I've had my eye on this question for a while: How long is Mass Effect 3 on normal difficulty?
I didn't think it was a very good question, but I answered it and pointed to HowLongToBeat.com and tried to explain in my answer specifically why a site like this is needed to provide a good answer to t...
In Spanish, Americano doesn't refer to US citizens, but a citizen of any American country. Norte Americano is for any that are in North America, and if you want to specify US, you have to be explicit about US ;)
@GraceNote It might be true that it's how it's supposed to translate ;> As to the other part, there are a number of notable differences ... but this sort of conversation tends to deteriorate quickly :-)
I want to start the campaign again using melee and some ranged such as explosives, but I don't know how to use it, what perks to use and the best armour.
Is it viable, and, if it is, can someone please give me a quick tutorial and help me with the basics?
@James Geography. America could just as easily mean Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, as it could mean the United States, Canadia, and those central American countries...
@Tristan Aye, but we still kinda utilize the name as our own in some societies, since our title as a country is more of a descriptor. Kinda like how we stole English.
@GraceNote Not some, in all.. An American while technically can refer to anyone living in an america just doesnt in the common usage of the word.. they are arguing semantics.
But seriously, yes they're called Americans. But I've never agreed with just calling the US America. Since we aren't the only "America" on the globe, it just seems like we're dicks.
@IanPugsley I just consider myself "human." Or in some, rare cases, "pony." If people want to call themselves Americans, that's fine. But simply referring to the US as "America" will always seem wrong to me.
(Those rare cases are on this site. I'm just rolling with the pony thing in the same fashion that @OrigamiRobot goes with the Robot business.) =D
@IanPugsley True.. I can only speak to people from Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany... Hmm. Nah Ive not spoken to people from the netherlands in wayy to long to include them in the list.
@IanPugsley Most likely. My few in-person experiences with Americans (ie. citizens of the US) tends to be mostly bad; the vast majority have entitlement issues like nobody's business.
@IanPugsley Nah, if people in the UK are refered to as Irish, Scottish or English, why shouldnt I be Californiish.. (haha, cant say that with out laughing :))
@James my only point is that the polite thing to do is to let someone self-identify (if you want to call yourself a Californian, do it), but don't be exclusionary - "X isn't really American!", etc.
[shrugs] At the end of the day I do not really care. I just have never heard a person from the americas who wasnt from the US call themselves an american.
There is an awesome clip done up where Lion-O uses Sight beyond Sight to peer in on the girl cat, gets caught by that cat thing and asks if it wants to go grab some beers.
But the video is damn near impossible to find any more
Are there any significant Post-Story dungeons or quest that are worth doing. I feel as though the game is over aside from some quest cleanup. Is there any specific extremely challenging dungeons or quests?
For example, in Torchlight the Dungeon went on infinitley and scaled as such. So building ...
woo. 18/25 ... still like pulling teeth at this point :-) Wish I could transfer some of the votes from my 10's to the 6 3-4's I have ... oh well, getting closer.
@BenBrocka Thanks ... I tell ya ... the longer you wait the harder it is ... the next contest I stay up all night and call in sick to work to get the jump :-)
I've recently completed the missions on Tuchanka and stopped to review my war assets.
I noticed that the Citadel Defense Force, which was updated several times during conversations with the citizenry after Priority:Palaven isn't listed.
Now I'm checking everything and don't see Batarian Fleet a...
I've seen what it takes to get Premium Collector Pack. But what comes in one of these packs?
Do you get special items, or is it like the Victory pack which was just standard items?
@BenBrocka A friend of mine is in love with his mech keyboard ... I haven't tried it, but it's a nice prize ... I have a 5.1 system connected to my PC so the headphones won't do it for me :)
I mean, cmon, you just have to beat out everybody vying for prizes, plus the people who answer every question due to a rare mental disorder called "answereverythingitis"
@StrixVaria If we need to get blood pressures up we can just open a couple questions like "Do we still NOT like game-rec questions here?" or "Do we still NOT like ITG questions here?" every couple of months tongue in cheek
So both EDI and I have incinerate, and I'm currently running through the Rachni Quest line. When I tell EDI to incinerate a Gestation pod it burns in a glorious explosion. However, when I do it, sometimes, but not all the time, it just fizzles and doesn't do any damage. Why is it that EDI can alw...
In the mission Citadel: Volus Ambassador the outcome depends, in part, on whether Zaeed Massani survived the events of ME2 and if he was loyal.
It's not entirely clear from this answer whether he will be present or not as I don't know if his missions were from DLC or N7 missions, having not play...
The mission Citadel: Volus Ambassador has an option that adds the Volus Bombing Fleet, a good war asset bonus or saving the colony which gives you ... well ... a warm feeling inside.
It's also possible to get both using a paragon or renegade choice if your reputation is high enough.
What is the...
In this game, Galio is repeatedly exhausted everytime he uses his ultimate ability. However, Galio's ultimate roots him to one place. What's the purpose of exhausting Galio when he uses his ult?
@Stephen At the end of the day whether or not people like the ending I believe its way too vague, even from their advertising, for that complaint to mean anything. They are much more likely to just offer question answering DLC. The guy's blog was very careful to never mention they are doing a new and/or replacement ending.
But if you go and see a movie and do not like the ending... I do not think the FTC is going to give a crap
@james I agree that it hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of the FTC doing anything, I just thought it was an interesting new level of absurdity in the "ME3 sucks" saga
The Leaguecraft ggClassic is an awesome tournament filled with professional League of Legends gamers, and we are the official sponsor! To show our support for the players as they do battle, we are giving away some awesome prizes to people who ask and answer the best questions about League of Lege...
@James Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey.
@tiddy I am at 19/25 and then I'm there. If you want to look through my Q&As rated less than 5 and see if anything deserves an upvote, I would surely appreciate it :)
@james @sterno Yeah, DLC seems like a safe bet as their response to this problem, but it doesn't preclude them from saying "oh well now that you've done the dlc, this new ending makes a lot of sense"
@james I don't have the emotional investment in it that others do, I thought the endings were all right but I also felt that the game really shoved you down one path... having not played the preceeding games it's tough to say.
@james I think it would have been interesting to have played the game from a Cerberus Shepard point of view (of course that could tie the ending tightly to the events of ME2) ... oh well.
I own 1 and 2, but Ive never played em (picked em up on a sale)
Maybe Ill snag 3 the same way and in a year or two get aroudn to playing them.. but BioWare does not make RPGs I like.. I want to like em, I just never do.
I know you can vote to kick people before starting a game but is this possible after a game has already started? Specifically kicking people for being AFK unless there is a time out type thing for inactive players.
Is it possible to import/convert a Minecraft Classic server level to a Minecraft server level? I have a really old server, set up in McLawl r55, that I would like to open and explore in the current version of Minecraft.
If so, how can I go about doing this?
one is that it would be nice to collect some of these FAQ type questions and provide generic answers (see mine on playing Windows games on a Mac, for instance)
another is that if we're just going to say "someone else does this better than we do" I don't know how much utility that has
that's essentially saying "(question type) doesn't fit our model well, let me redirect you" which sounds more like a close reason than something we'd want to encourage the proliferation of
I suppose if you took all the answers people gave of how long it took them, you could average them together and put that into a new answer and that would be more accurate... but as soon as someone else added their time to finish the game, the average would shift a bit making it not the answer any more.
I want to buy a graphics card, currently looking for Nvidia 9500GT 1GB as it is cheap (for me) with big memory (1GB).
As there are variety of cards available i dont know which one is better and how that one is better.
Should i look for its memory size? (1 GB, 512 MB etc)
Should i check for its...
What resources are most useful in finding new games to play?
This question is a place to find websites, forums, and other places that help you find new games to play.
Game recommendations are a subjective topic, so consider the Back it up! policy when answering. Please explain why something is ...
I think there are problems, like consistency. And what if they ask something specific (ie, I have dyslexia, how long will it take me to finish portal?) which doesn't fit under the "generic" question/answer pair we create?
@agent86 Disease is a good talking point but take it to just a generic gamer level. No one plays the same was as other people do. They are in general going to take longer or shorter simply because the listen to every inane conversation or skip every conversation.
Even people looking for the generic average of a game length are only every going to be able to get the specific times it took people to finish them.. then as I mentioned before the best that could be done is to take the average of that.
@StrixVaria imo, it's easier to say "we don't do that here" than "we do that here only in the generic case, and yours doesn't fit the generic case, so... it's off topic"
it's really hard to say "this question type is not allowed, except for these really highly upvoted ones that we keep around because they solve more people's problems than yours"
When firing a weapon in DoomRL, you can aim with either the arrow keys or the mouse. When using the keyboard, DoomRL allows me to aim up to 8 tiles away. When using the mouse, I can aim as far as I'd like. This is useful for tactics like blind-firing at a tile out of your vision range, but I pref...