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dear chrome: why
@Avery i find it odd that the Secure Connection part isn't coming up
@Memor-X I was mostly talking about issues on one of my sites
the reason it's not coming up here is mixed content
@Avery yeh but i'm assuming that Secure Connection comes after Valid Certificate then Secure Resources. the fact that is missing makes me thing that there might be something wrong with that
Full https chat will probably never happen
But at least it's https redirect with mixed content allowed
@Unionhawk oh i now that. alot of the time the mixed content is coming from youtube
Q: Were the Switch's left Joy-Con connection issues ever fixed?

Steven VascellaroWhen the Nintendo Switch launched in February, there were multiple articles and reviews claiming that the Switch's left Joy-Con was prone to frequent connection issues during normal use. (See Nintendo Switch left Joy-Con disconnects frequently. Fix?) I've seen some claim the disconnect issue w...

someone should make a meat
I intended meta but who cares
@Avery about what?
@Memor-X about youtube
your daily dose of git (suggestive text)
^ unrelated
@Avery i think like a month ago there were a couple of posts where about dirty sounding unix commands
(and no I'm not digging in her twitter)
So apparently there's 4 or so Hours before the english release of Fate/Grand Order is live
and about twice that for the servers to be stable
1. Justin Trudeau 2. at Pride 3. wearing rainbow socks 4. high-fiving a little girl dressed as Wonder Woman https://t.co/1xYQoOaPOt
Stop being so cool, Canada.
pretends to not be in Ohio no
The hardest refresh requires both a Mac keyboard and a Windows keyboard as a security measure, like how missile launch systems require two keys to be turned at once.
> The hardest refresh requires both a Mac keyboard and a Windows keyboard as a security measure, like how missile launch systems require two keys to be turned at once.
Hah, yes, the latest XKCD is nice.
And realistic.
@Memor-X ctrl-shift hard refreshes?
@badp So why would Tumbler do that?
Verizon now owns Tumblr, so accounts using competing phone companies' email will be locked out. #NetNeutrality… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879119440935362560
Oh, wow.
That sounds almost like an April's Fool's joke.
@badp hot damn that is so much pettiness
Anti-trust agencies ought to do something.
I can slice the pettiness with a spoon
I can bump my heads against it and get concussions.
@badp How can this be real
Welcome to Dystopia.
@RedRiderX ...when urface isn't real
@badp maybe in some obscure browser or OS?
@badp laughs in a unreal space
So how is everyone here?
@badp so i take it Verizon is an ISP?
@badp fuck
@Memor-X Well cell service provider
But these days that's the same thing
@Cerberus from Steam Summer Sale? nope. well not in terms of real money. still got like 40k in the bank. but i'm down to my last $130 on Steam
@RedRiderX they have a FiOS service in some cities
@Unionhawk Oh really?
@Memor-X Haha, oh, dear, only 130...
@RedRiderX yeah
@Memor-X heavy breathing
Any turn-based or pause-tactical games you would recommend?
I already have a long list on Isthereanydeal, of course.
not the one I'm playing right now
@Cerberus that's going to disappear soon. just realized there are still a couple more games i could get like Shadow Run and Disgaea. also some Shoujo Ai/Yuri.
What are you playing?
@Memor-X Ah, I have Shadowrun Returns sitting in my basket, too!
i'm not really buying any single game for more than $10 unless it has been a must get item
Disgae is on my ITAD waitlist, it's not cheap enough yet.
pack and collections on the other hand i weigh up the value
Neither do I.
@Cerberus first Disgaea is 7.99 but the second 13.39 but the pack which is both games and their art books is 21.36 which is 0.02 less than buying both games separately
That's...not very generous.
Is it a bundle or a package?
@Cerberus 21.36 is the pack which is both games and their art books
If it's not a package, you might be able to save money after all, at least in theory.
But is it a bundle or a package?
Bundles give you a discount if you already own some of the content; packages do not.
@Cerberus i assume bundle maybe?
You can see it in the url: packages have /sub/, bundles have /bundle/.
Ah, good.
@Cerberus ahhh, so a pack and a bundle on steam are 2 different things
I think the publisher decides which it will be.
So you could save even a little more money.
ugh mosque is doing the azans for today on full volume. Probably above legal limit.
That's annoying.
@Avery your the second person i see post that
@Memor-X shush I didn't steal it from hakase senpai
misleading url being handholding when they have a +18 confirmation page
the most nsfw warnings go to titles
they can also use a trigger warning.
if it really is just hand holding and you've set the +18 confirmation page/NSFW warning to appear as a joke then in my opinion your an idiot. like those "site has been taken/shut down" April Fools jokes
Ugh why the fuck does all delivery related food close at 10 around me this it bullshit
I figured out the issue with my Apps Script. Apparently simple triggers aren't allowed to open/edit other documents, so if you try to do that it just fails silently instead of giving you any indication that anything bad happened.
Installing a custom trigger fixed the thing.
Where all means "larosas closes at 10, but jimmy John's closes at 9 and Domino's doesn't deliver"
"Domino's doesn't deliver" wat?
How do they do business?
I have never in my life actually stepped into a Domino's store.
@Unionhawk because it's 10 where you are and most places close at 10
@Beedrill Domino's no but there's a pizza joint down from where i last worked called Pizza Capers which never did delivery
There are pizza places that can survive without doing delivery. My favorite two pizzerias near me don't deliver. But not Domino's.
@Beedrill they have a carry out only store near me
@Memor-X I'm used to having a Domino's that delivers 23.5 hours, and a Jimmy John's that delivers until 4
Also larosas was quoting me an hour for delivery
(larosas is local pizza)
Most pizza places here do delivery, but that's because the biggest regional chain (there weren't any national chains either) offered free delivery, and up until several years ago, under 45 minutes or the entire order is free. Almost forces the others to offer delivery.
That's changed a bit in my home town, but one place in particular doesn't do the volume that other places do.
@Ash couldn't read this til now but it was VERY worth the wait
@GodEmperorDune the glitter!
@Ash I would've lost my shit if I got glittered in the face
Q: In factorio can I control a belt from the logistics network?

Bill KIt took me a long time to figure out that connecting a wire to a belt hooked it to the circuit network-- Now I'm wondering if there is a way to control it from a value from the logistics network. I didn't see a "Connect to logistics network" dialog after connecting a wire to a transport belt so...

Would be cool if we discovered intelligent life on a planet orbiting the bright star Vega and learned that they're all Vegans
Cc @Wipqozn @Dragonrage
@GodEmperorDune no
I was going to attend but it was hard to find tickets
@Unionhawk I agree
@Avery now I'm wondering why he cyborged Katya but his waifu is still a projector
Thought I saw a dino-Transformer eat a Car. Seems to me that would make it a Carnivore.
Niel degrasse Tyson retire bitch
@Unionhawk rude
I can fall asleep practically anywhere, and in any position. #ExpressionsOfImmaturity
@GodEmperorDune yeah
Dark Souls is the Dark Souls of incrementals
I do wonder whether science educators like Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson are going about things the wrong way.
I'm all for expanding awareness of the amazing things in nature, but I wonder if we can make more progress in science awareness by explaining the science behind more everyday things like your microwave.
@Yuuki like the show on science channel that explains the science behind viral videos?
Outrageous Acts of Science is a science program shown on Science Channel in the U.S., featuring a fast-paced countdown of the top 20 internet videos in each episode. The series first aired in the UK on Discovery International with the title You Have Been Warned. The program features homemade science experiments and stunts, often accompanied by warnings of "don't try this at home" when doing so might endanger the viewer. For the U.S. TV network, it was the top-rated show of 2015. Each episode focuses on a particular science theme that features the cleverest, funniest, most daring, or just downright...
Q: Minecraft dupilicate/glitch?

AubreyWhen I make a new world in minecraft pc I break a block it reappears and doesn't drop anything till I wait a few minutes. Is there a solution to this?

@GodEmperorDune Yeah. I know Nye used to do that sort of thing on his show, which I imagine is why it was so popular.
@Yuuki …That's… that's really sad. And graphic. You should put a nsfl warning on that.
first time ive seen someone edit in spam into a tag wiki
@Avery yeah i retweeted this like mad when it happened
Looking at my old 3DS XL after charging, it seems that while the upper screen is powered, it isn't displaying anything.
This is problematic.
Getting a 3DS XL would cost almost twice as much as a 2DS but it has a more comfortable grip and I'd be able to use my MH plates again.
@Yuuki just get this one fixed?
Currently working on it.
I think the recessed screw holes in the old 3DS XL are a lot smaller than in the N3DS XL.
$85 for a repair, I might as well either get a 2DS for a similar/less price or splurge a little for a new 3DS XL.
Old 3DS XL price == N3DS XL price
Yeah, I'll just get a 2DS.
@Yuuki // returns true
I guess I'll just stop by Target tomorrow and see what 2DS/3DS consoles they have in stock.
The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
Just out: The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?
The president can't even lie consistently
@PrivatePansy yeh. generally politicians are known for twisting the truth to suit their needs but this is......not even trying political lying
so what these summer sale trading cards i have been getting and what should i do with them?
@Memor-X Same thing you try to do every summer, Pinky; Try to take over the world! ... Then give up, craft your yearly summer badge (or not) and sell the rest for a bit of change in your steam wallet.
@TrentHawkins i see. just checked out my inventory and i already had a full set
@Avery lol
steam store is still super laggy :(
Q: Should I get Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Eyes of Heaven without reading the manga?

ThepicausnoI have been interested in getting Eyes of Heaven for PS4 but I'm afraid of story spoilers. Is the story mode of Eyes of Heaven a suplement for the manga, or do I need to read the books first to understand?

Q: how do you use a command block to remove a block of diamond

Ryan Duncani am making the worlds biggest redstone creation in the world but i need to know how to use a command block to remove a normal block of diamond in update 1.1.1

@Avery i know, that's how i found it but.....what is it?
and why do you have it on your profile?
@Memor-X it's secret.
@Memor-X javascript magic
@Avery It's a conspiracy!
@RedRiderX it's fake news.
In other real news Stranger Things is pretty great
actually I will delete that
Q: Far Cry Primal PC Game

pIRATEI have far cry primal PC Game and I need a crack to play. Does anybody know where I can get one?? And if anybody have the crack please share it. Thank You!!

Q: Minecraft freezes, freezes again and so on till it stops responding

JinGiantSo I've been trying to pick up minecraft again and since I don't like the 1.9 combat update I decided to play on 1.8.9 the only problem is that my minecraft will be ok for 5 mins then I get a frame drop, then sooner than 5 mins I get another frame drop, these frame drops go on and on and my game ...

welp i now xn--rq8hef.ml/ga/cf/gq
Q: Is there a way to name a dog without using voice

HelpI really need help with this... today in nintendo dogs + cats: toy poodle and new friends i got a new puppy and it keeps telling me to use my voice to name her but I can't use my voice or make any noise so I can name it if I do use my voice I will get punished :( PLEASE is there anyway I can get ...

Uh, fuck
I'm handling it
I'm not sure if git handles permissions properly
If it doesn't I'll have to build a proper deploy script and manually fix the permissions each time
worst case the person who pushes will have to just ftp in and fix it
This is annoying. I deploy my own website the say way and don't get this issue
git persists permissions.
I might've failed there.
Does it? I chmod the files locally but git diff doesn't show anything
Then again I rarely touch index.php, since for most modern frameworks it's just a bootstrap file
No, not the executable bit. The host wants g-w on all files in the /public folder
And from what I read git doesn't persist that bit
Which is odd
huh, interesting.
that's a bad host.
how will I run all these php scripts that require 777d directories?!
Fact: Growing a beard makes you more productive
As you can see, the developer on the right replaced his co-worker with a beard
Q: Will there be less cops if I play solo or with only AI?

Camouflaged CowIf I play a loud heist with no AI to help, will there be less cops, and what about stealth? Also, will there be more cops if I bring AI along?

Q: How To Make Text Appear In Chat? {MINECRAFT QUESTION}

JazzzyOk, by the title this question sounds stupid and obvious, but I have a more confusing and hard to answer question so prepare yourself. How do you make text appear in the chat, without the player pressing a button or stepping on a pressure plate, etc. Confusing, I know, so let me explain. Let's...

@PrivatePansy it's how @fredley operates
Q: How to quickly, easily cross a river with the horse?

SF.When the land is criss-crossed by a lot of rivers, travel on a horse becomes a chore. Small rivers can be jumped over... if you time your jump right. All larger ones - dismount, attach lead, swim across, walk some more to get the horse out of water, return, detach lead, pick lead, mount. And twen...

@PrivatePansy Fact: universal frameworks like cordova, typescript or xamarin have huge issues with not all stuff being available on all OSes, and even a simple feature not being available at times.
You can't save data to non-temp locations on cordova on iOS, unless you use a plugin, which requires you to rewrite a whole save/load system for that OS, which makes you lose time you gained by using this framework.
Morning chat
@Avery And such a plugin doesn't already exist?
It does, but it's not as simple as the built-in one.
I wonder where everyone is
Today is second day of eid al adha so it's a national holiday. I'd expect more people on malls.
so Fate/Grand Order has been officially release in english and iTunes has it region locked
@Memor-X Region locked as in only available in one region, or region locked as in no cross-region play?
@Nzall one region
i go to the offical site and iTunes ask me to chnage to the US store, i chnage and try and download and says i can't download from the US Store and i have to chnage back to Australia, Australia doesn't list the game
That's because it's not yet available in Australia. so far only in the US
it's likely that they're testing the waters in the USA to check if a release in other regions makes sense
@Nzall erm,
is it 15 rated?
if so, that's more likely a reason
or apple are money grabbing y5ih45t6hoiduhnf#s who charge per region release
@djsmiley2k it's a Type-Moon and a free-to-play game
the only money you'd spend is for the premium currency
type moon?
Business Strategy & Organization

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in strategic and organizational concerns from the perspective of long term profit maximization and organizational health.

Currently in definition.

@djsmiley2k Japanese company that made Visual Novels in the past, Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime
@badp tru
Also wtf Verizon
We wanted to put "Trump's Lies" in print. @DLeonhardt and I needed an entire page to do it. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html https://t.co/g7PU5c1qZ6
the Fate series is know for for it's Gender Bending of known males like Arturia, the "King" of Camelot and her "Son" Mordred and Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, 5th Emperor of Rome
Arturia, Mordred and Nero ^
Q: Clash of clans account lost

R. AakashWhen I was playing my phone was hanging and I refreshed all the apps by mistake I refreshed Coc also (and I didn't pair it with Google Play) way shall in do Pls do something for me I want my clash of clans back. 🙁🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕😢😢 Pls help me

The mobile web in 2017 https://t.co/cY5g6ZFIZt
@Lazers2.0 😥😥😥😫😫😫😫😫😦😦😩😩👿👿👿 no emoji
did you say "more emoji"
1 hour ago, by Wipqozn
We wanted to put "Trump's Lies" in print. @DLeonhardt and I needed an entire page to do it. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html https://t.co/g7PU5c1qZ6
That really points into perspective just how ridiculous anyone that supports trump actually is
Because seriously, wtf
@Memor-X Please more careful not to post NSFW images. I know it's just a drawing, but still NSFW.
^ also meh at "gender bending"
@badp :aveThinking::aveThinking::aveThinking: m:LUL:a:MEGALUL:y:GIGALUL:b:INFILUL:e :Thonk::Thonk::Thonk:
that hurts to read.
Well that image works well
@Avery clearly you should embed as picture
@KevinvanderVelden why not?
or whatever the number there is
much better
If emojis don't make something painful to read, then they aren't "much better"
it's not my fault you didn't fully commit to the emojis
if you used regional indicators for M A Y B and E you would've gotten a better result
Subscribe to my youtube channel "badp emoji tips" for more badp emoji tips
right away, senpai
LIVE emojicast featuring @KevinvanderVelden this sunday!!!! we'll be talking the future of custom emojis, unicode tags, and their role in the confirmed title Half Life 3
clearly an emojicast should be called "(💩)char"
I wonder when feces became such a big part of our lives that it turned into a popular emoji
you know it's kind of a big deal
for people who like to stay alive
@badp facepalm
in latin the verbs sum (to be) and edo (to eat) are almost the same
and well, if you are, if you eat...
@KevinvanderVelden sorry kevin, but we already have that emoji!
Essentially, Emoji come from Japan, and the Japanese word for Poop starts with the same sound as Luck.
doesn't explain its use in the west.
I like how my pc can display the facepalm emoji but my phone can't.
, also known as Pile of Poo or Smiling Poop emoji is an emoji resembling a coiled pile of feces usually adorned with a "friendly smile". It is used to convey dissatisfaction. The emoji is in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs Unicode block: U+1F4A9 💩 PILE OF POO (HTML 💩). == History == In 1998 or 1999, Japanese mobile operators NTT DoCoMo, au, and SoftBank Mobile each defined their own variants of emoji using proprietary standards, the first of which was created by NTT DoCoMo employee Shigetaka Kurita. In 2007, Google, looking to expand its presence in Japan and Asia as a whole,...
> ABC News' Samantha Selinger-Morris states in her 2016 article that the smiling poop emoji is "one of the most popular emojis in existence" due to its "ineffable charm" and "ability to transcend language barriers and political differences." As such, it has been featured on mylar birthday balloons and cupcakes.[7] In 2016, a termite mound in Western Australia was transformed into a smiling poop emoji by a couple with supplies from Kmart.[8]
but I do agree that we got this huge flood of piles poo online now, which I guess is Dysentery
Not my joke BTW, the joke's by Tom Scott
@Avery I see the emoji but not the gender modifier's effect
(assuming that's a gender modifier, it's a gender symbol at least)
that is a gender modifier
I have emojione on pc and android on phone, both should be able to show it theoretically, but they can't.
oh well.
Yeah, nothing I have displays that modifier properly.
Wow. Safari is actually worse at displaying emoji than chrome is. I wouldn't expect that.
welp, got color emoji working on chrome.
this is beautiful
are a lot of low quality/effort answers a reason to protect a question?
Q: In which order should I play the Assassin's Creed series?

Daniel millershipI'd like to start playing the Assassin's Creed series but with all the titles I am not sure where to begin. I'd like to start at the beginning of the story and play through the games sequentially - in what order do I play them?

Long story short: Jim Sterling used footage from SidAlpha in a video, but didn't clarify that an email address in the footage was not of the person they were lambasting. People started sending all kind of abuse to that person
Comments weren't great either.
@Jutschge why did like 5 people post the exact same answer...?
@Nzall People + critical thinking = not happening.
Because they're one time users and have no clue where the Help/FAQ page is. That's why I was thinking about protecting it (it also has way too many views).
There. Protected.
@Frank thx I don't like responsibility :P
@Frank Yeah, especially because Jim Sterling is pretty cynical and never leaves aside a good opportunity to piss on anticonsumerist entities. It's only normal that he attracts people who have the same tendency
@Nzall Don't blame this on Sterling. He is not responsible for people being morons.
@Frank I'm not blaming this on Sterling, I'm blaming his audience
Q: How to differentiate modded servers in the server browser?

user598527Are modded servers displayed in a different way? Some of the description text and map names vary in color, but given the wild variation I assume that can be modified by the host. For instance, the first server in the list is using a custom map "KF-Doom2-Final-v7" and the text appearance seems to ...

I'm just saying that Jim Sterling has a quite pronounced reporting style, and he attracts people with a similar style. he even is aware that his audience tends to do such things, but he assumed people would understand the email
As an added note, I am sorry again for the lack of foresight on my part. I should absolutely have seen this coming and I assumed too much.
@Nzall Yeah, and it doesn't absolve viewers of their own responsibilities.
@Frank I didn't say Jim Sterling is the cause of everything his viewers do, but he himself admitted that what he did might not have been the smartest idea
Ugh 75 is terrible and will be for the next 60 days \o/
(the 71/75 bridge over the Ohio River is 2 lanes both directions right now)
But I guess that's better than whatever the fuck they plan to do as far as replacement eventually
@Nzall Assuming people can actually be logical isn't a hard step to make.
But then the internet gets involved, and it devolves into a giant mess.
I think I'm going to start on a Girl Genius archive binge this evening
Never read it before, but it looks interesting
she wasn't paid for 14 months and her music was only contracted for starr mazerr and not starr mazerr dsp.
@Avery According to the contract she signed, it was a work for hire.
Which means she retains none of the rights to her work, no matter what the specific situation they hired her for was.
@Frank again, she wasn't paid for 14 months, which is apparently a violation of the contract.
@Avery How the hell do you work for someone for 14 months for no pay?
And why is she only targeting the second game instead of the first?
it was freelance. You get paid when you finish the job. Sometimes the people are terrible and don't pay for months or even at all.
It's an all-or-nothing situation there. Either she owns all of it, or none of it.
I'm not saying that going around spamming dmca strikes is the best idea, but the devs are shown as complete victims here, which is totally not the case.
Depends on how the contract is written.
Them not paying her is definitely a bad thing.
Well, as Ben (Sir TapTap) said after she got a DMCA strike put on his account for a stream recording of the game, it doesn't really matter what contract disputes they had since that has nothing to do with him
Apparently she consulted a lawyer and she's in the right.
But that's a contract dispute.
@Frank Because her contract was only for the first game, and she claims that the second game didn't fall under that contract and would have to be renegotiated
4 mins ago, by Frank
@Avery According to the contract she signed, it was a work for hire.
She's punishing people who have no control over any of that, for vindictive kicks. That is Not Wise
taking down videos is bad. She might've legal right to do that, but that's bad visibility.
@TimStone More like to generate backlash against the developers, and now she's pissy it's lashing against her instead of the devs.
also yeah just saw taptap's video on /r/jimsterling
If the contract is broken, she should go to a lawyer.
Apparently she did.
These DMCA strikes are the antics of a petulant child who can't admit they're wrong, but have nothing to stand on.
@Frank Especially since she's claiming she wasn't fully paid, her recourse is to get paid, not unilaterally reassert ownership over for-hire work
@TimStone Which you can't do.
Yeah, it's just mind-boggling that this seemed like a good approach
So remember kids, add a rider to the contract that says rights revert to you if terms are not met by a specific point.
@Avery Saw that. Disregarded it, because her, "lawyer" would also have told her that she can't do what she's doing.
ie. I don't think she actually has one.
Based on the contract in Ben's video, that lawyer is not giving her very good advice, so unless there's another contract then ??
@Frank tbh this seems most likely
well I'm not sure who to believe.
Q: My house is gone?

MiaLexianoSo I got off MC to go to bed and I got back on this morning. I was inside my 3 story house. I spawned in a hole. I thought "Lag maybe?" I hopped out and saw my furnaces and crafting table were cut off. I looked back at the hole and its exactly where my house should be. No, I didn't explore at all...

Q: How does Ditto's transform work against a raid boss?

WondercricketWhen Ditto uses transforms in a battle, the answer provided on this question says It appears that as far as CP is concerned, Ditto simply takes on the base attack, stamina and defense stats of the Pokémon that it transforms into. These values, along with the Ditto's individual values, are plu...

@Avery that's generally how situations like this go. Everyone seems so believable but someone is obviously wrong
Everyone has their own truth, but that truth is nothing but a reflection of reality based on their own perspective. 2 people can see the same reality and have a different truth

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