least 5 separate subcultures by region
@Dragonrage but the nit wouldh ave an unfair number of senate seats
@Dragonrage most states have large urban/rural divides
/kick @uni
@Dragonrage it is humid all the time. Here, just add 12 degrees to the Fahrenheit of your the thermometer to get what it feels luke.
ive been to texas, i know what humidity does
well you can calculate it
it's called heat index
@Dragonrage i dunno if the humidity is as thick in texas as it is in the deep south
i went to florida a while back and it was so humid
like your clothes are always damp humid
when i go, there are normally a lot of thunderstorms, so the humidity is quite high
South Florida humidity is the worst
you sweat and it does nothing humid
It is not as humid in Texas as in the rest of the south
your hope has become despair humid
@Dragonrage Tejas is a large state
just north of waco
By the end of the day, I look like I have been in a rain storm all day.
is where i normally go
sorta in the middle of the state
Chameleons are fun cause they'll grab anything you give them. https://t.co/aTJ2Abjrs4
We drove to Huston. That is the longest road trip I have been on. 11 hours!!!!
thats like how long it takes to get to LA during rush hour
lol la traffic
cc @GodEmperorDune
How far are you from LA
like 60 miles
So, in California, it takes you 11 hours to travel 60 miles whe we drove 800 in that amount of time?
I suspect people are being somewhat facetious with those numbers.
i was slightly exaggerating, it can take 3+ hours though. ive had that happen several times.
I remember spending 3-4 hours to get through the bridge in istanbul on rush hour
and spending like ~12 hours to get to ankara due to that
I am dead honest
it took my wife around 8 hours to get from San Diego to home near LA when they left at 5 PM the day before thanksgiving
oh, yea never ever travel the day before a holiday
that's a 150ish mile drive
@Dragonrage yeah she was pissed that the driver for waiting so long
but free ride is a free ride
Tbh, there is not much traffic where I live.
normally it's closer to 2 hours
Glad I live in Cascilla...
I heard that Trump's kids were hunting saber tooth cats. What do you guys think?
I'm not so much of a fan of hunting.
Saber tooths are an endangered species, by the way.
There's a world of different between trophy hunting and hunting for meat etc.
@TheMattbat999 I feel like you're bringing this up in such a way that it will guarantee someone getting agitated over it and that's not really an awesome thing to do
No, it was just a joke.
The joke is to make someone think saber tooths are still alive
Okay, that's not a joke, that's being rude to people who may not know as much as you
that's not really amusing.
Yeah, I'm sure people will get outraged when they hear that those animals are alredy extinct
Just steaming
Tbh, I didn't think of it that way.
Why do I even try
Teaching people something about life?
Dynamics CRM

Proposed Q&A site for dynamics CRM administrators, implementation experts and developers

Currently in definition.

Q: Mount & Blade: Enter Battle Without Horse

PlanetAlexanderIn Mount and Blade (Specifically Warband and Viking Conquest), if you have a horse equipped on you then on the map screen, you are able to move much faster. A great advantage, however though, in battle you start on the horse aswell. This is all fine when fighting with calvary, but when fighting w...

Q: Minecraft Functions in Craftbukkit server

AndyDI have a craftbukkit server running 1.12.1 with multiverse but cannot to get the new minecraft functions working. From the root of the server i have a directory : /flat_world/data/functions/Hello within this a file : Hi.mcfunction with the contents: give @p minecraft:apple On the server I go to...

don't believe everything you read on the internet #makeuthink
@Unionhawk the internet would never lie to me
@Wipqozn But did you know that Dr. + your last name = your doctor name?
Your law firm name is your surname + the surname of the other named partners at your firm.
The more I play Sonic Mania the more I have no idea how it got any good reviews at all.
The level design is consistently suspect.
The boss design, holy shit.
I have never played a game with more consistently horrible bosses.
It's like they consulted a book that explained how good design worked and specifically went against that.
@Fluttershy Why yes!
@Wipqozn what?
Kill the player instantly to teach him that doing that thing he was doing kills him instantly, when he had no reason whatsoever to believe that might be a bad thing before this? Check.
@fredley Wipqozn memes best memes
Sonic Mania is trash. Don't get it.
Don't waste your money like I was conned into.
@StrixVaria Good to know.
I really want to love sonic mania
But am not hearing good things :/
@wipq Oil Ocean Zone 2 was the boss that upset me to the point of tweeting about it, but they've *all* been just the worst. Worse than you.
Cc @wipq on that sick burn
Honestly there hasn't been a fun boss fight in this game yet.
I'm pretty sure I didn't dread every single boss fight when I used to play Sonic 2 as a kid.
that sucks :(
How much did it cost?
I mean it's not like I'm going to regret the purchase forever.
Huh, not THAT bad
If only I had that $20 still I could do something meaningful with it.
But it's still annoying that it got good reviews and I honestly can't even understand why.
I loved Sonic 2
There are tons of games that get good reviews, and then I see or play it and know that I personally wouldn't enjoy it, but I understand where there is enjoyment to be had.
But these boss fights are just fucking stupid.
I should play Sonic adventure 1 on stream at some point
They're not fun, it's just an exercise in frustration until you maybe win or maybe lose and have to try again which is even worse.
In Oil Ocean 2, I got to the boss and lost 7 times in a row because its mechanics are garbage, and then since I was out of lives I got shunted back to Oil Ocean 1.
Like, seriously? I have to go through two boring-ass stages and one stupid-ass boss again to have fewer tries at this bullshit boss?
@StrixVaria maybe some people enjoy what you consider stupid.
@TheMattbat999 Thank you for your keen contribution.
It's still bad game design.
I imagine there are people who love being instakilled without warning.
@StrixVaria Thats terrible design.
The dark souls of sonic
Makes it challenging, I guess. I can tell you wouldn't have liked the OG Castlevania.
@StrixVaria Rekt
OKay so bought Darkwood
There is a difference between well-designed challenge and bad game design that just results in difficult gameplay.
might stream it
Anyway, I have things to do.
I hope future me never thinks to try Sonic Mania again in some attempt to get value out of that sunk cost.
@TheMattbat999 I'm not really sure how you're drawing this conclusion
@StrixVaria If you ever get the urge we will remind you of this conversation.
Unfortunately I don't think any of you will be present to help me :(
You should do it
Honestly I wouldn't mind just being able to do time trials.
Yeah @StrixVaria just give it another try
But you have to finish the game (including bosses) to unlock all the levels in time trial mode.
@StrixVaria ew.
The time trials do not include the bosses.
It's the best reviewed Sonic game in fifteen years
Although Oil Ocean Zone 2 also was ass, almost as bad as the boss.
He said he doesn't like insta-kills, and those are common in Castlevania, @Ash
I wouldn't want to time trial that one.
No sane human likes unseeable instakills.
If they're telegraphed and you know that it's a thing and you have a chance to avoid it, maybe it can be an ok game design thing.
@TheMattbat999 he doesn't like instakills that you don't see coming/can't predict/are a direct result of poor game design
The way they were in these past 2 boss fights was just absolute trash.
Anyway, I'm actually leaving now.
@Ash, that is what I meant. Random Medusa heads knocking you off cliffs isn't fun. They pop out of nowhere and hit without warning
in one game, if you dance in front of a boss, he one shots your team
Oh, it's survival horror. Well, I feel less bad about not being able to watch
@Dragonrage Sounds like Mother
Darkwood sounds familiar...
Also, anyone here ever played Fallout 3?
That's like asking is the sky blue...you're in a room full of people who play video games. I'd suspect the answer would be yes, for at least one person, considering its a major game release for a major publisher.
Did you have particular questions about it, or were you just wondering if people had played it?
@Ash the sky is currently black over here
@KevinvanderVelden rekt
@KevinvanderVelden here it's grey.
(we are likely going to get more rain.)
Here, the sky is void.
Did you poke cthulhu again?
btw, the best statue in the world is the monument to rats used for DNA research in Russia https://t.co/NEEY9qbCOQ
Has anyone noticed how long the intro is?
@Fluttershy Mostly void, partially stars.
@Ash yassss
@GodEmperorDune I love that it is a thing that exists.
@Ash there was a thread of favorite statues
@GodEmperorDune ooooh that sounds delightful fun
here it is
What are your favorite public statues?
looks like Discord is in real trouble over here but chat works just fine
RIP @ave
@Avery discord broke, fam
@badp why did you lie to the bridge?
@GodEmperorDune would I ever
some regions occasionally go down
@badp that's true, you're no @Wipqozn
@Avery I dunno, it's working fine in-browser
whereas the electron app, well
@DanmakuGrazer no, I'm not in Japan.
well that's enough of that
not a fan of the controls at all
try west of loathing
I'm just going to refund it
@badp I mean I can name 3 of them
Maybe I'll try it again someday? but the controls are really bugging me, and I'm just completely lost and confused
So running around with annoying controls and lost makes it worse
@Wipqozn wait what game are you talking about?
@GodEmperorDune Darkwod, the game I was just playing.
Like being lost is part of the point, but the controls are just annoying. There's no run button, it just uses the joystick, which would be fine... except it's way too sensitive for what it considers "running" mode
and since the game has stamina it's just annoying
the controls all display XBOX controls, but I'm on a PS4 and there's no option to change it
and I keep pressing the wrong buttons since I expect buttons to do different things?
like maybe I'd get used to it
but I don't feel like getting used to it right now
plus it's too hot in here
FYI: a snake has one leg
Maybe I'll buy The Long Dark
@Dragonrage i liked those riddles
@Wipqozn just buy west of loathing
@GodEmperorDune the third one was a tad annoying, the other 2 were good
@GodEmperorDune I probably should
@Dragonrage it made perfect sense
If I need to wake up early to go pick up my keys to my new place, should I got to bed early?
@Ronan Theoretically yes but considering you're still awake....
@Ronan drink a lot of fluids before bed
it'll wake you up
@Ash It's only 10 to midnight.
Q: ps4 controller wont register after friends house

Darragh McCallionHave tried all the tips to reset controler but not coming back since played it n mates house .please help

@GodEmperorDune the answer was appropriate, but it was slightly annoying getting the answer
@Dragonrage yes
Also it's the first place I'll have by my self, which is super exciting.
@Ronan Living on your own is the best
Roommates are the worst
I might be biased though
but just having a place to yourself...it's great. Privacy. It rocks.
@GodEmperorDune I've made a decision onWest of loathing sir
@Wipqozn @wipqzon status: ???
I spent like half of last month on my own [aka no one at house but me]
and it's the best
@Wipqozn I haven't had any particularly bad experiences, but I'm moving to a new town so I don't want to have house mates I've never met.
@GodEmperorDune I'm going to watch TNG instead of buying it!
@Ronan Where you moving to?
I have never moved. Glad
@Wipqozn @wipqzon status: still worst
@Wipqozn Manchester, for my new job.
@Ronan Congrats!
Moving out at 16 is pretty impressive too
@Wipqozn Yeah I'm starting at the start of September. Hopefully it'll be as good as my last job.
@Ronan gratssssss
@Wipqozn I already moved out 4 years ago when I was 16.
@Ronan what did you study again? I want to say computer science but also you like art.
It was computer science.
but was it rocket science
there are computers on a rocket
@Ronan also, grats
I don't remember any rockets. But maybe the perl code I wrote was for rockets, it was hard to read.
@TheMattbat999 that is not much to be proud of
@Ronan so long as you don't use *_->$* you're going to be okay
@badp i'm not familiar with that emoji
I have moved all the way across the US, in two steps
Q: Is there a reason to keep common hybrids around?

Ath3naMy park has just run out of room for habitats, so I'm wondering if I should sell my common hybrids for room for more rare hybrids, or if there is a purpose in keeping them.

Q: What do you do at the Railroad Camp?

Mine P1x3lI don't know what to do. Please help me.

@murgatroid99 I've moved all the way across the US too!
I've done Europe south to north
there is more room to go further north but also no desire
@GodEmperorDune That's super creepy and awesome
Q: Predicting Succession Outside Dynasty

Adolf PotatoI am playing as a one province count in India. I have murdered the heirs of Rashtrakuta until the grandchildren of the king are the only males left in the dynasty tree other than the king himself. Now that all the traditional heirs are dead, the line of succession is- The duke currently second i...

Can we start a thread of our favorite GIFs? Here I'll start: https://t.co/01qf49N4gx
Important thread
Lesson: my dishwasher is not sealed.
Lesson #2: oil based primer is fine for latex topcoat.
@Frank oh no
@Frank is this related to lesson 1?
@Ash Nope. Just lessons I am learning while renoing and painting my house.
@Frank fair enough, I was just worried how the two might relate is all
Hey, how are you doing, anyway? :)
So now I have to look for a new dishwasher. Which is fine; I'm doing so much renoing that one more thing isn't much.
@Ash Well enough, I guess. Arm isn't bruised anymore, but shoulder will take another two or three months to fully heal.
Neurologist pulled my license, though. Not happy about that.

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